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Thread: Taming EW

  1. #1
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Taming EW

    Time for a new thread on \"Essence of Woman\"

    After learning from the experiences of others on the previous thread, here\'s my attempt at a reasonable dilution. My thanks to our brave pioneers. opening the EW was not as traumatic as I feared, strong but not overpowering although I\'m a bit feverish a half hour later. Used latex gloves and newspaper under the bottles as good lab practice - all disposables when into the garbage afterwards. Worked in the backyard with plenty of ventilation.


    26 ml of homebrew vanilla extract - three cut beans in about an oz (30 ml) of 100 proof (50%) vodka, dark brown and clear

    4 ml of Jovan Musk2 - aftershave, cheap synthetic musk with some unknown amount of A\'nol

    4 drops of Jovan Andron for Men cologne (more A\'nol but its an old bottle)

    2 drops (roughly) of EW concentrate

    It started out as brown & turbid but seemed to clear after a few minutes to a clear brown.

    My thinking is that what the copulins need is a fixative and a blender. The vanilla is renowned for \"covering\" other smells - ever see the hardware store commercial where a woman stirs a bottle into a can of paint? The Jovan Musk2 is mostly alcohol but the synthetic musk in it might help. The Jovan Andron is heavy on civet, castorium, etc, classic animal fixatives.

    If it is 20 drops to a ml, then my mix is roughly 300 to 1.

    The result smelled like Andron! It seemed to completely \"swallow up\" the copulins. So far, so good.

    I then proceeded to do a combat load:

    2.5 ml of Minotaure Edt - a sweeter version of D&G without the tobacco, more or less.

    .5 ml or 10 drops of NPA (about 5 to 1)

    2 drops of A-1

    1 drop of EW mix.

    Smells great! I\'ll do a field test after it settles, maybe this weekend and post a report.

  2. #2
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    Good! Keep us posted!

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    Wore the combat mix to work this morning; at 5 hours later it still smells great although the NPA is starting to seep through. It may have a taste of copulins but I can\'t definitely pick it out. Might add another drop of the EW dilution.

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    good work


  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    Whitehall - on the final dilution of EW in your combat load, see if I\'ve got it straight. EW is diluted to about 300:1 with variousagents. You then take 1 drop of that 300:1 mix (about .05 ml) and add it to about 3.1 ml of cologne/pheros, further diluting the ew about 62 times. Does that leave a final dilution of EW at about 19,000:1? Man, if we have to dilute it that much in cologne/carrier it\'s almost too hot to handle. (Check my math - I\'m tired and in a hurry). - I.

  6. #6
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    I am being cautious, aren\'t I?

    I get the same numbers now that I\'ve done the math. If I aim for a 2000:1 concoction, then I would need .5 ml of 300:1 or 10 drops.

    I do intend to add more, drop by drop, until I get a copulin signal after dry-down. I\'m guessing that may be at 5 drops or 4000:1.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version

    I haven\'t diluted my EW yet. It\'s still sitting on a shelf in the garage where it won\'t upset anyone. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]
    I\'ve got a simple plan for dilution, and I\'d appreciate it if someone would tell me if there\'s any reason that it wouldn\'t work. I plan to just dilute the whole quantity of EW at once, so I\'m thinking that I should mix 125 ml of purified water with 1000 ml of Everclear in a container, then stir in the entire contents of the EW bottle, creating (hopefully) a 1000:1 mix exactly.

    Will this work?

    Hikita/ Banzai 88

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version

    1000:1... 2000:1... 19,000:1?!

    My abacus doesn\'t go that high... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version

    Neither does mine, but considering the smell.....

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  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I plan to just dilute the whole quantity of EW at once, so I\'m thinking that I should mix 125 ml of purified water with 1000 ml of Everclear in a container, then stir in the entire contents of the EW bottle, creating (hopefully) a 1000:1 mix exactly.

    <hr></blockquote>Just don\'t drop the container. You\'d have to evacuate the neighborhood.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    I decided to keep it simple and test a EW/RM mix. I knew I would be in close proximity to 6 young women for several hours (a club where I know the owner and staff well), so that would be my test site. It turned out even better as my ex-girlfriend showed up and sat with me for a while, and also a young girl I didn\'t know sat next to me for an hour. Perfect test situation for the mix - I would be sitting next to or standing by women in their twenties, one in her early thirties, over the course of the evening.

    I figured the RM scent would do a good job covering, and I knew RM smelled better slightly diluted anyway. I mixed 7 parts RM with 3 parts EW[@500:1 dilution] (tip of the hat to the Jambat Ratio). This gave a final EW dilution in the mix of 1666:1. Smeared this on my arm - it smelled pretty dang good, but about 30 minutes later I began to smell the EW wang through the mix. Decided not to wear this out, since I knew I would be very close to targets all night.

    Mixed up another batch, this one 7 parts RM to 3 parts EW[@1000:1 dilution]. This gave a final EW dilution of 3333:1. None content for this mix is 0.35 mg/ml. Smell tested this on my skin and it was fine. Went out with three big dabs on the head, one on the hand (easy to check it through the nite), and a few sprays of Higher for cover. I added one dab to the head during the course of the night. Over the entire night I never detected any EW smell - only the RM fragrance.

    I didn\'t notice much of anything, to tell the truth. Women were normally talkative, but I certainly noticed nothing approaching a hit. Actually I began to regret the experiment, cause this was a great night to be around several women and RM/EW was doing nothing for me. Normally in that situation with nol or some NPA mix I get nervous reactions, hair flips, lots of touching - even from women I don\'t know. But with this mix everything was just normally polite, with maybe less reaction than I get without any pheros.

    My ex-girlfriend did comment that I smelled nice, but she always appreciates my colognes and was probably noticing the Higher. At least I wasn\'t driving anyone away with this mix. But as far as hits - nothing to report. I\'m not writing EW off yet, but this was a good opportunity to notice some reaction, and I noticed nothing.

    I\'ve got a nagging suspicion that EW really should be a woman\'s product, which certainly makes the most sense. I know it has a weird effect on ME when I \'m around it mixing - someone called it disorienting and that\'s probably the best description. But I don\'t know what effect it\'s supposed to have on women. And I don\'t know if it will be effective at the weak dilutions I\'ve been forced to use it at, to control the stink.

    Maybe a mix with NPA or nol would be my next experiment.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Taming EW

    Has any women reported results with applying EW?

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    hi truth_II
    i had made a mix with EW + Kenzo for men, i think 1:100 (0.2 ml EW + 20 ml Kenzo). I had noticed no special result though i haven\'t been in clubs with it. I had just noticed it\'s no good with Kenzo and kept smelling the EW (maybe it was only in my head, noone ran away with disgust). So i threw it away.
    I have made a new mix : EW + alcohol (1:400 drops). It\'s on the shelf, waiting to be tested. After 8-9 hours, the smell of EW is much stronger than when just mixed. Will wait till tomorrow, then perhaps add something else.
    I normally have 2 dinners next week - this will give me opportunities to test it.
    I\'ll tell you if there is any result.


  14. #14
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- Everclear Not Available

    They don\'t sell Everclear in my area. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] What\'s the next best thing to use for dilution? Is EW soluble in plain old tap water?

    Hikita/ Banzai 88

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    EW 200:1 covered with TEs anyone?

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- Everclear Not Available

    Copulins are acids.

    They should be diluted in water.

  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- Everclear Not Available


    I\'ll take your word for it, but using water creates more problems when trying to mix with oils.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- Oil/ Water

    Good point--that\'s something to consider if you\'re mixing EW with oils. However, I was planning to apply it with an atomizer after diluting it; in this case, alcohol or water would seem to be the best way to go. I\'ve been warned against using isopropyl, and I\'m worried that vodka might not be strong enough. Any further advice would be appreciated.

    \"No matter where you go.... there you are.\"

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- Oil/ Water

    Having said that, you could apply separately, or one after the other.

  20. #20
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- Oil/ Water

    151 rum is about the weakest you can get away with.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    I\'ve decided to hang up my labcoat on the EW experiments. I\'m missing opportunities that I could be using pheros that I know work for me. But I thought I\'d summarize initial EW results since my posts were pretty drawn out, and some might appreciate the numbers in an understandable format.

    EW SMELL CONTROL: I was able to mask the smell of EW with cologne after diluting it with ethanol/water to a dilution of 500:1 or weaker (1000:1 or weaker worked better, and with a bigger variety colognes). This was done by spraying the diluted EW on the skin, and following with a spray of cologne while still wet. I guess a 1:1 mix of the diluted EW and the cologne, then sprayed as a mix, would accomplish the same thing. Strong single-note colognes covered the best - some colognes oddly seemed to amplify the smell of EW.

    RM/EW EXPERIMENT: Mixed 1000:1 diluted EW with RM, ratio 7 parts RM with 3 parts of the diluted EW. Several dabs to the head, produced no noticeable reaction from several young women close to me that night. Repeating the experiment a few nights later without EW and with NPA/nol mix (same club, several of the same girls) produced the usual friendly touching and crowding I expect from pheros.

    FOR MEN OR WOMEN? I noticed a spacy kind of effect breathing the EW out of my test solutions. I also noticed sexual dreams when I wore it, which I almost never have otherwise. I think this is a great product for women to use, to have an effect on men (and it\'s been shown to raise T levels in men). I don\'t know the effective concentration, but to cover the smell I recommend diluting it 500:1 or 1000:1 (or weaker), then covering or mixing it with perfume/cologne. For me, I was not comfortable smell-wise wearing it at less than 2000 or 3000:1 in final applied dilution.

    Good luck to those carrying on the experiments. I may sneak a little into the mix now and then, but for me it\'s kinda like -rone … don\'t really believe the theory of using it, and no good personal experience with it to get me excited. I haven\'t written it off, but I\'m waiting for some great field reports or scientific breakthroughs to get me fired up. I understand the orgy theory and the sex-act-association theory, but a contradictory theory of natural hetero-repulsion or gender-confusion makes just as much sense. There could easily be a repellent factor for men wearing female pheros like EW. Should be a pretty safe bet for women to wear though...

    So let me know how it works for you - I\'ll be eager to hear about EW adventures. I especially expect women to report success using EW solutions to attract men. Carry on!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Taming EW

    Great report, Irish. So, you actually found that EW eliminates the positive effect of the other pheros. Interesting... I wonder if this is true of PCC as well.

  23. #23
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    Interesting reading Irish.

    I still maintain that EW adds something to a mix, but maybe this only applies to SOs.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    I didn\'t give EW a thorough enough test to say it\'s a dud, but I just didn\'t feel any positive phero vibe wearing it. I did feel a buzz myself, but noticed nothing from women. To be fair I should test it several more times, but right now I prefer to go with pheros I know work for me. No time to waste on experiments that don\'t offer a lot of hope!

    Maybe someone will find a good mix for men to wear with EW. But I think the best luck would be for women to wear it to attract men. It\'s logical and there\'s science to back up cops\' effect on men. It increases T and makes women look better to men. Sounds like a female phero to attaract men to me. If we had a handle on the concentration necessary to produce effects in men we could tell if the stink was manageable at that concentration.

    Anyway, it was fun to try, and I may give it a shot again in the future. I\'ve got what looks like a lifetime supply on my shelf...

  25. #25
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW

    Thanks, Irish.

    I\'m withholding my judgement, but do believe EW takes some real cleverness to get results from. I suspect there are many conflicting effects to be accounted for. I think perhaps much weaker in proportion to total male pheros, or used with bisexual women, or for orgies, or \"swingers\", or strictly to mitigate -none OD as a part of a formula in minute amounts. We definitely don\'t want gender confusion -- just to project a man that ladies love to get on.

    I\'m thinking one drop at 700 dilution, perhaps less, with buttloads of -none, with the other pheros.

    I also think it\'s possible to experiment with particular women over time using EW.

    I have had the occasional positive reaction, but I\'ve also had the feeling women were open to me as another woman, or that they were confused.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version

    Everclear is not available around here. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] So, what\'s the last word on newbie EW preparations? Isopropyl is inexpensive, as is purified water. I don\'t see why I ought to bother with any other more expensive sort of alcohol if the higher price doesn\'t justify the difference. However, your co-workers might assume you\'d had a better-than-average weekend if you went walking around the workplace with dried rum and vaginal pheromones on your skin and clothing. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    No, I still haven\'t diluted it yet. I got this bright idea that I might make a \"virtual ladle\" out of the bottle by fastening a pencil, chopstick, or dowel to it before unscrewing the top. The mones could then be safely and carefully poured out.

    Final suggestions, anyone?

    Hikita/ Banzai 88

  27. #27
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version

    Well if i can get the cash together to buy alter ego then i will go for the EW deal, getting it into australia could be a problem with customs sticky fingers. From what ive read the dilution is required quite heavily from 1:300 up to 1:1000 for good effectiveness.

    I wonder how many bottle are left, keep the results coming guys. Anyone with thoughts on the new Alter egos mens and womens versions. Im with you on the dilution method HB_88 it sounds like a good idea. Or a gas mask and then do the mxing.

  28. #28
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version

    If you can\'t get everclear, get grain alcohol of some sort, or at least 151 rum -- good to have for many reasons [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I wouldn\'t use any alcohol except ethanol (which is the drinkable kind, unless it\'s denatured, which is OK too except for drinking.).

    Otherwise just use jojoba or palm oil for a quick and dirty dilute.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version


    You\'re on drugs if you think you\'re going to dilute the whole bottle of EW in anything. Do you keep on empty barrel in your garage? Why would you want to blow the whole bottle on one test mix. Other people are throwing around numbers like 1:1000 and 1:6000 or whatever. How about doing some dilution in smaller bottles.
    Anyway, I ain\'t know scientist but I\'ve been using this stuff for weeks. Someone suggested water. Well, I don\'t have the patience to shop for this or that oil or this or that form of alchohol. I started off using vodka, but when it became clear how much dilution this vile stuff needs so that it doesn\'t make anyone sick, I just turned to tap water. Probably not the best, but from what I can figure on this forum. I\'ve been using/testing this stuff more than anyone else and actully getting noticeable postive results. So, take any kind of water and do a mix of whatever you want; 1:1000, 1:10000 or whatever. Have fun. Bye the way,if you get any on your fingers and you don\'t want them smelly like dog sh#t for 3 days, I have found the rubbing the piss out of your fingers with fresh garlic actually works to get rid of the smell. No type of soap has any effect whatsoever!

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taming EW -- \"For Dummies\" version

    Hmm, you\'ve given me an idea. We use a lot of purified water at school, I might have to \"tax\" some [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img].

    And I do chemistry, access to lots of interesting chemicals, and the chance to have myself engulfed in a fireball (erm, yesterday!).

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