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  1. #1

    Default 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    I am new to the pheromone world and have done some reading through this forum but am completely unsure as to what to start with.I am 42, 5\'9\", 180lbs and in great shape.The posts that I have read through that have given advice on what to start with all seem to be directed towards guys that are in the 18 - 22 year olds.My dates have mostly been younger women lately. . are the different products that different enough to be used for different aged women?

    Does that advice apply to someone my age?Or, are there different recommendations?Thanks for your help. . . JWD

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Try alter ego.

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Concur. I started with AE and it works well with the young (20-35) ones.

  4. #4

    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Hey jwd5460

    Nice to have someone else close to my age on here. I\'m in my early 40\'s as well.

    I\'ll give you my observations on your question in a moment, but first I\'d just like to ask you a few questions. You\'ve intrigued me with your comment about your dates being younger women lately. Since I\'m about the same age as you, I\'m just wondering what ages you\'re dating that you consdier \"younger.\"

    The reason I ask is because since I began wearing pheromones a couple of months ago I\'ve had several really hot young women just seem to really take a liking to me. I got the pheros hoping to attract women in their 30\'s, but really haven\'t come across any to speak of since I\'ve been experimenting. But boy, have I ever hit paydirt with a several 20-22 year old babes. I initially just enjoyed watching their reactions to me while I tried different mixes...just for research purposes. I didn\'t seriously consider pursuing them because I\'m easily 20 years older than them. Going after women that age just hasn\'t been something that\'s programmed in my mindset..and seems a little more awkward than pursuing older women.

    However, recently, I\'ve started feeling kind of sorry for one of these girls. I sense that she\'s trying everything in her womanly powers to peak my interest when she\'s around me, but I haven\'t really bitten. I\'ve been friendly, and have done enough flirting back to keep her interest, but really haven\'t pursued her. I fear I may be really frustrating her...hard to know. But then again from what I read on her, perhaps playing hard to get and frustrating a woman can be a good thing.

    I guess I\'m a bit afraid that she is just enjoying massive flirting in the public setting we find ourselves in, and really wouldn\'t want to go any further than that. I\'m not sure how to weed out those with a real interest and those just flirting for attention as somebody on this board has talked about frequently. I especially don\'t know how to read this from someone so young. I know, I\'ll get hit with a ton of guys who will tell me to just go for it and not worry about the consequences....I\'m fully expecting those replys.

    My question to you jwd5460 is how have you dealt with actually approaching younger women for dates in the first place? I find it would be so much easier if they were closer to my age....then nothing ventured nothing gained. But, I\'ve never tried pursuing anyone so much younger than me that I wouldn\'t mind some advice and input from you since you seem to be doing OK getting dates with younger women.

    Then again, it may be that by younger women, you may be talking about women in their 30\'s rather than women in their early 20\'s and so your experience wouldn\'t really apply to my current situation.

    Now, with that said, I\'ll try to answer your question about products to use at your age. I\'ve just tried a little of everything. And, I\'ve found that I\'ve done pretty well with the -none based\'s worked for me with these extremely young ones. I have just pretty much toned down the applications around them, using maybe half as much as what is normally suggested. But, I\'ve found that once I break the ice with a young woman with a lower -none dosage, I have been able to up it to a higher level and still keep their interest. Since they already know me, and know I\'m a friendly approachable guy, they don\'t seem to get scared off by it.

    Let me tell you what\'s worked for me though and you can take it for what it\'s worth.

    AE has been my mainstay. I\'d say I\'ve had my best overall hits using this...and it has been the most consistent for me in letting me see obvious signs of arousal in women around me. It may have just been a matter of just being what I happened to be wearing at the right time, but regardless, it has worked great for me. It contains -none, -nol, and -rone.

    SoE is great too. It should be in everyone\'s arsenal. I have used it in conjuction with -none based products as well, and it is very effective.

    RM has worked pretty well for me as well. I wore it in a restaurant last week mixed with NPA (JBX)...and used just one drop, but got my very young hot blond waitress doing KINO with me within a very short time of meeting me. I was wearing no -nol at this time either...just the straight JBX with a little bit of PCC on the neck.

    NPA has also worked extremely well with me mixed with SoE in the DD#1 mix. I\'d say this mix has been the best at keeping the women approaching me to chat as well as showing interest in me.

    I haven\'t had as much luck with JB#1..although I\'m experimenting with it still. Again, a lot of it may just be what I happened to be wearing when I was in the right place at the right time.

    Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions about any of my pheromone results and mixes that I listed for you.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Nice ta have another new person around!

    ANYway, what you\'re going to hear, generally, is this:

    The -none products (TE, for ex.) will get hits from the older women (late 20s, +); younger females seem to gravitate toward the -nol prods. (SOE, for ex.).

    Of course there are exceptions to every rule. I\'m assuming that you can spring for a few things...

    APC+NPA is one of those rule-breakers; it gets looks from seemingly ALL age groups.

    Attraction has its fans, as do Alter Ego, which seems to be coming out in a new scent (replacement, not additional). They\'re \"more balanced\" in their mixes.

    I like Rogue Male, both with and without the NPA spike.

    All in all, try a few things; there will be one or more that hooks her.

    Of course, you\'ve been around enough to know that the pheros aren\'t going to make her fall madly in love with you any more than a car will. They may help with the initial impression, but the final outcome is still up to you.

    BtW, being is good shape is a definite plus, at any age; don\'t let the the \"it\'s what\'s inside\" crap sink in. Again, it may not be the big thing, but it does have its place.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    I don\'t mean to be rude, but 5\'9\" and 180 lbs is actually overweight, unless you\'re athletic and work out several times a week, in which case it could be muscle mass...

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    I consistently date women fifteen to twenty years younger than myself. I was able to pull this off before I started using pheros - even more so since. I\'m fat but much less so than last year - that didn\'t seem to affect my success rate anyway. It\'s all in the initial approach I think.

    My most spectacular hits usually involve NPA/TE variations covered with designer cologne. I also mix a lot of nol into my mixtures, which with the right cologne (fougeres like Cool Water) have produced interest from slightly older women. The pheros send the sexual message - when you have their attention you have to get to work.

    If you\'re older and going after young women you have to change the rules of the game to favor your case. To compete directly with twenty-something young studs in their prime on their terms is a formula for disaster - you\'ll look like a silly old man wearing his old high school football uniform. Change the rules of engagement to compete on your own terms where you have an advantage…Have the guts to be yourself and a little different - set yourself apart and she will notice and begin thinking about you - the first step to any deep seduction.

    I dress the part of a successful executive - even in casual situations I set my own casual style of dress. One study showed young women photos of a handsome man in a McDonalds uniform, an average-looking man in average clothing, and an ugly man in a nice Italian suit. The women rated the men by preference, from casual conversation to dating and sex. They overwhelmingly chose the ugly guy in the suit over the others for all levels of social interaction. Your image is critical, and as an experienced man you especially want to present yourself as successful and stylish (you\'re too old now to put that off as future \'potential\' like a twenty-something guy can).

    When dealing with younger women the important thing is repeat exposure in a positive light. This is the tricky part early on - sometimes you\'ll have to settle for less than formal dates (\'hanging out\'), esp. early on till they become comfortable and attached to you. This is not the case with older women, who are less likely to be spooked by you - you can ask older women out straight up and not encounter so much difficulty. But once a younger girl becomes attached to you don\'t have to be so delicate anymore and you can deal with her like any woman. Do everything you can early to have pleasant repeat encounters with the girl, and the rest of the time don\'t crowd her at all - even appear nonchalant about your budding \'relationship\'.

    Once they are thinking about you can begin to engage their emotions and use the advantages of your age - emotional maturity, steady un-selfconscious approach, accumulated resources, confidence and decisiveness, etc. Basically you expose them to all your great qualities that 99% of younger men lack.

    Find their weakness (vanity is usually a good bet) and make them feel so good in your presence they become hooked on you. Then the game has shifted to your control.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Well... I take a different approach.

    I\'m older than you -- 44. My last girlfriends have been 23, 25 and 24 respectively, with a couple of 30+ thrown in for good measure. I actually don\'t care how old they are, it\'s how they look. It just seems to turn out that I usually find that the young ones look better to me.

    Anyway, I dress the way I want to dress, which coincidentally is similar to a 20-something (late 20s) \"hip\" type.

    I am in good physical shape, and apparently look younger than I am... girls typically guess that I\'m late 20s or early 30s.

    I\'ve been using mainly -nol and a1 lately, though I had good success for years with the unknown ingredient in Athena 10x.

    In any case, I find that the trick is to have sex with the girl before she finds out my real age. If you can get her sexually addicted to you she\'s yours no matter what. You have to really make her yours in bed though, for this to work.

    Lately I had the annoying experience of chatting with a cutie in a bar who was flirting with me and touching me, and then asked me my age. I told her, and (after refusing to believe me for about 5 minutes) went white as a sheet, got really upset and basically freaked out on me. She\'d have nothing more to do with me after that and was completely scandalized that I\'d tried to pick her up.

    Funny thing was... she was older than any of my recent girlfriends.

    Go figure.

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Women are really really weird thats why we can never figure them out although at least 97% of adult males will get sex before they die. 3% will die virgins - interesting fact that one.

  10. #10
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Agreed, XVS.

    Younger women can very well judge you OK on appearance and behavior but giving them a specific number can produce horrible reactions. This must be socialized since a numerical age has to be non-evolutionary as calendars and even numbers are invented.

    I just remind them that it is never polite to ask then start to bug them to prove that they are of legal age and not \"San Quentin Quail.\" That\'s the only age that matters.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    I hate the \"how old are you\" question too. Usually some very hot 26 or 29-year-old asks me how old I am. When I say I am 20, they don´t believe me and are suddenly not interested in me anymore. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    So I try to avoid the whole age issue now, I think it´s not that important anymore when you know the girl longer.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    I had a similar thing happen to me. It was before i found this site. At the time I was using Realm for women and APC. I would use large amounts of both before going to a club. Well, at the club, I was having a very good conversation with a young woman. (later, she tells me she is only 19, she was using her older sisters Drivers License to get into the club).

    Things were going great, lots of kino, pressing breasts against my shoulders and arm, playing with each others legs.

    Then came the dreaded question \"by the way, how old are you?\"

    I tell her early 40\'s, and she completely freaks out. She tells me she\'s only 19, and i must be a pervert.

    I am still trying to figure out how to answer the age question. When i am wearing Phero\'s, girls are always guessing 28-29, even though I am 43.

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    \"How old are you?\"

    \"I don\'t know... When I came out of the coma, they told me the moving truck I was driving had burst into flames and all my stuff was destroyed in the fire. They only way they even found my name was because I had a letter in my shirt pocket...\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    I liked the part about the 19-year-old being upset about an age question... You should have lied... Let her guess, then tell her one or two years older.

    I am curious though -- who approached whom?

  14. #14
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default The nerve!

    So this little girl breaks the law by fraudulantly offering fake ID to \"prove\" she\'s 21 and then she calls you names for hitting on her? I\'d turn the jail bait in! She could have gotten you in trouble (depends on the state) - what she needs is a stern lecture and maybe a bit of OTK from a responsible adult.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    I approached her. but we were making alot of eye contact before I approached. She was so freaked out by the thought that she was attracted to a 40 yr old, she slipped up and told me she was only 19. I could tell she goofed up and didnt want to tell me her real age, but it was too late.

    I told her, I just assumed everyone in the club was over 21 and i didnt have to lie about my age like she tried to do.

    I dont worry about age and jail bait too much. Here is an interesting site if the girls you talk to are under 20.

    some states, the guy could go to jail for a long time even if he is 18 years and 1 day old and the girl is 17 and 364 days.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The nerve!

    18 is the max age of consent in the USA, not 21. In fact, I don\'t think there\'s any country where the age of consent for heterosexual sex is above 18.

    Check out for info on this topic!

  17. #17
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    Default Re: The nerve!

    Wow! Is it still illegal to sleep with someone of the same gender in so many American states? We live in the year 2002!

    Looks like Nevada is a good state for our convention, the age of consent for heterosexual sexual intercourse is 16. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] What about alcohol? Am I allowed to buy alcohol in Nevada at age 20?

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The nerve!

    The drinking age in every state in the USA is 21.

    This is because the Federal Governent denied highway subsidies to any state which did not set their drinking age up to 21.

    The last holdout, I think, was Louisiana, but that lasted only a couple of years.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: The nerve!

    Wow, I mean here in Germany and most European countries the age of Consent is lower. (In Germany 16, Italy 14, France 15, Spain 13)

    You are allowed to buy all kinds of alcoholic beverages at age 18, and in most countries you can buy beer and wine at age 16.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    I think the same pheromones that work on 30 somethings work on 20 somethings at lower dosages.

    I don’t try to hide the fact that I’m 43. On the contrary, I crack jokes about Alzheimer\'s every time I space something out. I make puns about how stiff I feel when I wake up in the morning. Talk about how things were “back in the day”...

    And I don’t try to hide my attraction either. I joke about what a pervert I am. Refer to myself as a “dirty old man” or a “horny old goat”.

    Young women don’t mistake me for a younger guy. (But they are impressed with how fit I am.) Many say that I remind them of Stephen Spielberg (who is actually OLDER than I am).

    But I don’t try to come off as a well-to-do cosmopolitan either. I wear a lot of jeans and T-shirts and dress down for most occasions.

    College girls are my bread and butter. They’ve just discovered freedom. They’re not ready for commitment. And they’re constantly thinking about sex. If I’m not in a relationship, I hang out wherever they hang out and get “lucky” on many occasions.

    With younger women, I feel it pays to be more blatantly sexual. 30 something women, tend to get offended if you don’t notice their mind, their sense of humor, their style and other intangibles. Younger women get anxious if an old guy is trying to have a relationship or be a friend. (And rightly so, because these are the kind of guys that tend to obsess over younger women — thinking that a roll in the sheets equals a love affair.)

    Anyway... That’s just my take on it. I don\'t have a youth fetish, but I think younger women are more open to casual sex and I don’t feel ashamed for hitting on them. I don’t think I ever offended or scared anyone (who’s afraid of Stephen Spielberg?). I’ve had a few girls laugh at me. But who cares? The rejections are no worse than with older women, and the scores are more frequent.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    hell....i\'m 18 and i\'m always telling back in the day stories...people think its mad funny [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ok so they don\'t really and they are probably laughing at me instead of with me...but i figure once i\'m 30 or so i\'ll have plenty practice saying back in my day this and that... so what if this post doesn\'t have anything to do with anything...i remember back in my day we always used to post a bunch of useless crap [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    kk nuff outta me

  22. #22
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: The nerve!


    If you make it to Pherocon all the way from Deutschland, you won\'t have to worry about buying drinks - I\'ll treat!


  23. #23
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    Default Re: The nerve!

    That´s nice Whitehall. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  24. #24

    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Is it possible you\'re projecting a little - men are generally more visual than women - looks certainly don\'t hurt, but ... attitude and quiet confidence and then the ability to follow through are way more important than looks, and one of the attractions of an older man is that you assume he\'s more experienced - it\'s not so much about what he looks like. 5\'9\" 180 is not overweight in my book - and most women would rather a man be a little heavy than too skinny.

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: 42 dating younger women; where to start?

    Being a little heavy is benefical as our weight allows women to get a better experiene im 6\'2 and weighing in at 180 pounds myself (actually that shoudl be 190 - got the conversion from kilos wrong (85)) but its all muscle on me ive been told i look like a football player (rugby union or league here in oz) and i certainly attract a lot of female attention also.

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