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  1. #1

    Default Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    Hey guys,

    I need some help please.What does the term \"alpha male\" mean?

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    Woah, you know, the term \"alpha male\" is used all over this topic, so you will not have any problems finding it on your own.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    This originates from studies done on wolf packs. There is always one male in the pack that is the most dominant. He challenges all who oppose him. Being the alpha male in a wolf pack means that you are the leader and the only male allowed to mate with the females. When used here it\'s based on this, but refers to man being confident, assertive and unafriad to attain his desires. In doing this it radiates an attitude that reveal these characteristics. Make sense?

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    \"The Alpha male - I use this phrase a lot... Here is quick run down of what it means to me. If you watch animal shows on PBS or Discovery Channel, many species have a dominant male who has sex with all the females in the group, while the other males get none while waiting for him to die or until they are tough enough to kick his ass and become the alpha male themselves. Many males never get to be an alpha male (never get laid).

    Often it seems like you know guys who are always getting laid and other guys never get laid. You\'ll even see women talking to/hanging out/being friends with the average guy, but then sleep with some other guy (even if he is a jerk, sleeps around and doesn\'t respect them). The guy who gets laid is playing the role of the alpha male, while the other guys are submissive males.

    I\'m saying be the guy who gets laid. That guy is confident that he\'s going to get laid, because he knows he\'s an alpha male. He knows that women and people in general want to be with him so he doesn\'t shy away from conversation and meeting new people. He doesn\'t worry what others think about him when he\'s doing his thing. He takes control of a situation with authority. He knows he\'s fun to be with because he is always having a good time and therefore he _is_ fun to be with. He knows that if he is in a group of guys and a group of girls, he will be the one the girls choose to be with, and by having this to be the expected outcome, it is a self fufilling profecy.

    Ok here\'s, how I did the Alpha/Dominant Male thing.... First I created a model of what I thought a Dominant Male should be. Much the same as the one stated before. Then I used it to change my frame of reference about myself, ie I stepped into my model of the Dominant Male. I claimed what I knew to be my genetic right. nd I didn\'t care who knew it. I didn\'t make excuses for it either. I just excepted it as the natural order of things. This is not an outward thing that you do but rather an inward change that radiates outward in everything you do.

    Being the alpha male is all about attitude and projecting the image that you are fun to be with and the woman should want to be with you. Being the alpha male is self perpetuating. The more you believe you are the alpha male, the more you become the alpha male.

    As for competing with the muscle boys - that\'s why I changed my model from seeing myself as the Alpha Male (there can only be one) to a Dominant Male (there can be more than one, but they\'re all dominant).\"

    Update. While the above discussed being the dominant male amongst other males, the following will explain how to extend a similar attitude to your dealings with the opposite sex. Jason, Clifford\'s Seduciton newsletter:

    \"There\'s an attitude to take with super HB\'s (and all women really) that is pure gold. The thought is that \"INSTINCTUALLY women KNOW their role.\" The key word here is INSTINCTUALLY. What this means is that on an \"instinctual\" level women ARE all the same! They get their juices flowing when they are in the presence of a MAN who is living HIS ROLE. MAN is the dominant one, NOT woman. And deep down inside women KNOW this. This has NOTHING to do with being an [censored]. This is about being a MAN who is NOT afraid [which doesn\'t necessarily only have to mean the usual \"TARZAN NOT AFRAID!!\" macho stuff, but also not being afraid to be honest, sensitive and caring when the time is right].

    You have to be the MAN who has all the sexual power. And when a woman (no matter how hot) sees and feels the presence of a man whom she recognizes as the dominant one while SHE isn\'t, she does what every woman does - that is SURRENDERS to the more powerful being. And all that acting like she\'s hot and knows she\'s the stuff and all those other \"head up in the air\" tricks are just a test and a way to weed out all the men who are less powerful than her and don\'t know their role as a MAN.\"

    take from

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    I’ve been studying Aikido for about 4 years and haven’t seen a classic “alpha’ last more than 6 months. There’s nothing funnier than the look on a 6 foot something, 200+ lb. man’s face after he’s been slammed to the mat by a 5’6”, 120 lb woman. I love the way they try to muscle me into submission, only to find themselves pinned to the ground with spasms of pain shooting through their joints. But the greatest pleasure is when they get pissed off and come at me with all they’ve got. That’s when I teach them how to fly. (Too bad they haven\'t learned how to land.)

    Likewise, I’m an office manager for a fairly big law firm. And I get a secret kick every time a $250/hr. trial lawyer gets hit with a malpractice suit or an injunction. They kick furniture, throw childish tantrums, and I once caught one sobbing like a baby.

    What is an alpha male? A flash in the pan. A big baboon that gets to impregnate all the females until the other baboons catch him in a moment of weakness and rip his throat out. Now that pheromones can be synthesized, their evolutionary days are numbered.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    Well i guess alpha may be the big stupid idiot muscle type but ive got a new idea GAMMA MALE someone who leads but is smart and knows about pheros behaviour and gets way further than the alpha stupid ever will.

  7. #7
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    those aren\'t alpha males, those are grunts. Alpha males are smart.

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    Im calling the smart ones gamma or we could go say the following
    Grunts - beta game
    Smart ones - gamme alpha
    Ones with pheromones brains NLP and every other trick in the book - Alpha Alpha
    Anyone got any comments.

  9. #9
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    IMO the real alpha alpha doesn´t need pheromones and NLP-stuff. Or are you saying we can get even more alpha (alpha alpha that is) than the normal alpha guy by using NLP and mones?

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Please explain this term \"alpha male\"

    In my experience and a lot of others around here yes but for some no depends on youre point of view.

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