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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results


    I made this thread so that anyone who has hits with asian targets can post here. Before you post pls. post the specific asian race of your target, pheromone mix, age. etc. I am looking for patterns so that we can make an exclusive mix for asian targets. Thanks

  2. #2
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results


    (Newbie here. I like Asian women too.)

  3. #3
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    This is a edited cp of the \"dating customs\" thread.

    Target: japanese 21yo
    Phero: a lot of C18 (I think it\'s -none only)

    I had a hit about 2 years ago in a Shinkansen in Honshu heading for Osaka with a nice japanese girl. We became *really* close friends in the following 3 weeks and we are still writing letters. We bumped back in back while she boarded the Shinkansen. It was fortune that her place was right next to mine and we talked the whole ride (this can be quite short in a Shinkansen I wish we had trains like this in europe). Maybe it was easier, to get in contact with her, because she stayed 2 years in the states, I am not sure about this. She was really chatty and we had lots of fun.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    What is the -NONE content of C18? I don\'t have hits with -NONE yet on asian women.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I\'m new with pheros, but from reading the forum archives I\'ve found the following information:

    1. Asian women seem to be drawn to the smell of Realm, even despite the low phero content.

    2. Someone reported some hits from Asian women while wearing Pheromol Factor.

    3. Others have reported some success with Asian women using NPA.

    Preliminary speculation: It seems that all of these products contain \"unknown\" elements, so maybe it\'s the unknowns that have an effect on Asian women.

    Has anyone else had any success with Asian women using these products or others?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I find it very hard to believe that NOBODY is getting ANY hits from Asian women. Please post your results here.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I already got some hits with asian women but it happened only twice in my two month use of pheros.

    Their reaction was that they don\'t want to break our conversation and then the girl talks alot about her personal things like her crushes, etc.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I already got some hits with asian women but it happened only twice in my two month use of pheros. I use -NOL and -RONE pheros

    Their reaction was that they don\'t want to break our conversation and then the girl talks alot about her personal things like her crushes, etc.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I got one asian gal who I\'ve been seeing now for a while. I was wearing my usual A1 and -nol. She was very attracted to me at the bar, rubbed her breasts against me as we danced, etc.

    Of course it could have just been sexy me, but you never know...

  10. #10
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    So far no hits with ANDROSTENONE on asian women.

  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default At least one Asian woman responds

    I got a great DIHL from a 32 y/o Asian kindergarden teacher the other day on Haight Street in San Francisco. We had been socializing for a while and had a few drinks and a few puffs before she sat next to me in our group. I had asked what the girls thought was the best age to get married. The target had said \"32.\" I leaned closer and she looked in my eyes with that mystic stare and dilated pupils, mouth agape. I was wearing a couple dabs of NPA. Unfortunately, I was not in any position to close that night.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: At least one Asian woman responds

    I\'m wondering what is the phero composition of NPA

  13. #13
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    Ouch! I BUMPed my head on my monitor!

  14. #14
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    Oh my f***ing god! I just found out there\'s a nightclub about two miles from my house that has something like a 90% attendance of Asians. I haven\'t been there yet, but I\'ll be checking it out sometime in the next week or two. In the name of science, I will sacrifice myself for the greater good and become a human guinea pig. I\'ll experiment with different combinations and post my results here. It\'s a tough job, but someone\'s gotta do it! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #15
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    dude, i got like the biggest fetish for asian chix!!! you lucky bastard!

  16. #16

    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    where is this club exactly?

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    Hi Icebreaker

    what is the result. we waiting for your report since 09/03.
    Hope you got nice hit, and can share with us.

  18. #18

    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    Well I\'m tired of this thread to be honest so I\'m gonna give you guys some info hoping that you\'ll have more than enough. I\'m asian and, while I don\'t look asian, I have been around them most of my life. While I can give you no help on the phero part I\'ll tell you this. They like skinny guys. Body hair is many times seen as a negative. So don\'t be embarresed to shave your legs. Waxing is even better. A huge difference between asian guys and every other ethnicity is that us asian guys are always looking for the newest fad and not looking for the current fad (to be honest we always seem to be a few fads ahead of everyone else) Asian women are not natural nypho\'s; that can\'t be stressed enough.

    Lets see what else. Parents!!! Never talk about Sex. Suck up a lot. Eat anything you are presented.

    Don\'t be afraid of viedo games. Oh cell phoones and cars. Make them look cool. Flashy bright etc. Don\'t stick for standard. Look for somehing else unique.

    This advice is for the younger group (around 25) I can\'t help you on the older groups. AS I\'m only 22. Hehe sorry. Hope this helps.

  19. #19

    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    One more thing don\'t be one of those asian wannabe\'s. You know those guys who try and be as Asian as possible even though they don\'t have a drop of asian blood. You have no Idea how much we hate that especially how much girls hate it. If you\'re gonna show of any culture just be yourself. If you don\'t know how to use chopsticks then learn or use a fork.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I\'m going tomorrow night. I\'ll post a report when I have some free time (which is not often).

    Strite - sounds like you\'re specifically talking about modern Japanese culture. I don\'t think that applies to all Asian cultures.

  21. #21

    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    No it applies all around. I\'m Phillipino/chinese/korean , I\'ve lived in Phillipino areas/korean ( a few months in a japanese area. This does apply to most asian cultures... well maybe not chinese culture but korean/japanese/phillipino/thai should be able to work with my advice. Actually now that I think about I know very little about chinese culture. Oh well. The ethnicities I\'ve mentioned do make up the majority of the asians in the states. More so phillipinos than any other.

    This is very general I could go more in depth but that might take me all night. Trust me

  22. #22
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I\'m in Montana. What is an Asian? hehe

  23. #23
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    Okay, so I went to the club tonight (Tuesday) and it was completely dead. It was local band night, and there was some band playing that sounded like early Misfits. I might have enjoyed it 15 years ago when I was into that kind of stuff. The only Asian woman was the bartender. I had one drink and went home. I think weekends are probably better.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    Well, I don\'t have time to write a book, but I live in Japan, so I guess I am around thousands of Asians every day. I wouldn\'t say the pheros don\'t work on them, but I am convinced that success rates are far, far lower. I can go through days of nothing happening, seemingly. Then I have a week of 2-3 hits or more. This is interesting; I run into very few Western women, but almost every one I do run into, I get a hit off of. If I happen to get on a train with one, or see one in a Starbuck\'s I usually get clear hits. This leads me to believe that the pheros I am using generally work better on non-Asians. However, I do get definite hits off the Japanese women, but the number is dissapointingly low considering the sheer numbers that I am around every day. One final thought. It could be cultural rather than biological. What I mean is the women here are so passive, timid, closed, etc. etc. I have been told many times that a girl could be soaking her panties over you but will not even look at you and make any sort of sign whatsoever. I know there are exceptions, but I am really starting to think this may be the case. There have been cases where the woman\'s reaction to me seemed to be neutral or worse. I finally decide to talk to her and then she won\'t shut up and may even become quite friendly. I think I need to become more expert on picking up on extremely subtle things. I am talking about things far more subtle than a hair flip. I am talking about maybe just eye movement, or an overall aura or vibe coming from the woman. I have often found that is the most I can get from some of these women. I am starting to feel confident that I can actually call many of these cases hits.

  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I forgot to mention. -none doesn\'t work to good on them generally. Most just want to avoid you. There are minor exceptions; you might get the odd wild sexual hit from a -none OD, or, you will get middle aged ladies literally hunting you. Scary! However, if a guy is looking for overall consistent hits, anything more than a little -none is not such a great idea. As I said though, it can work, but it probably has to be a chick with a wild streak in her. Also, the Asian chicks in the U.S. will probably be different than those back home for various reasons.

  26. #26
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    Ok tell me to shut-up but to get chicks other than the wild streak ones. DD #1 works great ie with little none, the two secret NPA ingredients. A decent dose of nol and rone of course. For those that dont know it.

    70% SOE and 30% NPA as a total of whatever mix amount you come up with. An empty or 7/10s full SOE bottle is great as an applicator or for smaller amounts get a smaller bottle. An empty PCC container is great, just wash out with water and leave dry for several hours find a needleless syringe and you are on youre way.

    Works best also i find on asian women to (fits the theroy of less none, attraction is also good.)

    Or even 3x 2\" swipes of SOE and 1 spray on the head of attraction unscented or scented.

  27. #27

    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I have this theory that pheros work better on more sexually experienced girls, since a large part of the phero response may be attributed to conditioning between the scent and sex. If unmarried asian girls are more conservative and don\'t have as much sex as caucasion girls, they may not react strongly to pheros. One interesting questions... Do pheros work on virgins, caucasion or asian?

  28. #28
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    good theory, sounds valid

    but isn\'t sexual response biological and not a conditioned thing? there would at least be SOME effect on sexually inexperienced girls...

    and hey, pheros turn virgin guys on who have only their hand for company... what do you say to that? they haven\'t been conditioned, but they know the smell of pussy instinctively. maybe to less experienced girls it will just be a bigger mystery why they\'re so hot for you!

  29. #29

    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results

    I would bet my paycheck that pheros work on as well on virgins. Virgins get sexually aroused, pheros or no. And isn\'t it true that the effectiveness of pheromones does not depend on their smell? So it wouldn\'t necessarily depend on their ability to associate certain smells with sex.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: ASIAN TARGETS -- Hit Results


    Yes I would like to concur that a little bit of -none is good esp. with Asian women even here in the states. I\'ve gotten loads of hits when using 6-10 drops of APC. And yes you do have to be very alert to what they are doing. I have gotten hits with 2 drops of RM or PI, but only on rare occasians. One of them happend while on the bus and she kept her eyes straight ahead, looking extremely nervous, and running her hair through her hands continuously. The interesting thing was after I got off the bus, I saw her through the window immediately sliding into the spot that I was sitting in.

    Yes it\'s probably true that the asian chicks over here are different, but they still are very tough to read when it comes to dating.

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