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  1. #1

    Default Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse them

    Thats right the nice guy gets a girl thats interested and then because he is slow in moving she over anaylses him and moves on that is another reason to be a jerk guys they are fast moving and have banged the chick off before they get a chance to think at all.

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse t

    Check out the big brain on Corrie!!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse t

    Corrie does have a very logical brain and can figure things out for herself thanks. Now if only i could figure out all these comments that people have. I know they watch the forum and think that others dont know in real life that they know but watchers are very good at figuring things out unlike corries with no brains at all.

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse them

    There are no nice guys, just real men and posers.
    Which would you chose?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse them

    \"Thats right the nice guy gets a girl thats interested and then because he is slow in moving she over anaylses him and moves on that is another reason to be a jerk guys they are fast moving and have banged the chick off before they get a chance to think at all. \"


  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse t

    I think there\'s a lot of truth to that.

    That\'s why I always try to get the woman into bed as soon as possible.

    After some good sex, she\'s usually much more receptive to getting to know me.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse t

    Is it really true that \"NICE GUYS FINISH LAST\"?

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse t

    I think it has to do with the generalisation that \"Nice Guys\" tend to lack confidence and the \"Jerks/Bad Boys\" have confidence in spades.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse t

    Let me clarify how I was agreeing with the original post:

    If you\'re a \"nice guy\" and don\'t make a move, after knowing the gal for a while she starts to think of reasons why you didn\'t have sex already: ie: why you shouldn\'t have had sex. She tries to justify to herself why nothing\'s happened by thinking of reasons why it shouldn\'t happen. This makes her decide it would be a bad idea to have sex with you.

    If you\'re a \'jerk\' and have sex with the gal quickly, she then thinks of reasons why it was a good idea to have done it, again trying to justify to herself why she did it. This makes her decide it was a good idea to have had sex with you, and that she likes you.

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse t

    Thats it guys youre spot on i think it comes back to labeling and the fact that women tend to make the move at the wrong times, like when you are stressed run down etc. And there is no mental energy left to respond and then all the other bs happens.

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Nice guys lose because ..women over anyalyse t

    Women decide in less than 5 minutes if they\'ll ever sleep with you. That\'s the time they might set up the \"Yes\", it might still become a \"No\" in the following time. This won\'t work vice versa, nothing will make a \"Yes\" out of a \"5 Minutes No\". This would mean, you can try to get her into bed right away, because time will possibly just make things harder and never better. That\'s why kino is soooo important, touch her right away and advance the level of intimacy with every touch (ie: shoulders, outer elbow, inner elbow), the touch will get you some points on the \"Yes\" side. You just have to set the rules in this 5 minute period, she has to consider you as a sexual being that wants to get intimate with her.

    Warning : You have to be very observing, you don\'t want your target to feel being sexually attacked.

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