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Thread: diet and pheros

  1. #1

    Default diet and pheros

    I\'ve been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 8-9 years now. I also use Herbalife food supplements to lose weight (it works, I lost 32+ lbs in 3 1/2 months). Since I once read that one\'s diet can affect one\'s natural \'mones production, I wonder if there are any scientific studies re vegetarians and their \"pheromone output\". Anybody has a link to offer?

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: diet and pheros

    What\'s the lacto-ovo part? Is that no animal products at all? I\'m not vegtarian myself, but have seriously ramped up the fruits and veggies, trying to lose weight. I still do *SOME* meat though, since I\'ve been working out.

    So the Herbalife\'s not crap, like so many other products?

    There\'sa thread on \"Love Foods\" that goes into how different things affect the taste of some fluids, so you would have to assume there would be changes from other foods as well. As I recall, the thread from Babygirl, regarding spicing things up with her husband had a reference to his possibly not get enough meat, thereby lowering his testosterone level. It\'s worth looking into, of course...

    \"If you are what you eat, then I\'m cheap, fast and easy.\"

  3. #3

    Default Re: diet and pheros

    lacto-ovo veg means you can eat eggs, milk and dairy products as well as vegetables - just no fish or meat. It is possible to have a very rich and varied diet that way, with none of the health problems that some more strict vegetarians (like vegans) may (rarely) have.

    Herbalife DOES work as long as you go on taking it -- if it becomes a \"system\" and a lifestyle, it works. A friend lost 60 lbs with it and never got them back. And the products are all vegetable-based, to be taken with milk or yoghurt. It is NOT cheap though -- if you buy the whole \"system\", you\'ll spend MORE than what you would normally spend on \"regular\" food.

    Re: testosterone levels. I remember Mahatma Gandhi replying to the accuse that most Hindu being lactovegetarian were not \"manly\" enough, hence their pacifism. He replied that peace is a state of mind, etc, but there\'s food for thought here. Definitively, meat eaters project a more aggressive aura -- whether this helps with female I don\'t know. The risk of us vegetarians is to be put by the girl in the \"spineless new age good guy\" folder. But this is not a thing that I\'m going to change because of what a woman may think :-)

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