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  1. #1
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    Default What\'s the deal with copulins?? THE COPULIN TOPIC!

    Lately, the use of those \"female pheromones\" called copulins has been mentioned in a lot of topics, even though the majority on this board are men. Some use them with a lot of success, some with little. A main conclusion is that although copulins are meant to be for women to attract men, men themselves can use it with possible success.

    What I would like to know is what are the best mixes containing copulins? The copulins HAVE to do something. An old \"mix\" now containing copulins should work better WITH them than without them.

    They seem to be a valuable asset to the realm of pheromones, even for men. I\'m actually just asking this question as topics about copulins have increased SO much, even to such a degree, that it\'s rather hard to know all of it. It\'s also spread in topics that are not really about them.

    So make this the Copulin board: success stories, usage tips, main information, new Mixes... Everything about copulins you have to get of your heart, please post it here (too).


  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: What\'s the deal with copulins?? THE COPULIN TOPIC!

    Good idea maxi. It has taken off since ive decided to start pushing it during that last week whitehall came up with the theroy that naturally women \"bond\" emotionally with each other through thier own pheromones and also that when they have sex they produce more couplins found in vaginal fluid (although it has many 100s of compounds) as with pheromones one has been isolated - couplins and if worn by men in small amounts sends the have had sex with women signal that is they have been marked by a woman and this will therefore signal other women to think that the male is a good choice of sex partner and women tend to stick to each other through these smell also. So the next extension for men is if they want women to stick to them and compete for them add a small amount of have had sex with women pheromone mixed in with the androgens that we produce none nol and rone - we can draw them in and not have them run away like they do. Just an extension of pheromone logic and it can be at least try it out - and unlike nol some of us get a little annoyed at having just gay guys trying to crack on to us. Not homophobic just would prefer women only. Couplins are female therefore should drive these ones away and get women in - ok going round in circles but its a start and anyone who has success thoughts etc should post here.

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default What we know and what we want to know

    The copulin theories are just getting formulated and field testing is underway by a number of board members. We are certainly NOT sure about how they work, what they do, or how to best use them.

    What we THINK we know is the following:

    1) I am pretty sure based on my own experiments that they can enhance sexual passion during sex, especially with an older woman, say over 35, Both the man and the woman feel it.

    2) There are some reports that adding some copulins to a \'none mix might quicken and deepen the intimacy of a hit as in a pickup at a bar meeting a new woman. We hope this is a strong effect.

    3) We\'re certain that a guy wearing copulins can stimulate jealousy in a woman who thinks he\'s mongamous with her. Copulins are basically essense of natural vaginal lubricant anyway so show up for a date wearing copulins with your fiancee or wife at your own risk.

    4) We think that copulins can make women feel competitive (see #3 above) even if they\'ve just met you. By emitting the aroma of sex, you\'re implying that you\'ve just had sex. That serves as a \"social validation\" of your desirabilty - bonking you is fashionable! An imaginary woman has offered herself to you so you must be worthwhile.

    5) We do SOOOO hope that the smell of copulins will act like smell-o-vision pornography for women. Like visual pornography for men, the smell of sex should make women horny and aroused. Hopefully, this would make them wilder and more sexual fun (see #1 above)

    6) A dab of PCC under a male\'s nose can also be sexually stimulating for the male. Oscar and I have tried this and it does work although I get headaches. I\'d prefer to apply via #1 above.

    See the thread \"The Orgy Theory of Copulins\" for more.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Like androgens in men they affect both other males and females ie the aggression or laughter displayed by males under the effect of none and nol respectivley so im so hoping like whitehall that his theroies are at least correct in some ways. Just as long as they have an effect on other ladies then im quite happy combine with none nol rone and a1 and we got something interesting now just need to work out what the correct ratios are. ?? A bit advanced but im sure something will come of all this talk and investigation.
    Now any guys out there with coups please post youre thoughts so we can get something going.

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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know


  6. #6
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Don\'t know what\'s in the commercial copulins we buy, but I read a report that exposed men to natural copulins collected from different points in the female cycle. Copulins taken at the time of ovulation caused a significant rise in saliva testosterone levels in the men who were exposed. No changes in T were noted when the men were exposed to copulins from the non-ovulatory part of the cycle.

    Looks like they have a definite effect on men - should be interesting to note possible effects on women...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    That\'s VERY interesting!!!!! How about the copulins in PCC and PI/w and others? It\'s annoying that the producers don\'t give much information on their products apart from it\'s content. I would like to know how and why they start making a new product. What do they research before doing so? Do they actually test the products themselves before throwing them on the market, or does it only go as far as looking if it might cause certain allergic reactions and stuff?

  8. #8
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    I would think that either:

    1) The quantities of copulins change over the ovulation cycle (same mix, different total amount)


    2) The quality (chemical composition) of \"copulins\" vary (different composition and maybe total varies too)

    Either way, the effect on males is shown to track ovulation. I would suspect that ovulation causes qualitiative changes ( #2) and would hope that manufacturers mimic that ovulation mix. But, given my experience with a variety of females, the precise composition of copulins probably varies between individuals as well as with time.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    I guess as is the case with the majority of pheromone/couplin products these companies do some research find active ingredients and put what they think is best into the product.
    As far as research development and testing before coming to market well PCC is a stones labs product which means that phil stone and company must have done some real good research to risk the companies name with a dud product.
    Its probably a mixture of what has been isolated and shown to work, im just going to wait now for my order to arrive do some testing before saying to much more on the effectiveness of the theroy of coups.

  10. #10
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    I have e-mailed Stone Lab asking them questions about coppies. If I hear back anything new or useful, I\'ll tell everyone.

  11. #11
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Hello All,

    Great thread. I\'ve been wanting to jump in as is the case with the swimming pool in the motel we are staying in, but have been too strapped for time for either.

    As some of you may know, whenever the topic of copulins pops up I tend to get up on a soapbox and start ranting. I have spent literally hours discussing the subject with Phil Stone at Stone Lab, Daryn Pithey at LaCroy, James Kohl and others, and through it all have remained in doubt there was enough copulins in any of the products on the market to have much of an effect. Primal for women seemed promising as user reports are mostly quite positive and there seems to be some smell (albeit mild) that would indicate there is some copulins in there. Then there is the issue of WHICH coupulins we are talking about as not all coupulins works as an aphrodisiac.

    There are two very big points to consider with copulins, one of which has been mentioned in this thread.

    1. According to the wonderful research done with copulins by Astrid Jutte in Austria, ONLY copulins created naturally during the ovulatory phase of a woman\'s monthly cycle is of any interest to us. Copullins created during other phases has no effect. OK... big point. Seems to me, if a manufacturer is not clear on this point, we have a problem.

    2. Copulins has a very very strong \"aroma\" that is difficult if not impossible to mask or \"blend\". If an unscented product does not smell like something you would expect \"down yonder\" then again... we have a red flag.

    Some months ago, I had a long topic about this with Phil Stone and he promised to do some research and come up with a copulins sample that would put hair on my chest (literally) and I think we may soon have lift off. I got 3 small bottles in the mail which take the top of your head off with the smell and include the warning NOT to apply to skin. Just handling the outside of the bottle gave me fingertips that smelled like... well.... errrm. I spoke to Phil on the phone for an hour or so after that and there are still a lot of questions to answer, but we are definitely not in Kansas anymore.

    More soon. We are hoping to have a small test batch (100 bottles maybe?) in about a week. Keep in mind, this is nasty stuff. it is NOT a cologne.


  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    OK, Bruce let the cat out of the bag. I had heard back that Stone Lab was releasing something \"amusing\". I should only add that PCC already does come in an unscented version.

    For the extremely adventurous out there, there is an essential oil that is incredibly pungent o\' the \'tang:

    Cumin seed oil is nature\'s version of copulins. It\'s very hard to find in good quality. One drop, though and your whole apartment will smell like the north end of a southbound Brittany Spears. For the first 5 minutes you\'ll want to squeeze one off. For the next week you\'ll want to bleach everything in your home.

    Maybe someday I\'ll make a \"Tang-scented Edge\" for Bruce. Add copulins, a six-pack, and a subscription to ESPN -- we\'d never have to leave home.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Is it possible that different copulins are released during different periods of the menstrual cycle ? I believe there are hundreds of copulin compounds, just like the 16, 5a Androstene group w/c includes Androstenone and Androstenol

  14. #14
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    It is not only possible, but this has been demostrated in the Jutte study showing that only copulins produced during ovulation acts as an aphrodisiac (ie: raises testosterone leveles in males)

  15. #15
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Bruce has any effect been shown vise versa - ie males wearing them and female reactions (im sure those women of the lesbian nature would react, but what about straight women) or i might just wait for my order and go do some testing, just will have to avoid an OD on this one otherwise could have some interesting situations occour later later this week im going to keep my presense and postings low at the momenet lots of things happening plus im going a little road trip in a couple of days and will only access through public email so postings will be limited in nature.

  16. #16
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    No way, I think this topic is still too important to let it perish already...

  17. #17
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Yeah it does sort of disappear fairly quickly i should recieve my order soon ( a week so far ) but being in australia oh well.
    But i will start posting soon on this. Im asuming that PCC can be covered up using something ie andro 8.4 and then ill determine the responses. No particular \"targets\" in mind just general feedback from wearing it around. This may or may not work but could be used ie if guys are going to be hanging around well they can be made to be useful for my purposes of testing and creating feedback for this forum here.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Well i am just so excited to know the results of copulins in the field test, however i think very fiew field testers have tried it yet.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    This is a story by Love-scent member \"upsidedown\"
    I think it fits in here, too. You can also find it at \"Hit Squad - NE1 can post\" topic. I hope you do not mind too much, upsidedown? It\'s certainly not my intention to be a pain in the ass.

    I know there has been a lot of discussion about the use of copulins. I just received an order of PCC last Thursday, and have tried them out 3 times so far and thought I\'d mention some interesting results from using them yesterday.

    I don\'t know if what I went through would be considered a \"hit\", and under normal circumstances I wouldn\'t even mention whast happened. But considering that everybody seems interested in the potential use of copulins in their mix, I felt that my results yesterday were at least interesting enough for me to pass along for what they are worth to assist people in determining the benefits of copulins for men.

    I have been going to a restaurant to eat for the last 6 weeks or so since getting my pheromones. Since wearing the pheromones in there, it seems that a lot of the waitresses have learned who I am, and many know my name. Granted, I eat there maybe 2 times per they may all know me as just a regular customer. I\'m trying to keep this in mind along with deciding if the pheromnes play a part. But, the hostess who seats me in particular seems to have taken a strong liking to me fromt he first time I went in. She is always smiling at me from across the room, and coming over to talk to me. I also get lots of dilated pupils from some of the other waitresses. So, it has seemed that the pheromones have been working on many of the women there (all mainly in the late teens to early 20\'s..I\'m in my early 40\'s)

    Anyway, yesterday was the first time I experimented with copulins. I wore the DD#1 mix (SOE;NPA at 7:3) I then put some swipes of copulins on my upper lip below my nose, some along the front of my neck, on my adams apple, and a swipe on each wrist. This may sound like a lot, but actualy the bottle of PCC is so small, that the roller bottle doesn\'t put out much product on each swipe, so it was a farily small amoount overall. I\'d say the bulk of the product was on my neck.

    I had heard some people report that copulins MAY cause women to be more intimate and open more quickly...and cause women to become more competitive. Well, I may have experienced some of each. First, the hostess, who is really hot I might add, was friendly to me when seating me again. Also, I noticed from the start that she would always look at me every time she rounded the corner into the restaurant area to seat people. Every time I would make eye contact, she would smile at me. But, I had a waitress who I had never had wait on me before, and quite frankly I really didn\'t remember seeing her there before. But, she knew me, because when she first approached me, she said \"I get to wait on our best customer.\" She continued to make small talk the entire time I was there, asking me what I did, why I eat there etc. This woman really seemed to want to spend as much time with me as she could just asking about myself and getting to know me. Now, I don\'t know if this fits people talking about women warming up to you and getting closer to you quicker or not. There was certainly nothing intimate about our was pretty tame stuff. But still, I\'ve never had a first time waitress take such an interest in asking about me like this one did. So, who knows. I\'ll say the effects of the copulins is uncertain on this.

    However, what happened later does make me wonder about the copulin effect. This one goes to the theory that it causes competition among women. When I was almost finished with my meal, the attractive hostess stopped to chat, and noticed that my drink was empty. She asked if I wanted a refill, and I said \"sure, one more would be good before I go.\" So, the hostess, who had been maybe 10 feet away when she noticed my drink...walked over to my table to pick up my glass. As she did this, my waitress saw this and came up behind the hostess. When the hostess turned around with my glass, the waitress reached out to take my glass to get my refill. The hostess hesitated for a second, and then without saying anything she just ignored the waitress and walked past her with my glass. It appared that she initially thought about handing my waitress my glass, but then decided to ignore my waitress and continue getting it herself. When my waitress saw this she said \"She thinks she\'s a waitress now.\" The hostess, when she heard her say this, stopped, turned around and said \"I was waiting tables when you were still in elementary school\" and then went on to get my refill. So the waitress stayed and talked to me instead, and was still talking to me when the hostess returned with my drink refill.

    Anyway, it was hard to determine if this exchange between the waitress and hostess was good natured ribbing or slightly tense. But, I sensed that there was slight bit of tension there. But, even if there was no tension and this was just friendly ribbing, it did seem fairly certain that the hostess was definitely competing with the waitress for some of my attention...or to be helpful to me in some way..

    So, this little exchange can be taken for what it is in the overall puzzle of determining whether copulins have any effect or not. It could be that this competitive exchange between the hostess and waitress might have just been a matter of the circunstances, and might have happened anyway even if I had not been wearing the copulins, or even pheromones at all. But then again, this has never happened before...and it did happen on the one time that I wore the copulins in the restaurant. So, I\'ll let all of you take my experience for whatever value you give it.

    One last note about my trip to the restaurant with the copulins on: but at the end, the manger came out with my ticket and said that he had \"comped\" it. I looke at the bill and he had given it to me for free. I said thank you, I appreciated it, and he said \"no problem. I see you in here every day.\" Well, I eat there maybe 2 times per week, not every day, but I\'lll talke the free meal. Then, a few minutes after this, the manger just walked back over to my table and gave me his business card and walked off. No explanation of why he gave me his card, just dropped it on my table in front of me and walked off.

    Now, did the copulins play a part on this guy as well? Who knoews. It may have just been a coincindence once again....and he might have done this because I\'ve become a regular customer. But then again, it did come on the day wihen I added the copulins for the first time. May have been a coincidence, but who knows. I also noticed that yesterday that I also had a few of the waiters actually say a quick hello or nod to acknowledge seeing me there when they passed near my table. I\"ve never had this happen to me before either until yesterday.

    So, those are my experiences with copulins. I\'d say the interaction between my waitress and the hostess was the most interesting part of the time with the copulins, and was interesting enough for me to want to continue experimenting with them. It would be nice to think that the copulins really do increase female competitive behavior. I could go for a little more of that in my life right now. I\'m just glad it was the women competing for my attention yesterday rather than the male waiters. :-)

    Sorry for the long post. This seems to happen to me a lot when I have things to say.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know


    Okay, so they REEK... How\'z\'bout a small quantity in an oil base? That way, for those of us who are using them, we can blend them with APC, or whatever? Maybe also an alcohol-based version, such as NPA, to pop a few drops into the regular colognes of the world?

    Just some marketing thoughts... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    DST wrote:
    \"OK, Bruce let the cat out of the bag. I had heard back that Stone Lab was releasing something \"amusing\". I should only add that PCC already does come in an unscented version.\"

    Okay, so it wasn\'t listed on the Products list... All I found was the original, which I like, but would like to try the unsc\'d, unless Phil and Bruce are going to send \"the nasty\" to market. Where is the unscented one?


  22. #22

    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know


    No, I don\'t mind you reposting my copulin story at all. So that\'s problem.

    I wasn\'t sure where to post it....I had thought about posting it in one of these copulin threads but ended up posting it elsewhere. I sort of figured that most people probably read everything so people interested in copulins would have seen it elsewhere. But, that may not be the case. I had been thinking about either reposting my account in here as well, or else coming in here and informing people of my account and posting a link to get to it. You saved me the trouble of having to do it.


  23. #23
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    No problem. I\'m glad you don\'t mind, too.

    It\'s just that your post was a perfect example of the posts we need to see here in the future. I\'ve already seen lot of valuable information in this topic over the last few days, so I thank the posters. And, keep up posting everything involving copulins in this topic. That\'s what it was made for: having all the information about copulins in one topic is much more convenient than spreading it here and there.

  24. #24

    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Keep us updated with those new test batches. Being a woman I would really be interested in effects of this new coupulin mix.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Yeah, women HAVE to post, too, of course. The product was initially meant for them anyway.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Bumpity Bump!!!!! (from page 5 to page 1 again)

  27. #27
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Still no delievery yet although i wasnt expecting to next week (sometimes i get surprised and have it delieverd on one week but mostly two)
    I guess bump im thinking of trying it with the DD mix to start with then adding it to andro 4.2 and attraction and maybe even AE/PCC mix. Or just to straight NPA.

  28. #28
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Astrid Jutte presented a poster session at an olfactory conference held on Coranado Island (San Diego, CA) in 1998 (at least I think it was 1998). She brought along a sample vial of the mix she used in her experiments that increased saliva testosterone levels in men who were exposed. The only mix that had this effect was the mix that closely matched the ovulatory secretions used in experiments on rhesus monkeys. This mix was, without a doubt, familiar to most of the researchers who smelled it during the time I observed. No one reacted negatively; it did not reek! It was a very fragrant version of what we might expect while engaged in very enjoyable oral-genital sex with a woman. By very enjoyable, I mean the best time you\'ve ever had gratifying a woman with your lips and tongue. Obviously, you\'re not going to enjoy giving head if there is any negative odor association--and not if it reeks down there.

    A 17y/o girl participated in an uncontrolled experiment for me. She wore a T-shirt each night for three nights during the ovulatory phase of her cycle. A 43 y/o woman sent me a T-shirt she wore during the same phase of her cycle. She sent it because she wanted to know if her pheromones were the reason men consistently fell-in-love with her rapidly and deeply, and she typically turned the head of any man she passed by. Also, a girlfriend of hers had worn some of this woman\'s clothing and noticed how much more attention she received, compared to normal. The T-shirt smells both were a somewhat more faint version of Astrid\'s mix. (Bruce can comment on the scent of the 17 year old.) My current plan is to reproduce Astrid\'s mix, and match it to T-shirt samples of the same women, or of other subjects who are willing to contribute some clothing to my research efforts. At some point, the mix will be \"just right.\" It may take a few months, but it will happen. So start thinking about a name for such a product. Could call it Scent of Eros (fem), or maybe \"First alert\" since it would send a signal to a man that the wearer was most likely receptive to his advances--and possibly even explain any proceptive behaviors she was exhibiting. I\'m fairly certain anyone who can come up with a better name, if there is a better one to be used, will somehow be rewarded. Will also consider adding adrenal hormone metabolites to the mix in an attempt to go one step further than the current research. I\'ll try to keep you informed of the progress via this Forum.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Yeah i\'m interested too

  30. #30
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    Default Re: What we know and what we want to know

    Oooh more product and development, well will have to wait and see looks like there is plenty going on around the world.

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