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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    I was thinking about this as I finished up another post. We all know how bizarre and up and down the dating game is. One day a beautiful girl likes you, the next she can\'t stand you. One day you are getting mad poon, the next you are at home hugging a bottle of beast. Anyway, can adding these chemicals into the equation of romance make things worse, particularly long term? I don\'t know, most of the women in my life are screwed up in some form or another adding these highs and lows of sexual arousal cannot be good for them.

    I wonder if these ups and downs with sexual responses can cause these women to ultimately develop a higher threshold for pheromones? (ie, a woman is used to smelling x amount to get turned on naturally, she hangs out with a phero user and now she needs x 100 to get turned on).

    Have there been any studies to confirm or deny any of this?

    This is powerful stuff we are dealing with, and we are at the tip of the iceberg. I\'m afraid my pheromone usage may be increasing my problems with women, instead of making them more receptive to me.


  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    It is im noticing making them more open sexually / flip side they are more aggressive and tending to flirt with different men. As far as myself im more confident and go without pheromones and seem quite happy just to switch off to women for a while. But youve got an interesting point it would however seem to make her (long term relationship hyperthetical here remember a lot more and be into you more - flip side she will know how you think and be able to pull you around and around on the emotional scale.) Until widespread use becomes common however i wouldnt worry about society as a whole to much. Lets keep the forum top secret for now.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    what will happen when everybody uses phero? Bruce will be rich :-) If these products give an edge to the users, will they all cancel out when the use is widespread?
    Surely the prices will go down :-)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of phero

    Phero use becoming widespread? Good news for Bruce, bad for use since there will be a lot more competition. And if everyone does use them it would once again level out the playing field. So yes let\'s keep the forum a secret for a while (a very long while).

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    I bet it’s all down to how you use them.

    I would guess that the pheromones themselves are pretty healthy, because they stimulate the endocrine system. But, of course, if you’re using them with a depressive person, it’s going to give them temporary highs and bad mood swings when you’re not around (or when you OD).

    It seems a lot of guys are drawn to depressive females, because it makes them feel needed. But it’s a losing battle. Anybody that doesn’t have a fundamentally positive attitude about life will never find happiness in a relationship.

    Another problem I’ve been worried about is that they can help the wearer mask flaws in their personality. For example ... I’ve been divorced four years and I still don’t have anything close to a mate. I’ve been through four steady girlfriends (The first three were college students that I purposely settled with because I knew it would be temporary. The last dumped me.). I’ve turned several female friends into “[censored] buddies”, and consequently lost their friendship. I’ve gone on dates with women I knew I wouldn’t click with, just so I could have a couple nights of sex. I’ve had an affair with a married woman. And right now I’m trying to juggle a dance partner with benefits and a 21 year old sex maniac that has a steady boyfriend.

    I’m almost 44, and wouldn’t be able to carry on this way without pheromones. Not to blame the pheromones, but a lot of guys have problems with responsibility (I know I’m not the worse.) and pheromones can help keep us in denial.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    Well bro, I can only speak for myself - but I\'ve decided secretly using pheros doesn\'t bother me. And I don\'t think it hurt any of my relationships. Here\'s why.

    All the products we use are also naturally produced by the male body and typically presented on our skin. It\'s not like we\'re hitting them with weird unnatural drugs or chemicals. Granted, we\'re using megadoses by natural standards, but since most of the population goes completely the other direction (by showering off ALL natural pheros every day), I just see the whole question as one of degree and not type. Probably the only people on the planet that aren\'t monkeying with their natural phero condition are primitive naked natives that bathe infrequently (are there any of those left?!).

    If pheros work, then they are creating feelings of sexual/social attraction, and/or making targets think of you as a sexy/social person. So what. Do you think women worry about their effect on men, when they dress sexily and deliberately make themselves appear sexual to you? It\'s not a bad thing to be perceived as attractive in any relationship - unless you prefer battling against the odds by being sexually repulsive or some weird deal like that.

    I started wearing pheros in the middle of a relationship that was already fiery. In my opinion it intensified her physical attraction for me. It didn\'t make or break the affair. It ended on a good note for reasons having nothing to do with sex. I think at best pheros intensify sexual attraction, or help give off the impression you are a sexual being. That is just one small part of any real relationship. Pheros may get you some attention and spark some attraction, but they won\'t sustain anything on their own IMHO.

    Sounds like you\'re caught up in relationship trouble that pheros won\'t help or hurt really. If you are wearing them and they work then you\'re attractive on an additional level you wouldn\'t be otherwise. Big deal. If she\'s wearing nice clothes and makeup when you talk she\'s more attractive on a level she wouldn\'t be otherwise. Big deal. I think that\'s good from both sides, cause I think it\'s nice to be attractive. None of that will substitute however for digging in and forging an emotional bond. You can be attractive to people that have no emotional feelings for you, as we men know quite well from the men\'s viewpoint. There\'s lots more to the picture if you want to form a lasting bond.

    I\'d wear the pheros you always do, and forget about it fixing or hurting anything. The real issues that are troubling you probably lie elsewhere.

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    I encourage pheromone usage the good point is however that the prevailing view of society is that you should rely on things just naturally without getting any advantage for youreself (the competitive \"level playing field\" it makes people feel safe.
    My view is that i dont tell anyone that way no one knows and dont get me wrong but i think pheromones are still pretty safe as far as being secret or at least not well known and the media are reluctant to do stories on it for the ridecule / sexual nature of this stuff. So i think most of us are damn safe and arent going to run into to many people using this stuff, in the last 6 months i think that probably 20 people max i have come into contact with that \"may\" have had synthetic pheromones on. And the nature of my job means that i come into contact with heaps of people and out of those 20 a couple have been the same person. So most of you guys wont have any problems whatsoever - dont talk about it to too many people and you should be right.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    I agree with a.k.a. about being drawn to depressive females. I think it\'s because guys are traditionally \"fixers.\"

    One thing I admit to liking, though it\'s a bit dark, is that the females who are unstable, I *WANT* them visible. I may feel sorry for them, but I\'m not going to sacrifice myself. Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt. I want the STABLE ones... Well, just ONE, actually.

    I wouldn\'t feel too bad about the lost relationships; odds are, they were headed there anyway.

    I don\'t know about your flaws, but I wouldn\'t think the females would have been around you as long as they were, if you were so totally screwed up. Maybe it\'s an insecurity thing on your part or theirs...

    I interpret what Irish is saying as, \"it\'s us; it\'s just MORE of us.\" That ain\'t bad; it ain\'t good; it just is.

    As for me, I\'m not looking to take advantage of anyone; if she and I are going to do something, we\'re going to go in with our eyes open.

    I think it really depends on the people involved.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone


    I think you are right about that. Pretty much every thing of this nature adapts after a while. If there is overstimulation for a period, it is quite likely that sensitivity suffers or even that some sort of withdrawal might occur. Compare this to the change from passion to more of a warm glow over time during a relationship, or the feelings of loss if it shold end.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    Well it does not happen like that, you are talking about \"Classical Conditioning\". Sensitivity to Pheros is due to Genetics not Classical Conditioning so that it is not possible that women will get used to pheros. Everytime they smell pheros they will have the same reaction even if she is exposed to the same pheros one million times.

  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Psychological Effect of long term use of pheromone

    Its a little more complicated than that, Ferromone.

    The deep neurological pathways will probably respond in a repetitive manner, but the overall response will have a learned component - how she reacts to the stimulus will change with experience. Just like the first time you fall in love is somehow different from the 8th time although the biochemistry is much the same.

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