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  1. #31

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Yes, the DD#1 mix is the liquid SoE and NPA at a 7:3 ratio.

    As far as a hit from a hefty girl, the way I look at it is if I\'m trying out the mixes and the quantities, I could care less about who responds. As long as I get a hit from any female, even one I wouldn\'t be interested in least it provides feedback about whether or not your mix and application amount is a hit or a miss. You can then take all of these hits, even the less desireable one\'s to you, and use them as feedback to modify your approach for future prospects.

  2. #32

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    For some reason I keep thinking DD #1 has AE in it, but maybe that was another DD mix. I know he was big on AE one time. Good points. Any talk to all the chick because you learn to communicate better. And make no promises unless you know what you\'re looking for.

    -The Bat

  3. #33

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    look jambat, let me just say this...this forum is for everyone, not just for the ones that decide to be part of your \"hit\" group..i have seen numerous posts where you have told the person after they have related a hit story, that they needed to repost it in the \"hit squad\", if thats not some sort of control, i dotn know what is..i personally find it to be a pain to have to go thru a zillion posts to see what someone has just, you get into all these discussions about some huge mix that most people arent gonna have a clue as to what your talking, you are free to post whatever you wish, but there shouldnt be a certain place where everyone has to post their hit stories, nor a certain place where other board members will respond to these hit stories..i would like to see some of the newbies post their own hits and allow discussion without it havign to fit into the structered format of the Hit squad...

  4. #34
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Appetites

    One of the things I\'ve learned about women can be summed up in one phrase....

    \"Show me a woman with a good appetite, and I\'ll show you a woman with a GOOD APPETITE!\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  5. #35
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Ok, I guess this is the proper thread to post this.

    Just a quick note. I\'ve been wearing chem set P10 copy + custom-scented Edge, plus some other things that I whipped up, including sandalwood, pimento berry and other aphrodisiac substances. I think I\'ve been OD\'ing, as I like to put some product on all my hot spots.

    So yesterday I reduced the -none and upped the -ol a bit, to like 1:7:8, to speak in chem set terms. I also halved the edge, so that I\'m using one dab to cover 3 places on my body, for a total of 5 dabs. My experience at a coffee shop was quite nice. First I ran into an ex-lover, who has a new rock on the finger. She was all huggy and touchy feely. Meanwhile, this other young woman with a hot bod kept staring. She was busy working at her laptop, but I said hi and chatted, and went outside to the outdoor tables. There I met a stunning, fresh young tan blonde, maybe 25. I had to make the first move, which I did after giving her a chance to smell me for a while. When I saw the hair twirl I knew it was time. Anyway she asked me to come down to where she works, and also asked if she could be my intern (I\'m a psychologist.). So she leaves, and thirty seconds later the other one comes out and asks to sit at my table. She was 29. A half hour later I was drinking at a club with her. So I put on a touch more pheromones. Then I must have OD\'d on -none because I saw her turn more closed and cautious.

    It\'s very interesting how significant it is to tweak things.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    \" So I put on a touch more pheromones. Then I must have OD\'d on -none because I saw her turn more closed and cautious.

    Damn good post Doc. Why? This is a key element. I think I\'ve talked about this before. I\'ve done this too. When the mones are working don\'t put on more, especially if you\'re all A-none maybe you can put on some NOL but surely not more A-none. Women will run. They\'ll head for the hills in droves. Trust me.

  7. #37
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    One time the put on more strategy resulted in an immediate lay, but it was a 1:1 -ol/-none mix (AFA), and was with a pasionate dark skinned woman of middle eastern desent.

    I\'m no sure what this means.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Maybe Dark Skinned women of Middle Eastern decent like a man that swims in A-none. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I do know this; I had on a fair amount of JB#1 + SOE gel and an Middle Eastern (or possibly Indian) woman shot me a glance and smiled at me. Nothing came of it but you talk about hips for days. This woman had an hour glass figure and even though she was dressed in sweats, nothing could hide her shape. I thought that was pretty nice. Especially since it was unexpected.

    -The Bat

  9. #39

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    By the way. I hope to go out today, so I might try JB #2 and RM. Sound like an idea?
    -The Bat

  10. #40

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Are you talking about using JB#2 and RM at the same time, or try them separately at different times during the day?

    If you\'re talking about wearing them at the same time, then let us know how it goes. I\"ve never heard of using that combo at the same time it would be interesting to see how it works.

  11. #41
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Jambat, Doc:

    Middle Eastern women (Iraqi or Iranian) are very demanding. They expect a lot from their men, and don\'t give much back (at first). They tend to be highly intelligent and educated.

    Hence, it appears to be a reasonable assumption that they look for certain traits in males, namely confidence, high self-esteem, traits of alpha-males.

    If you\'re swimming in -none you\'re pretty much going to have more of a chance with this ethnic variance than others. I\'ve worked with a lot of Iranian women over the last few years, all of whom have been very nice, but since I started using pheros a few months ago, I\'ve found that anything containing a high concentration of -none elicits more interest than anything else I\'ve been wearing. Even the middle eastern women whom I\'ve come across casually, seem to be affected. My best friend is Iranian, and her behaviour is far friendlier towards me than before, when wearing -none, even though she is in a serious relationship with her b/f.

  12. #42
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Persian Women

    I have to second the opinion that Persian women seem rather suceptible to none. I know a couple of such women with Persian backgrounds and both are great fans of yours truly, even though we have no intentions of consumation in spite of the goo-goo eyes. It could be my scintillating intelligence or it could be my \'mones or it could be a combination of both.

  13. #43

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Are you talking about using JB#2 and RM at the same time, or try them separately at different times during the day?

    Together (but not mixed), but I didn\'t get a chance to try it today. Sorry. But I hope to try it soon. I had to rush out today and could only grab JB #1. But that seemed to be all I needed. I got a phone number (and boy do I plan to call this chick is sweet and fine). By the way, I think JB in the gotee is key. (Hey that rhymed).

    I went to see about getting a pass for the place I\'ll be doing some work in. The people I was supposed to see just decided not to show up. Now there was a woman relaxing on the couch and one at the desk. The woman got off the couch and made a big deal about finding the passes. And both of them were very helpful and polite. I love this level of service.

    Post Extras: Â Â Â

    Jambat, Doc:

    Middle Eastern women (Iraqi or Iranian) are very demanding. They expect a lot from their men, and don\'t give much back (at first). They tend to be highly intelligent and educated.

    I think I should pour JB #1 all over me and mac down some Middle Eastern babes. I saw some hot ones just today and last week, I mean fine. Although I\'ve heard Middle Eastern men get upset sometimes when they see an American with one of \"their\" women.
    I have to second the opinion that Persian women seem rather suceptible to none.

    This could be a new project. Why don\'t we all go out and see how many Middle Eastern women we can hit on while doused with A-none. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    -The Bat

  14. #44
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Yes...All very interesting.

  15. #45

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Anyone else have an experience like this?

    -The Bat

  16. #46
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Just wanted to reemphasize that the mix was 1:1 in my case, and that the fact that I got laid immediately with reapplication suggests she tolerated the extra -none but was affected by both.

    Tolerance of -none goes way up the more titilated a woman is, the more she likes you, and the more she has drunk. This woman had shared a bottle of wine with me. (Incidentally, wine has of some kind pheromone(s) in it, I believe.).

    P.S. The woman I OD\'d with \"earlier in the thread\" called me today, saying she finds me interesting. I guess OD losses are recoverable. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #47

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Hey, I guess there\'s something to be said for that whole phero memory thing right? You know, that bit about pheros impressing you into a person\'s mind.

    -The Bat

  18. #48
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Tonight I wore my usual mixture of -nol, -dienone and my secret ingredient which I am selfishly not telling anyone about (sorry).

    I went to a party with lots of young gals... the one I really wanted showed no interest at all. The second one I wanted showed lots of interest in her body movements (brushing against me, staying close by, etc.) but then claimed she was between apartments and had no phone number to give me (which could have been true I guess).

    But the real hit was: this other gal -- quite attractive but a bit older (32) suddenly started talking to me, touching me, sat down with me, and was obviously really taken with me. Unfortunately I just wasn\'t that into her after having seen the one I really wanted, so I didn\'t pursue it.

    I\'m sure it was a real hit though. She started talking to me at length about all kinds of things, completely ignoring the (very good looking) male friend she\'d been talking to, and at one point said \"I don\'t know why I\'m telling you all this. Am I boring you?\" I hadn\'t even encouraged her much.

    Oh well... too bad she wasn\'t the one I wanted. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  19. #49
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    The girl doesn\'t have a cell phone? YEAH RIGHT!

  20. #50

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Everyone doesn\'t have a cell. (It\'s a luxury item in a bad economy), but I would\'ve given her my number and gave her the option. If she didn\'t call no biggie. It seems XVS is doing pretty good but should open himself up to more women. Frankly if the chick you like see you having fun with other women it might peek her interest. (You know the \"what\'s so special about him\" line). And even better you might find someone better for you.

    -The Bat

  21. #51
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    I don\'t have a cell either but not for long anymore. Over here in Europe it was such a hype when cell phones became common, that I just refused having one. It was as if the phones were controlling the people. They were so addicted to it. Also, I like to have stuff no one else has, and as everyone had a cell phone, I wanted to prove that you do without them.

  22. #52
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0


    I already have 2 gals to sleep with. I\'m looking for someone I like enough to be \'girlfriend material\'.

  23. #53

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0


    I already have 2 gals to sleep with. I\'m looking for someone I like enough to be \'girlfriend material\'.

    Even so. If this chick\'s not interested or seems not to be there\'s others that may be. And just like your mom told you, when you start ignoring them, they come to you. Have you been direct with this chick and tried to ask her out? (I don\'t know if you mentioned that or not). I\'ve had luck just telling a woman what I\'m looking for from her and feeling her out. If she\'s not interested or blows me off then forget it. And later on when things go wrong they\'ll start thinking about you and when they come to you you have a better chance of doing things on your terms if you\'re not already seeing someone.

    -The Bat

  24. #54
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0


    Hmm . . . . I pretty much have the same problems. The targets that you want, you don\'t get and the targets that you get, you don\'t want (sounds like a movie line doesn\'t it).

  25. #55
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Everyone doesn\'t have a cell. (It\'s a luxury item in a bad economy),

    Are you sure about that? Maybe its a regional thing. Where I live, (New Jersey), 99 % of the females between the ages of 12 and 65 have a cell phone. In fact I don\'t know any woman except my mother that does not have a cell phone.

  26. #56
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    I don\'t know anybody that hasn\'t a cell phone, from the states to europe. Even my mom and my granny go nowhere without a cell phone.

  27. #57

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    \"Are you sure about that? Maybe its a regional thing. Where I live, (New Jersey), 99 % of the females between the ages of 12 and 65 have a cell phone. In fact I don\'t know any woman except my mother that does not have a cell phone.\"
    -Exit 63

    How do you know that? Do you know 99% of the women between 12 and 65? And if you know 99% of the women between 12 and 65 then you know about 99% of the women between 18 - 40. So you you got a hell of a dating pool. Hope you\'re packing tons of pheros because you\'re going to need them. I know plenty of people who don\'t have cell phones or are just now getting one. My best female friend doesn\'t have a cell phone and to my knowledge has no intention of getting one. I know others who for whatever reason don\'t have one, men as well as women. Those who\'re between the walls of lower middle class and poor may not have the luxury of a cell phone. That\'s just how it is.

    -The Bat

  28. #58
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0


    You don\'t have to take my word for it my friend. Come to the NYC metropolitan are and look around. You\"ll see them.
    Walking and yapping.
    Driving and yapping.
    Yapping on the bus.
    Yapping on the train.
    Yapping in restaurants and even movie theatres.
    Yapping yapping yapping.

  29. #59

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    That\'s alot of yapping.
    -The Bat

  30. #60

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    i agree with you bat, i dotn have a cell phone and i know some that dont either...i dont understadn where people pull numbers out of the air either..anyway, i agree with you

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