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  1. #1

    Default Testosterone maximizing diet increase pheros

    I am on a new diet that maximizes natural testosterone production, and accordingly I think natural phero production. This diet is awesome though, for anyone who cannot seem to get \'ripped\' even with normal caloric defecits and eating \'right,\' this will shed bodyfat while gaining muscle.

    A note though, 9 outta 10 people I tell this to are like \"That\'s unhealthy, or that won\'t work, or even crazy\" but remember, this is created by a DOCTOR and is safe if done correctly (with water, proper vitamin supplementation, and very low carb veggies like broccoli)

    I have been on it for some time, and it does work, the best part is the looks you get from people in the checkout aisle in supermarket!!

    Hey - so check it out this is the new diet I am going to go on it\'s super-tight, here is the info, read/research for yourself what you think. It was created, or documented at least, by Dr. Mauro DiPasquale, so if you are researching for yourself be sure to include him in the search

    The Anabolic Diet
    This high fat and protein/low carb diet was designed by the popular Dr. Mauro DiPasquale specifically for natural bodybuilders to gain muscle and lose fat. The concepts may seem strange at first, but it is definitely worth trying. Click on the following links to read the two articles explaining this diet. They are worth the time to read them. I alo suggest printing them out.

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Testosterone maximizing diet increase pheros

    this sounds like a variation on Dr. atkins keto diet, probably with some pro-testosterone stuff added :-) basicaly, you cut the carbs out as much as possible and eat only protein and fat. as insulin ( causes energy storage, i.e. fat formation) is at a minimum with fatty and proteinus ( is that a word?) stuff, you dont gain as much weight. fat isnt as bad for you as youd think, as it tends to raise good and bad cholesterol in equal ammounts, meaning heart problems are kept in check. Ill dig up a great NY times artticle I read a few days ago if I remeber...
    nust .. sleep now... :-)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Testosterone maximizing diet increase pheros

    This has been called a CKD, or Cyclic Ketogenic Diet. So yes, this is similar the the Atkins diet in that your bring your body to a state of Ketosis, but this diet also assumes you are a bobybuilder (more specefically, go the gym 3 times a week at least). The weekend period is where you \'carb-up\' and since your body will be in a extreme hyper-sensitivity to carbs (insulin), when you do carb up the effects is repeorted extremely similar to anabolic steriods, for this weekend period only. So there is a brief but highly accelerated anabolism in this 2 day period, where your muscles gain back everything or more than what was lost during the week. The week (M-F) period where you try for 70:30 calories from fat and protein (minimize carbs under 30g a day) acts as a fat burning period, must most importantly for us who work out, an anti-catabolic period! Thus your body is preserving lean muscle mass and using fat (body fat and dietary fat) for your energy, which is awesome, caus\' on a carb diet (when your body us running off glycogen) your body will use amino acids from muscles BEFORE using stored body fat in cases of an caloric defecit or physical activity. This is why this diet it cool.

    As mentioned if you read the Doctor\'s book, the first week period, called \'induction\' (not anything to do with math!) is a period of temporary tiredness when your body is switching from using carbs as energy to fat as energy. So for me, the first day of the diet was noticable weaker, and not \'sharp\' so to speak. The second day better, by day 3 I was energetic and \'normal\' and actually felt BETTER because I no longer was subject to insulin fluxuatoins as is neccesatated with a carb diet, which is responsible for late day tiredness, need for coffe or other stimulants, and general mood swings and other inconsistencies.

    So in answer, YES, this is similar to the Atkins diet, but this one allows for gaining of lean muscle mass simultaneously, where the Atkins diet there is no \'carb-up\' period, which will lead to eventual muscle loss (as well as fat loss which will defenitely happen with any ketosis diet consisting of less that maintence calories).

    Also thanks for the post about cholesterol levels keepoing balanced, this is usually one of the first things people use to discredit this when they find out you will be eating bacon eggs and sausage for breakfast!!! (notice the no carb anywhere in there).

    K, hope this answers some questions

  4. #4

    Default Re: Testosterone maximizing diet increase pheros

    Here ia another link that refers to the same program, and I do reccomend this to everyone, increase in natual testoserone production directly elevates confidence and mood, which is basically what the other thread about nice-guys has come down to what women want.

    But here is the link, scroll down to \'The Anabolic Diet\' section, bypassing the \'Isocaloric Diet\' section (although this also does have interseting information defenitely). To get to the diets section, click on \'Diets\'

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Testosterone maximizing diet increase pheros

    Ok I _still_ haven\'t read the stuff, but your summary sounds intresting. heres that NY times article, it includes a lot of detail about why low-carb diets may fail, why obesity in the USA is still increasing, and why fat wasent always bad for you, and still isnt...

    you need to register, but its free and only needs doing once, I think this article is worth it, its a bit long.

    oh, and while im a pro science guy, there are good and bad doctors, not everyone is more intrested in health than money, and its still in the air wether this is as good for the organs as a carb diet, but I think, at least for us relativly young people and those who work out regularly that these type of diets seem to be relativly safe.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Testosterone maximizing diet increase pheros

    btw doing a little research on this you may be intrested in this post.... =Mauro+Dipasquale


  7. #7

    Default Re: Testosterone maximizing diet increase pheros

    Awesome information, what I am noticing when I am on this diet now is the increase in natural testosterone, which is totally what girls crave, and all the specefic rule about confidence and all the tidbits of information of how to attract/seduce women fall in to place very easily as side effect of high test levels, only without the thinking and calculations..... Therefor I propose that men who naturally are good at seducing women, ie:not intimidated, confident, have naturally high testosterone levels, or at least are not doing anything to lower them like alcohol, drugs, sedintary lifestyle, poor diet, all things that contribute to lower natural testosterone levels

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