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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default Really, really . . . weird hits.

    Hi all,

    So far I have had lackluster results from using the SOE until now, although it is not quite the attention that I really want.

    This morning I put on a full packet of gel on my neck, wrists, and arms. About 10 min later I was waiting at a bus stop with the intent of catching the bus to head for my barber for a haircut. Around the corner came a dog and his owner.

    Now I thought to myself, \"Oh great, now the dog\'s gonna sniff at me and growl.\"

    Sure enough the dog started to sniff at me, but didn\'t growl at all. In fact the owner had a very hard time keeping it from running up to me. When they got closer I noticed that it was a she. After a few moments the owner able to get the dog to start walking away from me. Then the dog stoped on the grass, raised her tail straight up, presented her ass at me, and turned her head looking at me expectantly for at least 5-10 sec. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    OMG! I\'m still shaking my head over this one. Other than a extremely chatty and helpful Subway gal I haven\'t had any other interesting rxns human or otherwise today.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    the dog stoped on the grass, raised her tail straight up, presented her ass at me, and turned her head looking at me expectantly for at least 5-10 sec. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img]

    Damn, wouldnt it be nice if women were that easy to read. tsk tsk tsk

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    So guess you are REALLY convinced by now!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    Same thing happened to me when i od on PI, i went over to a freinds house and his neighbors dog, which ususally starts barking and growling thru a fence, all of the sudden became totally whiny and started trying to hump the fence...craziest damn thing i ever saw

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    I did that to a friend\'s dog. She ALWAYS tries to get out when I\'m dogsitting and have to go to work, so I put a drop of PIm on the couch. She jumped up, put her head down right there, and went to sleep. Strange but true.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    Actually I believe that human women also have this thing with pressing their butt against you when the pheros are present. I\'ve been in several situations where when wearing pheros women were inclined to do this (the most recent was at the convention I told you guys about in the Hit Squad Post) but most of the time it\'s dancing, whereas the woman will turn around and just start grinding her butt against me. Others have mentioned this too.

    -The Bat

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    Gee . . . wish this would happen to me.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    Weel, don\'t know if you consider this weird, was in a club sometime ago in Thailand. A young sweet thing walked up to me, spoke something in Thai which I could not understand, the waiter beside her explained that she wanted me to button up her blouse - she was holding a glass on one hand. She can do it by herself if she wanted to..., whshh those valley!! Is this weird or what??

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Lordosis

    It is only in the last few years that the butt-grinding on the dance floor has become acceptable; before the 90\'s it was seldom done - in public. Of course, maybe my dancing venues have gone downhill but I doubt it.

    However, women do have this \"butt presentation\" behavior where they lower their upper body, maybe arch their back stick their butt up at you and turn their head and look and maybe smile at you. Sort of \"proto-doggie style.\" This is one of the most serious sexual signals they can send - I love it! If you get that in private, a sexual experience is yours to lose.

    Technically, this is called lordosis and it is common in vertebrates. In rats, it can be stimulated by the female sniffing the male genitals. Of course, that\'s a common canine behavior too. Female rats also hop around their cages (proto-dancing?) when they\'re ovulating.

    Our animal friends can teach us a lot about humans.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Lordosis

    All I know is on the dance floor women stay arms length, they may get pretty close sometimes without the pheros, but with the pheros, especially JB #1 I get butts grinded into me and held tightly, I get phone numbers and business cards. Women will dance me through four or five songs versus the mercy dance I usually get. I probably shouldn\'t say that. I\'m pretty good on the dance floor and I\'ve had some nice times with the ladies and I\'m probably making it sound worse than it is but the difference is so noticeable. (One lady almost broke my hip the way she was slamming into me. It can get painful sometimes guys [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) Pheros makes it a whole new ball game. I just dance and let them do their thing. Why work when they do the work for you. And I\'m definitely anxious to try JB-X to see what that does for me.

    -The Bat

  11. #11

    Default Re: Lordosis

    [censored] when i wore the pheros it really started to hurt dancing with these girls! great mental feeling though

  12. #12

    Default Re: Lordosis

    Sometimes these girls try to flatten your groin into a pancake. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] but whose complaining.

    -The Bat

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    Hi all!

    Seem to be getting a lot of unwanted attention from dog lately while using SOE gel packs (the first time was one gel pack and nothing else). This time it was a pit bull wandering around across the other side of the street dragging it\'s leash. I saw the dog stop all of a sudden then started to trot across the street towards me. Holy !@#$ ! I started to run faster down the hill (really bad dog experience during childhood). After running a couple blocks I look back and still see the pit bull about a block away headed in my direction. Thinking fast I take out my PI/m and put 4-6 drops on the ground and started running down the hill once more. Looking back over my shoulder I noticed the pit bull has taken an interest in the spot of cement that I dropped the PI/m on. Phew!

    BTW, J.V. Kohl what did you put in these gel packs? You didn\'t put dog pheros in there did you? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    LoL,Hi Swinger,forgive me for laughing,but that was the funniest thing I have heard all day.Seriously,if I was in your running shoes(sorry,bad joke in more ways than one),I would feel differently.But I\'m glad that you made it out safe.Gotta give you props on your quick thinking too.Hmm,makes you wonder about those SOE gels......

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    I\'m sorry dude but that reply made my day. I laughed so hard nearly flipped outta my chair. I have several dogs in my area and I use the pheros as an early warning system. Rather then have them scare the hell outta me up close, they start barking up to 50 to 100 feet. I always use the DD1 mix when I do that but I tend to wear that combo everyday anyway. Again sorry but too funny.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Lordosis

    Whitehall, where do you get your info on body signals? A site? A particular book? Any Info would be helpful. Your \'proto-doggie position\' fact I found very interesting.

    All of the guys on here can benefit from the synergistic effect of a welcoming smile, the abiltity to read body signals, along with the \'mones.

    Please post where you obtained your info and keep up the great research! Well appreciated!

    Thank You!

  17. #17
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    Ah, cross-species comparisons (Whitehall) and reactivity (going to the dogs). Can never be too sure whether
    its the SOE or just the way it reacts with your body chemistry, but dogs tend to find many different scents
    to be of interest. Typically though, the males might best be expected to respond to a progesteronic type
    pheromone; females to a dominance pheromone like androsterone. There also is a report that an insect
    pheromone extends phylogenetically to elephants--the broadest stretch of cross-species reactivity I\'ve ever
    read about. Spoke with the study author to see whether she had plans to measure the likely testosterone
    increase in the male elephants exposed to the pheromone. She needs more funding, and a few students who
    are willing to attempt blood sample collection from the males. Get your names in quick ;-)

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    Would be even better if Asian women would do that.

  19. #19
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lordosis

    There are several books out on body language but the butt-presentation behavior of women is something I had to discover on my own in my interactions with females and then later extrapolated from reading about other species. Now, if I see it pointing towards me, I\'m really, really clear as to what\'s she\'s trying to tell me!

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    Default Body language - NLP - fast seduction

    Im going to scream down the internet here on body language NLP is a good start, you can get right into that - or you could just ask question of the forum members we have all the information around here somewhere.

    You could extend to MMA but ill keep that one my own personal little secret.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.

    This one is a keeper. I\'m laughing so hard that I have tears running down my face, and my husband thinks I\'ve rolled off the tracks. Better watch that dosage next time :-)

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Lordosis

    Hi all!

    I remember back in my college years that a T.A. of mine had this paper taped to his door with a circle on is with these words written in the circle, \"Put head here.\" For the past few hours I have been mentally banging my head on this door because of my rxn (or lack of one) to this hit that I had today.

    I was on my way home from swing class today on the bus. Over the past few hours I have pretty much lost count on how much SOE that I have rolled on and rerolled on (enough to have a pretty loose and fun class). Before making my transfer to my next bus I reapplied SOE to my arms and neck, approx 12\" total. Sitting on the other side of the bus, about 8\' away from me was this gorgeous brunette in her late 20\'s listening to her walkman. The bus was having problems with the front door so about 1/2 through my ride home the driver pulled over and everyone got out of the bus and waited for the replacement bus to come. As I waited I was listening to my MP3 player, tapping my foot to the beat, and thinking of what swing moves that I could do. The brunette was standing off to my left side next to the garbage can. When I turned to my left to glance at her a second time, she smiled at me, proceeded to lean over the garbage can with her butt towards me, flip her hair over her shoulder with a turn of her head, and looked at me expectantly. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    I was so surprised and shocked that I DIHLed at her for at least 1 min. I came to my senses too late when, with a disgusted look on her face, she walked off to the end of the block.

    (Sigh) The moral of the story is be prepared for rxns to happen anytime. Especially when you least expect it or have given up on pheros working (or both). (Sigh) I guess better luck next time. Great . . . now I have a headache . . . .

  23. #23

    Default Re: Lordosis

    When I turned to my left to glance at her a second time, she smiled at me, proceeded to lean over the garbage can with her butt towards me, flip her hair over her shoulder with a turn of her head, and looked at me expectantly.

    First off I think \"Swinger MD\" is a phat internet handle. Secondly, I don\'t mean to be crass but compare this reaction to the reaction of the dog as well as the reaction I told you guys about on the dance floor. I usually get that reaction with JB #1 if the woman is inclined to do that. I\'ve never got this reaction with anything else.

    -The Bat

  24. #24
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Lordosis

    JB#1 = JamBUTT#1

  25. #25
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Lordosis

    Hi Jambat,

    Thanks man! My carefully chosen handle says quite a lot about my favorite hobby and my change in attitude toward the dating game [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] . Second, it\'s alright. In fact that is the main reason why I posted it here.

    Anyhow I still scratching my head over this hit. I really wasn\'t expecting such an overt sexual hit with SOE. Perhaps she was a bit on the sensitive side to -rone or enough of the -nol had converted to -none.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Lordosis

    Bump [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  27. #27

    Default Re: Lordosis

    jambat: i have to tell you that JB#1 is the only thing that gives me that reaction as well...SOE makes me sleepy and all the women just look at me like im one of go figure

  28. #28

    Default Re: Lordosis

    SOE gel actually works for me with JB #1. I put JB #1 on then put SOE gel on my wrist.

    -The Bat

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Really, really . . . weird hits.


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