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  1. #1
    Enlightened One
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    Default Giggle guy theory

    Ive noticed that some guys are kept on the outer by women used to chat up and flirt with with nothing more happening and also other males use these guys as spring boards on which to boost themselves up and make themselves look good. Also the standing around and doing nothing types (my thinking is that if i stand around and look and act stupid and talk at top notch then i should get somewhere instead of trying all this other stuff which does nothing anyway.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Kinda sounds like my own observation that the jerks seem to get the females of choice, while those of us who at least *TRY* to be nice guys (see seperate thread) get what\'s left after they\'ve been damaged. You\'ve undoubtedly seen or heard \"Just because you HAVE one doesn\'t mean you gotta BE one.\" Well, maybe that\'s not entirely true...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    My new opinion is you have to be a jerk to get the women i think most jerks will agree with me and the nice guys will have to adapt

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    You don\'t actually have to act like a jerk ( or a tw@ , in English English), just don\'t seem so attainable.

    That, i think you will find, is the Holy Grail of dating related information.

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    And if all else fails then OD on none heavy products use them as a repellent and drive off all the women who are only there to fill thier own egos by flirting with men not intent on anything else only to display thier own power and to use you. Drive them off with stink and you will suffer a lot less stress trying to figure them out and being used and abused like the preverbial doormat (at last pheros have dual use repellent and attractant.)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    I think I\'m a jerk and the nicer guys are afraid of me.

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Im moving very quickly towards being more of a jerk rather than a nice guy. It avoids all the idiotic types out there who would rather just harp on and on about how bad off they are instead of \"doing\" something about it, (avoid these people at ALL COSTS)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Isin\'t that a fact of life? Who seem to be more sucessful in life? People who are nice, or people who are nasty and ruthless? This can be seen in business. So we can see a comparison of relationships and life in general.

    As far as I am concerned, if a girl wants a jerk, she can have him! But just don\'t come crawling back to me later! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Exactly or when they use you as a conversation piece and over anyalyze you to the point where they then can ignore you because they havent done anything except drag you around mentally leading you on and then nothing dumping you and ignoring you like [censored] once they have chewed through you.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    know what sucks worst of all? being a nice guy then thinking...hey i\'ll start acting like a jerk and girls with think i\'m you walk up to a hottie and slap her on the ass and then she\'s like \"i\'m gonna report you for sexual harrassment\"
    so your all worried that your gonna get expelled cuz you swear at teachers alot and the schools just looking for an excuse to botta ya so you worry for a week and the hottie never reports you. that sucks balls lol

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    I\'m a nice guy, but when wearing pheros, I\'m more confident. I think being nice goes along with having little confidence. You\'re kinda afraid of what people think about you, so you act nice. That way, you hope they\'ll be positive towards you.
    I become more of a jerk when wearing them, or beteer: less of a nice guy. And that\'s good, \'cause I tend to be too nice otherwise.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Well if i get pissed off by women I will wear pheros with OD concentrations so that they\'ll get pissed off also, in that way we are even he he he

  13. #13

    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Good idea from the twins maxi and ferro. Hey guys are you dudes brothers cause it sure looks it. Now another point be a jerk women do love it. The nice guy is well to nice they want excitement and only jerks are idiotic enough to provide that excitement so i say if you are nice become a jerk you will be much better off for it.

  14. #14
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    I gotta disagree, nice guys just gotta try a lot harder than jerks but we still can get there. Bulk up youll notice a difference. Tribulus helps heaps.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    I don\'t think it has anything to do with being a jerk or not, but rather, a jerk will GO for what they want, and the nice guy will ask for it....Or be too shy and not do anything. I think that the nice guys, should just TAKE what they want and not ask for it. If you have to ASK for it, that makes you LESS alpha male, and THEREFORE LESS attractive in the FIRST place, ACTING like a wimp because you think the girls aren\'t going to get you MAKES them not get you. That one pickup guide is good, I forget the site though. Example; you are in the bar, you see a hot chick, you go right over there and say something...You get her....You wait, and than, go over there, #1..Sub-conciously, she thinks, he should have BEEN done come over here or else he doesn\'t like me and #2, by the time you get over there, you will be in the ask mode intead of take, and you will not know WHAT to say, etc, because you doubted yourself..

    End results....For getting the girls, bussinesswise...Take what you want.

    I got a friend, that gets laid every couple weeks. Ironically, he\'s ALSO been suspended from school for sexual harassment, because, he takes what he wants, alpha male. And that\'s what the girls want, and if you don\'t believe me, about 85% of girls have rape fantasies.


  16. #16

    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    >I got a friend, that gets laid every couple weeks. Ironically, >he\'s ALSO been suspended from school for sexual >harassment, because, he takes what he wants, alpha male. >And that\'s what the girls want, and if you don\'t believe me, >about 85% of girls have rape fantasies.


    Makes me think that your friend\'s targets are mostly unwilling. *NOT COOL*. I like a powerful man as well as the next girl, but \"no\" means *NO*, and unless a guy wants my knee in his groin, he\'ll believe that and live by it.


  17. #17
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Here\'s the thing. There\'s no WAY to know. He DOESN\'T go on when they say know. You slap the girl in the ass, you get reported...Even if she says no the first time, and you don\'t do it again...(Just an example, not just slapping the girl in the a** though.) See, if it was...When the girl says NO, fine....I\'ll just do WHATEVER I want...And than, she says no, I\'ll stop. Many of them also though, say no, even when they want you to.

    And, another, sidenote.
    He hits on the ones that are most unwilling, yes, true, but than again, tell me how to KNOW who is willing or not beforehand.


  18. #18

    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    >See, if it was...When the girl says NO, fine....I\'ll just do >WHATEVER I want...And than, she says no, I\'ll stop. Many >of them also though, say no, even when they want you to.

    >And, another, sidenote.
    >He hits on the ones that are most unwilling, yes, true, but >than again, tell me how to KNOW who is willing or not >beforehand.

    As long as we live in a world where people don\'t say what they mean, and girls are brought up to think that only \"bad girls\" have sex, you won\'t know initially. Me, if I want you and you want me, let\'s go - I won\'t say no if I mean yes. But, see the margarita/aphrodisiac thread: some girls need an \"excuse\" to say yes, which is sad, but I have to wonder - do you want to take the chance that she can say you \"took advantage\" of the situation later, or would you just rather get a truly willing partner, and leave the authorities out of it?

    \"No\" *has* to mean \"no\", and you have to go on the assumption that the girl is saying what she means. If she really wants you, she won\'t let you get too far away before she changes her answer to YES.

    I realize that this is difficult. Game playing sucks, and really only keeps us all away from what we all really want: to spend the rest of our lives in bed not sleeping.


  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    There are ways to tell a real \"no\" from one that\'s just tentative.

    Many girls need a little push, or sometimes a bigger push. For instance, I find that with some girls it\'s necessary to suggest something, then not wait for her reply but just do it.

    This last 24 year old cutie I had sex with was an example. We had been kissing and were sitting on her couch with her roommate talking on the phone in the other room.

    I said \"hmm... let\'s go to your room\".

    She said \"why should we go to my room?\"

    I said \"well, it\'s quieter there, you can show me the view, we can lie on your bed...\"

    She didn\'t make a move, so after a couple of seconds I said \"let\'s go,\" and got up. We went to her room.

    Then we were in her room on the bed, kissing, and I started to take off her clothes. She said \"I don\'t know if we should be doing this...\"

    I said \"we should\", smiled, and kissed her, and continued taking off her clothes... and that was that.

    Now if the girls\' not responding when you do this, or is struggling, or is trying to get away, or doesn\'t seem into it, then you HAVE to back off.

    But if she\'s saying no while her body\'s responding to you, go for it: if she says no, but then when you kiss her or touch her she seems really into it.

    I think there are a few parts of the brain that are in conflict in such situations. The part that\'s talking is her superego or some rational part of the brain, saying \"no\". But the part of her brain that\'s controlling her body is just getting hornier and hornier. Eventually you can break down the resistance of the part that\'s talking if the other parts are with you.

    If her body doesn\'t want me, I can\'t go for it (and neither should you).

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Great advice folks. There are some concerns with regards to rape but MOST women dont know what they want. So take the above advice if she is saying no then you should almost always take no. But if she says nothing and the body is going along then go for it. Or just ignore them that pissses them off and then they rape you or use the fastseduction tips on making her chase you. They work most of the time.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    I\'m going to quote Ross Jeffries on this one (

    \"Women are UNCERTAIN about they want, so you have to ACT CERTAIN that being with you is the best possible choice that they could make.\"

  22. #22
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Giggle guy theory

    Those basic assumptions with ross jeffries are spot on women dont know what they want until they have it already.

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