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  1. #1

    Default still looking for the right product...

    Hello All,
    I was thinking about buying another phero product. Right now I have
    SOE, NPA, PI/m, PI/w, APC. and I\'ve tried mixing all of these in various forms. I\'ve also had some subtle hits with each of these, but I guess I\'m still looking for the right product. Don\'t get me wrong I have nothing bad to say about any of these products, and am still experimenting with them. But I was thinking of buying AE. Does anyone have any suggestions. I have heard mixed reviews on this product. But I am a bit confused. Maybe there is a thread out there that I missed. Is AE a good buy for a 23 year old guy. I know that is a trite question but any suggestions would be great [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: still looking for the right product...

    I trust you have tried DD#1? That is a very good mix for younger users.

    Also, read the material on:


  3. #3

    Default Re: still looking for the right product...

    Thanks...yes I have tried DD#1, but I\'m not sure I applied the \"right\" amount. Do you guys have any suggestions on how many dabs to apply.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: still looking for the right product...

    ALright i invented this so ill give you what i apply. Put the mix into an empty bottle of SOE and then use that and apply 3-4 swipes (5 cm each) 2 around the neck 1 on the back of neck and half a one behind each ear seems to work well.

  5. #5
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: still looking for the right product...

    AE is one of the best, as it has all the pheromones in one place and smells mellow enough to mix with some things. To perfect AE, I suspect we should add some more none or nol, as well as miscellaneous other pheromones to complete the effect. For sexual hits, I like to combine it with the Edge, also one of the best, which adds none and gives it a range of other pheromones. Perhaps you should combine this mix with a nol product, such as attraction, SP oils or SOE to refine it even more. SP is cheapest. AE and Edge are on sale in the forum club page. AE/Edge/SP should be a very effective combo, then, and is pretty cheap for how complete it is. Only problem here is not knowing how much nol is in the SP oils. I have yet to try SP, so I\'ll chime in with my verdict in a few days.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: still looking for the right product...


    You’ve already built up quite a collection. IMO the only thing missing is the chem kit. If all you’re getting so far is “subtle hits”, the most you can expect with other products is subtly different hits.

    For all products, it often takes time to figure out the right dosage, where to apply, when to reapply, how to act, what to look for... It takes me about a month to get comfortable with a particular mix or product.

    Maybe you could get better results by working with just JB1 for a while. Start with a light formula... maybe 9:1 APC:NPA ... and gradually add small amounts of NPA until you notice a peak effectiveness.

    If your \"peak\" isn\'t all that, maybe you could work on your self. You never know what subtle change could tilt the scales in your favor. It might be greater confidence, a slimmer waist, or just a brighter smile.

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