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Thread: Children

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
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    Default Children

    I am wondering about wearing phero\'s around my kids. My sons and I seem to be very \"keyed in\" to each others smells. When I am with my sons (9 & 12) I\'ll give them a hug, and smell their hair...somthing about their smell just says \"these are my kids\"! I love their smell. They will also do the same to me when we are sitting on the couch together or somthing. One of them will stick his nose in my hair and say \"awww you smell like my Dad!\" (So cute)
    Here is my concern, they seem so in tune with my smell, I feel somehow not right about wearing phero\'s around them.(changing my scent) Yet many times when I am out and about, and can meet girls, they are with me. Anyone else have this concern? Any experiences?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Children

    i have two daughters, one under 10, one a teenager. With SOE, they seem more relaxed, the teenage daughter, opens up to me and talks more. i have only tried TE and JB#1 a few times. Both girls have said \"whats that smell\", and seem a little jumpy around me. So mostly been sticking to SOE around the house. Now wife is opposite, she doesnt notice the none, but when i first started to wear SOE, she was going \"whats that smell\". I beleive she is picking out the -rone in SOE

  3. #3

    Default Re: Children

    so guys what does this tell us??
    never to have children [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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