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  1. #1

    Default Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One


    One small drop on my right arm. One small drop on my left. One drop behind my ears. One drop
    wiped around my neck, followed by a few sprays of CK One on each area.

    I\'m 20, 5\'8, 190 lbs, stout build. Goatee.

    I came, I saw, and I have this fleeting suspicion that I made that whole bookstore very nervous.
    It was two days since the little bottle had came, dabbed a drop on both arms, and learned just
    how easily women can pick it up. My aunt was appalled by it, she said it had an intense ammonia
    like smell, a combination of cat urine and body odor. My 14 year old sister could also smell
    it, but less intensely (for some reason this has still yet to be explained). By the second day,
    she had already had it with me, complaining of headaches whenever she was around me and the overwhelming smell whenever she stepped into my room, which I was completely unaware of.

    Borders Books & Music was the place for this first test. Its an ideal location: the air is thin and
    the temperature hovers around 73f, allowing excellent transfer of smells. The variety of targets,
    and the fact the many isles allow you to stand next to or initiate a conversation with basically
    any target without being obvious.

    First Attempt. I spotted two females, a middle-aged woman and a younger one, around 18, at
    the Travel section muttering things to themselves. Both were overweight and ugly, but I
    briskly passed them anyway, and positioned myself at an ajoining isle and pretended to scan books.
    No stares. No instant perking or locking of eyes, no fidgeting around, no reaction whatsoever.
    Nothing to indicate I was the biggest, hairyest, smelliest, and therefore sexiest domesticated
    primate at Borders that day. I turn around, and proceed to walk away, just then, I hear something
    fall. I turn around again. The younger one had dropped the book. I continue walking, barely able to
    contain my laughter. Was the Primal Instinct the culprit? She didn\'t seem to be aware of me. There
    was no lock-on effect. I don\'t consider this a valid reaction, but notable nonetheless.

    Second attempt. I make a few passes at a tall 20\'ish female employee. Zero. Zilch. I go up and
    initiate a conversation about an application (hahahaha!), remembering to keep a positive,
    friendly, earnest disposition. Her manner is perfectly normal. We proceed to front desk and
    she hands me an application. After 20 seconds of small-talk, as she addresses another
    customer, I hear her apologise that \"I\'m sorry, my mind is somewhere else\" fumbling with
    the computer. Was Primal breaking her concentration? Where was her mind? In my pants?
    If it was, she wasn\'t about to let me know it.

    Third attempt. I spot a tall thin punk/gothchick in the childrens books section, about 18, toying
    with a talking book. I pass her. No reaction. Later, as I\'m sitting on the couch, she passes me two
    times from 10 feet away, each time eyeing me briefly. Eventually, she takes a seat ajacent to
    me, but leaves after her mother calls her. I still can\'t tell whether the Primal is working or

    Third attempt. I pass a young woman in her 20\'s in the self-help section. I stand nearby, and
    she walks away. She does this a second time when I get close. An hour later, I do this a third
    time, she briefly looks directly at me, then leaves. Its confusing how it seems to have
    some kind of effect, but nobody is aware of it. Moreover, nobody is aware of me.

    Fourth attempt: I notice a large, middle-aged Jewish woman in the occult section with her
    husband on the other side of the isle talking to her. She seems outgoing, so I walk around to
    the side of the isle she\'s on. After a few moments mulling over books, I start up a conversation.

    \"Ever read this one?\", I point to a black book. She responds by saying, \"He\'s a cool guy\", and
    she continues to talk. She is normal, relaxed, she tells me she practices numerology and is a
    \'consultant\', I notice nothing out of the ordinary in her mannerisms except she seems almost
    spaced-out as she remarks about different points of view. No prolonged eye-contact, warmpth,
    but I get the feeling she wants to chat.

    Probably the most notable reaction was from an overweight, middle-aged woman who I
    previously passed and overheard mentioning Alabama (and who I tried to avoid passing
    a second time - she talked like Forrest Gump). She asks me if I\'m looking for something,
    because \"I look like I am\". She is new, and I inform her that I\'ve been a customer for 3
    years. She introduces herself, extending her hand, which I shake. I try to break off the chat
    when I see a much more attractive target heading towards the music section, but she
    continues. I end it with a polite thank you.

    Fifth attempt: I approach the fairly screwable 20-something in shorts and a red shirt, and
    pass by her. She walks away towards the entrance.

    Observations so far: The predominant reaction isn\'t attraction. The two women that I did notice
    somewhat of a reaction, the punk and the employee from Alabama, I would class in the \"masculine\" catagory - e.g, women that might find alpha males, or aggressive and combative than \'sensitive\',
    intelligent, or introspective men, attractive.

    I don\'t know whether i\'m overdosing or not because absolutely no outward change in people was
    noticed, except maybe an increased willingness to talk. One thing I did notice was that my
    self-confidence felt oddly elevated, despite the lack of reaction.. I felt raunchy, expressive
    and loud. Later, I felt an increased sex drive.

    I\'ve read reports with combinations using NPA/APC (ala JB#1) and SOE, but very little about
    Primal Instinct, yet its considered one of the most effective formulations. From reading the
    reports, the former seem to put you in a much different air around people than wih Primal

    Am I incorrect in assuming woman who find the star quarterback, the sweaty, unkept,
    rock star, the sports hero, the professional wrestler, are the ones who react positively
    to an androstenone-laced male? In any case, further experimentation is required.

    Regarding JB#1, I\'m suprised nobody has used a 80% Nol 20% None combination. Suffice it
    to say:

    Nol = James Bond, Will Smith.
    None = Silvester Stallone, Steven Segal.

    Oh well, just my $70.

    - Louis

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Emerald City, Evergreen State
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One

    Hi LouisMJ,

    Welcome to the forum! As to ODing with PI/m, I think you may have. In my trials with PI/m it took me a while to figure out some interesting things. The recomended dose of 2 drops is a very good starting dose. I remember when I first put it on I got no immediate rxn so I start to add more and more drops.

    A while back there was this subject being bounced around the forum about how long it takes for a oil based product like PI/m to work vs alcohol based products. Lately the discussion has progessed from being whether it takes time to mix with own body chemistry to be more effective or it was first an OD then as the hours went by the concentration of -none coming off your skin was the perfect hit concentration. I am thinking that it is most likely the latter since I have also been experimenting with APC a weaker -none products and have got noticable hits right out of the bottle. But I haven\'t gotten the wild hits that I got from wearing 2 drops of either RM or PI/m waiting at least I hour to dissapate to a killer concentration.

    My suggestion use less and maybe experiment with diluting PI/m.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One


    Yeah, I think you OD\'d a bit. Been there; done that myself. Still do it sometimes, just to mess with people.

    ANYWAY, try cutting back to like two drops, one on each side fo the neck, and smear them around a bit with the backs of your hands / wrists.

    What I found to be the scariest part of the whole story was: \"a tall thin punk/gothchick in the childrens books section.\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One

    since you are 20 and i am too, i wouldn\'t use PI/m at all...i had it but returned it...instead spend that 70 bucks to buy either APC or SoE...

    i have gotten amazing definite hits wearing a lot of SoE alone or with a hint on NONE (from npa) and also SoE with APC with TE or NPA. SoE and APC both smell nice...try using both of the products as standalone (use a lot of it at a tiem), and if you have money for NPA, add a little bit of that too...i really think that should work cuz it\'s worked for me

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One

    In my experience, Primal Instinct should be called Primal Fear. When I use 1 drop people change, 2 drops and some people are shaking in my presence. Others jump away from me if I come near in a coffee shop line or something. Waiters almost crawl to my table and set my drink down gently on the table and then practically bow away from the table, moving backwards. I am 32 by the way, and basically look like a rock musician. My conclusion is that I intimidate the [censored] out of people when I use any of the heavy -none stuff, so I am pretty much cutting it out.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One

    But you gotta admit that can be a lot of fun! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    My understanding is that if someone already knows you, they won\'t be affected. Not much, anyway, but the idea that you can be out with someone, and have people treat you like the REAL Count Dracula (setting things down quietly, backing away, etc.) is a mind-blower!

    Just cut back on the dose... Maybe do the \"dab-on-the-finger\" bit and smear it around.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One

    >Hi LouisMJ,

    >A while back there was this subject being bounced around the forum about how long it takes
    >for a oil based product like PI/m to work vs alcohol based products. Lately the discussion has
    >progessed from being whether it takes time to mix with own body chemistry to be more
    >effective or it was first an OD then as the hours went by the concentration of -none coming
    >off your skin >was the perfect hit concentration.

    Come to think of it, the two peculiar reactions were after about an hour. Actual detection
    is what puzzles me: If a female cannot detect the smell below the cologne, is the
    androstenone just as active, but not conciously smelt? It seems in order to provoke
    a reaction, a female has to get a direct whiff of it.

    >I am thinking that it is most likely the latter since I have also >been experimenting
    >with APC a weaker -none products and have got noticable hits right out of the bottle.

    I imagine some other formulations blend better with body chemistry. Primal Instinct
    is just straight up. Sort of like comparing Rum with Vodka. Both may have the same
    volume of alcohol, but are characteristically different.

    >But I haven\'t gotten the wild hits that I got from wearing 2 drops of either RM or
    >PI/m >waiting at least I hour to dissapate to a >killer concentration.

    Androstenone is a direct sexual trigger. The effect is very imposing. The keyword in the air
    when you pass is: sex, mating. It forces any thought-associations with those two to the
    surface. Whether we like to admit it or not, many of our thoughts carry sexual undertones
    in public. When they are forced to the surface in such a sudden and blatant way I can see
    how it can make people very uncomfortable, hostile, submissive, or very turned on.

    One subtle attitude change I noticed was that whenever someone got a whiff of it they
    seemed to be sorting their thoughts out. I certainly had enough on to cover a 12 foot radius.
    That said, Primal is an incredibly consistent product, it does exactly what the name
    implies. Personally, I felt like I was regressing back a few hundred thousand years.
    I\'m very balanced in social situations, if a little businesslike. When I wore this stuff,
    my sexual urges are present, but feel under control, and rather than feeling defensive
    (Will she like me?), wearing Primal, I felt assertive, offensive, almost aggressive around
    anyone I was attracted to, and very impatient around anyone I wasn\'t. This had nothing to
    do with a perceived result.

    On the subject of other formulations, I notice that Alter Ego has none, nol, and another
    pheremone, androsterol. This looks like a big step in the right direction - yet hardly
    anything conclusive about it has been posted. Scent Of Eros is consistently effective
    by itself in one way or another as a social magnet, according to reports. Mixed with
    NPA it has resulted in some spectacular hits from some of the reports on this forum.
    It\'s interesting the dipolar effect none and nol containing formulations have.

    >My suggestion use less and maybe experiment with diluting PI/m.

    Primal Instinct is tricky, but when used with a little intuition, I think can be
    extremely powerful. After buying Primal, I\'m hooked. There are few things you
    can apply on yourself for $70 that do this much. I hope they stay legal.

    This week, I\'m going to experiment with several other things:

    - Addrsesing the \"Godfather Effect\". Seeing if people becoming friendly in a
    submissive way as soon as I become accepting and not \'threatning\'.

    - Seeing how two or three drops interact with people being slightly sweaty,
    after an hour of jogging.

    One thing I can conclude: pheremones are just sheer fun to experiment with.
    I\'ve bought pheremones in the past (Pure Instinct) and didn\'t do a thing. Even
    if Primal doesn\'t draw women in, the strange, uncanny mood-lift is enough
    for me to keep it.

    I definitely plan on using an NPA/SOE combination based on these crazy
    hit (sex) reports.

    - Louis

  8. #8

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One

    >But you gotta admit that can be a lot of fun!

    One of the funnest aspects is sharing experiences. I\'ve been devouring everything on
    this forum for the past 3 weeks.

    >My understanding is that if someone already knows you, they won\'t be affected.

    Very true. Androstenone works strongly on the interpretation of the \"stranger\" aspect with other
    people, and you walk a fine-line between intimidating and stimulating. Being visibly passive
    and open is a must with normal people. Aggressive women are probably another story.

    > Not much, anyway, but
    >the idea that you can be out with someone, and have people treat you like the REAL Count
    >Dracula (setting things down quietly, backing away, etc.) is a mind-blower!

    I just hope they don\'t become as popular as cologne.

    >Just cut back on the dose... Maybe do the \"dab-on-the-finger\" bit and smear it around.

    I took a shower immediately prior to applying four drops and going out, so ti had no chance to
    interact with body chemistry.

    - Louis

  9. #9

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One

    >since you are 20 and i am too, i wouldn\'t use PI/m at all...i had it but returned it...instead spend that 70 bucks
    >to buy either APC or SoE...

    >i have gotten amazing definite hits wearing a lot of SoE alone or with a hint on NONE (from npa) and also
    >SoE with APC with TE or NPA. SoE and APC both smell nice...try using both of the products as standalone
    >(use a lot of it at a tiem), and if you have money for NPA, add a little bit of that too...i really think that should
    >work cuz it\'s worked for me.

    Awesome. I wonder how SOE and Primal would interact. Primal allegedly has other things added to the
    formulation. I\'m sold on the SOE. As far as using the NPA as a androstenone catalyst, why is it so
    popular? Cost? Is there something that stands out in the formulation?

    Suiting your image as well as your demenior to the pheremone ratio used can be a good thing to keep in
    mind. Thinking back, I can see how those two played a big part.

    - Louis

  10. #10
    Phero Pro
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    May 2002
    Emerald City, Evergreen State
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5x Unscented - Day One


    \"One subtle attitude change I noticed was that whenever someone got a whiff of it they seemed to be sorting their thoughts out. \"
    Hmm. . . . Yes I have noticed this too. Perhaps it takes a lot of time to process a response. Maybe this is the reason why it usually takes an hour to get really wild hits. Then again there are a lot of other variables in the mix. Public place vs. social place (public busses vs. clubs), your physical build appearence, subject\'s prefferences, and the list goes on. . . .

    \">My suggestion use less and maybe experiment with diluting PI/m.
    Primal Instinct is tricky, but when used with a little intuition, I think can be extremely powerful. After buying Primal, I\'m hooked. There are few things you can apply on yourself for $70 that do this much.\"
    My thoughts here where that since I got subtle hits when wearing lots of APC (concentration 0.05mg/ml), and that I had to wait an hour to get wild hits with PI/m and RM(both 0.5mg/ml) that the ideal concentration (at least for me) is somewhere in between.

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