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Thread: off the sub

  1. #1

    Default off the sub

    off the subject, for all you guys that are like 18 or so how much can u bench press and do u think u have a good looking chest. just wondering cause i just got done working out and im pretty skinny 160 but i can bench 180 but im not hard looking or nothing. lol im just bored and if u are too i guess you will reply lol

  2. #2

    Default Re: off the sub

    im very into my bodybuilding and im in brilliant shape. Heres the fundamentals you must do correctly, unless you wont get the full benefit.
    1. exercise each body part on seperate days, e.g. biceps monday, quads tuesday, triceps wednesday etc
    2. correct execution of lifting is ESSENTIAL, you must get this right unless it will not increase muscle mass. e.g. when performing a bicep curl your elbows must stay pinned to your waist, and MUST NOT MOVE AT ALL. there should be no swaying.
    3. you should feel the burn after 6 reps and must reach failure around 12 reps, so make the weight perfect for this job. muscle mass only accurs when your arms burn, this is due to muscle fibres snapping, so during your recovery period they will grow back thicker and stronger. SLEEP LOADS, THIS IS THE MAIN TIME YOUR MUSCLES GROW, GET AT LEAST 8 HOURS IN
    4. exercise no longer than 1 HOUR
    5. if your just training for muscle tone you should only need the essential foods, so eat lots of protein and carbs, about 4:1 during worh out day, and 2:1 on rest days.
    5. if you going for serious muscle, you must take supplements, vitamin tablets r a must, and than whey protein and creatine. after 6 months you should be taking gleutine. should give more in depth info

    By the way ive seen people your age bench amazing amounts of weight, but have very small muscles, this is because they dont get the correct form, thus they distribute the weight across several muscles, which is basically cheating. If you want to do it right, get your form right, and leave your ego outside the gym, your see the benefits very quickly

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Quote Ace:
    5. if you going for serious muscle, you must take supplements, vitamin tablets r a must, and than whey protein and creatine. after 6 months you should be taking gleutine.

    Ouch !
    The only things proven to be really effective are steroids and HGH\'s. I wouldn\'t recommend the use of them, no, I dare everyone to stay away from them. Well ok some ppl (me included) have some sucess with creatine but that\'s imho because the creatin layed in your muscles provide some more time till you are totally exhausted.

    Vitamin Tabs are imho quite useless stuff, swedish scientists have proven already 1999 that bioflavinoids play an essential role in making the vitamins available for the metabolism and cellsystem. Eating lots of fresh fruits is much more benefical, cheaper and much tastier [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img].

    I am not a bodybuilder, never was actually, <ok... I deleted what I did/I am doing here, don\'t like to write stuff like that> Most ppl overdose on vitamins and/or other supplements. In most cases it\'s not dramatical but in some cases ppl are experiencing problems with longtime use. Pumping proteins totally blind in their bodies or overdoing it with creatine (most problems occur with the skin, in some cases even with inner organs such as liver, kidney or even heart)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: off the sub

    i am 22, and best bench is like 205 for 2 reps. I started with free weights (off and on) at about 16. I have been lifting regularly(4 times a week or so) since I joined a gym about 8 months ago. Some tips I have are
    1)FORM is way more important than poundage. Push yourself (not to much) but maintain correct form. When bench pressing make sure your back is flat against the bench. DON\'T let the weight bouch off your chest, and move the bar up and down in a medium to slow pace.
    2)Make sure you get enough days of rest. Rest is at least as important as working out. So that means days off and plently of rest each night. Try to limit your workouts to an hour or less (esp. if your natural, like me) Steriods and other hormones work but at price to your body.
    3)As far as supplements go they can be good, but cannot replace real food. I only take whey protein(more BCAA\'s) after I work out (with a high glymeic carb like sugar, which I believe is only permissiable after workout because your body needs nutrition NOW!) I use creatine and glutamine also but only because I have so much, I have read that you only absorb like 30% which is why you have to load that stuff.
    4)Machines and Pulleys have their place in a good workout but the majority of the workout (like 80%) should come from free weights. The compound movements (like squats, dead\'s, bench presses, rows, etc.) make you more powerful and add muscle mass, which in turn will boost your metabolism and burn fat. And split bodyparts up (for me I do chest,shoulders one day, back and traps. another day, arms (forearms, biceps, triceps) another day, thighs(guad\'s, glutes, hams and calfs) another day.

    Sorry for the long post. Just to show that is not totaly off the subject, I would just to say that a gym is probably a good place to try pheros. There are ususally lots of fine females in their.

    PS-To put more on your bench (and make your pecs more shaply esp. @ the top where the pecs meet the anterior head of the deltoid) try focusing on inclines. I read somewhere that the upper pecs are respoisble for like 80% of your lifting power which is what inclines focus on. Also work your legs, because that will stimulate more muscle and more test. and will send you up on a sprial of muscle gain.

  5. #5

    Default Re: off the sub

    oh my god, the people that just did the last two replys no NOTHING, your a mr know it all, who actually doesnt know anything.
    Im a fitness instructor, and i am also massively built, i know what im talking about as i have seen the proof. You sound like someone that just lifts weight for strength and a tiny amount of muscle definition. If you want your body ripped, you must take vitamin tablets as they are a vital part in muscle recuperration, and whey protein is another must, as normally most people dont intake enough protein to repair the damage.
    Get your facts correct before replying

  6. #6

    Default Re: off the sub

    oh i missed a bit!!!!!
    For the person who dissed creatine. Id do your research if i was you, because what you said, means you dont even know how it works.
    Putting it very basically, creatine gets into your muscle cells and absorbs water, thus giving the impression that your muscles are bigger, ( most give it up after a week or two, because they think they are putting on weight, sad people ) but in fact, after several weeks of use, and without being scientifical here, the cells turn the water into muscle.
    So Mr whatever your name is, get your facts right

  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Hmmm, I like creatine, but please describe the mechanism how the human body would turn water into muscles. This seems to be a knew scientifiy infomation

    Creatine is build in human bodies in the liver from glycine, methinoine and arginie it\'s saved afterwards in the muscle-cells as creatinephosphate. Methinoine is an essential aminoacid and needs to be intaken by food or supplements in order to pruduce creatine.
    I could write a 20 page essay on ATP now, but to keep this short, creatine is mainly used to fill up the ATP (energy carrier) in the human body, because it\'s the fastest way to get it recharged. As soon as the creatinephosphate reserves in the human body are emptied the body needs to use other material such as fat or even muscle material in hardest cases to fill the ATP with energy again. The sole purpose of adding creatine to your food is to fill the ATP quicker with energy and not loosing fat or even muscle mass in order to fill it again. The recovery period is much shorter and you just have more stamina and won\'t exhaust your muscles too fast. It\'s important that you ingest the creatin together with grape juice or pure dextrose at least in order to make it available to the body. The water inlay in the muscles is just a side effect.

    The only benefit of adding proteins to your food is that supplements are purine and cholesterine free. That could be a little problem while trying to add it with your allday food ingestion.

    Vitamintabs are still useless even if you said 200 times they are good for something, the only thing that might make sense is to add some Vitamin E (Tokopherole).

    No Brain No Pain

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: off the sub


    Okay, since you\'re the fitness instructor, I\'ll go with you on this one.

    Why do totally unrelated things on different days? I could see doing bench presses and incline presses on different days, but to do, say biceps and quads on different days doesn\'t make sense to me...

    I\'m looking to burn of the pouch and paunch, increase strength AND get cut, esp. abs (DUH!). I\'m using my Bowflex presently, 3-4 times per week, for about 3 hours at a time. I\'m putting everything into each routine, road-to-roof. Also, I do 3 sets of 10 for most things, though with butterflies, and a couple of others, I do 2 sets of 20. Oh yeah -- Also 30 seconds each of crunches and leg-lifts, a la Tony Little\'s Ab routine.

    I was under the impression that more reps, though at a somewhat lower weight will burn more fat and yield a more cut appearance.

    Thanks much!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Ace is actually right. The creatine causes the muscles to swell with water which in turn bring in more protein to build muscle. The water itself does not turn into the muscle.


  10. #10

    Default Re: off the sub


    Working out is a good thing. But unless you are hardcore suppliments will do u little good..i mean u can spend u\'r money on them..but the first 6 months to a yr of BodyBuilding and not just working out, no need for extra supplimentation, normal diet more than adequate. Those Muscle mags will have u believe they can sell u their voodoo magic formula. The only sup I have found to be benificial is Creatine. Buy it powdered unflavored...and ingest with a bit of glucose or fuctose..this seems to help big time...HGH releasers are a waste of everyones money. Unless u can get real HGH itself....Expensive. Steroids...well to each their own..but the a double edged sword...played with them all overseas. If u r gonna do ...USE CAUTION and really watch yourself....and do not stack for your first outing....roids are a dangerouse thing....u never know how your body will react with androgens...from high blood pressure to Crones is really a gamble.


  11. #11
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Ace, what damage are you talking about when you say proteins are needed to repair it ?
    But I agree with you that lots of people doing training are taking not enough proteins without supps. But wouldn\'t it be wiser to plan the food you eat, than compensating it with supps ?

  12. #12

    Default Re: off the sub

    from seeing the evidance from some people that use roids, the main downsides are acne, very bad mood swings, and last but not least, you winkle gets smaller, if that dont put you off i dont know what will.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: off the sub

    You\'ve forgotten heart problems after longtime use and the possibility to get a heartattack because the heart is growing too.

  14. #14

    Default Re: off the sub

    replying to rjm

    whatever physical appearance your after, yoiu should still only exercise for 60-90 minutes max. if you go over this your getting no added benefit, but using up all your bodys energy thus having less for your next workout.

    The reason for seperating your body parts for diiferent days is simple. e.g. once youve worked out your biceps, it will be increasingly difficult to work the triceps afterwards, as you will have less energy in your arms, thats why you do them on a seperate day, for example bieps monday and triceps thursday this gives your arms to recuperate. my suggestion is to do legs one day, arms another, torso next etc If your strapped for time during your week, it would be a good idea to do legs and arms on the same day.

    Remember when sleeping, your muscles grow, not when you have worked out.

    From what you have said you want to lose weight, my advice would be to do 30 mins of cardio a day, 3 times a week. Weights should be only used to the minimum, because if you do to much exercise, it can be hazardus.

    Heres a really good tip, if your doing cardio for exaple running, make sure your fully clothed, this allows you to burn more fat. Eat well, and remember, after a week or two, when you see the stomach flattening its not cause your losing extreme amounts of weight its coz your losing lots of water, so drink lots to stay healthy

    if this sounds a bit rushed, its because it was, so sorry if its a bit un helpful [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #15

    Default Re: off the sub

    heartattacks are very rare, i suggest, never use them, stay natural. its the best way

  16. #16
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Look here the guy asked about how much can you bench which to me means he is asking more about power. I also take whey protein (if you read the post you would have know that) I am just saying that supplements should NOT take the place of real food. I eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight a day which for me is 180 grams. I also agree with the multivitiam, which I also take. Creatine works, but you have to take so much of it (well the white powered stuff anyway) because it is absorb so poorly by digestive system. And before the guy gets ripped he needs to add a few pounds of muscle, which is why I suggested the compound free weight exercises.

    So read my post before you critique it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: off the sub

    just to clear things up. really all i meant to ask is basically are u buff and if so how much can u bench. there is no way in hell im taking steroids, ive done creatine b4 its how i got up high but i came down a little to 180 bench after 2 weeks of not taking it, but im still going up. i do take a multivitamin and i eat 6 times a day full of protein and i make my own protein shakes. i dont want to lose weight i want to get up too about 180 at least and my bench above 200 in a couple months and ill be very happy. and i know i can do it. i think thats it. thanks for all of the replys though

  18. #18
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: off the sub

    I\'ve never really thought that how much one could lift or press was all that important a metric. If one has a good set of muscles, well toned and with decent cardio and flexibility, then looks were good enough. I\'ve never meet a buff-looking weakling! I\'ve a pretty strong fellow and don\'t see any need to get stronger while getting better looking has its rewards!

    As to creatine, my experience was that it was great for giving my muscles a temporary lumpiness that did impress some females. It faded quickly once the creatine was discontinued. Personally, my goal is to look more like a Greek God or Michelanglo\'s David rather than Jesse Ventura. Balance is important, as in most things.

    That said, I found that transdermal use of 4-androstendiol was very effective as an adjunct in adding muscle building while lifting weights. But note that I\'m 50 and I don\'t think it is appropriate for younger guys, say under 35. It can cause thinning hair and your nipples can tingle so BE CAREFUL!!!! The best products I\'ve found are Medlean\'s AndroSports Creme (with anti-estrogens) and Biotest\'s Androsol Spray. Another downside is one adds fat too so those great muscles you work so hard to create get covered in a layer of blubber that has to be \"cut\" to lower your body fat ratio.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Ok, I have read enough about this, I think I am finally going to get some protein and creatin supplements. I am 20 and working out for 2 years and in the beginning I made some progress, but the last months I am not moving forward anymore, so maybe its time for some extra aids.

    I am about 185 lbs at 6\"5, so I can do with some extra pounds/muscle.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Andro 4.2 is good for having higher energy levels which allow for the workouts to go for longer also.

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast
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    O.K. all I\'m going to say on this is that if you want to get in shape, add another forum to your daily reading list and take a look at the forums.

    Oh, and 1-test is much better than all the other prohormones, Its basicaly a legal steroid , and has none of the gyno ( breast tissue growth) problems that some prohormones and steroids can have. Steroids are like any drug, you abuse them and the reprocussions can be serious, but if you know what your getting into the risks are minimal ( and at least with these the results are still relativly slow to occur and few people become stupidly addictid to seeing themselves get bigger in the mirror, although it can happen.)

  22. #22

    Default Re: off the sub

    although it does allow you to go exercising for longer, its not what you want to take if ur going for muscle, coz to get muscle you snap fibres, and if you have a lot of energy you will probably be over working the muscles and not working them hard enough.
    Id suggest buying a product that increases the amount of motor neurones going from the brain to the muscle. put simply, a tablet that gives you more determination to lift the weight, even if you feel you cant lift it, thus giving you more of a burn in your arms and snapping fibers

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Thanks much! Actually it was quite helpful. I think it means I can do less work for the desired outcome, which is good, since I do tend to get a bit strapped for time.

    As for the cardio, I am going to get back into my old Martial Arts excercises; that was a period of EXTREME sweating, which is good, and seriously increased flexibility.

    I\'m probably wasting a lot of time doing seated rows + regular rowing + leg presses (as an example)... I admit I LOVE the feeling afterward, however; hot, sweaty, (settle down, boys! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) and feeling completely wiped out -- but in a good way.

    One thing did confuse me though: \"because if you do to much exercise, it can be hazardus. \" Is this just because the muscles don\'t have the required time to grow back?

    Thanks again!

  24. #24
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: off the sub

    Ok to clear some things up.

    no link possible:,5936,4651123%255E911,00.html


    I\'ll search for Tribulus and Goatweed as soon as I have a little more time.

    I\'ve just been a little bugged
    Jugde yourself

  25. #25

    Default Re: off the sub

    yes rjm, to much work means to much tearing of muscle, which means you may become ill over time

  26. #26
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: off the sub

    This theory is not proven Ace. There is a theory that microfissures of the muscle tissue cause the side effects. But it could also be the higher concentration of acids in the tissue caused by overtraining.
    If you really tear a muscle you won\'t become ill over time, you\'ll suffer pain like in hell instantly. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

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