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Thread: Redheads

  1. #1
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    Default Redheads

    Has anyone gotten any memorable hits from redheaded women, especially in the 18-25 age bracket? Which pheromones were you using? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


  2. #2

    Default Re: Redheads

    The only redhead hits I\'ve had were with AE. Two points thought- AE is all I had for awhile, and I don\'t run into reds that often.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Redheads

    The only hit I\'ve gotten from a redhead was at a doctors office.
    She was a nurse and was being \"too friendly\". I was wearing PI/w mixed with NPA at a 7:3 ratio. I applyed 3 dabs of it. On another occasion I wore SOE mixed with NPA at a 7:3 ratio and applyed over
    5 daps. Her reaction wasn\'t anything special though. She was just friendly and looked like she was nervous around me.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Redheads

    I\'m not quite sure why redheads would respond to \'mones any different than blondes or brunettes etc.

    Anyway, I can\'t think of any natural redheads giving me hits, but I have a bunch from a beautiful girl with her hair dyed red (but her natural color is dark brown).

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Redheads seem to not react much at all

    One thing i have noticed is that redheads do not react very well at all to synthetic pheromones actually they dont seem to react at all to me now taht i think about it it seems a lot strange. MMM more things to think about.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Redheads seem to not react much at all

    One of my targets that I am attempting to pursue is this gorgeous redhead that I run into at work every so often in the halls. Anyhow once I recive my order I will be trying step things up and wear some diluted -none mixes into work. Haven\'t had very much luck with two drops of the concentrated stuff, in fact everyone seems a bit tense and quiet around me at work when I do this.

    Anyhow I think I have a chance since just about every time we pass by each other we make eye contact and smile. Not sure is the SOE that I wear at work sometimes is working on her. In fact I seem to run into her when I don\'t have any mones on. Anyhow since my last day is next Tuesday (being laid off so expect me to be posting on mones and job interviews soon) I\'ll see if I can step up pursuit.

    As for the past (pre-mones) I seem to have a lot of luck in intially attracting redheads (doesn\'t last). In fact there was this one very unusual day in which a redhead, blonde, and asian all hit on me all in one day. Now that I look back, I\'m wondering if my natural mone signiture was really high that day.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Redheads

    Hello HB_88. I have had a significant hit with a redhead but not in that age bracket. I used the DD1 mix (SOE/NPA) before my wife and I went to visit some friends. Normally I\'m the quiet one of the group and hide out in the background but when I used this combo, the redhead who can be most bossy and intimidating to most folks, was extremely friendly and directed most of the conversation to me, probably to get me to chat but everyone asked if she was taking happy pills. Evern her husband was surprised at how \"perky\" she was. Oh, she is aged 36. She kinda reminds me of Cass Elliot if anyone can remember who she was. I think she was on an episode of Scooby Doo once. Anyways, the pheros seemed to have done their job.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Redheads

    Red Heads...What the hell is it with them? Either they are very far from eye candy, or walking goddesses. Took a poll in my squadron when overseas to see what a guys dream girl consisted of. We had about 65 total surveys turned in. But what it came down to is this:

    Red Hair past shoulders
    Blue Eyes
    36C-36D Bust
    Athletic Build/But not hard core miss olympia
    5\'10\" tall
    Age: 27
    Occupation: Bar Owner

    This was our Murted AFB Turkey dream girl. But I guess when you have 120 Horney guys and no fems on base your imagination does run a bit wild.

    Anyway no hits from the Dream Goddess, Yet. But I will do my utmost to keep seeking her out.


  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redheads

    Redheads certainly SMELL different. They also are held to behave a bit different too. I therefore would not be surprised if their pheromone responses were a bit skewed too.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Redheads

    Interesting -- I had almost the same intuition.

    I remember back in high school there was a gorgeous redheaded girl (about two years behind me) who always smelled like lavender. Intoxicating! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redheads

    I always thought that redheads generally smelled a bit spicier than other girls. Brunettes have a warmer smell to them that I\'ve always gravitated to while blondes have this special magic scent that is just too dangerously addicting. Black-haired women have a scent that gets me more towards the back of the throat or nose.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Redheads

    I seem to be more in tune with other males scents (although 4 years of pheromone usage is probably responsible.)
    As far as women go well sometimes it is quite strong but a fair majority dont really have any conscious scent whatsoever.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Redheads


    I thought I was the only one that has noticed different/smells etc from different women by hair color. I too gravitate toward dark haired ladies.

    I wonder if this has to do with mate selection and keeping the genepool clean? I am a blonde, Scandavian,Scottish,Welsh mixed breed. But I allways seem to gravitate to the oppisite. Also seems that if they are cocktail waitresses the same thing I can find cocktail waitresses even when they are out and about not at work. It is a joke here in the office that I am a cocktail waitress magnet. They researched my history of fem freinds and all but 2 are cocktail waitresses. And most I met outside the work enviroment. Makes one think...But yes RedHeads are special.


  14. #14
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    Default Re: Redheads

    Very interesting I attract married women (although dont chase it up i would like to attract more single women though)

  15. #15
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redheads


    I would bet that I could identify a woman\'s real hair color blindfolded; at least I\'d beat random guessing. That would be a fun \"parlor\" trick.

    Can\'t say that I\'d do that with off-duty cocktail waitresses though.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Redheads

    All the redheads I\'ve known have been unusually sensitive to the environment (allergies, sun/light, food, etc.)

    Wouldn\'t surprise me at all if they were getting OD\'d sooner than others, or if the lack of all phero components was throwing them off.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Redheads

    You\'re right about redheads and allergies. I\'d just never made the connection to pheromones. Thanks for pointing that out! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] If a guy is seeking to attract a redheaded woman, do you think it would be helpful to use only a minimal amount of pheromones?


  18. #18
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    Default Re: Redheads

    I should have pointed out earlier that I\'m asking exclusively about natural redheads. Not that there\'s anything wrong with unnatural redheads.


  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Redheads

    My sis-in-law\'s friend from Poland is staying with them for a few months. She\'s a redhead (natural I think). 25, not unattractive.

    Thought I\'d have a little fun experimenting with pheros around her.

    -nol products like SoE and PF, she goes off the deep end with the chit-chat. She\'s quite talkative under normal conditions, but I couldn\'t keep up with the rate of fire or the incomprehensible gibberish she was coming out with.
    She ended up giving me a shoulder massage, saying my neck was too tense.

    JB-X....she went totally bat$#!+. Was getting so uncomfortably close in my bro\'s pool that i went and locked myself in the toilet [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    AE: same again....DIHL (sort of)....more of a quizzical look in her face when i was around. She was on the computer and started complaining that she came over \"weird\" and couldn\'t concentrate.
    Followed me about like a puppy dog from room to room. I go to the kitchen....she appears a second later. I go outside into the garden, she\'s there a few moments later, I go to the bathroom...I come out and she\'s outside the door wanting to wash her hands!!!!!!!!!

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Redheads

    Thanks, aaron! This is exactly the sort of information I\'m looking for.

    HB_88 [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  21. #21

    Default Re: Redheads

    !! Someone who understands!! My now ex-husband used to get so frustrated with my sensitivities he\'d tell me I should go live in a cabin in the woods. Problem is, I wanted to. Allergies, sun/light, food, noise, smells - easily overstimulated. It\'s true.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Redheads

    Yeah, my sister is a redhead too and she is extremely sensitive for smell, allergic for a lot of things (and she gets burned very quick of course).

  23. #23

    Default Re: Redheads

    It\'s a real pain. My best girlfriend wears a cologne that makes me desperately ill - headache, nausea, body aches, after being shut up in a car with her, for example - it doesn\'t bother anyone else - when I ask her please not to wear it sometimes she glares at me ... I swear it\'s not like I\'m doing it on purpose, smelling stuff no one else smells.

  24. #24
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Redheads

    Yup. I\'ve been married twice; both of my ex\'s are redheads, both of them were extremely sensitive to environmental irritants - allergies, smoke, food, etc.

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