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  1. #1

    Default phychological effects?

    Do you guys think that pheromones may have any phychological effects in one-self?

    Last year, while using pheromones, I got with my current gf. I have been doing so every time I see her . I now feel the need of having to have pheromones on when ever I see her. I feel as, if I do not have this stuff on, it may change her mind about me. Now I know this will not happen, but I still have this idea....

    This also happens when I am going to meet someone I like, I feel \"the need to\" use pheromones.

    Any similar experiences?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: phychological effects?

    It\'s a natural feeling. It\'s almost like superstition in a way. Kind of like how some athletes never wash their socks because they found that they never lose a game with it dirty. I mean, if you had success using something, whether it was mones or even your favorite shirt, it causes a psychological attachment to whatever you contribute to the success.

    Michael Jordan came out of retirement and had to wear #45 instead of #23, then he lost a few games, so he payed a fee to wear #23 again because he felt it was the jersey number.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: phychological effects?

    The downside of pheromone use, is the decline of confidence in interacting with people/girls when you are not wearing mones. At least that is what I am experiencing from time to time.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: phychological effects?

    But then again, it could be possible that it is the phero\'s that are getting him so far...

    We can never be sure...

  5. #5

    Default Re: phychological effects?

    I\'ll try to make this short. I started using PI/m a few months ago. I\'ve lost track of time so im not exactly sure. I wore it to work almost on a daily basis. I always noticed i got good reactions from women in general with it. The only problem i had was with my dad. Apparently, only two people seem to be able to smell the \"bad\" smell of PI/m. One of my friends at work who doesn\'t say anything, but i noticed him check his underarm a few times right in front of me whenever i wore heavy, and unfortunately my dad.

    My dad formed a ruckus the other day while i was asleep, basically telling my mother he was moving out if i didn\'t get rid of the bottle. I messed up and threw away about a quarter of the bottle which was left. I regret it now and will be ordering it again.

    Does it work? Yes it does. What exactly does it do? Beats the $h!T out of me.

    Here is how i know it works. When i bought it, it was for shits and giggles really. However, i had in the back of my head the fact that i wanted to see how this girl at work reacted to it. Truth is i found out for sure two days ago. I wore two drops behind each ear, and i wiped my finger clean on my face. She was all hugs, leaning on me almost the whole day, and snifing at me like a bloodhound right in front of my face. She asked me what i was wearing and i said Coolwaters.

    You might say, ahhhh thats what she smelled. But this is where it gets interesting. I tossed the bottle of PI/m in the trashcan that night. The next day, i wore a HEAVY dose of Coolwaters. I thought to myself, if it was the cologne, she will make the same statement the next day as she did that day. I hoped it was Coolwaters. But i was wrong. The next day when she arrived to work, she came over next to me while we were talking and started snifing at my neck, lol. Then she says, you are wearing something different today right? I almost died out of depression. She seemed unphased and really not much interested.

    I took it a step further and went upstairs to where we keep extra stock merchandise. This place has practically no oxygen and is warm. While up there, she started snifing at me when i turned around, lol. She just grinned and I just laughed. But i knew she was trying to get that scent, that somehow had affected her the previous day.

    Is it psychological? In a way it is, because i feel somewhat \"naked\" or \"empty\" without it. Thats why im getting another bottle. Except this time i will make sure i rub that [censored] completely off before i get home, lol.

    Only negative affect i have gotten, is with a customer, of the male persuasion which i helped two days ago. When i carried the paint out to his car, he tells me that he was going to tell me something but to not get offended, lol. I knew exactly where he was going. He said i smelled Like something really bad to hard for words to describe. I couldn\'t help but to laugh and somewhat try to explain to him what i was wearing.

    I have gotten no bad reactions from women, except a lady in her 50\'s who asked me \"Whats that smell, itsss soooo stronggg, ekkkk\". Luckily, and im not BS\'ing, there was a Puma in a cage at the store that day getting fitted with a chain. I blamed it on him, lmao! No harm no foul.

    So yes it works. Yes its psychological. And yes, don\'t OD!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: phychological effects?

    I don\'t know how somebody could smell -none with the concious senses. I can\'t even smell this ohh soo baaad smell right out of the Bottle. There is no bo-like smell I can notice and never ever told me anybody that I am smelling bad, or at least not good. Even my mom doesn\'t notice the PI/m. Maybe my own scent is covering the -none, because I have been told to smell nice without wearing anything in the past (without mones).

    I have to agree ... I am feeling somehow \"naked\" without pheros too.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: phychological effects?

    Oh yeah, there\'s that \"aroma.\" My dad can smell it on me; he knew something wasn\'t quite right, the first time I used NPA.

    How about this -
    Rather than focus on these chemicals keeping your gf, think about this: it makes other people react better to you. If other females around you pay more attention, to you, your gf just might think: \"Hey, he must really be a great catch!\" As males may recognize you as the Alpha-male, she\'ll see strength in you. Would it be a bad thing if your boss gave you more responsibility and more money? If you\'re a jerk to your gf, she\'s leaving anyway, so the pheros aren\'t the only thing in the world; they just give you that bit of a competitive edge.

  8. #8
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: phychological effects?

    Dear Liquid Freon,

    You seem to have had some of the strongest reactions to NONE reported yet. Either you\'re putting on way too much or your skin chemistry is such that it changes and amplifies the pheromones.

  9. #9

    Default Re: phychological effects?

    Im beginning to think its my skin chemistry. Only one drop behind each ear and then i wipe the finger i used across my face(or if i have one that week, my goatee).

    I only wish my dad couldn\'t smell it. Its the funniest thing because i gave it to my mother to smell and she said \"I don\'t smell anything\". Then when i gave it to my dad, he said it reminded him of these girls he used to live with when he was 18. He said they emitted this \"smell\" like if they were in heat or something.

    It fascinates the hell out of me and one of my friends, how not everyone can smell this scent, including myself. The first time i ever wore it, my friend at work told me he got light headed but couldn\'t smell anything. I do recall one of the girls that works with me telling me that she gets a headache whenever shes around me, lol.

    However, shes always fun to chill and talk with and doesn\'t seem to bother seeking me out, around the store. I thought for a while that reactions to NONE might be ethnical in nature, but i was proven wrong by instances.

    I wish there was some sort of litmus-phermone paper, where you could test the amount that you produce. Sort of like what they use to test the chlorine levels and alkalinity in pools at my job.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: phychological effects?

    Ok, lets bug stonelabs until they publish a mones quicktest [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: phychological effects?

    Don\'t worry about how much you produce naturally, as opposed to the amount we routinely apply in these products. One spray of Andro4.2 produces a spot on you over two hundred times the amount of none produced in your armpit. This was according to the data I dug up, looking for the heaviest none concentration naturally occuring on the skin.

    About any phero product you apply greatly overwhelms anything you are naturally producing. The strong natural smell on your body is not high concentration of the products we call pheros, but the byproducts (like acids) of bacterial action on the skin, breaking down the nearly odorless natural secretions.

    If you use phero products, they are blowing away any natural phero signature you may naturally produce on your skin.

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