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    Default The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    At last! Finally I managed to take some time and complete it!

    I gotta leave now, but tomorrow I\'ll check back the forum. Let me know your comments!

    ---- The Phero Mixer Cookbook - Written by Nimbus - v. 0.1 - 23 June 2002 ----

    This guide is intended for everyone browsing through Love Scent’s Forum. I wrote it as a reference guide for all the pheromone dudes, being them newbies or gurus, that summarizes and brings together all the wisdom written throughout all the numberless posts at the forum. Obviously help, suggestions and corrections are more than welcome.

    It is *not* meant, however, to be the definitive reference. There might be errors laying around, I did this in my spare time and nobody has paid me for starting it. In other words, I TAKE *NO* RESPONSABILITIES about your actions inspired by the reading of this guide. If there is an error on a mix recipe and you waste your products, it’s not my fault. If you apply too much cologne on your next date because I made a typo in the application section, and everyone avoids you like a stink bomb, it’s not my fault. If you however get the most of fun from your next date because of a killer mix you read here, it would be appreciated to notify the whole forum about the thing!

    BTW, I’ll also refer myself to some members of the forum, so let’s see who they are:

    Bruce: This one is the man behind Love Scent, Bruce Boyd. You have to thank him for having started the business, set up the forum and providing always new products, along with offering an unbeatable customer care. So thank him now. No, I mean it. Do it now [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    JVK: James V. Kohl, a serious scientist who focus his research on pheromones. He is the author of “The Scent of Eros” book (of which I own one of the very first copies), and of the Scent of Eros (SoE) pheromone product. He is at a lever far higher than anybody else in the forum, since he has all the scientific knowledge about the stuff.
    Jambat: Also known as AtomicBoy, “hail to the king”, “mix wizard”, etc., he first got the idea of mixing two products to maximize the advantages and reducing the downsides of them. It’s the creator of many successful mixes.
    DonaldDuck: Also knows as Watcher, for some time he actually became sort of Jambat 2, pushing new ideas and mixes. Now he’s active in the field test and has his own killer mix.

    This said, let’s proceed.

    - Introduction (short, don\'t worry)

    I first read about pheromones in a videogames magazine (I think it was C+VG?), back in 1995, when I was 15. They sounded interesting, and I took the time to surf the internet and find some valuable informations; the hype that surrounded every webpage about them was very similar: women would have started chasing you down the street and becoming crazily sex attracted to you if you were wearing the product advertised.

    During the following two or three years, I tried four different products: an oil-based rolltop bottle pheromone product whose name I can’t remember, then a cologne that according to what I remember could be Yes for Men, then Contact-18, and finally one of the very first (and then discontinued) Erox’ Realm for Men small test packets (I still keep the envelope as if it was part of a collection [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ).

    The result I got from them were inexistent. If one day I got what could be an interesting response, I would have applied lots and lots of the product the following day, only to discover that those effect wouldn’t replicate. Moreover, I simply stood still in local places, waiting to be laid, raped or anything by any of the girls there around. And nothing ever happened.

    I got tired and forgot these products, damning myself for the money I had wasted. Not only I didn’t know how the stuff worked, I couldn’t share my experiences with anyone and thought that the whole the pheromones thing was a hoax. It must be said, however, that in these days several pheromone products *actually* were hoaxes, containing animal pheromones instead of man pheromones. Anyway for me they seemed to be a loss of time.

    Then, just some months ago, I casually discovered Love Scent. The approach of this site was different from what I had seen much time ago; lots of info, lots of products to choose from, and a nice forum where everybody was talking about experiences, mixing tricks and pheromones theory, on which *all* mixes up to date are based. I said to myself “OK, let’s give them another try... If they don’t work even this time, I’m done with them”.

    The rest is history, at least for me [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    - What’s this “none”, “nol” stuff all around every post?

    It’s the ideal starting point for this guide [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Let’s see what those mysterious codes mean.

    NONE: short for androstenone. If you have ever tried a pheromone product, it’s high likely that you’ve used this one. Androstenone gives you the dominant male aura, the alpha male look. Note that it seems to amplificate your current mood: if you are down and depressed, people will usually sense this and you’ll might be avoided. Instead if you are up in mood, wearing androstenone is almost sure to bring you at the center of the scene. Androstenone also induces respect in other males.
    Detectability: High. Androstenone has a strong smell that is detectable even with small applications. The usual companion of androstenone in a mix is a cover fragrance.
    Pros: Alpha male look, respect by other males. Sexual responses.
    Cons: OD (OverDose) risk consistent. See below. Moreover, wearing androstenone near a girl who is having her period is an unforgettable experience (in the worst sense), it will make her aggressive and closed.

    NOL: short for androstenol. This could be the “good brother” of androstenone, since it triggers reactions from girls like chattiness, talking attitude, giggling and so on. If you are wearing androstenol your chances of striking up a long conversation or getting introduced with a good impression are consistently boosted up.
    Detectability: Stealth, almost unnoticeable.
    Pros: Helps chattiness. Social responses.
    Cons: No one known.

    RONE: short for androsterone. This seems to be the middle way between androstenone and androstenol, but little more is known. The opinions about this one range from being a component which would made any mix to fail to being the only component that makes a mix a killer one. Anyway it’s contained in Scent of Eros which is constantly getting nice results, so the truth is probably more towards the last one.
    Detectability: Stealth, almost unnoticeable.
    Pros: Seems to be a good additive for mixes.
    Cons: Relatively big quantities in a mix are reported to make the mix fail. Otherwise, no other one is known.

    A1, A-1, Andro-1: stand for androstadienone, possibly the most unknown. It seems to act as a mood enhancer for women, and it mitigates PMS (Pre Menstrual Stress). It is almost sure to be an ingredient of Realm for Women, BTW Erox’ approach to pheromones is directed at making products that should work on the wearer making him/her more confident and attractive, oppositely to the main tendency which is to make potential targets attractive to the wearer.
    Detectability: Lighter smell than androstenone, but it’s still there. It can be worn alone without much risks however.
    Pros: Women mood enhanced, PMS mitigator.
    Cons: Men could get annoyed and depressed by it, if exposed for too long.

    - The OverDose risk

    Also known as OD, this is the nastiest downside of wearing none. You must be careful while applying your favourite none based mix, because if you apply too much of it, you’ll see people avoiding you, being aggressive towards you, and some weird things, along with strong none smell detectable around you.

    Quoting Bruce, the laws you should remember when using none are “Less is better” and “There is a fine line between ‘Damn! This guy makes me horny!’, and ‘Damn! This guy needs a shower!\'”.

    - The Products

    Ok, now that we know a little more about our friends, it’s maybe time to know how we can get our hands on them. The seasoned pheromone guru might want to try the Pheromone Chemistry Set, which features high quality reagents from Stone Labs. With this one you get bottles with pure pheromones (none, nol and rone), no fragrance or anything added, and you are ready to cook your mixes. This is a very hard approach if you don’t know what you’re doing, though.

    More common people (a vast majority in fact) prefer to use off-the-shelf products, which can be worn alone or mixed with other products to make your killer supercombo. In addition, off-the-shelf products may come with useful bonuses, like added fragrance or some additional ingredients, that you can’t find in the Chemistry Set.

    Let’s see some of them, in no particular order, with a focus on what pheromones they contain. Knowing more about these products is useful before reading the mix section. Note that a full table containing all these informations and more is available at

    APC - Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate.
    Contains: none @ 0.05mg/mL
    Notes: Good fragrance (commonly used in mixes), but very low concentration of pheromones.

    NPA - New Pheromone Addictive
    Contains: none @ 0.48mg/mL + some secret ingredients.
    Notes: One of the most effective products available at Love Scent. It is often referred to as the “Harley” of pheromone products, if you get the idea.

    RM - Rogue Male
    Contains: none @ 0.5mg/mL
    Notes: With its nice fragrance (similar to APC), and its great none concentration (like PI/m), this is an interesting one too. When worn alone, hits are more relaxed than when wearing NPA alone.

    SoE - Scent of Eros
    Contains: nol @ 0.4 mg/mL, rone @ 0.1 mg/mL
    Notes: This is a very successful product by JVK (one of the most effective for younger people), and is primarily based on nol.

    SPMO - Super Primal Musk Oil
    Contains: nol @ ? mg/mL
    Notes: Used mainly as a carrier fragrance, this cheap product is reported to contain nol, but at unreleased concentration. My personal guess is somewhere between 0.04mg/mL and 0.07 mg/mL, but it has recently been speculated that it could be some more.

    PI/m - Primal Instinct for men
    Contains: none @ 0.5 mg/mL
    Notes: Great none concentration, this is one of the most powerful none products available. It’s available unscented (well, apart from none smell) or ylang-ylang scented.

    PI/w - Primal Instinct for women
    Contains: nol @ 1.1mg/mL
    Notes: Great nol concentration, even more than the individual reagents of the Chemistry Set. It is also reported to contain copulins, a woman-only pheromone.

    AE - Alter Ego
    Contains: none @ 0.15mg/mL, nol @ 0.15mg/mL, rone @ 0.15mg/mL
    Notes: Lots of pheromones here, it’s one of the few ones which have them all. Musky fragrance, nice results.

    TE - The Edge
    Contains: none @ 0.12mg/mL
    Notes: Will make you good at playing the guitar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Seriously, the result from this one are cloudy. Jambat tried it and couldn’t report hits as good as the ones he gets with other products, while others find it OK. It probably depends on the wearer personal chemistry (see below). It comes in both unscented and sandalwood versions.

    Contains: none @ 0.04mg/mL, nol @ 0.07mg/mL
    Notes: This one seems to give fair results, but only few reports are available. It seems to give its best when mixed with PI/m. Available in both scented and unscented versions.

    - Personal Chemistry

    When reading some posts, you might find clues about how much one’s personal chemistry influences the type and amount of pheromones to apply, to get best results. The idea behind it is very simple and it’s probably a good approximation of how things are in reality. Everybody has its own personal pheromone signature, which at present we don’t know how to detect. Pheromone products are used to complement the already existent signature; for example if you could discover that you lack of none, your best bet would be using a none product. Think about the equalizer of your home theatre.

    Directly connected to this one, there is the idea that knowing the pheromone signature of a target, you might be able to derive a pheromone mix to best match your target’s, and therefore having the best chances of getting with him/her. This is however a very recent idea and is not supported by any scientific evidence.

    - The Mixes!

    I know, you have skipped all the previous part just to get here. Well I can understand you, this is where the real fun begins. But before we really get into it, a bit of theory won’t hurt.

    First of all, please note that not all products use the same carrier: for instance, PI, APC and SoE use oil, while NPA, TE and Attraction use alcohol. While this might not interest you, it’s a fact that some products don’t mix well, and if you use an atomizer you might have bad surprises. Imagine you put in an atomizer two products that don’t mix well (PI/m with Attraction is a good example); the products would separate (PI/m on the bottom, Attraction on the top) and if you forget to shake the bottle before spraying, you get a full smelly load of PI/m, with no Attraction. Even if you shake your atomizer, if the products don’t mix well there is a high chance that only a product will end in the tube to be sprayed. So the #1 advice when using these mixes is to dab, not to spray. Or, similarly, use a roll-top bottle (and shake it well anyway before applying).

    The key idea about the mixes is that by adding products together, you can maximize the advantages of them, while reducing the downsides. If you watch Dragonball Z, you aren’t new to the concept [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Advantages of a product can be

    * nice fragrance
    * good concentration of pheromone you want to use

    The downsides can be

    * smelly none in the product
    * weak concentration of the desired pheromone

    And if you note, they are each other’s opposite, so mixing seems to be a good idea.

    Another thing to keep in mind is the following: if you have a mix that doesn’t work, it’s not likely that throwing some more stuff into it will make it work. If you notice, most mixes are made of two products. It’s true instead that if you have a working mix, you could well try to add something to make it even better.

    One last thing which is often underestimated: *all* successful mixes are based on theory, and one of the main parameters to track is the final concentration of pheromones. If you have a nol-only unscented product @ 0.3 mg/mL and you mix it 1:1 with a nol-only unscented product @ 0.5mg/mL, you’ll end with a nol-only unscented mix @ 0.4 mg/mL, which is pretty useless since it’s the average concentration of the sources; you’ve basically diluted the most concentrated one. But if one of the two product was scented, the mix could be the way to go, since you’re adding a fragrance; if the fragrance was strong you could start to tweak the ratio, aiming to have (for example) a nol-only scented mix @ 0.45mg/mL. Or you could try adding some none product, or maybe... (you continue [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] )

    That’s the way a mix is born. The following part is testing it... But we’ll talk about it in the next section. Before the recipes a little explanation: if you read for example “APC + NPA @ 7:3\" that means “Mix 7 parts of APC per 3 parts of NPA”. In other words, “For each 7 drops of APC, there must be 3 drops of NPA”. The recommended dosage is just what it says to be: a “recommended\" one but possibly not the best one for you. You might get better results with more or less.

    Let’s start with the mixes!

    - JB#1 (The Champion)
    APC + NPA @ 7:3
    Author: Jambat
    This is the one that started the mixing fever. It’s reported to gain women’s attention quickly, and is more sexually oriented than socially. As Jambat puts it, “great for clubs and pretty much anywhere else”. Nice scent thanks to APC, and raw power courtesy of NPA. The author reports that it’s atomizer friendly and seems to work better that way.
    Recommended dosage: Two atomizer sprays, not too higher than this.
    OD risk: Yes.

    - JB#2 (The Wizard)
    SPMO + NPA @ 7:3
    Author: Jambat
    This will get women chatty, talkative and friendly; so more socially oriented; it’s good on one-to-one dates. If you don’t like the fragrance of SPMO, no problem! Just choose from the vast range of primal oils (9 of them including SPMO) that Bruce provides.
    Recommended dosage: like JB#1 but without the upper bound
    OD risk: much lower than JB#1 but it’s still there.

    - JB#3 (The Quandry)
    PF + NPA @ 7:3
    Author: Jambat
    Very unstable, even on people that reported hits with it. There isn’t a way to tell the effects of this one on women, except to pick it up and try it yourself.
    Recommended dosage: n/a
    OD risk: n/a

    - JBM#1 (The New Guy)
    PI/w + NPA @ 7:3
    Authors: Jambat + marz
    This is a *good* one! Very heavy on nol, but still with the none boost by NPA, this mix is basically an enhanced version of JB#2, only that it’s a bit more expensive... But according to the reports, your money is spent well on this one!
    Recommended dosage: three dabs
    OD risk: see JB#2

    JBX (Jambat Extreme)
    RM + NPA @ 3:1 (still a work in progress!)
    Author: Jambat
    The more recent mix. Look at the concentrations of both RM and NPA to see where Jambat was headed when thinking about this one: creating the killer none mix, featuring the highest none concentration possible, the nice fragrance of RM (which gets even better if it’s diluted) and the secret ingredients of NPA. Very good reports have already been posted, in the near future we’ll see if this one can be what JB#1 first was for the pheromone scene.
    Recommended dosage: two or three dabs
    OD risk: probably higher than JB#1 (still a work in progress!)

    DD#1 (no name provided by the author)
    SoE + NPA @ 7:3
    Author: DonaldDuck
    The only mix that features SoE. Actually JVK said that SoE is better as a standalone product, but this mix is working really well especially for younger ones (around 25 or less).
    Recommended dosage: three/four swipes around your body
    OD risk: very little

    JBB (Jambat Bootleg)
    APC + TE @ 1:1
    Author: Jambat
    Basically a poor man’s version of JB#1. The results aren’t as good but you could find it effective for you.
    Recommended dosage: start by doubling the dosage of JB#1 and work around it.
    OD risk: n/a

    - Old JBX (Jambat Extreme) (DISCONTINUED)
    APC + NPA + PF + SPMO @ 5:6:4:5
    Author: Jambat
    Jambat probably got a little carried away when he proposed whis one. His intention was to make the ultimate mix, basically merging JB#1, JB#2 and JB#3, but the results were as bad as they could be. You are not encouraged to try this.
    Recommended dosage: one or two dabs
    OD risk: n/a

    - On the test ground

    Well! You’ve chosen the mix to try, just filled that spare atomizer (or rolltop bottle, or anything) and applied it on your body... And now? This section is designed to provide some tricks for your mix testing.

    A word on application: suitable application spots are chest, neck, wrists, hair (yes, really... but try the others first), forearms, face. For clarity on application modes, refer to the following table:

    Spray: No way. I’m *not* going to explain this. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Dab: With your hand on an open-mouth or dropper-top bottle, turn the bottle upside down, then apply with your hand. Before your hand leaves the bottle, make sure to turn the bottle downside up or you’ll have a nice scented pavement [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Swipe: Open your roll-top bottle, and swipe that ball on the top on the application points.
    Drop: Erm, apply a drop. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    A first test you don’t want to do is putting the mix on and then incidentally meet your mother on the way. The best thing that can happen is that she’ll notice only the scent and will tell you nothing about it. Your mother will notice that something is “different” almost immediately, this is probably because the pheromone link between parents and children is very very strong. She might start worrying about you because you feel strange to her, or tell you that you stink, even if you’ve not ODed. This is a result of applying the mix, since you’ve altered the pheromone signature that links you to her. Don’t worry however, things will be OK again as soon as you have the pheromones off of you.

    Now you see that it is a good idea to hit the streets. Where to go? The list is endless: clubs, pubs, cinemas, Blockbuster stores, McDonald’s restaurants, supermarket, any place with girls in it. The most common sure-hit signal is the DIHL (Deer in Headlights Look): this means that the girl is staring at you for 5 seconds or more with a void expression on her face.

    If you really care about details in what you do, and you use a nol/none mix, here’s a nice trick: apply the nol component on forearms or wrists, and the none component on neck and chest. While you are talking to a girl, wave your arms around (but please don’t act as a madman; just do it naturally as you normally do when speaking) to get her in your nol aura, then when she’ll get closer, she’ll be hit by the none and the fireworks will hopefully start.

    And now, the Golden Rule of using pheromones: instead of standing still, waiting for some girl to make approach, you *must* be at least partially active. Even a gaze might do the trick, if you smile to her or say “hi” it’s OK, if you walk to her and start a conversation it’s even better. Remember that no girl will chase you just because you smell good; it is very common that while wearing pheromones one will be approached by girls, but you must send them the message that this is OK for you, that you want it. And if you want to really get the best results possible, you only have to make the approach.

    - Conclusions

    I hope you enjoyed reading this guide, since I’ve spent some time writing it [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I’ve tried to put here everything I managed to learn about pheromones, both from other members’ posts and from my own experience, but obviously this can’t be the definitive reference.

    I’m sure I have forgotten something, and I hope that anyone who finds leaks/mistakes/typos/etc will report them, to make this guide a good starting point for newbies and a valuable reference for gurus.

    Sorry for any grammar error! English is not my native language.

    Bye and good luck with your mixes!

  2. #2
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Nimbus, You\'ve done one HELL of a JOB ! ! ! ! !
    Mere words cannot express my gratitude. But I\'ll try.

    And THANK YOU Bruce

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Wow Nimbus, good job on the mixer FAQ. Now all we need to do is have Bruce give it a quick once over and then post it in the reference materials page.


  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Excellent job Nimbus, this is a valuable resource.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1


    Thanks for taking the time, effort and dedication in bringing all this together into a brief, comprehensible and informative post.
    This is something that the forum has been missing, and is a terrific reference point for anyone jumping onto the phero wagon.
    Fantastic....the future\'s looking bright.

  6. #6
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Nimbus you did a great job, now some people won\'t have to repeat themselves over and over again. If only Bruce can pin this threat on the top of the forum for the new guys to read.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Hi all!

    Thanks for the comments guys! I actually decided to do this because there are several questions that are asked by almost every newbie who hits the forum (see my very first post for an evidence of this [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] )... As Xaviel pointed out in my PM box, there are some points that the Cookbook doesn\'t cover (for instance: copulins, nol->none, an actual mixing section that covers the use of syringes, droppers etc.), but I\'m planning to add them in future releases.

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Excellent work!

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    YOU ARE SUPER COOL FOR THIS. You missed one mix though and that\'s JBDD #1, created by Donald Duck (a.k.a Watcher) the same guy that created DD #1. JBDD #1 is JB #1 + SOE and works on pretty much the same principle as JBM #1 and JB #2. (The NPA and Nol theory). [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I have to say this has been a great service. I just wish it was someway to keep this posted. Is there?

    -The Bat

  10. #10
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1


    Wow! You certainly outdid yourself Nimbus. Way to go man!

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Hi Nimbus,

    I hope after creating beta 1 ( V 0.1) you revise it with v 0.2, v 0.3 ... til Final 1.0. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Nimbus, you\'re the king of all Phero Mixer Cookbooks [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] , (I just felt compelled to read this post again). You\'ve summed everything up here. Where to meet the chicks, what the mixes do, ect. This is just cool.

    -The Bat

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1


    Thanks for pointing out the lack of the JBDD#1 ! This is definitely another point to be added in the next version of the Cookbook, so I\'ll take my time to search some reports about it. Another missing point which comes to my mind is a section for SoE gel.

    BTW if someone has missing points to suggest me, it would be a good idea to post them in this thread, so I have a single reference for my TODO list [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]. If someone even wants to write a particular section just let me know!

    About a way of keeping the Cookbook posted I really don\'t know... Maybe Big Bruce will decide about it.


    Of course, I have already stated that this will probably be a work-in-progress forever (and it\'s nice that it\'s so... this means that our science is evolving [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]); I have already started the work on v.0.2!

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Thanks Jambat, but the king is still you [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    However, I merely took some time to read through the old posts and rewrite them in a compact form. It\'s you and the other guys here (DonaldDuck, marz, oscar come to my mind, but the list is endless) who did the big and dirty work when I even didn\'t know about Love Scent!

    And by the way it was very funny to browse through all the old posts... too see how the whole thing evolved was very interesting.

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    maybe you could talk about what is good for kids in college and then older folks 25+, 35+, 45 and above etc.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Nice work to sum up all this information. The cookbook deserves a place on the love-scent site.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    One suggestion I would make for the next version.....I noticed that the mix section contains JB#3 which is a mixture of PF and NPA. However, the preceeding section that lists the various products does not include a description of PF. It might be helpful to include PF as a product with it\'s phero content. This would be helpful to me as I couldn\'t find anything about PF on the Love Scent product grid.


  18. #18

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Yes upsidedown, this is another one that I missed. Already on the TODO list for v.0.2 of course [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I checked on the product table too, and after a search through old posts it seems that no specific data on PF has been released. It\'s however a scented one and it\'s nol based.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    And I just found a nice one:

    \" great working combo now is 60%NPA : 20%SPMO and 20% AE consider it a twist on jambat 1 so ill call it DD #1 combo...\"

    by our friend DonaldDuck of course! So it seems that in addition to OLD JBX there is also an OLD DD#1, and both are discontinued... I\'ll add it too, for sake of completeness!

  20. #20
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    To confusing lol, good work though nimbus we need some creativity around here the products also work well as a stand alone as well ie SOE by itself etc. If we could only get a hold of Realm with decent qualities of actual pheros and not just publicity with small amounts.

  21. #21
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    Dec 2001
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    I hate to get all legal with you, but Bruce is going to have a problem handling your excellent work as you still hold the copyright in it ~ suggest you speak directly and off board with Bruce about it


  22. #22

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Naughty, I think I\'ll talk to Bruce when the Cookbook is updated and retuned up to your requests... However I don\'t see why there could be copyright problems, as I explicitly wrote it for the Love Scent guys.

    Anyway good suggestion! As soon as some more work is done I\'ll see what Big Bruce thinks about it.

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Heck it was something that he put on the forum (therefore it is techniqaly bruces information) although i could be wrong. It is still a great start anyway maybe i should copywright my DD mix but then i would have to pay money to jkohl and lecroy chemical.

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Yes Donald you hit the point; I think that since I have released it on the forum, and didn\'t specify that anyone using/reproducing it has to credit me or similar things, it should be OK for Bruce to handle it in any way.

    I\'m hitting a party tonight, so I hope to get back to you with some nice results. I\'ll be wearing APC only this time, to follow the latest trend started by Rolltide, let\'s see what happens. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Keep us updated to APC on its own well you could call them DD#1 and DD#2 really may as well not start calling them old and new it will confuse people to much or you call it nimbus#1. The only DD mix i have is number 1 30% NPA and 70% SOE. IT works for me and some are finding that it works for them also.

  26. #26

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Bravo maestro

  27. #27

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    montypython: [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    I\'m reporting from the APC-only experiment that I ran last night. Results were very very weird... The complete report will be written under the \"Something interesting\" thread, as usual.

    In the first days of the next month expect the updated version (v.0.2) of the Cookbook!

  28. #28
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    -- bump --

    Every newbie should read this, a lot of questions will be answered.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Jun 2001
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    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Bump again.

  30. #30

    Default Re: The Phero Mixer Cookbook v.0.1

    Hi guys,

    sorry for the lack of updates in the recent days, too bad my ISP had troubles, and I haven\'t been able to connect until now. Version 0.2 of the Cookbook is coming very soon, I hate to announce my deadlines because I often broke them myself [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] but I think that the 8th of July seems a good deal.
    After that date I\'ll wait for the JBX Guide by CptKipling to merge it, then the next version of the Cookbook will be released.


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