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  1. #1

    Default Repost: Random Phero Thoughts

    Hey all this is a repost of something that i placed up here in Jan....Now noted that the GF I was speaking about is history...but anyway here it is..any responses or thoughts on pheros in particular are appreciated.
    To the Forum;

    Well I have some slack time at work and have been reflecting on pheros and how and why they work. And am writing a bit on this. So here goes;

    I work and live in a casino industry town. Laughlin is a very small town when compared to Las Vegas or even Reno or Tahoe or Atlantic City. But they (casinos) are the main industry here. And I have been a single guy here for the past 6 years or so. I am 37 y/o, 6’5” tall (hence TallCoolOne) and of average looks. I am not rich, nor do I drive a killer car. I guess you can sum it all up as to being a very ordinary average guy. I am a bit of an introvert as well. Not to the point of being a recluse. But large crowds tend to put me off etc.

    But then there came pheros. I really do not know how much they actually effect people around me, but I do get solid DIHL and hair flipping etc. But much more so is the Ego boost, self-confidence I get within myself that I notice. And it seems that I have always dated Cocktail waitresses. And low and behold my new GF is a Cocktail waitress. Let me tell you guys that for the most part these gals are hard sells. They get hit on all the time. Hits by guys with big money and all the flash that goes with it. So in asking my current GF what it was about me that interested her in me, she related; She liked that I was honest, and respectful of her. That threw me a bit. So she clarified; I was not trying to shove myself on her. I just was myself. I asked her how she sees me. She said “Manly”! “Not Afraid to speak my mind etc”. Now to those that do not tell their GF’s or wives etc that they wear pheros. She knew the whole time I wore pheros from time to time. She was actually one of the first gals I had take a whiff of me a while back when I was first experimenting with them. Just to note: We have known each other as acquaintances for over 4 years. And let me tell you she is drop dead gorgeous.

    Anyway on to the post. Pheros seem to effect the wearer allot as well as the respondent or those that are smelling you. But they will not change who you are, make women jump into bed with ya at the first smell of them. They do not alter perceptions of you by other. But rather increase their curiosity of you a bit. It lowers their shields a bit. Makes conversation easier. So just be yourself. But at the same time be a bit assertive. Not brash, but assertive. Your points will be taken with respect. I feel we are on the tip of the proverbial iceberg with pheros. And there is something to them. Although there are different scientific thoughts on this. But I feel we are on the right track. So fellow pheros warriors, keep on truckin my friends. And please post all your revelations on the subject.

    Anyway just some random thoughts on the subject of Pheros after a very long New Years Celebration.

    Hope all had a great Year and this next one will be better.

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Repost: Random Phero Thoughts

    I have also noticed that my own behavoir changes dramatically when i wear pheros. I have been thinking a lot about how they work, and how much that my change in attitude actually effects my succes.

    When wearing -none products, i notice that i am a lot more confident, and walk around with an i-dont-give-a-damn-about-what-you-think attitude. I take a lot less crap from my boss, and she seems to accept my agression and gives me more respect, maybe due to the -none. I am also less afriad of failure, i.e when i\'m chasing a girl, maybe the attitude that i dont really care if i get with her is sensed and she thinks that i am somehow in (or even out of) her league. I dont understand how pheros work chemically, but their affects can be seen whenever i wear them, and so i\'m not sure to what extent my attitude influences girls. I do know that i enjoy the way pheros make me feel, and the responces i get from other people.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Repost: Random Phero Thoughts

    As for me pheros are pretty much the latest (and possibly the greatest) thing in a long line of things to become more social person. A few years I would have characterized myself as a slighly overweight, extremely shy, asain guy who would have no idea what to do when a girl would be hitting on him (Oh how bad things were . . . . .). Anyhow after getting dumped (and totally devistated) in a long distance relationship I first started to hit the weights hard and take east coast swing lessons. Over the past two years I have become more confident on the dance floor and a bit more muscular, but I still have a way to go to where I want to be. Besides, life\'s a journey. It is the journey and not the destination that you have the most fun with.

    Anyhow with that said, started to experiment with pheremones about three months ago. Yes I have noticed that my behavior also changes when wearing them. As to if the confidence boost comes with seeing them work on others, the mones working on me, or a combination of both remains to be seen.

    The most telling thing that I have learned from using them is that they seem to only amplify what is there. For example, if I am wearing -none and I just sit back in a seat away from the dance floor, just about would give me space. But the moment that I head for the dance floor or even make it look like I looking for someone, I always seem to find someone (or someone finds me). Nol products seem to improve the mood and chattiness of everyone around me reguardless if I\'m joining in or hanging back and being quiet.

    Anyhow my point is that yes these products do effect people, but you still have to smile, approach, flirt, etc . . . to get the most out of it. In fact I have seen some other dudes take advantage of me being around and wearing the mones :P to approach potential (but usually uninteresting) targets nearby.

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Yeah i have seen a lot of other men tagging onto me, mostly my friends, but i don\'t ever mind, because i mostly seem to get first pick anyway, but not always [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Repost: Random Phero Thoughts

    I would call it being able to generate large scale actiivity as everyone else around you gets competitive.
    Ive been using them so long i just go off occasionally to reduce the associated pressure.
    But youre right about the weights they at the very least are good for allround fitness and the women come in handy (not however the ones with boyfriends who still persist in flirting with me) that can be annoying and embarrassing.

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