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  1. #1

    Default OD on purpose (funny story)

    I substitute teach and I use to get \"tested\" alot when I went
    into a new class. Kids would give me a hard time eg. challange my leadership. (which is natural I supose.) So I started an experiment by putting lots of PI on. I noticed that I started getting a lot more respect and in most cases with a new group I didn\'t have to waste the begining of the class to establish control. Sometimes just walking near a trouble maker would get them to shut up.
    Well I\'d been using this experiment in the high schools when I got called into sub at an elementary school and I had the extra doses on ...the funny part is at the end of the day when I put my hand in my coat pocket I found a note addressed to me. It had a crude drawing of me and it said you should take a bath or wear deoderdant (SP). [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    I was wondering if anyone else out there experimented with OD for intimidation. Perhaps in sports like wrestling.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
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    Default Re: OD on purpose (funny story)

    Used to teach chem./bio. in college before switching careers to the IT industry and understand the whole thing about establishing control with a new class - some classes can be tough (one or two come to mind from my past :-) ). But isn\'t testing pheros in school as a teacher a little dicey as it seems to me it potentially could cause a lot of trouble if this were discovered. You\'ve got more guts than I could ever have to try that :-). Anyway, interesting post and definitely sounds like you OD\'d bigtime if you\'re getting a note from a student to use deodorant - this is what scares me about using -none heavy products as it seems it\'s very easy to cross that line between projecting an alpha male scent and bad BO as I\'ve experienced a couple of times myself :-) and this is definitely no good for one\'s rep. to be known as the guy who \"smells\" :-)

  3. #3

    Default Re: OD on purpose (funny story)

    Yeah, now I only put it when I know that I\'m getting a new group or a tuff \"bad\" group. It helps project an alpha immage and gains me that initial respect that is so hard to attain.

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