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  1. #1

    Default To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    I\'ve been using Philosophy\'s Falling in Love and I swear the stuff works. It\'s totally scentless and initially I didn\'t believe the stuff would work. Wow, so much for being skeptical. It does. I just ordered the New Pheromone Additive and am in hopes that it will work as well as Philosophy\'s product. People are friendlier, more talkative and warmer and my husband is actually more attentive and loving. I\'d love to hear from some of the girls here and some of your experiences.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    hi, ginny, you\'re right, there is a difference, just as you described. This is a lot of fun, and I think you\'ll like NPA/w.
    I have PCC also (Passion copulin concentrate) and PI/w (strong stuff!). One of my favorites is the SPMO (musk oil) which has a nice smell. Seems like whatever I use, I am sparing of how much I use (less is more), but the results are always noticeable. Welcome to the board, there are not many ladies here usually but all the posts are interesting to read!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    where do you get that? I have tried wearing PCC and PFw and so far no noticable results! In fact when I don\'t wear anything there are times that stuff happens that I think to myself if I was wearing one of the pheros I would probably give it credit for that but I\'m not wearing them. But I haven\'t had that happen while I was wearing them. I don\'t know I\'ll try some more but nothing yet! I wish!

  4. #4

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Hey girls!!! It\'s good to see some girls on the board. I am new to pheromones and just recently got The Edge and PCC. I haven\'t noticed any significant chages but I\'ve only worn them twice. I was wondering if it was ok to wear both of these at once? How much of both should I use? Ginny, where did you get Philosohophy\'s Fall in Love? Do you know what\'s in it?

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    To the women on the board what are you looking to get out of using the pheromones actually anyone is ok to answer this general question.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Hello Ginny. I will reply for my wife. I have mixed PCC with NPA/w in a roll-on bottle and she\'s been having success with it at work. She works for the US Air Force and most of the folks she works around are backstabbers but they are becoming friendlier since she\'s been wearing the mixture. It also works at home if you catch my drift. She wears the mixture on her wrists and behind the ears. Realm for women seems to be popular with her as well.

  7. #7

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    I am trying pheromones to add a little bit of excitement to a two year relationship.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Something I have noticed is pheros act as a mood lifter for me quite frequently, especially during certain phases of the month. Sometimes I feel \"supercharged\" wearing them, it\'s great.

    And they seem to act like Viagra on my husband [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Maybe I am just lucky.

  9. #9

    Default Philosophy products

    I found \"Falling In Love\" at Nordstrom\'s, but I do believe they have a web site at You can do a web search and you\'ll probably find it. Please note that it\'s FOR WOMEN ONLY. I have no idea what\'s in it, though. It is terribly pricey, $60 for 4 ml (WOW!), and the only reason I got it was because I had some gift certificates for Nordstrom\'s during the Christmas season. I ordered Androsterome concentrate (for women) a couple of years ago through Love-Scent and yes, it seems to work but the smell was pretty awful (horrible to me, actually), so I apply it on my bosom and then spray over it with one of two of my favorite perfumes (Fracas and Cashmere Mist). Maybe Bruce can negotiate a deal with Philosophy and get a decent price for us! My guy pointed it out to me in an article in the newspaper in which women swore by it so I figured what the hell. Thanks for all your responses, girls. Pheromones are a great way to get your man\'s hands off the remote and on you :-D My supervisor is an absolute stone face and I swear he\'s more receptive and smiles more when I remember to apply it (although I truly believe he\'s also just a nice guy and is shy despite his power and bucks).

  10. #10

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Xaviel, how much of the PCC do you mix with the NPA/w? I\'m confused with the ratios of the mixes I should use. Thanks =)

  11. #11

    Default Re: Philosophy products

    Ginny, let us know how you like NPA and if you can see a difference between NPA and Falling in Love. Thanks.

  12. #12

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    I\'m hoping it will give me more attention and more positives responses from people in general both male and female. Also was hoping it would ignite some passion in an ex-fiance turned \"just friend\" but now I don\'t care but would like it to make him a bit friendlier! I think most women want more ATTention! They love it! Hense why they spend so much time fussing over there looks the way they dress and trying to figure out men. So if you\'re looking for tips with woman give them more attention and personal consideration/empathy and compliments. Just look at the women in your family or others- sisters, mom, aunts etc. and how they are with each other and like to vent.

  13. #13

    Default Ladies

    using them for a while do any of you girls recomend staying away from any of them while on your period or right before? Like the copulins or the nome or nol?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    70% PCC/w and 30% NPA/w.

  15. #15

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Sophie, out of all the phermones you use, which do you find has the most impact on your husband?

  16. #16
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    hi, chuckv! First I bought PI/w that came with a free vanilla oil so that\'s all I had for a while. He didn\'t seem to notice it unless we were \"close together\" then he kept sniffing my neck really hard like he noticed something, and also had a viagra-like response if I may talk so boldly [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] There was no mistaking his response, but it only happened noticeably when he got close to my skin. This seems to tie in with what I\'ve heard that those close to you may notice pheros the least.

    Since my initial experiments I\'ve ordered NPA/w with the same response. Last time I used PCC with NPA/w and some musk oil, and he even commented how his woody wouldn\'t go away even \"after.\" He seemed to enjoy the experience a lot. (I did too [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img])

    I admit I\'ve been sneaky so far (wearing my pheros as a secret agent), and I\'m considering having him wear SOE for me, because I had gotten the free gel packets and I think they smell great. He\'s just kind of weird about \"new stuff\" so I have to take it kind of slow with him.

    hope this helps.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Ladies

    jadj, the copulins probably won\'t bother you around your period, but the nol sometimes kind of bothers me. I read in another post that -nol can convert to -none so maybe that\'s why, but I\'m not a chemist so I can\'t vouch for that.

  18. #18

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Sophie, thanks for responding. Sounds like you are having fun with the pheromones. =) Hopefully, I\'ll get the same reaction. I just ordered some PI/w yesterday so we\'ll have to see. I have tried The Edge and did notice my bf was in a better mood(he has been pretty stressed lately) but nothing different sexually. One question, does your husband know you are wearing pheromones or does he have no idea?

  19. #19

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Sophie, do you notice any smell with PI/w. I have read that it has a strong smell to it? How much of the PI/w and musk oil do you usually put on? Thanks

  20. #20
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Up til now I\'ve been keeping it a secret, but that may change soon. I want to get some SOE on him, for my own enjoyment. I think he has natural \'mones anyway, I love to smell his armpits, even though he doesn\'t stink.

    Go pretty light with the PI/w, you won\'t really smell it, but trust me, don\'t OD. I think the musk oil is kind of strong too, scentwise, but it\'s a good clean smell. I believe \"less is more\" in most of these products.

  21. #21

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Hi Ladies,
    I\'m a 49 yr old male happily married. I want to get a reaction from girls/women 28-35.

    I have used APC alone for several months now without my wife knowing and have gotten fair-good results as in girls/women being a bit flirtier and friendly. Which my wife does not mind, actually I think it excites her.

    I’m looking for more of a DIHL response from them as well as “I want to touch this guy or be next to this guy”…etc.

    What has been your experience, and what would you suggest for the “older man” looking for youth?

    Thanks in advance.

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    I\'m a 49 yr old male happily married. I want to get a reaction from girls/women 28-35

    Hmm... something\'s wrong with this picture.

  23. #23

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Please explain what you mean \"Hmm... something\'s wrong with this picture.\"

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Happily married, AND you want reactions from younger women?

    I think OR has to go in that sentence instead of AND...

    But it\'s really none of my biz, so...

  25. #25

    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    \"Hi Ladies,
    I\'m a 49 yr old male happily married. I want to get a reaction from girls/women 28-35.\"
    -Uncle Beef

    I used to be an alcholic but now I\'m clean and sober. Anyone know where I can get bottle of Jim Bean?

    -Uncle Bat

  26. #26
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    Some of the views of marriage and sexuality that are expressed in this forum are driven by belief systems that do not reflect the inclusive and multi-national nature of our population. Go look at the archived posts.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Philosophy products

    I got my APC (I believe - it\'s right name) and the set for beginneres (The Edge plus something in vanilla oil). Well....
    When I sprayed soem Edge... OH!!!!!!! Ifelt like I havent had a shower for ever!!!!! So, seams I have to be very carefool with it.
    Then I tryed other products. Funny... Usually you don\'t get compliments in stores. But... One guy even couldnot leep his neck form terning toward me )))))))). I hope my husband would noticed it.
    But I didnot get his reaction yet. Well, his problem too big . We will wrok on it.
    But one funny thing - in pet store two dogs almost ran away form thier owners to me. Hm... My husband was surprised. And I didnot expect such rection from animals. :-)

  28. #28
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Philosophy products

    Rxns from animals? Check out my posts at \"[img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] Really, really . . . weird hits.

  29. #29
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Philosophy products

    I\'d go w/ AE, as it is comparitively clean-smelling, balanced, powerful, and less likely to tip your wife off, in case that is a concern.

    Guys and gals, please cut Beef a break. Most of us all don\'t go 10 seconds, 24/7, without a so-called immoral thoughts and intentions.

    Maybe this is the best thing for him in his situation. How could we know?? Screw impersonal rules. Maybe his wife is into it. Maybe she wants a threesome. As it is, 50% of us divorce and \"cause\" \"broken familes\". Maybe a third of the other 50% have extramatiral affairs. Our way isn\'t always the best way. Maybe this experiment will improve his marriage. Who knows? People do lead alternate lifestyles, and are happy. Maybe he just wants attention. Maybe he just wants to flirt.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: To the other ladies: what\'s your favorite?

    I have seen alot of married women dress up, wear all the latest fashions, looking very sexy. They wear makeup, change their hair style. I know a few married women personally that are happily married and still dress provocatively. It builds their self confidence knowing they are still attractive to other men.

    As a married man I am no different, I still want to know if women still find me attractive. Married men wearing pheros to make himself more attractive to women is similiar to the married women using the latest beauty aids or fashions from Dillards (a nice dept store in this area) to make herself more attractive to other men. both for her husband and other men.

    Just the mere fact that you are married, isnt enough to stop the urges you have to find a sexual partner. Nature is always trying to match the best genes together.

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