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  1. #91
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    Default Re: Gerund - re Anyone Can Learn

    Hey there Full-Tilt-Redhead-

    Indeed, all humans are made to make love... I think of sex as maybe the most life-affirming thing a couple can do together.

  2. #92

    Default Re: Gerund - re Anyone Can Learn



  3. #93
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Of course, the celery could take a week or more to have an effect, I would imagine. Personally, I don\'t like to get blow jobs. A little oral worship is fine as foreplay but coming in a woman\'s mouth is a waste of the ol\' precious bodily fluids.

    One can even get celery extract which should do the same thing.

  4. #94
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month


    You don\'t like to get blow jobs. That\'s understandable.
    Perhaps you\'ll want to take some celery seeds along when you return to your home planet.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  5. #95

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Thank you, Oscar. I wasn\'t gonna touch that one but I was so hoping someone else would...

  6. #96
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Celery seeds may enhance the urge for a blow job lol i will have to give that one a go. It seems to certainly be the flavour of the month around here at the moment.

  7. #97
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Esteemed Colleagues,

    I share a very personal, very honest sexual preference and what do I get? Ridicule!

    So what\'s so funny about preferring orifices without canines, incisors and molars? It\'s not Freudian but a woman with THAT big a mouth would look pretty funny. Frankly, the best part of a woman is the part that is uniquely female.

    As to celery, why else would celery be such an important ingredient in Bloody Marys?

  8. #98
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Sorry whitehall not attacking anyones preference heck a woman can give me a blow job anytime, and i love bloody marys so the celery thing shows its importance. The best part of a female is that she is a female. Lol Peace

  9. #99

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month


    Sour grapes on my part. I was hoping to practice on you. Oh, well, if you\'re sure you don\'t want it. ......

  10. #100
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month


    Now I do understand. I should have guessed that it was a concern for your partners\' welfare that influenced your preferences.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #101
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Just kidding!

    Look, I do enjoy a woman getting enthusiastic while giving me head, but I reserve my ejaculation for deep between her legs, where Nature intended. Otherwise, its just mutual masturbation, my decidely second choice.

  12. #102
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month


    Masturbation? Perhaps.
    Mutual? Not in my opinion, unless you consider the uvula an erogenous zone.
    It may well be, but I\'ll defer to the ladies on that.

    I view a good BJ as being sexually serviced, and relish it as such. I also enjoy going to have my hair cut and being shampooed, or lying down and enjoying a good massage.

    Granted, these are all selfish pleasures.

    In the case of my lovers, they either already have or will receive their pleasuring before or after mine, so I see no problem there.

    In the cases of my hair stylist and masseuse, perhaps I\'ll be able to reciprocate at some point in the future. I hope.

    I don\'t see where it\'s any more of a waste of precious bodily fluids than is ejaculating into the vagina of a woman whom you have no intention of impregnating.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  13. #103
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Let\'s agree to disagree; there is no conflict of interest between us. You can take the passive role if you like being serviced.

    I\'ll stick with the active position.

    Did you read the latest \"science\" about how ejaculate in the vagina acts as an antidepressant for women? Haven\'t seen a corresponding benefit for women from BJs yet - swallowing just ain\'t the same - guess I\'m just more intuitively saintly than thou.

  14. #104

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Could somebody please pass me a pair of hip boots? Sh*t\'s gettin\' deep in here...

  15. #105
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month


    \"Serviced\", yes. \"Passive\", no.
    The engine should be running while the mechanic\'s under the hood.

    Otherwise, I agree to disagree. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    I\'m quite curious why the oral administration of a dose of a proven antidepressant wouldn\'t be as effective as one administered vaginally.
    If no such study exists, perhaps I\'ll take up the baton.

    I am, as always, humbled by your piety. Et cum spiritu tuo.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #106
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Eh, I BEG to differ, those soft, big lips, and that soft, wet tounge...Ah....Dude, you\'re weird, you REALLY are...Well, you\'re not like MOST guys...


  17. #107
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Ill give you the corressponding benefits of BJs for women. Read it somewhere that BJs help womens immune system get used to youre DNA so that when you are ready for her to fall pregnant if shes used to youre seamen etc then her bodies antibodies in her vagina are less likley to attack youre sperm on their way up to mate with the egg. Because as we know womens antibodies go to work staright away after sex if shes at that time of the month, thats why us guys need to pump 100s of millions of sperm into women when we are doing them over. Its in the interests of both parties and this is why BJs happen. Thats where the intuitive part comes in.

    Watcher does it again he he.

  18. #108

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Whitehall, actually I quite believe you and I would love to see that study.

    All I would say about bj\'s v putting it where it oughta be is, it doesn\'t have to be an either/or proposition. You can make a night of it and do both. A couple of times. :-)

  19. #109
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Info about the study is available <a target=\"_blank\" href=>here</a>. Most interestingly, from a phero perspective, are the comments of Winnifred Cutler, who the article describes as having deiscovered pheromones in \'86. Funny, she can find problems with others\' methodology..

    Put me in the same column as Whitehall. While I have no problem at all accepting a little mouth music, I find it too passice to bring me to orgasm quickly, if at all. I need to have a much more active role in sex to be able to hit nirvana.

  20. #110

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    I have been saying this for years and no one would listen. Depression kicks in after about 6 weeks with no sex including sperm inside. It just gets steadily worse the longer it goes.I can\'t believe some lab coat finally listened to a woman. Never mind the shrinks. \"Why don\'t you just masturbate?\" Because it doesn\'t have the same effect, I need to be with a man.\" \"Why do you think you are so dependent on men?\" \"I\'m not! I just get really depressed if I\'m not getting laid regularly.\" \"Why don\'t you buy a dildo if you\'re missing penetration?\"ARG Here\'s a quarter, why don\'t you buy a f*king clue...I can\'t believe this.Women of the World! Get off the Prozac and on the Peniscillin!Use of antidepressants has increased alarmingly, I believe, in both sexes but especially in women.Amazes me - you know the saying, can\'t see the forest for the trees? Some of these scientists seem to me like they can\'t even see the leaves on the trees for studying the veins on the leaves. Also the intimacy thing. It\'s the intimacy. She just needs to cuddle. Women just like to cuddle, that\'s enough for them.OH HELP ME RHONDA. Can we ever get off the \"nice girls don\'t like it\" trip?!Sorry for the rant, but this blows my mind. FINALLY.Thanks for the link. I know a smug bastard I need to send it to.

  21. #111

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Bj\'s are for a treat. The football game half time bj. The it\'s your birthday see how I wake you up bj. The you just got promoted bj. The you just got fired but I love you anyway bj. Definitely no substitute for the real thing bareback but fun and pleasurable anyway, and I\'ve always got the real deal somewhere in the process, so ... no loss.

  22. #112

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    FURR RULES ! I love the animalishness of it. (Get ready folks...) When I went to Europe as a high school senior, I immediately noticed how few women shaved their armpit or leg hair. Instead of suffering from culture shock, I felt a neat sort of kinship with these \"au naturel\" women. They seemed more real, more snuggly, more relaxed - actually- ultrafeminine. Ladies... JOIN THE NEW WAVE, DON\'T SHAVE! VIVA LA FUZZ!

  23. #113
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    Default efficacy of semen as vaginal antidepressant

    Yep, I can sense the imminent release of Prozac in suppository form... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  24. #114

    Default Re: efficacy of semen as vaginal antidepressant

    Medicate me, doctor. Medicate me heavily...

  25. #115
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    Default Re: efficacy of semen as vaginal antidepressant

    Doctor make everything feel allllllll betterrrr~ [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] I have also been known to kiss owies.

    Man, I just can\'t wait until I have 25 posts so I\'m no longer classified \"stranger.\" Stranger than what? Stranger than who? I think it just leaves too much open to interpretation...

    \"Stranger\" Gerund, signing off--

  26. #116

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Camusflage, could just be you haven\'t had enough friction and enough action that her head/neck/shoulders ache the next day... :-)

  27. #117
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    unless you consider the uvula an erogenous zone.
    It may well be, but I\'ll defer to the ladies on that.

    Wasn\'t that somewhat the premise for the original \"Deep Throat\" movie? That Linda Lovelace\'s clitoris was a bit below her soft palate? Hey! Maybe that explains the similiarity between \"vulva\" and \"uvula!\" More closely connected than we think??? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

  28. #118

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Hey, Sophie --this comes late in the conversation but I just saw your edit re \"pretty girls don\'t have to\" -- doesn\'t your hand just itch to go upside her head one good time?On the other hand, I have to laugh. I\'ve said to some of the guys on the site, gear down a notch from pitching to 9\'s and 10\'s to pitching to 6,7,8\'s. I promise you\'ll have a better time. The \"pretty girls don\'t have to\" mentality I think is a lot of the reason they\'re bitching so much about women being arbitrary, gold-diggerish, non-responsive, unfaithful, etc. etc. May as well buy a blow up doll with a laugh track, some of the 10\'s are SO shallow they can\'t get off the pedestal \'cause they\'re not used to moving around that much. And the guys aren\'t with them because they enjoy their company, but because they\'re accessories that boost their status. So it\'s not about good sex or fun or relating, it\'s about posing.Oh, btw, the article was in last month\'s Allure, not Elle. There was a really good article in last month\'s Elle about open marriage, tho.

  29. #119
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Oh no, I assure you, I\'ve been the lucky recipient of many *wonderful* blowjobs. That being said, only two were able to take it all, but that\'s not all that goes into a good blowjob. More than anything else, it\'s when the gal enjoys it, that\'s what makes it a wonderful experience.

  30. #120
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default But I\'m not Bitter

    One day those vapid 10s are gonna hit the wall. And when they do, It\'s all gonna come crashing down around them. What happened to the constant stream of guys that were always kissing my ass. Gone. How come guys aren\'t hanging on my every word anymore. Because you\'re stupid and boring. When you were hot, that was very easy to overlook. But now, we\'d just tell you to shut up already. I guess we could stuff a dick in your mouth to shut you up, but you never learned what to do with it cause \"pretty girls don\'t have to\". How come the guys that have sex with me never call? Because you\'re a boring lay. You always were a boring lay because you never had to try. I guess it\'s not to late to start trying. You see that bowling team over there celebrating their victory. Go to it babe.

    Hot girls schmot girls. I\'ll take a girl with a great personality anyday. Give me a redhead that\'s short, plump, and curvy. One who\'s smart and has a great sense of humor. One who could suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch. And I will worship her eternally.

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