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  1. #61

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    A Master speaks ... those who have ears to hear, let them hear...

  2. #62
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men *DELETED*

    Post deleted by BassMan

  3. #63

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I try soo hard to be a good girl....sigh

  4. #64

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I believe the main and most inportant thing is to BE YOURSELF.

  5. #65

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    My ex GF, who was (her words) \"somewhat experienced\", was good at it but was very shy in receiving. Very strangely, when I ate her she showed disconfort. This has always puzzled me because I thought I was at least \"decent\", if not great, at it (I had a former \"fling\" with an American woman where I could go on for what it seemed to be hours -- resting my tongue and lips now and then, of course :-) and she refused to give but was eager to accept.
    a yucky note (dont read this if you\'ve just eaten): my first GF swallowed (it happened only once) and told to me it was like \"gulping down raw eggs\" (she had to visit the restroom to throw up 5 minutes later :-(

  6. #66

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Hey, Golem - that with your girlfriend who was shy about receiving is fairly typical - It\'s not as bad as it used to be but it is still bad, the commercial hype about vaginal odor, there are so many commercials for douches and \"Feminine deodorant sprays\" and depending on how you were raised, it\'s very easy to think that any smell at all from there will be received as disgusting, and of course you don\'t know what other women smell like or look like, for that matter, so you don\'t know if your nether region looks or smells attractive, and you\'re taught to keep your knees together anyway, so a woman has to overcome some heavy conditioning and self-consciousness. Compliments! go with cunnilingus :-) The first time someone did that to me I had no idea what he was about to do, when he first put his mouth there I thought my head would explode, but I kept trying to push him away for being shy, until he said \"You taste delicious.\" oh rilly? hmmmm...well....ok....if you insist... lol

    first time swallowing can be traumatic for sure

  7. #67
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    What about men who just go through the motions? I know a gal who actually has never been eaten. Her ex considered it \"dirty\", but it was peachy keen for her to go down on him.

    We have the whole cultural thing to blame for this attitude. Only one time have I ever had a lover whose taste was not to my liking. Of course, I come at this from the perspective of a guy who loves to do it. I was intimate with a good friend for the first time a few weeks ago, and I managed to get her into a zone, one that I\'ve only seen a few times, where the orgasms just kept rolling. She told me afterwards that it was completely amazing to her, and that it had never happened before. I told her I could have kept going down on her for hours. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Truth be told, personally, I prefer giving than receiving. It\'s exceedingly difficult for me to relax and not take an active part in sex.

    As far as guys who do it, but unwillingly, or without feeling, it\'s exactly the same as women who don\'t get into blow jobs, but give them for any number of (usually poor) reasons. You don\'t take time to become proficient at things you don\'t truly enjoy.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Exactly, camus, some men just don\'t want to give, but they\'ll \"take\" all day long. What a pity. Kudos to you, you sound like a great lover.

    this is reminding me of an episode of Sex and the City a couple of weeks ago,where whatshername Miranda (?) went to Weight Watchers and met the \"overeater who overate her\". She thought it was gross that he didn\'t wipe his mouth after coming up for air and kissing her mouth. Any opinions on this? (I thought she was being overly critical myself). anyone see this episode? If you fellows don\'t watch Sex and the City you should (if you have HBO), it\'s quite entertaining.

  9. #69

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I LOVE THAT SHOW. It\'s the only show I\'ve ever seen that was truthful about the way women talk to each other and what they talk about. Re not wiping his mouth - I\'m offended if he does wipe his mouth, and if he\'s willing to eat me, I\'m certainly willing to clean his mouth/face with my tongue for it. I like all the tastes mixed together, it\'s very intimate, makes me feel very close to him.

  10. #70

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Hey - so while we\'re down to the nitty gritty here -I wish someone would answer me this: what is UP with the insistance on shaving pubic hair? I like a guy who trims, but shaving might be nice the first five minutes after, and then it\'s whisker burn time and who needs that?? Ditto for me to shave - I\'ve done it, but jesus. I trim close every two weeks and that\'s all I\'m willing to do - can\'t deal with the maintenance and the discomfort, and I am suspect about the squeamish factor re guys who can\'t stand it au natural. Anyone care to jump in? (I swear I won\'t go off and tell anyone to shut up - sorry about that, I was out of hand.)

  11. #71
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Clean shaven is ok but I prefer a landing strip.

  12. #72

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Because of the beard burn factor? or you just like the look better.

  13. #73

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I thought you said \"Clam shave\" LOL!
    ...then again, it means the same thing...
    I\'m for the landing strip or any interesting patterns, like the letter V or and arrow ie. => etc. etc. Too furry and they get in your teeth, the landing strip doesn\'t burn the nose as much as a 2 day full shave does.

  14. #74

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Flavored lubes are a good way to have fun with oral, with an inexperienced partner. Juicy ID makes lubes in vanilla, banana, chocolate raspberry, papaya, I can\'t remember how many others, in sample sizes. SO and I spent an entire afternoon putting different flavors on each other and licking them off. When I\'m tired but still enthusiastic about pleasing, a flavored lube sometimes helps me focus, for some reason. It might help with taste factor though, although ... if you love pussy and she tasted bad to you, I hope there\'s not a reason like trich or bacterial infection ... thank god for men like you.

    I strongly suspect that women who don\'t like to receive have had bad or tepid experiences with it, just like women who don\'t like to give have just never had it click for them. It happens with guys who know women like it but can\'t find quite locate the little man in the boat, and it\'s hard for women to overcome shyness to point it out.

  15. #75

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    A guy with a beard or mustache if you are clean shaven will rub you absolutely raw. I swear I think porn movies started this, because clean shaven makes for more graphic close ups. In practical terms, it\'s a pain, literally and figuratively, to me.

    Wizard. Patterns? lol :-)

  16. #76
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Hi FTR and Sophie~

    My remarks were not meant to provoke you.

    And I readily concede that the headboard and rugburn analogy was not fitting. Those result from *shared* pleasure, as FTR correctly pointed out, and being \"lost in the moment.\"

    It was not my intent to downplay or invalidate the physical discomfort you personally experience while performing oral sex on a man. And I\'m sure many women share your sentiments. But I have to point out that the lead sentence in that paragraph of my post said I didn\'t think that physical discomfort would be a \"SOLE DETERMINING FACTOR\" causing a woman to not engage in that activity.

    I was not trying to minimize any awkwardness or difficulty with the act experienced by you. I was saying only that discomfort *by itself* wouldn\'t dissuade a woman from performing fellatio... and that is exactly what my original reflects. Fair enough?

    And although I appreciate very much the posts by women in the Forums, and value the input, I have to take issue with FTR\'s reply to my original post, in which she indicates that my observations were not **helpful, fair, or accurate**. I would like FTR\'s thoughts as to whether *her reply* was \"helpful, fair, or accurate.\"

  17. #77
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I gotta agree with justhuge -- I really, really enjoy going down on a woman. The taste and smell are arousing to me and fill my senses. I like it so much that I can\'t comprehend how some guys aren\'t into it. Sex to me almost doesn\'t seem complete unless I\'ve tasted her for a while. In fact, if she\'s agreeable, I like the woman to cum once from my tongue before we even move on to penetration; it seems to make a 2nd orgasm during intercourse more likely.

    And I swear this is true: the first few times I did oral on a girl when I became sexually active as a teenager, I experienced a tingling at the base of my spine. Honest -- I\'m not kidding. It\'s hard to describe, but the best adjective I can put on how it felt would be \"delightful.\" I only felt that tingling the first few times, and although it happened 30 years ago for only my first few encounters of cunnilingus, it gave me an absolutely indelible memory...

  18. #78
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    Default Re: \"Anyone can learn\" -- FTR and Sophie

    Hi again FTR and Sophie;

    I *never said* that any woman can\'t learn how to perform fellatio. Never. I did not even come close to saying that. In fact, I said, \"any woman can be taught move-by-move what to do, when, and how...\"

    What I DID say, and what I will stick by, is that some women are naturally better at it. That may not be helpful or fair, but it is true. I was responding in part to the post by justhuge that was just above FTRs post, where he asked, \"...why are few women good at it and most of the others aren\'t good at all?\"

    FTR and Sophie, I agree with you completely that any woman can learn to perform oral sex on a man. It would be ludicrous to argue otherwise.

    What I do assert and defend, however, is that some women, to varying degrees, have a *knack* or a *talent* or a *skill* or an \"intuitive ability* or \"instinct* that enables them to give their partner greater pleasure in that activity. And I think it would be equally ludicrous for you to try to argue otherwise.

    No matter what the defined activity, there will always be individuals who are better at. And no amount of teaching, instruction, or repetitive experience will enable someone to become as proficient or accomplished as the person with natural ability. Doesn\'t matter whether it\'s golfing, typing, bowling, singing, skiing, swimming, dancing, giving backrubs or giving blowjobs. To claim, protest, or believe otherwise, you must either deny reality, or succumb to wishful thinking.

    So I hope you can see, FTR, that I don\'t have a bad attitude at all. I was simply acknowledging reality. I\'m appreciative of any efforts a woman makes to please me that way, and I let her know it. I don\'t criticize, make remarks, or compare or anything like that.

    As a long-time receiver of oral sex from women, I have to say that I *also* know what I\'m talking about. There are subtleties and intangibles to *any* activity that not everyone can master, no matter how much learning or practice takes place. That is all that I was trying to illustrate.

    Yes, any woman can learn how to please a man through fellatio. But not every woman will be able to do it *superbly*. And if you re-read my post, you\'ll see that was what I\'ve been saying all along.

  19. #79

    Default Bravo, Gerund!

    Gerund, you write so beautifully and you have so much to offer; I\'m so glad to hear from you. I\'m sorry I snapped. Obviously, I have issues on the subject. Here\'s why. It\'s part of my makeup to be intensely curious about sex; I always have been. I\'m also musical, intuitive, and very responsive. I first had sex at 13, and even at that age felt like I had waited unbearably long. Free love was an ideal to be realized and I did my very best to promote the cause, went at it with wild abandon, and enjoyed myself immensely, except for giving oral. My experiences with receiving were good. My experiences with giving were horrible. Without exception, what happened was that he would force my head, I\'d be unable to breathe, I would gag, and he would come in my mouth. Sometimes the come tasted vile, burned in my mouth, and the aftertaste lingered. I was unable to associate giving head with pleasure and I cringed at the thought of it -- but I never refused although I found it very unpleasant. I read books about it from age 14 on, and had techniques in my head ready to try. But you can\'t do silken swirl on a guy who, after maybe one swirl, bangs your mouth and then comes - do you see what I mean? It wasn\'t until my divorce at 40 that I decided once and for all to figure out what the problem was, and what I did was to consult experienced dominants and ask to be trained. I had to be completely reconditioned. It took about a year. Since then I\'ve experimented on some major players, guys who\'ve had lots of \"naturally talented\" and very experienced women give them head, and I\'ve knocked their socks off and been told I could teach any woman they\'d ever been with. My skills were really hard won, but the result was worth the effort. Now I give head because I want to, I love it and I could do it for hours, sometimes go to sleep with my SO\'s cock in my mouth, and he is incredulous that I ever disliked it, I\'m such a \"natural.\"Even a woman with inherent natural ability can be damaged to the point that she is unable to realize her potential. It takes two. Receiving is as much a talent as giving. I think, from reading your posts, that you are probably an exquisite lover and it would never occur to you to do what was done to me, so perhaps you can\'t imagine the damage it does on the receiving end, but ... if I didn\'t have the quirky and tenacious temperament that I have, I would have gone to my grave never falling into the groove and would have missed all that pleasure. I wrote what I did because that\'s been my experience. I don\'t think many women have the high motivation that I have to excel sexually, and without someone to help them, once damaged are never able to realize their potential.You\'re right - the physical discomfort does not dissuade a woman who loves to give oral. However, like many people, I have tmj, also a small mouth and jaw and a well-endowed partner, and have had to learn to relax to a point that I would previously not have thought possible in order to fully accommodate him. For about two days after we\'ve been together, my jaw is out of alignment (it eventually pops back into place, sometimes sounding like a gun went off POP!), the back of my throat is bruised, and my neck and shoulders ache. For me, that\'s a pleasant reminder of a beautiful intimacy, but I\'m having a really good time. For women who maybe aren\'t having such a good time, I posited that it could be a dissuading factor.Thanks so much for writing back.Renee

  20. #80
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    wish more ladies were au natural as you put it and skipped the shaving of the pubic hair. I want to be with a \"woman\" and to me that includes a nice bush - this whole women shaving/pre-pubescent look has gotten so old

  21. #81

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Never thought, as a democrat, I\'d be so happy to see a vote for bush. (groan bad pun)

    Trim clippers work really well with the guard at 1/4 inch. That way there\'s not enough hair to be a nuisance and everything stays soft, no whiskers. Trimmed is my strong preference for me and for him.

  22. #82
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I\'ll take a crack at it.. In my experience, things tend not to linger as long in a gal who shaves completely versus one who is wild and wooly. Trimming is a happy medium, but still more than shaving. On the negative side of shaving, there is the comfort level.. There\'s nothing down there to soak up/diffuse any of the sweat that can build up during the day.

    Myself, I prefer shaved. I too shave, and when I\'m with a lover who shaves as well, the feeling is simply indescribable. Another benefit, for guys, is that you don\'t get any hairs caught in the condom. THIS is a good reason to shave in and of itself. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  23. #83
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I dated a girl back in school who, after allowing me to go down on her, would require that I immediately wash my face and brush my teeth. She eventually came around, but by that point, I\'d figured out she wasn\'t terribly bright. Intelligence, and usually somewhere >= genius level, is one of my hard and fast requirements for anything beyond a brief fling. I know it\'s weird, but smart women definitely turn me on.

  24. #84

    Default Gerund - re Anyone Can Learn

    Before I took lessons, sometimes I would realize that it wasn\'t quite what it should be, and I\'d ask - and sometimes I got comments like, \"well, you\'re good, but I\'ve had better, yeah. I\'ve just had the privilege to be with some women who were real naturals. It\'s ok, you\'re so good at other things...\" It would frustrate me nearly to tears, so discouraging to think maybe there\'s some bj gene you were just born without, and no matter what, you\'ll never be good at it. I had to be taught step by step by someone with absolute control over his own orgasm who could tell me not only what to do but what to \"listen\" for, what to notice, who could say, ok, I\'m going to come and I\'m going to tell you exactly when, meanwhile, do you feel my balls tighten? now, you\'ll feel it start to rise, what are you noticing about taste? etc., ok, take your breath and be ready to swallow, don\'t stop your stroke, little more pressure, ok, now, nice and easy, start to swallow, you\'re doing so well, you\'re doing great. I was certainly mechanistic at first but the first time I was able to do it by myself without any coaching at all I was so proud of myself and he so proud of me, I took off with it and soon was able to make his eyes roll back in his head and make him groan. With practice and a partner who knew how to teach, I \"got\" it and now I pass for a gifted natural. Having been through a transformation, I know it\'s possible. That\'s why I say it\'s not fair or helpful to categorize. I have also been with men who just sat there and gave no feedback at all except to hiss \"Watch your teeth!\" I have helped a couple of men learn cunnilingus who were just miserable at it to begin with, and, having had no useful/positive feedback and their heads pushed away, just gave up trying, thinking there must be some mystery to it they\'d never be privy to. I know my head\'s hard but I maintain everyone can be sexually awakened and anyone can do anything sexually as well as anyone else can. It\'s harder to find the key to some locks, but I believe the keys exist. Your analogy re musical talent resonates - I thought of a friend who asked if I could teach her to sing harmony and I thought, no, I can\'t, what do you mean? - can\'t you hear it yourself? because no one ever had to teach me, I just did it - and you may be right that there are degrees of inherent sexual ability, but unlike music, all humans are made to make love. Aren\'t they?

  25. #85
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Brushing teeth immediately before or after oral sex is generally a bad idea because tiny cuts often result from brushing, and infectious bacteria or viruses which otherwise would be killed by the body\'s natural defenses can get into these cuts and cause infections.

  26. #86
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Brushing teeth may well be bad, but using pepper mint mouthwash is definately a good idea. Girls say it tingles and feels so good... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    I personally love it, but one thing that I find slightly annoying is the quiet girl, makes no noise and says nothing. I know I\'m VERY talented with my hands, and I was with this girl, and I knew he was having *lots* of orgasms, but she was comopletely silent! Thrusting her hips and stuff some of the time, oppening her mouth, but then kissing me (using my hands at this point). I asked her later if she enjoyed her self, and she said \"Oh yes!\" then I smiled and said \"How many times?\" she said the she lost count, but guessed at 40.

    40! Fuckin hell thats loads! And not a sound! No words of praise, nada.

  27. #87
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Flavor of the Month

    Supposedly, one way to make semen and the vagina taste and smell more pleasant is to eat lot\'s of celery.

  28. #88

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    I\'ve heard that cucumber also makes semen taste better. I\'ve also heard celery increases natural pheromone production. according to the article i read it gives you more androste*rone*, thought i\'m not whether that was a spelling mistake, could have meant -none.

  29. #89
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Flavor of the Month

    Imagine the scene:

    You\'ve met this girl, you\'re at a party, but you\'ve escaped and found a quiet room...

    You both get undressed, you\'re thinking, wow, nice body, lets see if she tastes as good as she looks.

    You lower your head, lower, then a bit lower, OMG, its...its...DISGUSTING! Quick, make an excuse!

    \"[Gag] I\'ve erm...[sneeze] just go to go. Be back in a seccond\"

    You come back in two minutes later.

    \"Phew, sorry, just got this sudden erge for celery.\" You take a bite.
    \" tastes so good! I bet you want some.\"
    \"Erm, no not really, I\'m quite full. Now where were we...!\"
    \"No! No wait, you don\'t understand, you really do want some celery!\"

  30. #90

    Default Re: Flavor of the Month


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