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  1. #31

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Hey FTR, speaking of the B&B theory (the latter especially), why are few women good at it and most of the others aren\'t good at all? Now, I\'m not trying to bring up the whole experience issue, but some women don\'t even want to try to be good at it or satisfy their partner... Just curious...

  2. #32

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Giving head can be uncomfortable and scary. It makes your jaw, neck and shoulders ache, it can make you gag, sometimes the man tastes or smells bad, sometimes the way it\'s presented is degrading or makes the woman feel abused, often the way it\'s asked for is almost scary. It\'s really important to break a woman in correctly, and most women have had it jammed down their throats and/or their heads forced so many times they become completely adverse and see it as abuse because there is no positive feedback at all for them. So make sure you\'re clean. Avoid onions and garlic. I don\'t know much more about diet\'s effects on taste because it\'s not a concern for me, but there is literature out there on the subject if you want to research it. Point is, you\'re better off if your ejaculate is not nasty tasting.A position that she can be comfortable in is important too, so experiment. Some women find being on their knees a priori degrading. Some find it tiring. So try other ways and see what she likes best.I think women do not work on oral technique because they don\'t realize the incredible depth of need men have and how far they will go to get and keep it. And until they\'ve experienced the powerful beneficence available to them through giving good oral, it just doesn\'t resonate with the idea of having sex, having sex mostly being associated with pleasure, and giving head mostly being associated with no pleasure at all for her, and, worse, with distinct unpleasantness, physical and/or psychological. So some women will do it out of duty just because you want it or insist on it (to shut you up) and never get in the groove and learn to enjoy it.It\'s important to break a woman in gently with oral, give LOTS of praise, be patient over several sessions, while she\'s pleasing you talk to her, caress her hair, caress her face, rub her neck, rub her shoulders, give her specific instruction, guide but don\'t force, let her know that gag reflex has to do with breath control and that she can practice so as to help eliminate it ... you have to teach her specifically about your cock and what you like, and show your appreciation. Tell her she\'s beautiful when she\'s doing that, tell her it feels so good to you when she does that, etc. Agree beforehand whether she swallows or not and let her know when you\'re about to orgasm so she is not taken by surprise. There are many ways to teach her to anticipate and be ready for your orgasm as you go along. Don\'t insist upon oral to completion with anyone, but especially with an inexperienced woman.Men and women have fragile egos, sexually, so don\'t compare her to other women or make her feel inadequate in any way. This is an activity for nothing but praise combined with specific instruction.And you should reciprocate. :-)

  3. #33

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    FTR, I\'m 40+ and until I read your truly honest explanation from the female point of view, it was alway hard for me to analyze why it seemed to be such a chore for some women. Thanks for a refined point of view with an open mind and a great answer with some heart and guts...

  4. #34

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    OH thanks for that! I wish you and your partner much joy!

  5. #35
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Good points being brought up: Some women don\'t understand its importance, and some women find it distasteful (no pun intended).

    As for being inhibited from giving blowjobs because of possible aching jaw, neck, shoulder, etc. -- I don\'t think those things would ever be a determining factor in avoiding blowjobs. Both men and women are willing to submit their bodies to all kinds of lasting aches and pains in the pursuit of sexual pleasure: head-board and rug-burn torture, just to name a couple offhand (lol).

    But the initial question was why some women aren\'t good at it or don\'t try. Well, if they don\'t like doing it, it is difficult to become good at it, if they don\'t enjoy it on some level. Half of my appreciation of a blowjob is determined by the female\'s degree of cheerful enthusiasm about rocking my world with her mouth (and hands, if she\'s smart). And I\'ll confess that I enjoy the longest-lasting and deepest satisfaction when the woman swallows. Speaking plainly, I feel more accepted and special, valued and appreciated if the girl swallows.

    Hmmm.. seem to be losing my train of thought here~ lol Anyway, whether a female is good at giving head is a combination of talent and experience. Any woman can be taught move-by-move what to do, and when, and how... but she\'ll never be better than someone who is a \"natural.\" There\'s no other way to say it.

    In my experience, being a naturally good lover takes more than knowledge and repeated experience. I think it\'s a talent, or ability just like any other: Like having good balance; or a good singing voice; or perfect-pitch hearing; or terrific olfactory ability. To a certain degree, it\'s instinctual -- everybody has it, but to varying degrees.

    Some people sense automatically what their partner is feeling on an ongoing basis during lovemaking, through a dozens of non-verbal cues: muscle tension, breathing, heart rate, amount of movement, frequency of movement... etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... and interpret all that information correctly to maximize their partner\'s pleasure.

    Others can\'t do it at all, or hardly at all, and seem completely clueless, even if they know \"what to do, and how to do it.\" Their knowledge doesn\'t translate into knowing when to speed up, apply more pressure or less pressure, change area being stimulated, etcetera.

    Either they have some intuitive or inherent knack for an activity, or they don\'t. I compare it to an individual who has perfect pitch as opposed to someone who is tone deaf. The person with perfect pitch isn\'t even aware he or she is putting forth effort, because it comes naturally... the tone deaf person struggles much harder, gets poorer results, and has no incentive to continue the activity.

    Wow, sorry this ran so long. I promise not to get on my soapbox like that very often~

  6. #36

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Gerund -- Do you suck dick? No? Then shut up. Head board headache and rug burn come from mutual pleasure and being so lost in the moment that you don\'t care or notice what else is going on. Oral is different until you\'ve learned to enjoy it. I know what I\'m talking about. Your attitude is bad. She\'s a natural or she\'s not a natural is not helpful, fair, nor necessarily true. Everyone has to be taught. Some might start with more talent, but it\'s not rocket science, and anyone can learn.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    You rock Redhead!! gerund, some of your points are valid but blowjobs are hard work, and not so satisfying for the woman unless she\'s pleasing a man she loves (major point here). And I believe anyone can learn too. I read a lot of sex books (Joy of Sex, Sensuous Woman etc, all those 70\'s manuals) when I was young and learned lots of technique, also with experience of course.

    well, I blush easily (was told yesterday I blushed like a \"whore in church\" in a friendly way, cracked me up) so I\'m not going to say too much, but I have a question too. What about the men who don\'t get \"into\" cunnilingus? I\'m talking about the guys who will do it, but just don\'t seem to enjoy it very much. Before I was married I had a lover who just loved to eat pussy, he got off on it so much, what a guy!! His appreciation of the female body was an orgasm in itself. well, just wanted to bring up that topic, since it ties in with the topic this has turned into.

  8. #38

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Sophie, High Five! I\'m the president of your fan club.

    I would very much like to hear a response to Sophie\'s question as I have the very same question.

    Thanks for the backup, Sophie.



  9. #39
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Sophie, Do you remember the Silken Swirl?

  10. #40

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    The Sensuous Woman was HUGE - I don\'t know how the young girls have gotten along without it, wasn\'t it great? There don\'t seem to be many books like that around anymore, or if there are, I\'m not aware of them. It was just right for a beginner, not too hardcore, not so soft as to be vague, great attitude modeled.

  11. #41

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I read it and wished more guys would so they could have more understanding of the female mind, heart and soul. I\'m really focused on the needs and desires of all of the females I date in various cultures. Love them all!!!

  12. #42
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I wish I still had a copy of the Sensuous Woman. Wasn\'t there a Sensuous Man book too?? silken swirl LOL!!! I remember that. I did get a book club book a few years ago called 99 Ways to Please a Man or something like that. I\'ll have to dig it out of storage.

    Maybe one of us should write one of these books....

  13. #43

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I\'d read it...

  14. #44
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    99 ways to please a man that could come in very handy for some women (sorry the culture ive come up against in australia is that men do it women sit back and take it get all the pleasure but - dont have to give any back its a sick cultural thing men get attacked down here by the alpha females. Heck they want money. Nice girls ( i mean lesser nasty types) are very few and far between (something to do with more women staying single until they find mr perfect but never finding him then complaining. FTR the old prince charming and white knight chase. (its a mirage of course but hey the media love telling women that this is the way) Something about powerful media interests maintaining society views as they want them through the mass media.

    Gotta keep power structures in place. - please sign the petition need 10000 signatures. Please help

  15. #45

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    I\'d be happy to collaborate. FunLover invited me to write a book and suggested some chapter headings - we could use his ideas for a start. I think there was a Sensuous Man - \"J\" touched off an avalanche, but the original was the best, in my opinion. How old were you when you read it? I was 14. I still have it. I think it\'s still in print.

  16. #46

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    OH! I know what I wanted to tell you all on the subject of BJ\'s - last month\'s Elle magazine had an article on the phenomenon of young women getting extensive plastic surgery and how they generally do not pay for it themselves, but their rich lovers do. From that to how unabashedly golddiggerish these very beautiful young women are. Parenthetically in this article was an exchange overheard in an expensive boutique wherein one woman was saying to another that she\'d heard about these women-only parties where someone comes to your house with \"toys\" and teaches oral techniques and you all learn from each other. The young girl said, \"WHY? Pretty girls don\'t HAVE to.\"

    It was so classic.

  17. #47
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    LOL just went to Amazon to see if I could order it. Sensuous Woman available from 9 cents used!!! Many copies available from different sellers, obviously well read? Sensuous that was funny.... \"Comments: Like New - 1972 ed never been opened-I SHIP FAST-excellent condition\" ....never been opened!!!! Not very many copies available of the Men version.

    sorry guys, I know most of you here are giving, generous lovers (I\'m assuming). I just had to laugh at \"never been opened\". Now back to my original question on page 4....any answers ???

    FTR, in 1972 I was about 14 so probably it was around that time. I was way too wild between 14 and 16, then settled down after that til I was 18.

    edit: just read your newest post \"pretty girls don\'t have to\"....oh, I\'m glad I\'m not so young anymore, don\'t really know what to say to that kind of young person.

  18. #48

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    There was also a book called \"The Inept Seducer\" which I wish I\'d kept; it was hilarious.

    I guess I scared the guys off, Soph. Everybody\'s reading, nobody\'s writing, it\'s just us chickens.


  19. #49
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Now that\'s the best one I\'ve heard all day !

  20. #50

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Sophie wrote: What about the men who don\'t get \"into\" cunnilingus?

    I can\'t answer that - I\'m really into it. Like your ex, I don\'t ever want to stop. I like to please...

  21. #51
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Well what about men not into cunnilingus well i guess they get less than those that are. Love it like it please please please more lol. - please sign the petition need 10000 signatures. Please help Sign into this forum as well.

  22. #52
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    going back to the original post of this thread....I just LOVE men who LOVE women!!! and cunnilingus is a strong indication of a man who loves women. \'nuff said....

  23. #53

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Hurray! for JustHuge

    So - how did you learn?

  24. #54

    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    This is what I\'ve been saying. Talent counts more than size or pounding ability (although neither exactly hurts my feelings). But we like oral as much as you do. So one reason some women don\'t reciprocate is because some men want it all the time and rarely give it, and if they do, won\'t stay long enough for the grand finale, or the grand finale takes too long because they want to show you how it\'s done rather than take any instruction.

    Wonder if it\'s an extension of the \"refuse to stop for directions\" problem.

  25. #55
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Show me Show me Show me how you do that trick.
    The one that makes me scream, she said.
    The one that makes me laugh, she said
    And threw her arms around my neck.
    Show me how you do it. And I promise you, I promise that
    I\'ll run away with you
    I\'ll run away with you

  26. #56
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Lol - please sign the petition need 10000 signatures. Please help

  27. #57

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  28. #58
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Exit, where is that from? I love your responses to our threads...

  29. #59
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men *DELETED*

    Post deleted by BassMan

  30. #60
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: I know what women want in men

    Just Like Heaven
    The Cure
    From the album \"KISS ME KISS ME KISS ME\"

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