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  1. #1
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Nice South Beach AE hit

    He he another one it works for lol. Latley ive just been seriously working out and trying to ignore the unattractive 40+ year old ladies that seem to think its ok to crack onto a 21 year old male with a almost there 6 pack and good body (where are all the attractive women - really they have just vanished although for me that isnt a bad thing but mark mate keep it up, get yourself another bottle if you found the magic potion keep using it. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Good luck he he.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Nice South Beach AE hit


    Major Hit!!! I think that is the best line I\'ve heard yet, \"It was like you had some power over me all night - I just couldn\'t resist you\". Beautiful... Just beautiful!

    It\'s like fishing, you don\'t pull one in every time, and you have to keep baiting the hook, but when you get a bite... BAM!!!

    ...and brother you landed a whopper! Well done! Thanks for sharing! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  3. #3

    Default Re: Nice South Beach AE hit

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, guys! Now all I\'ve got to do is hope I can keep this chick WITHOUT the pheros!

  4. #4

    Default Nice South Beach AE hit

    I\'m dyin\' to try all this new stuff that Bruce has for us to play with, but unfortunately I\'m a bit tight in the finance department right now. But I HAVE been getting some SERIOUS action from this one little bottle of AE that I bought like six months ago. Someone here mentioned that they hated to recount every hit they got due to the fact that sometimes this business CAN be so damn subjective, but this one was a VERY serious hit, and lead to one of those \"nights to remember\" [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    This happened just last week when I was down in Miami on a little road trip with a friend. I\'d never been to Florida before and when my friend asked if I would drive down with him to visit the University of Miami, where he wants to go to school, I couldn\'t resist the tempation to go. I actually lost my damn job over this trip becuse of a misunderstanding regarding how many days I\'d be gone. In any event, one night we were down there we were going to hit this really hopping club, so after getting myself all slicked up, I dabbed on a few drops of AE on my neck, chest and wrists. I offered the vial to my friends, but they balked about how they \'didn\'t need pheromones to get chicks\' (they would regret that later, I assure you!). To make a long story short, we couldn\'t get in to the friggin\' club - it was PACKED, and they weren\'t letting anyone in unless they were female and half naked (I could REALLY get used to living down there!). After that serious letdown, we were hanging around outside trying to figure out where to go next (there were four of us at this point), when these three girls came up to ME out of nowhere and asked me where the \'action was tonight\'. I explained that we were trying to figure out the same thing, and then she asked if we all wanted to ride with her in her limo to find somewhere to hang! \"YES, YES, YES, YES (holy crap I can\'t belive this is happening) YES\". I was doing everything I could to keep everyone from acting like a bunch of first timers in a brothel, but it was hard enough to keep myself from getting silly. We all hopped into this SWEET stretch jet-black limo as long as my street and drove to another club. On the way, I found out that this chick (Bridget) was the daughter of some local politician, and this was her father\'s limo that we were riding in. It was the only way he would let her go out, as he trusted the driver and knew she\'d be safe. HE couldn\'t have been any more wrong!!! This girl was an all-out FREAK (in the absolute BEST sense of the word) and before we even got to the club we were heading to, she had raised the partition adn was sitting on my lap and kissing me like an animal! My buds were sitting there not knowing what to do with themselves, and I\'m sure WISHING that they had listened to me when I suggested they put some AE on! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] When we got to the club, she made me stay behind in the limo with her and we made out for like half an hour before going inside. We hopped three more bars after that, and got back to our hotel room at about 5 in the morning. Chris and I were sharing a room, so I literally had to promise to pay him $20 to get him to go sleep in the car for a couple hours so we could be alone, and we spent the next hour having an absolutely AWESOME time! Like two hours later we\'re laying there and she says to me that she doens\'t know what came over her - she didn\'t want me to think she was a slut, she never has done this kind of thing before, etc, etc - and then she says \"It was like you had some power over me all night - I just couldn\'t resist you\"! God bless America and Alter Ego!!! How\'s THAT for a hit?!?! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Best part is this was more than just a one-nighter, and we\'re still keeping in touch now that I\'m back up in Jersey. And I am SERIOUSLY thinking of moving down there in the next few months, as there really isn\'t much here for me now.

    Anyway, thought you guys would like to hear THAT one! Keep the faith! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Nice South Beach AE hit

    Well if not you could go find someone else he he or just build up women are very fickle these days so you gotta have any advantage you can get out there.
    Try mind mapping techniques these are real fun to get smart real quick he he.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Nice South Beach AE hit

    Greed Watcher, AGREED!

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Nice South Beach AE hit

    Greed and the need for speed (well a rush anyway).
    Information is power but not enough - the implementation of that knowledge and the resulting benefits are the real reward in this game of life.
    Heck with all this forum information i can pull chicks am no longer fat and i am actually building up quite successfully - chicks now make the first move (why well quite simple im a unassuming hunk in thier words) six pack great body etc.
    Mind you the hard work ive had to put in is worth it, you gotta offer women something they want instead of being selfish and im a fat overweight slob now give me a hot looking chick etc.
    Sorry folks aint gunna happen. Also they usually wont make a move you gotta talk flirt and pretty well much keep them occupied otherwise they stray.
    Or alternativley workout and if you want use pheromone products also. They aint everything but they do have certain enhancing effects.

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