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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Thought I\'d keep up the post from the earlier forum about my experiences with pheros and \"blind dating\" from the \"Looking for Love....D-Day 18th April\" thread.

    date #5: JBM#1 and a few dabs SoE.
    Lady turned up with a face that would turn milk sour. Ethnic variance: East Indian, age: 42. To be honest, the agency should never have matched us since I specifically requested people in their mid-30s!
    Nonetheless, trying to make as pleasant evening out of it was a nightmare. There comes a point whereby you desperately try to think of things to say that will not elicit a response of \"yeah\", \"right\" or \"uh-huh\".
    I guess no amount of pheros would\'ve changed the attitude of this one. She was just plain disinterested and looked as though she did NOT even want to be there.

    date #6: Whole sachet of SoE gel to the pulse points on neck and wrists and 3 sprays JB#1.
    Again an unsuitable date...42yrs old, separated and had 2 teenage girls. All 3 criteria were definite no-no\'s in my requirements.
    Evening was a lot more pleasant than #4, but it was patently obvious that she thought the agency had screwed up the match as well.
    Nice enough date, but conversation was very dry, despite trying to make the most of it.

    date #7: 4 sprays JB#2 and 3 sprays Andro 4.2. To be honest i think I OD\'d with the JB#2. I could smell it myself.
    Lady was Asan (Chinese), single and late 30s.
    Good responsiveness, talkative, smiling. we must have spent 3 and half hours in the restaurant before going home. Telephone numbers exchanged.
    Now the weird part: About an hour and a half a couple took the table next to ours. The lady was a stunning, 5\' 10\" Asian lady, must have been late 20\'s, really HOT!!!I only noticed because she kept flipping her hair wildly and turning round in our direction.
    When we left the restaurant, as I passed by her, I glanced towards her and she was staring blindly at me, completely oblivious. This was the first time I have seen what most members on the forum will probably describe as a DIHL. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as I and my dinner companion left the restaurant, and saw her eyes follow me right out of the door.

    No dates lined up for the next few weeks. I\'m popping into the agency to give them a bit of a mouthful of the two crappy matches they\'ve dumped on me the last week and a half.

    I\'ve been wondering. Some members say that it\'s best to use -none on \"older\" women. What exactly is \"older\". mid 30\'s or late 30\'s/early 40\'s; and -nol on the \"younger\" women. Where do you draw the line between \"younger\" and \"older\"???

    Oh yes....saw date #4 (middle eastern lady) a second time last Sunday night. JB#2 and SoE....and she still can talk the legs off a centipede [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    About two weeks ago, I too finally saw what a DIHL looked like. Went to a club, the girl that stores away your coat gave me this look, doubt if her eyes could have been wider. A few minutes later the toilet lady along with another girl standing there gave me the same look, mouth wide open, lol! Unfortunately those were my only successes for the evening [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    On a sidenote, I must say I just love those SOE gels! They last pretty long and application is pretty even.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    The difference between \"younger\" and \"older\" I\'ve noticed is cutoff around 30 years of age where the woman is just about to end her sexual peak (33 or so). 30 and below has had better response to nol, while 30 and above has had better response to none.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    marz: thanks for clearing that up for me. Since my preferred dates/targets are within the mid 30s (though with the last few the agency\'s set me up with, I can\'t take anything for granted), it appears I should be using -nol and -none preps.

    SoE or PF/NPA combined with a few sprays of TE or Andro 4.2 should do it. Altrnately, I may substitute TE or Andro with a few drops of RM (I like the smell of that one).

    The -nol to draw them in, and then the -none to hit them hard when they\'re close.

    Nothing lined up in the next couple of weeks, tho\' meeting up with date #4 a third time is a definite possibility [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    I have a friend\'s 40th dinner party to go to in a week\'s time with some people I haven\'t seen in ages, so it might be worth experimenting with more -none phero preps...maybe even OD on purpose to see what happens...all part of the fun I guess [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game


    I would be wary of OD\'ing on the -nol-none mix around \"older\" women. In my early days of experementation, when I didn\'t think these things had any effect, I attended the \"father in laws\" 60th birthday bash. I stupidly applied about 1/4 bottle of \"love-mate\" (concentrated date-mate), mixed with a strong smelling cheap cologne. All I will say is that I spent an embarrassing evening trying to remove the flock\'s of menopausal women from around me. I kid you not, I ended up hiding in the gents half the night. It\'s that experience that convinced me to look deeper into pheros.

    Pity it doesn\'t do the same to the younger ones!


  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    So are you going to call #7?
    With all that man smell coming off your body, she must have been lingering for more than coversation.
    She’s probably obsessing about you as I write this.

  7. #7
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Aaron-Looks like date No. 4 has impressed you. Is there love in the air or pheromones? :P

    I was watching a commercial and the guy says \"I was wearing those Colognes with pheromones in it, but it only attracts women with humongous nostrils.\" LOL

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    aka: the lady that had the DIHL was, sadly not the one I was with, it was the one at the adjacent table....real hot body and very, very stunning asian features. Dressed to kill.
    # 4 has my telephone number. has calledme a few times, but I don\'t feel I want to take it further with her.

    Jose: # 4 has to be the pick of the bunch so far. Very, very elegant, poised and an air of dignity and self-respect. Seen her twice since the initial date, once in a TGI Friday\'s for a meal and was over at my place on the Tuesday Bank Holiday (tho she seemed a bit distant that day).
    Don\'t see or talk to her that often...perhaps once a week on the phone, and seen her maybe every fortnight so far. I\'m leaving it up to her to get in touch with me, since she\'s a doctor and is obviously very busy. Don\'t like to bother her when she\'s tired.
    Doesn\'t seem to be codusive to developing a relationship...I\'d rather have someone I can hang around with, do things with, even meet up after work for a coffee if it\'s only for half an hour. #4 would be wonderful if she \"worked to live\" rather than the other way around, even if she is 2 yrs older than me (looks 5 yrs younger).
    As for love????? Dunno, don\'t look as tho I\'ll get the chance to develop it, or if I do, it\'ll prob\'ly be by the time we\'re in our 60\'s at this rate [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    The search goes on.

    Have date # 8 next Wednesday night straight after work. Looks like I might try AE this time, just to see...drop behind each ear and one in the hair I think, applied 1 hr before the dinner with her.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Keep working at it, it\'ll happen. You just have to have faith. The pheros don\'t hurt either. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    -The Bat

  10. #10
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Your doing a cool move aaron, let her pursue you. If it doesn\'t happen, you move onto the next one. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Ignore that advice about them chasing you it doesnt happen, well at least not in australia the majority of women down here have to be chased pinned downed and yapped at for 6 hours straight before they even think about sex (australian women just have way to much verbalisation and not enough action) yap yap yap yap bla bla bla and so on and so on. If i wanted to be in a public debate i would join a toastmasters club somewhere.

  12. #12
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Sorry watcher but here in America it works, you have to know if a woman\'s interest level is high or not. At least I think he\'s been doing all the calling and planning, now it\'s her turn to show him she\'s worth the time and effort. I certainly don\'t want to waste more dinners and going out to places if her interest level is in the middle or low. You don\'t want to go to the friendship zone.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Ok....results on date # 8:

    Was working all day from 7.30am thru to 8.00pm and was due to meet the lady at a restaurant in Covent garden at 8.30pm. To say it was a rush would be an understatement.

    Anyway. I was wearing RM/NPA/PI(W) in 7:3:3 from the morning. I reapplied a spray 20 mins before the meeting, as well as a sachet of SoE gell to pulse points on my wrists, jugular and behind the ears.

    She was a stunning, pretty Sri Lankan lady, about mid-late 30s. Nice smile and figure. Sadly, despite this, not the type of person I\'d go for due to (i) she was divorced, and (ii) had a 9 year old daughter, which I didn\'t find out until towards the end of the evening.

    Evening started with a lot of uncomfortable silences...not my fault...she just felt awkward, and the conversation, once she\'d loosened up a little was pretty basic. No openness, receptiveness or positive responses from her, though I did get the impression that she wouldn\'t have objected if I\'d given her my telephone number (male pride talking I guess). She didn\'t offer me hers either.

    No hair flipping, DIHLs or overt friendliness or chattiness. This is another date I won\'t be losing any sleep over. This one, as well as # 4, # 5, # 6 is one I should never have been set up to meet (though I\'m prepared to let # 4 slide b/c she really was lovely).

    Which part of \"Never been married\", \"No children\", and \"No one over 37\" does the intro agency NOT understand !!!!!!

    The longer this goes on, the more I get the feeling that the first date I was supposed to meet (the one that cancelled) is going to be the \"perfect\" one that got away....that\'s the voices inside me telling me this, and they\'ve never been wrong about my dates yet.

  14. #14
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game


    I\'ve been following your dating saga since the beginning. So far, you haven\'t meet Miss Wonderful but look what you\'ve gained - you are certainly more self-confident, your conversational skills seem to be improving, and you\'ve got several interesting stories. The dates are getting easier and more fun, aren\'t they?

    Life is not so much a goal as a process. I\'m rather glad for you and the progress you\'ve made.

    Carry on.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game


    Thanks for the voice of support. It\'s true that when I embarked on this oddyssey of finding a \"soul-mate\" (yes, I know it sounds rather idealistic), my self confidence and self-esteem was at a low ebb.
    I\'ve never been less than articulate and eloquent with people, but when it came to dealing with members of the fairer sex, I simply turned into a babbling cretin. And God forbid that I actually liked someone....overkill to the extreme, immolation in my feelings to the point at which their red flag shoots up and they run a mile...been there, done that, and will probably do it again [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    I came to the realisation a while back that it\'s best to be a listener rather than a talker, unless their interest drifts towards you, and to give then 100% of your attention. This seems to be working. In combination with this, a more relaxed attitude, where it\'s the lady that has to do the work to make her come across as viable is for more interesting.Nothing worse in a blind date than a guy incessantly droning on about can see your date\'s eyes roll up into the back of her head as she slips into a coma with boredom.

    I\'ve found that the pheros have given me a lot more self-confidence about attending these dinner meetings, and coming across positively than I would have done in the past. Whether it\'s my attitude or the pheros that elicit responses from my dinner companions, I don\'t really care, as long as it\'s a pleasant and friendly meeting, although there have been one or two occasions where no amount of pheros could have salvaged a rendezvous....not through any fault of my own, but purely as a result of my partner\'s attitude from the outset.

    Also bearing in mind that 4 out of 8 meetings were totally unnacceptable in my required criteria, it hasn\'t been too bad an experience.

    I\'m still with the intro agency until next April, so I\'m sure there will be more dinner meetings and reports of various phero experiments. I have to go to the agency and give them a very loud ticking off to ensure that all my prospective dates fall into my required criteria....they\'ve been somewhat \"extracting the urine\" with me lately with the people they\'ve been setting me up with.

    More results as they occur...and more info about my JBX experiments on a daily basis in the Hit-Masters thread (positive and negative).

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Watcher: It\'s an interesting point you bring up.

    Jose: Your observations are also spot on.

    I don\'t disagree with either of your comments. I find that in different parts of the world, women\'s attitude to the \"mating game\" is different.
    Watcher\'s/Donald Duck\'s comments about \"attention whores\" (for want of a better term) may very well be relevant to his part of the world, and, possibly to a greater or lesser extent elsewhere demographically

    In the UK, you have a bit of both. In all honesty, I prefer not to mingle with English women, preferring the company of mediterranean, continental and middle eastern types. British women, in the main, have lost the sort of values that I\'m looking for in a partner. They can often be described as shallow, selffish, obsessed with their careers, decadent, divorce-happy, too busy to have children etc.
    Whether you agree or disagree (and I\'m certain I\'ve ruffled a few feathers with my generalisation), the fact is, that I\'m personally looking for someone with \"old fashioned\" family values.

    Most of the time, over here, I get the impression that when people say \"come in for a \"coffee\" in Britain, it doesn\'t always mean they want coffee [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Ok....time to get off my soapbox and back into the real world.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    Wow aaron, you\'ve just described the basic American woman. I guess it just proves America really is a colony.

    -The Bat

  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    That is a very important point marz it seems the peak of a womans fertility is around 30-31.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    For those of you who think it\'s impossible to OD on -nol.

    I paid a visit to the intro agency to give them a little feedback on some of my crappy dates (read: give them a mouthful [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]) so to make it go a little easier I applied PF as an aftershave....quite a bit of it in fact...and an X-cite wipe about half an hour before going in.

    The lady who saw me was problem...unfortunately, the problem was me [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    For some unfathomable reason, I transformed from the normally well educated, articulate and eloquent individual I usually am, into an incoherently rambling blabbering idiot. I dread to think the impression I gave her, that I was about to become one of their awkward, emotionally unstable members.

    The only reason for this I can think of, is all the -nol having that effect on me. I think I should be a little more careful with this stuff with the effect it has on me.

    Oh date reports since the last one either.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    I think some of these agencies need to be held more accountable, money as always is the main motivator in thier business practices. I say lodge complaints and thrreaten to take business elsewhere if you dont get good service but dont confuse that with just trying to give you who they have in an attempt to keep youre business. Maybe they should start matching people based on thier natural phero signatures instead.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating g

    I found your -nol OD story entertaining. Too much -nol gives me a headache, but I had a date where she behaved exactly as you\'ve described yourself. Non-stop babbling for more than four hours -- and almost complete loss of memory on top of this.

    I sometimes wonder if -nol isn\'t almost making us drunk.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating g

    I think -nol is what gives us this special feeling when getting closer to someone new. In my opinion this is always like being a little drunk.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating g

    Considering the lady from the agency I was chatting to was probably mid 40s, I\'d guess that the -nol was having more of an effect on myself than her.

    Should have put on a -none product instead...perhaps a drop of NPA or two masked with CK Eternity.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating g

    Too bad about #4 being so busy; it does sound like she was the best match, though that IS the risk of dating a doctor. Whitehall probably nailed it when he said about your social skills improving; I find mine have improved since I started going out more, albeit alone. I can hang out and chat with just about anyone.

    There w as an article I read several years ago about people in love. Their brain activity was measured, and there was a similarity to drunkeness. As I recall, it\'s also related to a form of insanity, so I guess \"I must have been insane to start dating you!!!\" is actually true!

    Dude, you need to take a vacation, come up to the States (or would that be go down to them?), and see what happens. If Aussie girls have to be just about caged, I can see your dilemma. Only downside to coming here though, is that you\'d get the whole \"Crocodile Dundee\" bit. Girls do dig the accents though. Hell, *I* dig the accents! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    It\'s been a while. Over two months since I had met up with anyone from the introduction agency, and finally had another one middle of last week. My guess is that they\'re thinking I\'m too demanding or fussy about the people I want to meet. I see no reason why I shouldn\'t be, otherwise it\'s a waste of time and money on both parties\' sides.

    Date # 9:

    Nice restaurant, not too quiet or noisy. Dinner companion turned up 20 mins fashionably late (ladies\' prerogative). Tall, slim brunette, very pretty. Intelligent and professional(prominent position in the media industry). Also very nice.

    I was wearing four sprays JB#2 mix. One at the wrists, two to the throat and one in the hair. This is a very, very good combination for getting the ladies happy and chatty from my experience.

    My companion would not stop talking the whole evening, and when she paused for a while, to allow me to answer, or say anything, she started talking over me. It\'s not to say it wasn\'t a pleasant evening, because the company was good, but it was extremely difficult to throw in the odd compliment. She was half Irish, which might have accounted for the high verbalisation (apologies to all Irish on the site, but I\'ve noticed that the majority of women from the Emerald Isle are very talkative).

    She was very pretty, she was very nice and easy to get along with, yet I didn\'t find her all that attractive; we parted outside the restaurant very amicably with a look of \"Well? Aren\'t you going to ask for my number, or give me yours?\" look on her face.

    My behaviour may sound odd, but I don\'t collect numbers, especially when I know I\'m not going to wish to keep in touch with them, and one tends to be obliged to at least call them once or twice if you do exchange.

    I am still searching for \"The One\", but having fun and improving on my social skills all the time. There is a possibility on the horizon, but will post in another thread.

    Let\'s hope it isn\'t another 9 weeks before the next one.

  26. #26
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game

    oh man just get laid .. no body is asking you to marry these women ...

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Looking for Love....Adventures in the dating game


    It\'s not that I couldn\'t get \"laid\" if I didn\'t want to. There are plenty of women in the UK that anyone could pick up at nightclubs (even without pheros) who are simply looking for one night know; the ones that smoke 40 a day and sound as though they\'ve been brought up in the council estate from hell.

    Unlike most of the \"younger\" guys on here (under 30), I\'m not searching for sex (thread would read..\"Searching for a shag...adventures in the bonking business\"). At my age one tends to look for something a lot more emotionally fulfilling. Target groups change to the professional, intelligent women with established backgrounds. This class of woman is the real challenge in the mating game. Second best doesn\'t cut it.

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