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  1. #1

    Default Newbie question: JB1 or JB2?

    Hello folks,

    This is my first post, but before today I lurked a lot over all your past messages...

    I have had some experience with phero products in the past, but only recently I decided to give them another chance, and found Bruce\'s wonderful site.

    To cut a long story short, I have bought the following products:

    + 2 SOE Gel packets

    I was planning to make JB1 (APC:NPA=7:3) or JB2 (SPMO:NPA=7:3), but then I asked myself: what\'s the most appropriate for me? I am 21, and I\'m looking to get hits from girls of the same age.

    Also, has anybody experienced how the above mixes would work with a girl you already know (let\'s say 1 year, until now only some happy chatting at school)?

    I figured out, by reading your posts, that JB1 is more indicate for sexual hits, while JB2 encourages talkative behaviour. Is this correct?

    Moreover, I was wondering (both for JB1 and JB2) if I had to use an atomizer, a roll-top bottle that I already have, or just dabs.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Newbie question: JB1 or JB2?

    I would recommend you try both out to see which one works best for you. I personally didn\'t have a lot of success with JB-1 but lots of success with other products. JB-1 is very popular and very effective for a lot of people on here. Mix a small batch of one in an atomizer, test it out, then mix a small bach of the other and test that out. The results will let u know which one will work for you better.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Newbie question: JB1 or JB2?

    Hi marz,

    thanks for your reply; I\'m planning to give a first try to JB-2 during a party, saturday night.

    Since I know I\'ll find lots of people that I only meet seldom, and that we don\'t know ourselves very much, this might be a good test. Instead I\'ll try JB-1 later next week...

    Hope to post some good reports soon!

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Feb 2002
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    Default Re: Newbie question: JB1 or JB2?

    Some small batches first to test both out, also try using the NPA on its own you should get some interesting responses. Just remember once they are interacting with you (talking flirting etc do it back and keep doing it within reason, it will at least boost youre strike rate.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Newbie question: JB1 or JB2?

    Hi Donaldduck,

    yes of course I am making a batch of each mix to fully evaluate them both... Just today I\'ve bought a cheap atomizer (1.50 &#8364 [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] to store and bring with me the most successful one; wondering if an atomizer will handle well the density of both mixes, however.

    Really can\'t wait to post all you some (successful I hope!) results [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Mar 2002
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    Default Re: Newbie question: JB1 or JB2?

    I keep atomisers with JB#1, JB#2 and JBM#1 and find that the dispersal of each is just fine. They handle the density of the mixes very well.

    In my experience, I find that, like marz I don\'t really notice any response from people with JB#1. It doesn\'t mean it doesn\'t work. It just doesn\'t work for me.

    I\'ve found a -nol prep gets better responses for my encounters, which tend to be more one on one rather than group encounters, but that\'s just me.

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