Well, I just figured we\'d start this one. Okay. So I want to hear about JB hits as always but what about this Rogue Male. It\'s being compared to Jambat #1 and I want to know what you think about it.

My first impression is it smells great but I\'m not to pleased with the fact it\'s alcohol based. It\'s a very thin mixture, but I may try to remedy that by adding some other stuff to it. But first I want to finish field testing SOE and JB #1 (JBDD). It seems pretty cool, but I usually field test everything at the club so I\'ll go there (hopefully soon) and see what happens.

Also, what do you think about the SOE gel? You think it\'s good as SOE? I never used SOE so I wouldn\'t know the difference. It smells okay and it does seem to get the women talking.

Also, I want to hear from anyone whose tried SOE or RM at work. I usually ask for JB mix stories but I want to hear what\'s being said about RM and SOE.