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  1. #1

    Default A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    I am quite interested in the APC/NPA 70-30 mix, but I\'ve got a few questions.

    1. Is this mix suitable for me, a 20 years old young man.
    2. Does it work, if I use this mix and my own cologne at the same time.
    3. What about if I change the ratio like 50-50, 60-40.

  2. #2

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Hey Richard!

    WELCOME! I\'m just another user of APC/NPA and i\'m telling you it worked for me right away. If you are 20 then u must be producing some natural pheromones already but don\'t worry coz it don\'t stay long and using pheros will just enhance it! Usually you don\'t need cologne to mix with this combo coz NPA is already scented and it\'s a good scent actually but it doesn\'t contain that much androstenone. That is where the NPA comes in and boosts the power of the mones!

    70-30 was created by jambat and he uses this ratio because as i\'ve said APC don\'t have too much mones while NPA is really strong that you will have to keep it a little lower than the amount of NPA. Unless you like girls running away from you instead of after you. I don\'t know about the 60/40 but u can always experiment on it and let us know what u get out of it. HAVE FUN!

  3. #3

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Thank you for your advice Redcapp. I\'ve got another question. One bottle of APC is 15ml or 30ml, while a bottle of NPA is only 5ml but costs the same money as a 15ml APC. And how to make the mixture? You pour the NPA into the APC and mix them together or you use a little bit APC and then use a little bit NPA.

    I ordered Edge and Alter Ego today, do you have any advice on using these 2 products.

    Thank you.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix


    I\'ve been using Jambat\'s mix for some time. I usually pour the NPA into the APC. I previously mixed them in a separate bottle in small batches, but now I take an empty 1 oz bottle of APC I keep around for mixing, and pour the 1/2 oz bottle of APC in then the whole bottle of NPA which makes the 70/30 mix.

  5. #5

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Thank you Jaggy and Redcapp.

    And can I ask how much mixture you use every time and how long it usually lasts.

    Thank you.

  6. #6

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    How much should I use? Jambat mentioned 3 dabs, does it mean the same thing as using the drops by tipping over the bottle with the eye drop thing that comes with NPA?

  7. #7

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    i remember jambat saying that since this combo is strong, we should be careful not to overdose. though it sometimes work, more often it doesn\'t so it\'s just up to you to experiment.

    i use a roll-on bottle and i put 1 roll behind each ears then 1 on my wrist and rub it together with the other.

    if u wanna use spray, make sure u use a maximum of 3 sprays. 1 on hair then comb it through, 1 on neck area, and 1 on chest area on the clothes. the apc scent smells really good but it doesn\'t stay that long but the pheros still work. if you wanna refresh, u may put on some more apc alone coz it don\'t have too much pheromone content but it would just give u the scent. have fun!

  8. #8

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Wow, Redcapp\'s got the hang of it. Everything he\'s said seems to be the case. And hey Jaggy, that a nice move with the APC bottles. I would do that but I\'m making small batches of stuff this time because I want to test NPA and SPMO and make my usual mix. I plan to try a PF/NPA mix too in the future. But that comes after I try PF by itself.

  9. #9

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    of course jambat! all credit goes to you! u seem to be followed by almost everyone here and ur always available to give suggestions and information! everything i said is totally copied from ur previous posts. so i guess it sounded familiar to you huh?! LOL!

  10. #10

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    jaggy\'s right! but since this is only my 1st apc product, i had to get a separate bottle and do a small batch first. i usually do it by measuring with my eyes. i pour some apc into the small bottle until it\'s 70% filled then put npa until the bottle gets all filled up. keep us posted with ur results!!!

  11. #11
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    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    jambat, my order has come through incl the NPA and I can tell that PF stands no chance of covering up the smell. Gonna try mixing it with some of my fave perfume instead and we´ll see what happens.

    CJ [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Hey everyone give jambat a rating, five stars i have he he, keep up the good work jambat, at least i get to stay out of the firing line so to speak for a little while he he.

  13. #13

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Ah yes, Paul, but we still know you\'re out there. You\'ve given some pretty good advice yourself from what I can tell.

    ... are you sure NPA is what you want? I mean won\'t that make you seem more aggressive and attract female attention? Shouldn\'t you be checking out women\'s PI or am I missing something? I mean you\'ll be getting DIHL from chicks all day. I guess though if you have a lot of women working under you it make give you some kind of weird edge and maybe make the guys treat you differently. I don\'t know so give it a try and tell us what happens.

  14. #14

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Same to you jambat, yeah us professional phero types he he, i am seeing weird stuff all the time especially with the heavier products.
    Maybe we should join and take over the world and do like the aliens and cover it all up to our benefit or we could make lots of money off this stuff and take over that way now theres a thought.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    jambat I got the NPA for women, so it´s okay. On the other hand my PF is the womens version too (of course).

    But NPA/w has definetely got -none in it! -It stinks. I have just mixed my first trial with it, we´ll see what happens in future.

    paul have you been watching hte X files again! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    btw no news from the girl yet.


  16. #16

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Paul, I\'m there.

    I can\'t wait. I\'m sure you\'re going to drop a story in my \"Hit Squad\" area for recent hits. I want to know what happens with that. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Yeah i have a weak spot for sci-fi just like jose. Well i gotta be the weird type sometimes he he.

  18. #18

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Whazzzzup! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] Sorry, I know it\'s old but I just couldn\'t resist. How\'s the experiement coming along?

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    Hmmm... Maybe we could hook Paul up with that cultist chick!


  20. #20

    Default Re: A few questions about APC/NPA mix

    I don\'t know, but he does seem used to strange stuff like that. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

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