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  1. #91
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Ok just a short hit. I tried on my combo of APC/AFA/PI Ylang again yesterday. Went to grocery store and spotted this blonde over by the bread. She was just standing there trying to decide what to get. For the hell of it I passed her real close and slow to see what reaction I would get. I left the area and picked up the few things I needed to get and noticed she happend to be in the aisles I was. Loss track of her but then she was one person ahead of me in checkout line and was constantly turning and looking at me or was looking out of the corner of her eye. Each time she would look I would smile and she would smile back. The funny part about all this is when she got up to check out girl, she was fumbling around with her checkbook, wallet, found it difficult to answer whether she wanted paper or plastic bags. I almost burst out laughing. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  2. #92

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Donald, has a very generic BC. Almost all of this stuff works on him and he kicks major a$$ out there.

  3. #93

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Hey welcome to donaldduck land where this happens 100s of times a day, for this is my life in the world of pheros, hey keep these stories coming everyone i do what jaggy just did sometimes just for an occasional ego boost, hey it beats therapy at 100 bucks an our with a shrink who can never get it in one session (only if they would use NLP) most people could be cured in an hour but then they would lose all their clients, hey i can spend a hundred bucks buy some pheros and get three months out of the stuff.

    1 hour vs 3 months of absoulute fun
    i go with the pheromones and 3 months of fun [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Donald Duck quack quack

  4. #94

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    By the way is anyone trying Jambat II or III?

  5. #95
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Hey Redcapp --

    They actually want to screw you to death!

  6. #96

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I am not sure if this a hit from my pheros or if the pheros are just giving me confindents but does it really matter?? It still works!
    I was reading my book in class and I noticed some sounds outside and then I looked right in front of me was the girl that I have been trying to get for 2 months just staring almost like a DIHL. I never knew what a DIHL was untill today... I dont think her eyes could have been wider or deeper towards me. She wouldn\'t let go off me in her sight. Then later I made the worst, most korny jokes ever created and the girl laughed at them. Then her best friend came up to me and said my name and instead of just passing me up after my name actually started flirting with me and wouldn\'t stop talking to me. This doesnt seem like a big deal but it is to me for they are almost like Ice Queens. They never did this before the pheros.
    I was wearing TES but instead of spraying I dabbed. If there are any TES users I would say dab dont spray. I saw no results with spraying. I hope these kind of hits grow more numerous and better.
    If this doesnt seem like a good hit remember this is my first one and I am a newbie.

  7. #97

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Few things I have to say,
    1)Would it be possible for those who have gotten consistant hits with the same mixes to post their mixes and also their ages? That might help a lot to let us n00bs figure out maybe what to get?
    2)Anyone know anything about the level of naturally occuring \'mones produced by the body at different ages? Like how many mg\'s or whatever?
    3)I\'m getting nice touches, more attention, but no DIHL. I use scented Attraction, but if I OD I will reek like aftershave. Should I OD anyways?

  8. #98
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.


    Sounds like hits to me! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Question Shin, How much did you dab on?

    [ October 30, 2001: Message edited by: Jaggy ]

  9. #99
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Again, this hit goes back to another topic I posted in, mentioning I keep attracting married woman. Some of you will remember the girl that came up behind me and put her arm around my neck and waist from behind and just laid on me until people started to stare. She came across the street again today and put her around me and then sat down in my office to find out what I\'ve been doing...etc. Yes, she is married and a knockout. She has a friend who works in the same office. Another knockout, and lo and behold, single. I have talked to her and teased her alot, BUT, the married gal always comes around and throws herself at me when I am talking to her friend. All these married girls don\'t seem to want to see me with anybody! Geez! This is what I was wearing...4 dabs of PI/Ylang covered with SPMO.

  10. #100

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    You may want to switch on the Jambat mix or something but I think it\'s the A-nol in SPMO. Careful around the married chicks. This could be a big problem. Try PF or Jambat III which is PF and NPA at 70/30. This may do a little better even though there A-nol in it. And like I said maybe you just have a lot of married women working with you.

  11. #101

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Well lets see here Jaggy. If I can remember right 3 dabs on Neck and 1 spray on accident of TES + 2 drops of Musk oil with Nol on wrists (but im sure that the oil was wearing off at that time)
    We will see tommorow how these hit victims will act.

  12. #102

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    95 almost 100 guys this will be the secone one in forum history. Im getting hits all the time he he. Wonder if i can make this city rock

  13. #103

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I already posted this in another topic but it belongs here as well.
    I have certainly noticed a handful of women paying much more attention to me lately. At school, a girl I had only met a few days b/f and waved at a few times after, looped her arm through my forearm and asked me to go to her class with her b/c it was so boring. I could probably account for talking to me but the physical contact was unexpected and certainly not normal, at least in my experience.
    This other girl who I mildly hit off with a few weeks ago, but didn\'t really pursue, really came on to me hard last weekend and told me to call her and we should go out.
    Another girl has been kind of hinting at going out and very nice to me.
    Regarding males, I have started hanging around these new friends and on the way back from lunch (walking) a couple of my friends, at different times, acted like high school. Sort of trying to box me and hit me in the arm etc. At our age (late 20s) seemed pretty silly, but maybe that\'s the PMs?
    I have also noticed wearing the PMs has made me more aggressive and confident. I try to get close to the girls b/c I want to see if it works. Maybe that\'s why all the success or some combo of confidence and PMs.???
    The only confirmed PM hit was a woman in a clothing store I was in asked me what cologne I was wearing b/c she wanted to get it for her husband, she seemed kind of giddy and flushed but maybe she was embarrassed asking such questions.

    FYI: I have been using about 2-3 sprays of TE on my torso and musk oil on my wrists and neck supplemented with Aqua Di Gio cologne. I am afraid to go big on the TE b/c its smell is soooo strong.
    PS Typos are free of charge

  14. #104

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    JAMBAT --- check your private message pls.

  15. #105

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Just sent you a PM. Check it out. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #106

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.


  17. #107

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Thanks jambat!

    But still thinking of just getting both PF and AE... I don\'t know... [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  18. #108

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Member # 335
    Rate Member
    posted October 27, 2001 00:42
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------(I copied my post from X-cite to Hits)

    Hi all,
    I got an interesting hit using (4 dabs?) of NPA and part of an \"Xcite\" wipe.
    This woman told me \"I LOVE your skin! a babies\'...look about 18...\"
    I\'m 32 and Vampire pale LOL
    (I asked a few women what they thought of the scent and they thought it was OK, nice.)

    How many dabs of NPA get the best results? (I don\'t want to mix it, yet)

    P.s. Thanks for all the great info (especially Bruce, Wild Oscar and Scientist posts helped me decide which products to buy) and the \"hits\" type post are incredibly inspiring !!!! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]


  19. #109

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Let me tell you something, we don\'t dab NPA here we mix it!

    Seriously, Paul (aka Donlad Duck) would probably be able to help you with something like this. I think he\'s done NPA in dabs before. Good hit. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #110

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    \"we don\'t dab NPA here we mix it!\"

    To each their own. But dabbed on NPA works allot better than mixing . Rock solid direct hits....Although if you over do it....You get really agressive responses.

    So if ya want to dab it.

  21. #111

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Okay, Well I have another hit, but most of it was forgotten, hehe Vodka did that.... [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    But anyways the same girl kept looking at me execpt I did like 5 dabs and 1 spray instead of 3 dabs but the girl just kept looking and looking and looking at me..... that wasn\'t really the hit though it was when I got DRUNK OFF MY ASS at lunch, I got all my courage and just went up to girl and said \"hi\", she just said oh hi and groomed her hair twice...... hope she didn\'t smell the vodka! And her friends said something about a stain or a star on my hair... how knows I cant remember. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Girls kept touching me today. And accidentaly touched some girls boob and she didnt care. Is 5 dabs and 1 spray of TES a OD??

    Wow I smell like Vodka and Sandlewood! Does a Body Good!

    [ November 02, 2001: Message edited by: ShinTen ]

  22. #112

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Yuppers Bro that is bit of an od.

    Hey try this out. Go light 2-3 dabs NPA one spray of TE.

    With the dabs obe to your coller and the the other two to skin..side of neck.

  23. #113

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    First of all, Shin, you are a genius. You just can\'t beat the the combination of liquid courage and [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    I just received my APC today, ordered b/f I read here about the concentration debacle. I really like the smell of the APC. I am going to try it with TE. I think I may overload a bit tonight and see what happens. I had on APC straight today with zero reaction...maybe there is something to that concentration bit...damn!
    I am going to supplement my PMs with a shit load of alcohol in my blood stream, a-la Shen.

  24. #114
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Okay, had my first DIHL experience yesterday on my commute back from work. Always wondered what a DIHL looked like until yesterday. I\'m getting near my stop so I stand up, lean with my back against the side of the doorway and notice this gal (about 23 yrs old, on a scale of 1 - 10, an 8) and she\'s staring at me like she\'s been hit by something. I look around wondering what she\'s looking at - nothing there but me. I look at her again, she\'s still looking, I look away, turn again, she\'s still looking directly into my eyes like she\'s lovestruck or something - I start to feel a little weird (guess I know now how the ladies feel when a guy is openly staring at them), then amused as I figure it must be the pheros (was wearing nothing but three drops of PF that I put on just before leaving the office). So I\'m amused and I smile at her, she smiles back a little shyly, looks away, looks back and by then the train is at my stop and I get off. Weirdest thing and never had a gal stare at me like that before. I\'m pretty much sold on pheros and PF seems to just agree with me for some reason, although still going to order some of the other products shortly to see what responses I get there.

  25. #115

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Ah yes, the DHIL. That\'s always fun stuff. We should have more of that in life. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


    ...You say the women get aggressive? I want to hear about this. You gettin\' aggressive chicks over there. Nice. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  26. #116
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I had a really \'interesting\' hit today, thought I\'d share it...

    I went to a small grocery store to pick up a few things. The place was pretty empty, so no waiting in line at the checkout. Well, the girl at the cash register was cute...young 20s, brunette, really nice legs. She gave me a bored \'hi\' and started running my stuff through. Since I always like to test what I\'m wearing, I leaned in a bit and asked how her day was. She started talking a bit, still the same bored expression, and then a few seconds later, BAMMO. DIHL. Maaaajor DIHL. She actually stopped scanning my groceries and just looked at me for about 20 seconds with this goofy smile and a hynotized look. I just smiled back at her, chuckling to myself, and then she finally realized where she was again, and got very flushed and embarrased, very giggly. I decided to push it and got flirtatious, told her I liked her necklace, complimented her hair, etc. She just melted again, DIHL again, I felt like some kind of rock star (hehe). Pretty amazing stuff. Anyway, since I do have a gf, I didn\'t pursue things any further...

    The mix? About 6 dabs APC (chest, wrists, neck) and three drops of PF (wrists, chest). Maybe half an hour after application.



  27. #117

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Yay, my pheros arrived sometime Friday! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Okay, my first observations:

    First thing I did when I got my order was apply a few dabs of AE. 1 smeared between my wrists, 1 smeared on my neck, 1 on my chest. I wiped my finger off onto my grey shirt, and it left a small spot. I don\'t think the smell was bad, but it was doing something with my sinuses. Don\'t know how to describe the feeling, but the same thing happens to me if I accidentally take a good whiff of gasoline.

    Anyway, off to work; upon arrival, my mind is giddy (\"heh, I get to test my pheros!! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]). So, I talk to the korean woman first. We briefly talked about something she needed fixed, which fixed itself.. but in the brief time span, she was inclined to lean on a counter and talk to me, instead of the usual, just standing there. Subtle, but it indicated a higher level of comfort. (Like we were buds in highschool, talking)

    Next woman usually always treats me nice. I visited her cubicle, which was crouded with stuff, and her other chair was full of junk, so I instead crouch down beside the chair, and stretch my arms across it, to expose my wrists. [She asked for me to stay a while, but that isn\'t unusual, and Friday she was a little soured by work] This is maybe 2-3 feet from her. It\'s inconclusive if anything different happened, because this woman\'s usually happy around me. This could be circumstantial, but there was a special meeting at work that only certain people could attend (she was one) and she volunteered a play-by-play to us (another cubicle mate). Soon afterward her spirit seemed lifted, but she did one unusual thing: a couple freudian slips. The one I recall (and definitely laughed at) was when she wanted to say vestibule, but it came out \"vesticle\".

    Hanging around the printer and fax machine, there was a tad bit more chatter. The one very quiet female highschool intern we have, actually emitted some laughter at something I cracked to our secretary. Another woman, the one I used to do most of my work for, kinda leaned closely over my shoulder, while I was messing with the fax machine. (my workplace has a lot of women, but just about all are older + married)

    Overall: My nasal passage went thru a lot of exposure. The relaxation/calming factor seemed to be in effect the most. Wearing AE, albeit while having an alterior motive to BE social, I kinda felt like I was a social butterfly, instead of pulling off an act. Also, no comments whatsoever on my \'odor\'.. no \"what are you wearing\", \"what\'s that smell\", etc. Oh, and the spot on my shirt disappeared as the scent faded.

    Today: I was invited to see a soccer game with a couple of girls. Prime opportunity [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] One I know well, the other not-so-well. The latter, first time I met her some weeks back, was not at all inclined to say much to me, so I set out to see if that would change. [I figured the first impression would stick and her convo\'s with me would be nearly nonexistant] It was kind of overkill, but we went to Philly from Baltimore [the latter girl is a soccer fan]. Of course, I drive, and this time I hastily use straight AFA because I was running late. I applied a dab to my neck, one between the wrists, and smeared a dab onto my baseball cap.

    Result: the latter girl was more talkative. She did not seem to want to \'jump my bones\' but opened up a lot. It progressed to the point were I was talking to her one on one at the bar, after the game. I had her undivided attention for a few minutes on the issue of drinking and churchgoing. In this convo, I know I asked some questions that could\'ve easily elicited an astounded, defensive response... but no, not today!

    Thoughts: AFA in the bottle had a noticeable scent, but after applying it, it seemed virtually scentless, but I could detect something by holding my wrist upto my nose. This will sound really funny, but the spot on my wrists smells exactly like.. ok, get ready... the skin of the women who smothered me in their breasts when I went to the nudie-bar for the first time, 5 years ago. What a memory it triggers [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    [ November 04, 2001: Message edited by: Technologist ]

  28. #118

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    So no matter what just by bringing that memory back I\'m sure the mone\'s did enough. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Hey maybe the stripper was wearing AFA? Maybe she knew about phermones way back then. (I wish I did).

  29. #119

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Hi all,

    After going from what I thought might be Pheromone OD to minimalist, I found what seems to be a great balance for me. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    2 sprays of REALM and 6 dabs of NPA on wrists/hair. Good hits with some women and then BIG HIT with a tipsy woman who flashed me and my friends and got very \"physical\" with me [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    This was not the first time I\'ve had to move a woman\'s hand away... [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]
    Now if we could design Pheromones to attract the specific kinds of people we WANT to be with, instead of [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] \"random\" hits like CJ awkward experiences )


  30. #120

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Here at work, sampling a little NPA, two females here have introduced more \'friendly tapping\' during conversation. One of whom I\'ve known for a while, the other not so long. The former.. guess what, is the same Korean woman from my first, long post up above. [sucks, she\'s married [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]] These two women are 30-something and 40-something respectively.

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