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  1. #31

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Nobody, what an experience! That\'s what I\'ve been trying to get people to do, tell me what up you know what I mean. Cool of you to not go for the married chick. It always leads to s#!t. I know there\'s going to be a lot of temptation especially for some of us who aren\'t used to getting this kind of attention. (That would include me) But good looking out on that one.

    I love the way you guys are using the mix and experimenting. I\'m looking to have some good stuff for you soon as far testing but I love hearing these stories. And it\'s good to throw in there how you wear it. I usually don\'t do the behind the ears thing but I might start. By the way, it\'s cool to have a whole ounce of APC, it just is. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  2. #32

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    thanks jambat...but u know life is made of regrets no matter which course of action u chose...i feel like total idiot for losing out what could have been a precious and intoxicating affair with my of my fantasies u understand..:-) and if i did mess with her i would have probly gotten into trouble in a way i couldn\'t predict, lost my loving gf and regretted really sucks sometimes.

    and about the application....behind the ear doesn\'t work for me...gets itchy. hehe i have always applied on neck and wrist points since i use my hands alot when i talk. body heat can evaporate the neck mones...easy to spread them. i have long hair so i apply andro/attract/edge there when im not tying in a ponytail. i used to worry about how many dabs i should apply and i reread scientist\'s excellent post on high end low end of hit range...i realized that i have been applying quite close to his calculations. 1 spray of andro/1 spray of attract(hair), 1 dab of aego(wrist), 1 spray of edge(neck) and apc/npa(back of hand)... i think a good idea to keep in mind is that close range means small application and open or large space means more application. and sometimes, less IS more.

    and...i know there was a thread about NLP b4...but it was about giving away that \"how to get a stripper in bed\" free ebook...but anybody actually have the current SS materials(seminar tapes/manuals)and spent good time studying them? being able to take a women through an emotional rollercoaster with ur words is a really handy skill to have.

    in pheromones we trust

    [ October 11, 2001: Message edited by: Nobody ]

  3. #33

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    This story was requested from me so here it is, the crazed cultist... to speak...

    At times I do a little writing and drawing. If I have my laptop or sketchbook on me and have time I go to a coffee shop or cafe and work on some stuff. The cool place to do this is the cafe in Border\'s Books. I drink some green tea and work on my project whatever it is. When I got there all but one tables was taken. Actually it was taken too but there was this cute blonde there. Now there were two chairs and no one seemed to be attached to the other one. There were a pile of books there but they seemed to belong to her.

    I asked her if I could sit there and she said yes. I thanked her, sat down, pulled out my sketchbook and started to draw. Soon she said \"Hey, did you see the movie Matrix.\" In this French accent (I think it was French). I did see Matrix (it\'s my favorite action film this side of Blade) and I said \"Yes.\" She starts telling me about how the world is truely like that and I agreed in someways it is.

    We got into a conversation about metaphysics and all and she swears we were meant to meet and that she can all tap into some kind of force (like Star Wars I guess) and use the power to better herself and all this. There was an organization - a group of people- who showed her how to do it and that they could show me too. I told her that I wouldn\'t be tapping into any other forces than God. She went into this thing about how God was the force and how Jesus just knew how to use this force better than everyone else and we could all be Jesus or any of the other high profile religious figures. Basically it got down to a religious debate sort of. So she asked me to read some certain scriptures to her. What was funny was there are parts of scripture where she\'d say, \"Jesus wouldn\'t say that.\" And I\'m thinking, like -what- does Jesus chill out with her on saturdays? I mean what, do they have little get togethers and He tells her what He said and didn\'t say.

    But basically after a point she tells me people are afraid to better themselves and says she wants to offer me a \"tool\" to help me get in touch with the force and better myself and the people around me. I told her I have that tool and his name is Jesus. At that point she tried to get me to come with her to some place with her (FYI I\'ve known this chick for all of 30 minutes if that)...

    ...and speaking of the movie Blade at this point I\'m thinking of the scene where the vamp chick leads that guy to the vampire club to get sucked dry by helltrash vampires. (Did I say helltrash? Okay, I talk like Buffy, what\'s that about?) Anyway, I\'m like \"How about no, I don\'t go with you.\" I didn\'t say that because she was so nice but I wanted too. (I go in for sarcasm). Anyway she started trying to convince me of how great this all was and I\'m thinking about the martial arts move my personal trainer taught me a few months ago. If she made any move to grab me that arm was getting locked. Lucky for us both she wasn\'t totally crazed and wrote her email and phone number in my sketch book. We parted ways soon after and I went on my way thinking that was too weird.

    Remember what I said about the mones guys? All that \"With great power comes great responsibility.\" Sure Peter Parker said it first but it still applies. See it\'s cool to attract people and be able to have that edge but you know what, sometimes it just gets weird. (Just ask CJ). By the way my mix on that was, yep, you guessed it, 70/30 APC/NPA. And yes she had the whole hair playing deal going and did hang on to everything I said. So be careful out there people. Although the weirdos do make for better stories.

  4. #34

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    wooah!!! this is so weird! u know what jambat, just before u said about the scene in the movie blade, i was already thinking about it. did she say where what place she\'s taking you to? boy if i were in ur shoes, i would probably shake in fear! 1st of all, im scared with anti-christs. and the next thing im afraid of is a crazed person! i think

  5. #35

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    wooah!!! this is so weird! u know what jambat, just before u said about the scene in the movie blade, i was already thinking about it. did she say where what place she\'s taking you to? boy if i were in ur shoes, i would probably shake in fear! 1st of all, im scared with anti-christs. and the next thing im afraid of is a crazed person! i think

  6. #36

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Right, and I\'m sitting there thinking \"She wants me to leave with her and go somewhere I haven\'t been before.\" You know, I\'m not a child but that \"Don\'t talk to strangers\" thing was starting to sound real good.

  7. #37

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Hey guys
    I\'ve been watching this forum for about a month now and its like i know everybody here. great stories . great info. I must say that i have noticed a slight to dramatic change in all the areas of life while using mones. I cant say that i have had any major hits but people sure do treat me different. I mean mostly people i don\'t know. I went to wal-mart the other night and i think i spent 8 to 10 hours in the place. Every fruitbat and squirel in the world wanted to talk to me.(the crazed cultist story made me think of this). I couldn\'t get away and not to mention all the people i know. Also here lately every time i step off the stage i am like surrounded by people ( its always been like this but it seems more than usual now ). I really think that this stuff helps in the way we carry ourselves with an aura of confidence. I\'m wondering if the effects of the nol we wear works on ourselves. Somebody reply to this. Anyway i think im ramblin. O ya also i\'ve noticed that if u wear the stuff on the back of your wrists it last alot longer than anywhere else on the skin. Laters

  8. #38

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Yep, you\'ll attract the fruitcakes, but hey what can you say and chick really wasn\'t a problem it was just when you\'re actually in the situation it\'s just weird although I\'ve been known to attract weird chicks so this isn\'t a suprise really. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #39
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.


    Great story! I would have asked her where the place was and checked it out myself while she wasn\'t there.


    Eight to ten HOURS at Wal-Mart? Geeeeeezzzzz! SO did ya get any numbers?


  10. #40

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.


    I hate to admit it but i didn\'t get a single number. I really am serious though when i say they were all questionable. I too have a tendancy to attract odd women. My last two girlfriends were total hell on me so I think i\'m a little gun shy. Don\'t get me wrong, even if they are strange I love the attention and I\'m sure i\'ll see some of \'em again. I do know that the pheros are workin\' because of all this attention. It\'s way cool. I guess I shoulda got some numbers and saved em for a later date. I\'m still kinda pissed and gatherin my sanity after losin it in my last episode. I guess it does seem kinda silly to be wearin the stuff and not usin it to my advantage. But like i said in an earlier post this stuff is great for other areas of life other than gettin chicks. I will let everyone know as soon as I have some goodies to tell. And ya it seemed like forever in wal-mart. I had to replace my ice cream cause it melted and i think my milk had already turned to butter.I\'m havin a blast with this stuff.
    Laters, [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  11. #41

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    When you say questionable ...?

  12. #42

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    They all just seemed so odd. I don\'t know. Like one chick answered all the questions she asked and never let me get in a word. Another one laughed at everything she said and said ya know what i mean every other word. Another one laughed and snorted like a walrus. and then another one talked so loud that i\'m sure everyone in the store could hear her. Like i said, I attract some odd chicks but this was an extremely off night. I was just turned off by them all. Maybe i should check my mix. Hey the stuff is workin but maybe i was half asleep and put in some toilet bowl cleaner with my npa.Or even worse maybe they\'re all my ex girlfriends sisters and cousins that I didn\'t know about. Anyway I was surrounded by some real backwood country f**ks. But like I said hey at least i know the stuff is workin. But anyway enough of that. Check this out. I walked into a convenience store today and asked the chick behind the counter a question and she looked at me with this far away bambi look and said \"um\". and then i said \"um\". And then she said Oh i\'m sorry and yabada yabada and what did you say and then put on this smile that could part the sea.There were a ton of people in line so i just got my info and split. Was this DIHL or a hit or something? Maybe?

  13. #43
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Oh yeah, that was a hit -- the infamous DIHL!

    I do understand about being gunshy at the prospect of a new relationship; been there done that, and now I find I\'m far more discerning in what I will and will not accept. That being said, I like to use them to the extent that the targets absolutely go goofy at my mere presence.

    Ain\'t it nice that now YOU have more choices!? [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  14. #44

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Way cool. for sure more choices. I\'m gonna do more field work. I had upped my dose. I\'m hopin\' my afa will get here today. I\'ll let you guys know more as it happens. Oh no I think i\'m out of something. Guess I need to stop by the convenience store.
    Laters. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  15. #45

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Yeah [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] i know the DIHL i get hundreds daily, hey almost every girl i talk to, no matter i gotta use NLP to keep my ego in check. Otherwise i would keep laughing all through the day.

    This is all to much sometimes but its a good ego boost and a good way to be. Well keep up the good work everyone.

  16. #46
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I hate to sound elitist, but Wal-Mart? When you\'re wearing the \'mones, try a nice upscale department store like Lord @ Taylor!

  17. #47

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    sounds real cool but i\'m from podunk America. If I ever come to your neck of the woods i\'ll be sure to check it out. ARe they open at 3 a.m. and what flavors of ice cream do THEY have ? Huh ?

  18. #48

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Hey Paul,
    What exactly are you wearin\' to get a hundred hits a day.
    I\'m new, so please excuse and answer again if already asked.
    I haven\'t even got my 1st order yet, but a post like your\'s gets a guy excited about the future. : [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

  19. #49

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Paul\'s the \"hit man\". He\'s got so many mixes companies ask him what to do. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I don\'t know what Paul uses but go ahead and try that 70/30 mix, I bet you\'ll get hits. Although Paul seems to have mastered the whole hit thing.

  20. #50
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I\'m with stratoblaster - when I roll outta work on Sunday night / Monday morning, all that open around here is Wal-Mart, Super K-Mart, Burger King and Eat \'N\' Park... I may do Paul\'s OD-thing soon (check his thread; I think he\'s slipped over the edge, so to speak [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] )and go to the mall -- maybe Saturday...

    I think it would be fun to live with Paul for about a month... Get the impression he only \"sleeps\" when his body drops from exhaustion? About twice a week?


  21. #51

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Well that usually happens only when i mix the stronger stuff, and i have learnt to look for signs of hits, its more of a case of recongising quickly when i am getting a stare or a look etc. Most of new users probably only notice about 10% of the hits and DIHL looks that they get, that term really needs to be changed and i am going to set up and ICQ group to discuss this stuff outside of the forum so if anyone wants to setup information and experiences exchanges then just drop me a line or each other a line on your icq IDs. You need to looks at and read right the way through, lots of great info and what to look for.

  22. #52

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    How strong would you say you can get without the ladies running from you with reckless abandon? I mean I ODed once or twice and women showed serious signs they didn\'t want me around.

  23. #53

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Probably slightly above normal but they even run away with normal dosages, but when i did od some even came closer, so i guess it is all different.

    Also when i was on a bus with that massive OD i found that i even put some women to sleep, now there is something new. Time for a new post on how to put women to sleep whislt ODing it.

    Did you find that jambat, weve had women opening windows on buses.

  24. #54

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Never had that happen. I was at a club when my OD happened. I was doing fine until I put more on. I went over to this chick and she ran and hid behind a friend. Although she was laughing it was still obvious because none of these chicks wanted to dance with me. I could get dances when I wasn\'t wearing mones.

  25. #55

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Yeah same here, did that at a club once as well and same thing, did you put mr goofy look on - [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] -like that one and what was the response you could make a joke you were stalking them. Lol now there is an idea for the fastseduction+pheromone types another tactic and behaviour to do, hey add your responses here.

    >>>>> I wonder how many people are watching us right now oh well its all good lol common everyone jump right in lol.

    Wait for the response in about 24 hours lol

  26. #56
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    ALTER EGO (6 drops)
    LURE (3sprays)

    AE -- 2 drops in hair, one on each side of neck, one on each forearm (rubbed around), wiped as much of residue as possible on chest.

    L -- 1 spray in hair, 2 on chest / side

    EVERYBODY at work was talking to me, even for no real reason, to the point of telling me about the problems they\'re having... These are people I DO NOT KNOW.

    People just frickin\' LOVE me! :

  27. #57

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    LOL Randy, how is that possible?

    Isn’t that a major OD, shouldn’t people be running like a swarm of bees are after them?? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  28. #58

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PheroMiX:
    Isn’t that a major OD, shouldn’t people be running like a swarm of bees are after them?? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    LOL, nah, it\'s because I wasn\'t in the room at the time.

    Actually, I don\'t have much of a problem with that at work, though it would be very interesting to see what kind of effect I\'d receive from the older women I work with.

    To me, it seems Randy sprayed a small fortune upon himself.. so he damned well better have everyone talking to him [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  29. #59
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    What -- how is it possible that they love me? \'CAUSE I\'M WONDERFUL, DAMMIT!!!

    No really, I think it\'s because AE and L are -nol, along with the -none. Also, I don\'t think they\'re particularly strong; perhaps because of the mix.

    I really don\'t know WHY it worked; I just know what I saw... Go figure...

    Later -

  30. #60
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Well, no, I didn\'t spray \"a small fortune\" on myself... Here\'s what I did:

    Put finger over top of bottle; what stays after inverting bottle and returning to normal is a drop. It IS expensive though, so I don\'t use it very often.

    $19.95 per bottle. I bought 2 at THAT price! I put some into a 1/3oz spray bottle. Three sprays ain\'t that much.

    Maybe I\'ll use it when I do a \"Paul OD.\" [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]


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