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  1. #1
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    Default How did you get into pheros?

    Just taking a survey.

    How did all of you get into pheros in the first place?

    It just dawned on me why some people don\'t have success with these products. A person who has no problem with the opposite sex is not likely going to research or buy a product that increases his chances. So what we have are a bunch of customers who had some unsuccessful outing with the opposite sex and want an \"edge\" sort of speak. For those who are unsuccessful with pheros then start to think it doesn\'t work. Why? Because they still fail with the opposite sex. People who are good looking shouldn\'t see a whole lot of difference, and people who are ugly shouldn\'t see much improvement either. I think it works for people who are stuck in the middle.

    I got interested when my girlfriend dumped me and I was desperate to get her back. So I was willing to try anything. I saw some kind of news report on pheromones and then did research about it on the net, now here I am. Unfortunately, the phero way did not workout, with her at least.

    So again, how did you all get into pheros?

  2. #2
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    well I for one didn\'t have any success with women and I basically wanted to wear pheros so that strange girls in bars and discos would want to do it with me right there and then [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    bought a bottle of DateMate for that [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    well as I was looking for the DateMate-site again on google, I noticed the love-scent page and THANK GOD I FOUND IT! The page and forum radically changed my view of pheros and how you\'re actually going to have success .. that said, I haven\'t had much experience with the stuff, though, because it takes ages for the mones to get here!
    se ya


  3. #3
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    After divorce number 2, I decided I had better learn enough about women\'s behavior to avoid divorce number 3. In the 10 years that followed I first read all the pop psychology. \"The Cinderella Complex\" and \"Why Men are the Way They Are\" are two books that come to mind. Case studies by psychologists didn\'t teach me much. Decided to use my medical background to explore animal behavior--and of course pheromones rule the behavior of all other mammals. Found out that women are as animalistic as men, but only express their true \"nature\" during the week or so around ovulation. Latest results prove what was mostly theory until 1998. Now I can have even more fun extending animal models to human behavior--and without most of the criticism regarding cross species comparisons. Nevertheless, all the knowledge base I\'ve acquired didn\'t prevent divorce number 3. She was a pathological liar, and I didn\'t see it until it was far too late. But, other than with pathological liars, I think I\'m fairly safe--having learned enough about women\'s motives to enjoy myself with or without a woman from here on.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    Well I\'ve never been a pure ladies man. I remember being fascinated as a child with those love potions in movies and such. I remember sometime in my teens watching an infomercial about pheromones but never even thought of buying some, I actually thought they seemed really sleazy.

    In High School a handful of girls showed interest in me, but I always had my eyes set on the most beautiful girls in the class and never even gave the average looking girls a chance. I was very intelligent in high school, and in all the top classes, so I never got to mingle with the attractive girls, only the \"nerdy\" ones (I\'m using all these high school-type terms, I understand that outside of the high school dynamic, none of these words mean anything, but I digress...) Also, I was extremely shy with women, and unfortunately, I still am. I found out years later that a lot of girls had crushes on me, but little good that did. I started dating a girl finally my senior year.

    Two years ago, I found out my girlfriend of 3 1/2 years was cheating on me with my best friend (since 4th grade, about 12 years). That sorta set me back a bit, jaded me a little, err a lot. I didn\'t have success after that with women, probably because I was Mr. Happy Sunshine and always introduced myself by talking about my Ex girl and best friend (yeah that gets the ladies). I wanted everyone to feel bad for me. I discovered a local coffee shop and became infatuated with the girl who worked there (\"Annie\" for those of you who know the rest of the story). Problem was, she didn\'t appear interested in me at all. So I wanted an \"edge\". I probably would have tried anything, but all I found was some crappy pheromones from e-bay. I tried them, had no success. Gave up on them.

    I had a series of short flings, a couple of weeks or months with women, and one thing I began to notice was how all the women talked about \"my smell\". They all said how smelling me turned them on. It got me thinking about pheromones again.

    So I went back and stumbled upon Love Scent. The rest is history :-) The main reason I stick around and keep trying new products is the forum and the support that all the members give each other. Its nice to know that other guys are going through the same things I am. I got really attached to my ex (from the 3 1/2 yr relationship) and so being \'single\' again was a shock to the system.

    In general, I think guys who try pheromones are a little shy, and probably lacking self-confidence. If I was banging a new chick every night, I wouldn\'t be wearing pheromones. I\'m no Brad Pitt. I\'m 6\'5\" and around 270, and I\'m not built anymore (long illness, long story).

    Also I think the guys would tend to be more well-off, because it becomes very expensive to pay for this stuff (unfortunately I just graduated college and have very little cash, but I still spend $$$ on pheros).

    Pheromones fascinate me, in almost a sickening sort of way, in that we have to do so much just to attract the opposite sex. It boggles my mind sometimes how much time and $$$ we waste on women. But that\'s a post for another day.

    take care,

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    Well, I actually found this site by accident... I was cruising around some web page and saw the ad.

    ANYway, much like some of the other stories, I had also been jerked around by the females in my world, which I can directly attribute to my being a generally accepting sort of guy. Unfortunately, I was accepting to the point of lowering my standards. Yes, I too was cheated on.

    At various points in my life, I\'ve been a wallet, a car and a bag of weed.

    I consider myself to be average-looking, but one of the \"good guys;\" this means I get overlooked; this means I get the lower-grade females.

    I use the \'mones to get the attention of MORE females; I know I can do better than I have, and I\'m quite aware that they aren\'t going to follow me home and break down my door.

    I simply use them to OPEN a door.

    One side effect that I\'ve noticed: There IS an affect on males, which has so far been beneficial; I get more respect at work, and people in stores just gush to help me.

    I haven\'t found \"her\" yet, nor any serious candidates, to be quite honest, BUT I do get interesting reactions, and even when it\'s just confusing the hell out of them, I\'m enjoying every minute of it.

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Randy ]

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Randy ]

  6. #6

    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    A few years back, I got junk mail from a site advertising APC. Out of curiosity I ordered it. After I ran out I wanted to find the site again because I did have subtle hits with it. I typed the name in a search engine and love-sent was one of the websites that popped up. The rest is history.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    Ditto with me. I received some SPAM advertising APC for $25 so I thought \"why not?\" and ordered it. Couldn\'t find the site again, and, like marz, found the love-scent site on yahoo search.
    It\'s funny, but I don\'t think I would have bothered ordering the APC if I hadn\'t joined that introduction agency 2 weeks before. Serendipity? Or coincidence?
    I really can\'t believe how much I\'ve ordered over the past two months, not in volume, but in selection...wanna try everything [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    I\'ve always been interested in how chemicals influence human behavior and consciousness - ever since Timothy Leary.

    I specifically came via smart drugs as I\'m in a very info-intensive profession and my current gig has lot\'s of details to keep straight. That lead into even deeper investigations into neuroscience and neuropharmacology. Probably my most influential book was \"Sociobiology\" by Wilson. In one chapter on chemical communications, it is estimated that the chemical information bandwidth is a 1000X that of sight!

    Marital issues also got me looking for ways to influence female states of mind such as aphrodesiacs - first on the wifey and then on other females during various separations. Men were graced with reason for a purpose and that purpose is getting laid. Mostly, she had turned a dud after a couple of kids.

    I had played with Realm for Men for years and thought highly of it as a mood enhancer and with Andron before that. Somewhere along the line I picked up something called \"Harem Knights\" which had more of an effect on females but it was not till I came across Bruce\'s site that I discovered the real mojo of pheromones.

    I\'ve been fairly successful with the ladies over the years, even more so as I mature and I better understand the Grand Game. I\'d guess I\'m pushing 50 partners over my life - so far. Supposedly, the male average is 4 but that\'s gotta be too low. It\'s never been easy enough, but is it ever? Had 3 wives, 5 children and two grandchildren to show for it all, along with memories of some fine companions.

    So, the premise that pheromones are going to be of interest primarily to the middling may be supported in my case. I\'m not handsome and I am getting to an age when many, if not most, guys have given up. I am tall, modestly successful, athletic, and very smart.

    I see pheromone products enhancers of sexual search efficiency and efficacy and as aphrodesiacs with benefits for male dominance interactions and for PMS treatment. I really see surprising new applications coming to light in the years ahead.

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Whitehall ]

  9. #9

    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    I purchased Andron Jovan because it was promoted as a powerful pheromone attractant for females. I was surprized with the results and the interest shown by females in the scent. I later went to REALM when I could no longer find Andron. A female partner had used REALM/w on me and it was very effective.
    I used Realm/m and Realm/w but never gave up my search for Andron. I did a Pheromone search and located the Love/Scent site and have been Bruce\'s customer ever since because of the way he does business. This forum is one example of his support for customers and has been extremely helpful for me. Thanks to all involved.
    Elk [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    I was surfing Ebay for Incredible Hulk 181 and i saw a front ad from some guy selling some Phermone stuff. I had no idea what Pheros was so i clicked his product and read. Stuff was hilarious yet intriguing. Almost no negative replies from customers.

    I didn\'t order it but it stayed back in my subconcious. I was watching the Bachelor with Chris O\'Donnell and i thought it was funny how he had all the brides chasing him down [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Then a few days later a conversation started at work about something and i remembered about the Ebay Pheros ad. I told my friend what he thought about that stuff and he said how he had been curious about that for years but never tried it. So i offered myself as a guinea pig and told him i would try it out to see what it does. I figured it would be interesting and worth a laugh. I also thought if i was going to try this out, i would do it with the most expensive available product. I didn\'t want any doubts in my head about the quality of the stuff being inefective. When i did a search for Pheros, it brought me here.

    Well lets just say that it has gotten a whole lot more interesting at work. Like i\'ve said. Not everyone seems to be affected by this, but i can honestly tell when someone is acting different around me than they usually do. Last night i saw a small sketch on channel 10 news here in Miami about Pheros. The product they were testing was Athena 10X. They had 4 women try it out for a few weeks to see if they noticed anything different.

    One said she didn\'t notice anything out of the ordinary. Another said she was really enjoying extra attention from people. The other two were neutral. I just think its fun and i don\'t really take it serious. Wouldn\'t it be cool if you OD\'ed on Pheros and woke up the next day with every woman chasing you down, lol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Of course chances are you would probably turn into the great villain Skunk Man instead [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    Mr whitehall..

    A Learyite..

    Oh those where the days, I still lovingly fondle my aged copy of the politics of ecstacy...

    Makes my brain twitch just remembering the smell of all those colours..


  12. #12
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?


    Recently I was asked to write a book on the evolution of olfaction, with a focus on pheromonal communication. I\'ve never read much sociobiology and was surprised when you mentioned Wilson. I definitely need to read some of his work, especially if he extends chemical communication to humans. Do you happen to have a page citation, or any other information that would help me hit closer to the mark when I examine \"Sociobiology?\"


  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?


    Also, since you came into pheromones via smart drugs, I wonder if you know John Morgenthaler? I presented at a couple life extension conferences 1995 & 1996, met him (in fact he was interested in publishing Scent of Eros) and he remains the smart drug guru.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    I first found love-scent from the article on about pheromones. I\'ve always been something of a cologne fan, being 28 and having more colognes than years I\'ve been alive now. I read the article with interest, followed the link to Bruce\'s site, found the forum, started reading some of the information, and was convinced within 48 hours that it was something I should at least try. Typically, I\'m a very skeptical person, but the SoE/TE special proved too tempting, and the results from early experiments with those made me want to branch out to the chem set/A1 (aided by the 15% off sale!).

  15. #15

    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    I was looking for items about making perfumes and one of the hits (no pun intended) was for Bruce\'s site. I check out APC and saw it was pretty popular (at least with the phero underground) and it was on sale here so I tried it. I was a skeptic but when I got my first hit with APC I had to try more. And I have to tell you, they work.

  16. #16

    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    I was watching HBO one night, something about sex, I am not sure which program, this guy was surfing the web for aphrodesiacs and some how he touched on pheremones. I did a search myself and started reading. The reason I was looking was to liven up my sex life with wife. But of course there are all kinds of ways to use pheremones to your advantage, be it business, and social occasions, nights out with the guys etc. Well to make along story short, I was pointed to the love scent web page buy a happy customer\'s page and reviewed the info. first purchasing PI and after more research purchased PI/w and as I was told you get what you pay for. By profession I am a very observant individual and I noticed differences in interactions immediately. I will probably purchase SOE to have something else to try, but to date I am happy with my products and the experiences I have had to date. Bruce is stellar and I am glad I have hooked up with his business. Good proprietors are hard to come by. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    Found the site after using pheros for a year but originally found out about them from a friend had done biology in scholl knew what they did to animals and made the link that soemthing must happen in people took a whiff of my underarm area and thought right the missing link (synthetics) lets go and have been at it for the last 5 years or so.

  18. #18

    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    I saw a program on the Discovery Channel on pheromones and then received an ad in my e-mail and looked into it. In an attempt to find the site again , I found Love-Scent.

    I always had steady girlfriends since high school and never was into screwing alot of girls as a macho thing ; one at a time was enough to satisfy me. I\'ve always liked the steady girlfriend thing - even when a musician and could have been sleeping with a different girl each night I had one girlfriend.

    I\'ve had three serious, long term relationships ( 7 - 8 years each ) that never led to marriage for one reason or another and all three ended on good terms for both of us.

    Now in my late forties I\'ve really missed being in a relationship for the last ten years without that special person to share my fortuneate successes with - except for my wonderful dogs [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]. When I decided I missed and again wanted a steady relationship ,I found that almost all women around my age now were married (Duh! :rolleyes [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]! They weren\'t waiting for me after all !

    Reading of the terrific results of alot of you had, I had this \'Super Intelligent\' idea that pheromones would help me by-pass the married women by smelling so irresistable that the the single, unattached women around my age would make the first pass at me and I no longer have to embarrass myself flirting with someones wife [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img] Yeah , this is the way to go ... what a concept ! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Of course, LOL, I found out it doesn\'t work that way and I\'m no better off armed with pheros than I was without. Like James, I\'m not in a desparate frame of mind and though it would be nice to meet someone special again, I can definately manage without.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    Hi Everyone! I\'m new here and this is my very first post.

    My new hobby of pheromone usage came about as the latest thing that I have been doing in the past few years to improve my social life. It all started about two years back with a very horrible end to a longterm long distance relationship. One of the hobbies that I picked up after the breakup was Swing dancing (hence my handle).

    Around the begining of this year, I was cleanning out the spam from my mailbox when the one that had human pheromones in the subject caught my eye. This led to a google search and I found out about Primal Instinct. I did more searches and happened on to love-scent and this forum. After months of thinking it over I decided to buy my first bottle of PI/m and it just arrived in time for me to test it out at the regional swing championships. Didn\'t see any really noticable results . . . well I did have at least two people ask me to dance when I got out onto the dance floor almost immediatly (very unusual for me but not too out of the ordinary). I then searched the forum on the proper dosage and tried again while riding the bus. The first bus I noticed that no one would sit next to me. I fact the seats directly in front of me and behind me were empty (OD?). I got on the next bus which became a bit more crowded. I was about ready to give up and send the pi back when this average looking asain chick sat down next too me. She did a double take and started to flip her hair like mad. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] Throughout the entire trip she kept on flipping her hair, shooting quick glances at me, and rubbing her arm against mine every time the bus would swerve or hit a bump. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Now I have SOE (another incredible hit using just this on the bus), andro-1 (so far got a headache from the one time I used it). I just recieved the Rogue set in the mail (Rogue smells great ) and I\'m itching to try it out at a major Swing dance camp next weekend. This is gonna be a lot of fun [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ! Thanks Bruce!

  20. #20
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?


    I\'ve the first edition of \"Sociobiology\" in storage right now so it\'s not handy but Wilson did a whole chapter on chemical communications that was very interesting. Supposedly there\'s a revision out that even better overall.

    I\'ve talked with Morganthaler on the phone once or twice when I was investigating manufacturing a smart drug concoction.

  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: How did you get into pheros?

    What these guys are saying is...

    Search Engine Placement COUNTS!


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