
A flame passe..

Seriously, does it matter? If the people buying into this stuff gain the results they want, be it placebo effect, confidence boost, or imagination, it doesn\'t matter. They are happy playing. If in that playing it makes them more observant of human behaviour, then thats a positive benefit. The very belief is enough, for if it changes their perception of the world, and their reactions to it in a positive way, it has enhanced their lives. Boomshankah! Money well spent. Lots of people believe in God. God may not exist, it cannot be proven. The faith of these people, in a diety that cannot be proven to exist, enhances their lives, gives them belief in a higher order of things, in a word faith. Faith empowers people to do things that they would otherwise believe that they are incapable of. Maybe its not a case of pheros not working, just a failure to believe that it is possible.
