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Thread: Scent of Eros

  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros

    What kind of effects did you notice after you came out of the solarium? Any \"hits\" afterwards?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Scent of Eros

    aaron, well soon as i got out of the solarium, walked into the reception, the receptionist was still flirting! as she did before i used the lamps, im not sure if the pheros were destroyed afterwards or if the pheros were still in the reception while i was under the lamps, or if the pheros work better with UV rays?

    im just not sure..all i know she was definatly flirting! as were those school girls at the station

    i dont hear that much about SOE in this forum, but to date it has been a major attention turner

    still will use again and keep you all informed

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros

    Ill agree with you bronzie it is a major attention getter, most people contact will be nothing more than simple reactions like that but some women might want to get closer depends on whether youre single married etc.

    Still it is good stuff works well with a small amount of AE and NPA im from brisbane and the responses with the warmer weather are great.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Scent of Eros

    donalduck, i have to get up to queensland one day! you know, ive been around the world, but never been to the one place ive always wanted to go, queensland! hope things are good for you up there mate, phero use works better in warmer climates hey? makes sense too me...then again you have all those scadly dressed girls to test it on! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    by the way, it was a freezing night in melbourne yesterday when i used the phero\'s, and they still seemed to do the job

    pheros are like an art form meets science, you almost need the skill of an artist to wear them, and the knowledge of a scientist to deduce the results....

    [ May 14, 2002: Message edited by: bronzie ]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Scent of Eros

    My SOE should be here in a few days. I wished I had ordered it earlier but whatever. I plan on making some of that JBDD up (That\'s JB#1 plus SOE) to see how it goes.

    -THE BAT

  6. #6
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros

    The only time I become aware of a strong natural body odor is after using a tanning bed, especially if I put my arms behind my head for a few minutes. I suspect this increased odor is not -none, but another component. And, I get it whether or not I have used an antiperspirant/deodorant.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Scent of Eros

    Hey guys,
    JBDD is JB#1 plus much SOE.
    if the percentage is 70% APC with 30% NPA, what
    is the percentage for SOE.

  8. #8

    Default Scent of Eros

    Yesterday I received my SOE, so off course I had to try it out immediately. Anyway, so here goes, before I took the train into town, I applied a few rolls on my neck and wrists. I thought the fragrance was really nice, more of a proper fragrance like commercial colognes rather then some cheap fragrance like some of the other products. It’s musky and mellow and doesn’t leave a bad after scent. Anyway I like it.

    While waiting for the train at the train station, there were three girls in the distance walking my way, they finally get where I was and they started to chat to me, asking me the most stupidest questions, giggling and laughing like little girls. Buzzing around me like silly butterflies Well the fact was that they were young schoolgirls (they wore school uniforms), about 15-16 yrs old! Now you might ask yourself, big deal a few girls decided to talk and act silly with me, that’s all ok if I was 18, but im like nearly 30! Should I attribute this experience to SOE? Maybe? Fact is nor do I have any interest to flirt with minors, nor should they with me! So why did they?…anyway the story doesn’t stop there, when I arrived at my solarium tanning studio, the receptionist who is about 40yr was flirting with me, I have been like dozens of times to this place and never once have I seen her flirting, friendly, yes, but never flirting!

    Im not sure what is in SOE, but first impressions at least are very good. My only complaint with SOE so far is the label. Seems to smudge like freshly inked paper. Anyway, its what is in the bottle that counts.

    One question to anyone that can answer this, are pheromones degraded or destroyed in UV rays?
    Reason being, after solarium use, pheros could have been destroyed? Does intense sunlight reduce the effect of phero use?

    [ May 14, 2002: Message edited by: bronzie ]

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros

    As far as I\'m aware, going through previous posts (type in JBDD into the search), there are two preparations for JBDD I\'ve come across.

    One is SoE:NPA 7:3

    The other is SoE:NPA 3:1 which has the higher %ge SoE.

    I\'ve ordered another bottle of SoE for mixing in a 5ml atomiser, and holding onto the one I\'ve got for use on it\'s own.

    Just wondering whether to use the JBDD in an atomiser or the roll-top bottle for application.

    Since it\'s very uncommon to OD on SoE, I\'ve been wondering how much of the mix to apply...sprays or stripes or dabs, without ODing on the NPA in the mix.

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