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  1. #1

    Default Average phero amount produced by humans?

    I\'ve tried to find out what the average amount of pheros the human body produces, but no luck. It would to our advantage to know how the amount of pheros produced by someone who\'s an alpha male vs. the so call follower. Does anyone know?

    Curious Dude??

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Average phero amount produced by humans?

    Here\'s a range of none for tested subjects, distributed on the skin of their armpit (not the secretion concentration, but what\'s actually found on the skin):

    .0033-.0077 micrograms -none/sq in (from my personal survey of the literature)

    Notice that is micrograms, not milligrams.

    If you work out one spray of Andro4.2 at 0.13 milligrams/spray, covering about 10 sq in (from my experiments), you\'ll see that one spray applies hundreds of times the amount of none to your skin that you would find in the armpit of the most alpha male. Plus you are applying the product to a location more open than the armpit, most likely.

    Let\'s get off this thing about some guys produce enough -none. The biggest none-producer I could find (.0077microgram/sq in armpit) is producing HUNDREDS of times LESS none than we apply with one spray of any none product. And we don\'t think one spray is an overdose, do we?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Average phero amount produced by humans?

    Where did you get that figure, Irish? I haven\'t seen these numbers. Anyway, Andro 4.2 is not 0.13 mg per spray. It\'s 0.13 ml solution per spray, but the concentration of phero is only about 0.10 mg/ml. Anyway, you\'re still applying about 20 times as much -none than an alpha male according to your numbers.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Average phero amount produced by humans?

    Thanks for catching that error - I meant to say ml instead of mg there. Let me write it all out so you can verify:

    Andr04.2 0.14 mg/ml
    Sprays 0.13 ml/spray
    1 spray A4.2 gives (.13)(.14)= 0.018 mg/spray

    I sprayed the bottle on a piece of paper and got about 10 sq inch wet coverage for one spray, so one spray A4.2 delivers:

    (0.018mg/spray)/(10 sq in)= 0.0018 mg/sq in none distributed on the sprayed surface
    OR, in micrograms, 1.8 mug/sq in

    My number for none naturally distributed on male underarm skin is 0.007 mug/sq in (max), so divide to get the ratio of phero product vs. natural occurence:

    1.8/0.007 = 257 times the natural distributed none of the male underarm
    I sat in a medical library one day and found three references to none distributed on the underarm skin in test subjects. I was more interested in that than in the gland secretion concentration, which we often see posted here - I wanted to know what is actually presented by the human skin, not about the mechanism of its generation. Anyway, I didn\'t note the sources since I don\'t intend to research this as a hobby. When the numbers looked consistent across three studies I just compiled them, converted them all to same units and pressed on. I use these numbers - you may want to verify if you care enough about it. I just searched under \'androstenone\' and \'axillary\'.

    A couple studies showed nol much more variable, numbers like 0.002-0.045 mug/sq in.

    If you find better numbers post em...I\'m really just interested in order of magnitude info once I figured out how much these applied products exceed anything ever generated in the natural condition.

    [ May 15, 2002: Message edited by: Irish ]

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