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  1. #1

    Default Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    First of all, i wanted to express my great interest and appreciation of this forum. Keep it up. In any event, I\'m extremely interested in something that will give me results. I\'ve been reading practically every post i can and I\'m not sure what to get. I\'ve tried APC before a few years ago and got 0 results. I was about to try it again but then i learned how weak it was. I\'m going to be 22 this thursday. I\'m 5\' 7, 165 pounds, Hispanic (Dominican), brown skin. The APC plus NPA mix sounds good but i know i won\'t get the mix right. How about PI or TE? any thoughts.. please help. I\'m also trying to restir something with my ex ;-) thanks.

    [ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: Jerseyguy ]

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Ummm im going out on a limb but alter ego might be worth a shot (4 months off 22 myself). It gets good responses just dont OD to much if you are after good results consistently.
    Jambats mix could work well.
    TE - You could try the scentless version
    SOE - This could be useful for softening her up for starters and getting close again.

    If all else fails and the stuff does work but she either hooks up with someone else (trust me this happens a lot - friends on the edge of our social circle hook up etc)
    or she aint interested but you get responses elsewhere use this stuff to go find someone else give them some attention but if they look like dragging you along follow JAMBATS advice and mine and move on quickly.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Well, I don\'t think I need to soften her up because we are still friends and we talk once in a while, but we haven\'t been alone together since we stopped seeing eachother (very long story). So i want to be ready just in case u know. I also want to be wearing something that will make her think twice about breaking things off when we bump into each other. But on the same token, I also want something that will get me hits/responses from other girls i see. That\'s why i think i will rule out SOE. What is Alter Ego made of? I don\'t have a lot of money to spend to try every single product on this site, but will pay whatever it takes for a product that is proven to work.. So what will be the DIEHARD product to get.. thank u! :-)

    [ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: Jerseyguy ]

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Its none rone and nol none being say 30% nonl being 25% and rone being 30% lets just say its a balanced product available from stone labs.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Okay thanks. Sorry for all the quetions, but i just want to make sure i get the absolute best. So you prefer Alter Ego over PI and TE? What kind of positive responses have u gotten? thanks.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Well read right back through the forum actually dont its to much lets just say that lots of positive feedback - favourable attention work opportunities people in a good mood and negative response. Lots of usful information that is quite helpful in life from people who just felt the urge to talk to me (nol at work probably)

    Alter ego was my mainstay i was quite skinny at one point so needed a none boost - AE has all three in it as a balanced blend good for us middle 20 types 22-26 age group. But i now use SOE mostly and mix it up in small batches with AE and NPA on occasions to if you want something that has next to no scent but works get NPA instead of TE its the same stuff just a smaller bottle but NPA is four times as concentrated so the logic goes.

    4 sprays of TE or STE (sandlewood version) = 1 dab of NPA. Also NPA doesnt have the smell the edge goes so its more discrete to others conscious smell but it gets in and has the same effect. Like stealth mode.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Hi Thanks. What do you think about SOE and APC? Since i\'m only going to be 22 i think i should try SOE.. but should i get it with APC or NPA? thanks.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Well you don\'t want APC alone, it\'s too weak and most use it purely for it\'s scent to mix with other products. You\'d only want APC is you intend to make JB#1 (mix 70%APC, 30%NPA). You could get either NPA or SOE on it\'s own, certainly SOE is meant to go good for getting girls flirty due to high -nol. But lacks any -none which could mean no sexual reactions, just talking and flirting maybe? Where as NPA has -none, but can be a bit overpowering in smell. Some are trying to get best of both worlds by mixing 70%SOE + 30%NPA.

    [ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: Teak ]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?


    I would recommend SOE to start with for every newbie under 25. You might not get the sexual hits that you can get with some of the a-none products, but SOE always does its job (of getting people more friendly/chatty), works with everybody (men and women, old and young) and is easy to apply.

    Forget about APC unless you want to make the Jambat Mix # 1, which is APC and NPA mixed together. If you want an a-none product to start with I would recommend TE (or NPA).

    Franki [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    I\'d say give Bruce\'s Newbie Special a try. Its a good deal and has both None and Nol.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Wow. this is all stressful to me trying to choose. lol. It\'s like brain surgery. Everytime i have my heart set on a specific product, i read several posts which makes me not want it. I like soe but i also want to initiate the sexual response too. Should i get SOE with TE and wear them together.. or soe with npa? or just TE alone.. I dunno. I just need someone\'s true gut feeling.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    I say buy some SOE Gel packets, you get 5 for 10 bucks I think. See if that works out for you. Get NPA in that same order. that\'ll cost roughly 34 bucks. What you get is a sample version of one of the strongest anol products and a bottle of one of the strongest anone products. In a sense, it\'s like the newbie special but way more potent and slightly more expensive.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Thanks whitehall. where do i order the newbie special? Should I get something else along with it. thanks.

  14. #14
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Look at the androstenone results thread and do the quick calculation.

    Then you can tell whether -none containing products are likely to work for you or not.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Newbie. Going to be 22. Recommendations!?

    Thanks guys for the input. I ordered the beginners set a long with the SOE gels so i can try them out too. I\'ll let u know how it goes.

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