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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    The results of the androstenone effectiveness survey are available HERE.

    In general, what was found was:

    - Men who are some combination of younger, more alpha or taller tend to get negative or equivocal recations with androstenone-containing products.

    - Men who are some combination of older, less alpha, or shorter tend to get postitive reactions with androstenone-containing products.

    To calculate whether you\'re likely to find that androstenone-containing products will work for you, do this simple calculation:

    Are you:

    A) An alpha male, leader of the pack (5 points)
    B) An alpha male, though not everyone acknowledges it (4 points)
    C) Sometimes a leader, but more one of the crowd (3 points)
    D) A follower: you like others to take the lead (2 points)
    E) The underdog (1 point)

    What is your height?

    A) 5\'7\" or below (0 points)
    B) 5\'8\" (1 point)
    C) 5\'9\" (2 points)
    D) 5\'10\" (3 points)
    E) 5\'11\" (4 points)
    F) 6\' (5 points)
    G) 6\'1\" (6 points)
    H) 6\'2\" (7 points)
    I) 6\'3\" (8 points)
    J) 6\'4\" or above (9 points)

    What is your age:

    A) 15-20 (9 points)
    B) 21-25 (8 points)
    C) 25-30 (7 points)
    D) 31-35 (6 points)
    E) 36-40 (5 points)
    F) 41-45 (4 points)
    G) 46-50 (3 points)
    H) 51-55 (2 points)
    I) 56 and up (1 point)

    Add up your points and if the total is:

    - 13 or above, you are very unlikely to have a good result with androstenone containing products.

    - 11 or 12, you are unlikely to have a reliably good result with androstenone containing products.

    - 10, you may have a good result with androstenone containing products,

    - 9 or below, you will probably have a good result with androstenone containing products.

    I hope this has been helpful! It has helped me to understand what may be the reason I get really bad results whenever I use androstenone!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Well maybe I\'m the exception but I scored 15 and the only thing that works hands down for me is PI with out fail ..just now came back from GNC where the cute 21 year old running the store was very friendly if you know what i did i know she was 21? she told me right after i asked her out for tonight..she said she gets off on older guys they smell like her father..go figure! Well got to go get ready..were going to go pub crawling..WHO\'S YOUR DADDY!! P.S. by the way it was PI scented =1 drop +pit trick.. I\'m Alpha male type.. I\'m 6 FT 1\" tall.. I\'m also 39yrs old.. Keep Rocking!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    I scored an 18 on that test & I\'ve noticed positive results with none.

    There seems to be some inconsistancy between the survey you posted and the link. The charts says most alpha = 6, but the most alpha in the survey you posted was 5. Also, it says youngest = 7, was a different scale used or did noone younger than 25 take the survey that was used for the graph?

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    You can never tell for sure what is going to happen with these kinds of stats. I think it is the stress pheromones that really kill your chances and turn aNONE product use into a crash and burn story. Not all heavy on the testosterone guys come off as scary to women. With great power comes great responsibility and in the dating racket that responsibility is to communicate that your power is going to be used for benevolent purposes.... and you get about 5 seconds to get that message across.


  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Great looking chart with the test results. I couldn\'t figure out exactly what the X and Y variables on the graph are though. I guess the numbers on the horizontal line are your alpha male score, right? What is the other variable?

    If you can make that chart a little more layman user friendly, maybe we should put it in the reference library.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    This is very interesting. Could you also plot correlation curves just for the factors of alpha male, height, age, etc.?

    It\'d also be interesting to superimpose the results for a-1, -nol, and -rone, if possible. Do you get the opposite trend for -nol?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    I scored 15
    and I get NO hits/responses with PI/m

    But then again I was apart of the survey

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    It may be that some factors are more heavily important and should be more highly weighted.

    If anyone wants to do more with the data I have so far, I\'ll be glad to put it online as a spreadsheet.

    I think that age is probably more important than height, for example.

    My guess is that most important are:

    -other factors not noted here (genetic variability, etc).

    It\'s hard to do these tests for -nol because few products are JUST -nol. But we can give it a try.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Oh, to answer the questions about the graphs:

    - the legend was incorrect and has been updated (it didn\'t say 1-9 for age and height).

    - The x axis is just the responder number. I could have put in the actual names, but just left it as numbers. y axis is the numeric score.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    I think the question of alpha-ness can be hard to answer. Leadership can be defined in many forms and being alpha doesn\'t necessarily make one a leader. Like being a small charismatic guy has leadership attributes as opposed to this physically intimidating person who leads through his physical prowess.

    Just making a case cause I\'m not sure what to pick. I definitely am NOT alpha in any way but I tend to always lead a group cause of my work ethic and personality. I stand at 5\'2 and am skinny as hell, but I am considered a leader. Is that considered alpha?

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Why do you say you\'re not an alpha.

    If you lead because of your personality, I would be inclined to call you an alpha.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Yes, I wouldn\'t put too much weight on the responses to the alpha maleness. It\'s definitely hard to answer.

    Age is factor that has been discussed on the board for a long time, and I\'m glad it showed up in the data. I\'m still curious about the mechanism though. It\'s believed that young, athletic guys already produce enough -none, and the extra -none causes them to OD. However, if we believe that we\'re putting on way more -none than even young guys produce, this theory doesn\'t make sense. The other possibility is that old guys tend to approach older women, and they react better to -none. However, many of the old guys say a lot of young women hit on them also, so go figure...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Yeah, doing a survey for -nol is tough. A lot of people have tried SOE, which is mostly -nol. However, some of the same people who got negative results with -none also don\'t do well with -rone. I\'m only beginning to experiment with mixes that definitely contain no -rone. SOE and AE both contain -rone. We don\'t know the contents of NPA and TE, but Jambat and others have said that it contains -rone (what source?).

    I may stick with -nol and A-1 mixes for a few weeks. At least, I can have the peace of mind that I won\'t get negative results. =). As far as I know, no one on the forum has gotten negative reactions from these two at any dosage.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    My guess is that if you get poor results with -none you will get poor results with -rone. But this is very hard to establish due to the lack of -rone only products.

    Given time, we could design a survey that included ALL products and then we could do data analysis to determine the effect of each component.

    But I don\'t have the time for that right now!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Well, those of us who have the chem set can test -none, -nol, -rone, and maybe even A-1 separately. With your scientific interesting, sounds like a good investment for you, xvs.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    xvs, your post makes very clear sense to me, its similar to what i mentioned in a previous post, if your a guy that looks kind of feminine, you should wear more none, if your more butch, more nol!

    makes perfect sense to me....but as always, there are alot of variables in phero use

    by the way, went out to a bar tonight, sat on a chair having a quite drink and smoke, not even looking at the girls really....but had 3 different girls come up to me asking for a light, this has happened to me before on many occasions, but not 3 girls in 1 1/2 hrs!

    pi/m 2 drops, pi/w 2 drops, excite wipe

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    19 points - right now i just ignore women they get annoyed try to get more attention and just are a genuine pain in the neck, frankly ive tried the whole dating thing and giving attention but the energy required is to much my job is way to busy im studying and tyring to keep on top of life and to top it off when i start paying way less attention to the attention whores to keep my stress levels withing a dealable range they all decide that they arent getting enough well a good thing to do if anyone here falls into this range. Is in genral conversation is to simply say to friends etc if there is a female out there interested but playing mind games is.

    \"women are quite ok to ask me out to dinner or whatever but im a very busy person and at the moment and not prepared to ask anyone out because i have a full schedule\"

    THey will do one of two tyings - stop altogether (this the is 99% of the time response - because of no intented attention giving on youre part) or they might just do but really THINKING THAT SHE WILL DISAPPEAR IS SOMETIMES A GOOD THING ESPECIALLY IF SHE HAS A SELF DESTRUCTIVE PERSONALITY

    Frankly i judge women on their personalities first.

  18. #18
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!


    My recommendation:

    - Stay away from -none (and probably -rone, though I can\'t prove that yet).

    - Get -nol (PI/w) and A1.

    By the way, I hope you don\'t get offended, but every time I see your tagline I keep thinking of mentioning to you that:

    \"If the future was here im glad to be here and now and facing it with open eyes and an open mind.\"

    Has mixed tense and is grammatically incorrect. What you probably mean is:

    \"If the future IS here im glad to be here and now and facing it with open eyes and an open mind.\"

    I hope you take my comment in the way it\'s offered, like if you have a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth and no one tells you, but finally someone does. You may not like hearing it, but it\'s probably better that you were told than that you weren\'t.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Oh, dear. You managed to push my grammer switch.

    What you _really_ probably meant: [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    If the future _were_ here, I _would be_ glad...

    Really. Go look it up.

    [ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: BassMan ]

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    True, but I was giving him some poetic license. I think he wants to say that the future is, in fact, here.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Fair enough.

    I find it necessary to write for a living. I have been beaten by editors to the point where I like it. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: BassMan ]

  22. #22

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    I scored 21 points in the test, (I am 6\'5\" and 20 years old), but I still think a bit of a-none is good for me. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Having said that, SOE and a-1, and not NPA or TE, are my favourites.

    Franki [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: Franki ]

  23. #23

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Thanks for the hard work, I find your initial results very interesting.

    I\'m curious to know more about the \'delivery vehicle\' for those who have pronounced -none succcess. Specifically, amount of body hair and skin condition (dry, oily, etc). The body hair issue, if it has any correlation to success, may be another variable in the discussion of pheromone success for Asian users..

    still sounds like the best key for making none work is to be approachable....

  24. #24
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Ok point taken that needs to be changed immediatley i was drunk when i did it and couldnt be bothered changing it back. As far as none rone etc i used to use none (was a skinny thing back then) gone right off it now unless i need to have more presence or am just dealing with a dumb person (trust me in sales this happens all the time.)
    I probably cant import a1 into australia (dont know bruce might know) so im just stuck with SOE which is good and works gets people friendly etc. Thats nol and rone but thanks for letteing me know about the grammar a new catch line is up i think. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Any more results from doing the calculation?
    Is it working for you guys?

  26. #26

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    I\'m close to 20 on that scale, but haven\'t got any pure none product so I don\'t know. A date-mate or something similar (approx 3 nol 1 none) that was good when I tried it last fall, doesn\'t seem to work well anymore. Got some bad OD-reactions (same dose as previously used) with women at clubs acting real bitchy last week. I had borrowed the bottle from a friend, and it seems the scent has changed. There\'s nothing left of the musky part that was quite dominating back then. Instead the scent is now kind of sour. Isn\'t that what none smells like? I was thinking maybe the spray-bottle isn\'t very tightly sealed and the nol might have oxidized to none?? Has anyone else noticed similar things with older nol-products?

  27. #27

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    I am happy to say that even though I score 14 on this scale, I have great results using PI. I was not a part of the survey. Very unlikely is strong a statement. I am glad in my case that it is not true.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    I don\'t think -Nol will spontaneously oxidize into -None. It is converted to -None by bacteria on your skin. So, no, it doesn\'t make sense that the -Nol has become -None inside the bottle. There must be some other explanation.

  29. #29

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    Know if this conversion bacteria is present only in the arm pits, or everywhere including arms, neck, chest, ...?

  30. #30

    Default Re: Androstenone results: calculate whether androstenone products will work for you!

    The conversion of -nol to -none is an enzymatic thing. Bacteria, in general, use it to regenerate NADH + H+ for redox purposes. It allows them to make more cellular energy, thus proliferate. I can\'t say if the bacteria that have this enzyme live anywhere on the skin, but the money is riding on anywhere you sweat. A better question is, with no good way to answer, where do you excrete the -nol?

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