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  1. #1

    Default Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    I have a funny feeling mones don\'t work with asians. I think that someone else on this board was having problems with mones working for them and they were asian.

    I myself am an asian and am having trouble getting results from PI/m. Hmmm...maybe something to do with skin texture or something like that.

    Just my 2 cents

  2. #2

    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    I also wonder how well mones work or don\'t work on Asians. I am not Asian, but I live in Asia. I am trying different things in different ratios and combinations, but I am not overly impressed with the results. I certainly never have days as great as what some guys are reporting on the forum, even though I am using similar mixes.

    Then again, it isn\'t completely hopeless. I do get hits. They just aren\'t as frequent as I would like, and they aren\'t from the women that I want them from. It\'s hard to say what is going on. It could be that your body/skin is different, but I think there might be something else cultural going on to. At least in my case. I don\'t know where you live. For me I am thinking that maybe the mones are working on the women, but due to cultural factors the women maybe don\'t give an signs. Their mindset might be that it is the females\' role to sit there like a stone and have men do all the work.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    Yeah that\'s funny
    I\'m in the USA now, so if the mones are working, i should at least be getting hits from american girls right? This is perplexing, i don\'t know what to think.....

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    To be honest, I don\'t get much specific feedback from Asian guys. We have a LOT of regular customers in Singapore and Malaysia who all seem to be native born. They keep coming back for more, but I don\'t hear much from them except that they like the customer service. I assume the products must be working or they wouldn\'t keep buying them. Here in Japan it is completely different; we have a lot of customers but they are mostly foreigners living over here. They seem happy with the results. Conversely we have a LOT of Asian male customers living in the US, Canada and the UK, who keep coming back for more. Many seem to be students and their lust for knowledge about pheromones may be greater than their lust for an immediate tidal wave of sex. Just guessing there.

    Strangely enough, I have heard from a number of Asian women (mostly Japanese living in the US) and they are all extremely happy with the results and have even gone into some detail. Nothing racey, just enough so that I get the idea they are not just being polite.

    My 2 cents:
    As everybody knows, I am Western guy living in Japan with a Japanese wife. I have been convinced that pheros work for me (on Japanese women), though as I have mentioned a few times, Asian women are much more reserved in public than are their counterparts in the West. I became completely convinced of this from the time I ordered my first bottle long before I even thought about selling them myself. I notice a lot of \"workable\" situations with young available women happening here and there, but there is probably some skill involved in working these into the kind of result that a young single guy (which I am not) is looking for.
    Here are a couple of tests which I believe will prove to any foreigner living in Japan (probably Korea, Singapore and a number of other moderinized Asian countries as well) that pheromones do have very real effects on local women.
    1. If you are married to or have an Asian gf. Apply a considerable amount of either Alter Ego or SOE (preferably the gel) to chest and/or arm pits immediately before sexual activity. If you don\'t notice a definite change in your partner, I will be amazed.
    2. Use either Edge or NPA with a nice cologne (Jambat #1 mix would be fine) and interact with female sales staff that seem to have a little extra time on their hands. If you are over 30, this test is perfect. Find women who are about your age and therefore probably happily married to an Asian guy who they rarely see. This situation is perfect for testing beyond belief, because any coyness or shyness is completely gone. These women are not the least bit interested in getting you as a husband or even lover. They are however SO delighted to be able to chit chat with a male whom they find attractive. Try this with and without pheros, and again if you don\'t notice a difference in the way married women your age react to you in a totally safe environment (eg: a shop they are working in where they are supposed to be friendly anyway) I will drop over in amazement. If they like you, they lay it on with a trowel and you couldn\'t miss it if you put a bag over your head. Try it.

    Now (alas for you single guys) getting this \"attraction\" to translate into getting yourself a great gf or wife is going to require some if not a LOT os skill. I don\'t think this is so true in Japan, but when I was living in Taiwan, I came to the resonable conclusion that I could have my pick of the most beautiful women on the island (away from Taipei anyway), by mastering two techniques:
    1. The \"having a wallet full of money\" technique
    2. Dogged determination (ie: poetry, flowers, and phone calls to the point where you would be arrested in the US as a stalker)
    In the more old-fashioned or traditional or conservative Asian countries, you may make a hit with your pheros (natural or bottled) but you are going to have a hard time scoring or even getting more than a fleeting glance without either or both of #1 and #2 above.

    Try my tests,

  5. #5

    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    \"Yeah that\'s funny. I\'m in the USA now, so if the mones are working, i should at least be getting hits from american girls right? This is perplexing, i don\'t know what to think.....\"

    I\'m asian, and I suggested that perhaps asian guys have a harder time making the pheros work for them. I was thinking primarily of asian guys in the U.S. Asian guys are sort of the \"low man\" on the totem pole here in terms of dating (behind whites, blacks, hispanics, all of them). It\'s the opposite for asian girls, by the way. So, for pheros to turn an asian guy into a chick magnet is a big challenge. Cultural stereotypes are working against us, and they need to be overcome.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    I\'m asian myself. I\'m not 100% sure if pheros are making a difference or maybe it\'s just giving me the confidence to at least even try to make contact with the opposite sex.

    I generally get along really well with people I don\'t know, since I talk a lot. With that in mind, people are usually nice to me. All this without pheros.

    I\'ve had my share of looks from people, many smile or acknowledgements. This usually only happens when I make an effort to smile or nod initially.

    Testing out pheros...very hard to do. I use the lower end products. So far, xcite wipes, spmo, TE, and PF. PF I haven\'t tried yet. The only thing I notice is a phero buzz and that seems to make my attitude better so people around me are better, but are they affected by pheros? attracted to me? I have no clue. All I can say is that a very fresh spray to the neck from TE caused me to have multiple DIHLs my first day of use. I have yet been able to duplicate that since then. Maybe I stank?

    Right now, I\'m exploring different places to put pheros. I usually put it on wrists and neck. I\'m gonna try the pit trick and also start putting some on my face, close to where my own sweat comes out. Hopefully this will make a difference.

    Bottom of the totem poll, I disagree. I know many male asians who date alot, get laid, and such. It really depends where you live. In highschool, I was one of very few asians amongst tall irish white people. I dated a lot. Had more attention because I was different. It was a killer angle. I\'m now in college in LA, and the scenario is different. Still get dates though.

    [ May 06, 2002: Message edited by: Lee ]

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    This Saturday I got a strong hit from a chinese girl at a club. She repeatedly rubbed her breasts on my arm as we were talking (\'accidentally\', not over and over again in an obvious way), and was very flirty. I plan to hang out with her again some time soon.

    On the other hand, she could have been horny and I could have been charming... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    You know I never really thought about it the way you mention. When I was in Taiwan I felt terribly sorry for Western women who were living there. At least in the city I was in, even the finest couldn\'t seem to find anyone. The foreign guys were totally into the Chinese women, and the local guys were into the traditional arranged marriage thing and weren\'t into foreign women anyway.
    [Live news flash: just had a small earthquake here while I was writing this]
    Here in Japan foreign women can easily find a great Japanese husband it seems. I think the secret to sucess when your are so to say... \"marketing\" yourself is just to work with what you have and make the most of that. I remember once flying to Japan from Seattle and sitting next to a Japanese/Canadian guy. He was full blooded Japanese but his parents never spoke Japanese around him and he had never been to Japan before, so he couldn\'t speak a word of Japanese. It was a riot on the plane because I found myself translating what the Japanese stewardess said to him thinking he was on his way home. Anyway, the guy was studying acting in Canada and his dream was to be a full time stand up comedian. I thought, wow, fantastic, this guy has it absolutely dicked. He has this great gag built right into him. He can do sumo jokes, samurai bits, the works. But after talking to him I realized that he thought his being genetically Asian was a weight around his neck that he had to overcome!!! He had never once used his being of Asian decent on stage; not even once!! I was in shock. \"Dude!\" I said, \"you have got it freaking made, and you don\'t even know it!!\" We talked about various bits he could do all the way to Japan. Maybe he will be famous some day. :-)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    That is all fine and dandy, but i sincerely beleive that mones don\'t work the same on asians as they do on other races ( biologically, not culturally)......WHICH Really blows;.....
    Or maybe i\'m not just trying hard enough?


  10. #10
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    Differences in pheromone production could be expected to correlate well with the effect of pheromones. No \"blanket\" statement can be made, but we addressed this topic in my book.
    From The Scent of Eros (unedited): Chapter 12

    One readily apparent racial difference in human anatomy is hair color. But the link between anatomical racial differences and physiological differences is often ignored or denied. This subject is so emotionally charged that few scientists dare study it for fear they will be branded racists just for being interested in the subject Similar perils are even more evident when someone tries to take the next step and suggests a link between racial differences and differences in sexual behavior. Despite this sensitivity, a few comments on these differences are necessary to shed some further light on the mysteries of odors and sex.

    An observation from Boyd Gibbons extensive review of \"The Intimate Sense\" for National Geographic offers a good springboard for our brief discussion:
    During the World Wars, German soldiers claimed they knew the whiff of the English, and the English said likewise. More recently, North Vietnamese soldiers reported that they often smelled Americans before seeing them. Jack Holly, a Marine Corps officer who led reconnaissance patrols deep into the triple-canopy jungles of Vietnam, told me, \"I am alive today because of my nose. You couldn\'t see a camo bunker if it was right in front of you. But you can\'t camouflage smell. I could smell the North Vietnamese before hearing or seeing them. Their smell was not like yours or mine, not Filipino, not South Vietnamese either. If I smelled that smell again, I would know it.

    Anecdotal? Yes, but these experiences are real and supported by research stretching back to Havelock Ellis\'s fine summary of what was known eighty years ago about racial differences in body odors. Ellis, for instance, reported that many, though not all blacks have a stronger body odor than other races, which is made even stronger by cleanliness, which opens the pores of the skin.

    Europeans, he reported, are \"considerably more odorous than are many other races,--for instance, the Japanese,--and there is doubtless some association between the greater hairiness of Europeans and their marked odor, since the sebaceous glands are part of the hair apparatus.\"

    These differences correlate well with racial differences in the development of apocrine glands. Blacks have more apocrine glands than whites, and whites more than Asians. Some blacks have apocrine glands on the chest and abdomen, both above and below the navel. In contrast, whites rarely have apocrine glands on the abdomen, and when they do the glands only occur below the navel.

    Japanese rarely have apocrine glands on the pubic mound or labia majora. They also have no apocrine glands on the chest, other than those around the nipples. While men have larger apocrine glands than women, the experts disagree on whether men or women have more apocrine glands.

    Racially the most striking fact about apocrine glands is their weak development in the underarm area of orientals. Approximately half of the Korean population have no apocrine glands under their arms. Similarly, underarm apocrine glands are sparse and do not touch one another in the Japanese.

    The underarm skin of men and women of most races has visible flat, oval structure consisting of many separate but adjoining apocrine glands.

    The axillary organ is designed specifically to produce and disperse odor-producing substances. When secretions from the apocrine and sebaceous glands mix with the watery sweat of the nearby eccrine glands, the diluted secretion flows over the surface of the axillary skin and hairs. Bacteria then break down this relatively odorless material into aromatic substances.

    In all races, differences in development of the axillary apocrine glands correlate with the odor of their secretions. All whites and blacks produce axillary odor, but only 10 percent of Japanese and only 2 or 3 percent of Chinese have any axillary odor.

    «FN1 Odor production in the Japanese is considered to be an inherited trait from ancestors of other subraces who produced more odor.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    Thanks JVK,

    I think better if you explain about 5 Biggest population in the world:
    China, India, US, Indonesia and Brazil, Russia

    And perhaps you can consider to study and create Asian SOE. Why ?: because Asian is the most populated (China + India + Indonesia All in World Top 5), it means big future target/business.

    And is there any study about the season ?. I think people who live in Tropical area will little bit different in phero. people who live in 2 season area and 4 season area, Etc.

    [ May 06, 2002: Message edited by: Tom ]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    THank you for your extensive Reply JVK. I found that very interesting that different races have different scents. Now that you mention it, it is very true. You americans do smell :-) j/k

    So what is your personal recommendation? Where should us asians spray our pheremones for maximum effectiveness?

  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    \"Needs more study\" is the thought that comes to mind, and one that the evolutionary psych folk typically use.

    I\'m biased with regard to product, of course, but think that SoE best addresses variations in -none production, which I think is the primary racial variation. Without -none, what you have is the musky -ol, and the \"clean\" smelling -rone, neither of which should be offensive to Asian women, and both of which should provide the proper hormonal priming. Granted, it may not get a woman to jump your bones, but she should minimally be prompted to show a little more interest.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?

    Thanks JVK,

    I have been using SOE much more than other product I have ( APC, NPA, TE, Andro, PI). I use it almost every day now, and almost one month.
    because I feel the smell is good, and the roll application is easy to use.
    But till now I still cannot report a hit.

    I did not waiting for a woman who jump to me, or opening their clothes and asking for sex with me or other big sign.
    But at least I need to find a woman who smiles more than normal, or more chatty or some other hit sign.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Asians and Mones Don\'t Work?


    Thanks for good information that backs up life experience. You are a real scientist the political correct people are doing a lot of destruction with their psudeo science.
    I have always enjoyed the variety of odors of different races of people. Especially the women who have been my lovers. They have been like a rare flower garden of scents! and taste! Elk [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

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