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  1. #1

    Default Life--- ON the Edge


    I used the Edge for the first time today..... Prior to this i have used only Datemate and the one Excite wipe sample i recieved... so people tell me your most bizzarre experiences using The EDGE......

    I have one for you...........

    I am in a play right now in college.. The Crucible.... and tonight for the first time one of the ladies in the show.. just ploppled down right beside me and started asking me personal questions... just wierded me out... and i kinda got off on it too...LOL
    before this time the lady had maybe said 10 total words to me and all of a sudden i was like her long lost friend...

    also... i was wearng this tank top shirt... and one of the girls in the cast who just became engaged to the stage manager... walked right up to me and told me how hot i looked.... .. and with her fiance standing right there she took her nails and ran them down my bicep.. WOW.. what an aukward moment.. kinda exhilerating..

    Dont worry .. im an upright guy.... but damn she is incredibly hot....

    up till this time i had very little reaction from datemate.. i want to investigate this further..


    This is just Life- on the Edge....nullnullnullnullJazon\'s HOME...

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    I can’t guarantee this is a bizarre experience. It might be my bizarre imagination.
    I was in a coffee shop reading a magazine, wearing two sprays of Edge. A very well endowed blonde was sitting several tables behind me, reading a paper. After a while she got up, as if she was leaving, kind of hesitated as she passed my table, sat down in the table in front of me (with her back towards me), sort of stared into space for a minute, crossed her legs, opened up her newspaper, and started bouncing her leg faster and faster, as if she was trying to stimulate herself without touching.
    Like I said, it could be my imagination. But she was bouncing that leg really fast, and I noticed other people staring at her. This went on for more than ten minutes; then she got up and left.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Hey Aka.

    Now thats what i\'m talking about.. LOL

    SHe didnt know what hit her huh?????



    Jazon\'s Home

  4. #4

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Dropped a young woman home from the office this evening as usual. She\'s always been clear that it\'s \"just friends\" and has drawn a not so subtle line in the sand in response to advances. Anyway, it\'s almost a year now, we\'re friends, yes, but not much more. I\'ve been out of town for three days and got my Edge on getting back. Two sprays on the shirt with a little rubbed on the hands and neck before getting her in the car.

    She gets in and looks a bit odd for a moment. I ask her what\'s wrong a she slaps my arm teasing that \"she let\'s me go for a few days and I end up looking like a million bucks\". Then she sits staring at me while I\'m driving (a bit unnerving). She actually hangs on my arm and rubs my shoulders while I stop at the store a moment. On dropping her off, she asks if I\'ll stay for a beer and I end up meeting her whole family.

    Amazing. Is it attitude? I doubt it. I\'ve dressed the part, worked out, etc and always felt good about being around her. The only change was being away a couple days, and using the edge. What a complete turnaround on her part! I can\'t wait until my APC comes to supplement it a bit.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by a.k.a.:
    I can’t guarantee this is a bizarre experience. It might be my bizarre imagination.
    I was in a coffee shop reading a magazine, wearing two sprays of Edge. A very well endowed blonde was sitting several tables behind me, reading a paper. After a while she got up, as if she was leaving, kind of hesitated as she passed my table, sat down in the table in front of me (with her back towards me), sort of stared into space for a minute, crossed her legs, opened up her newspaper, and started bouncing her leg faster and faster, as if she was trying to stimulate herself without touching.
    Like I said, it could be my imagination. But she was bouncing that leg really fast, and I noticed other people staring at her. This went on for more than ten minutes; then she got up and left.

    She may have been holding her need to pee until it was no longer possible to do so. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    hey pain...

    I hve noticed that too.. it just seems to take down the walls that people put up with you.... kinda cool....

    its wierd .. everyone seems friendlier to me..

    I stopped in for a sandwich today and this lady walks in. pretty lady... and she just looks at me and smiles.. she sits down at the next table. All i said to the lady was... wow what a hot day.. and she just started telling me her whole life story.... SHe works at this dialysis clinic. and has 6 kids (she didnt look it though).. and how her husband has been away for 3 weeks and shes taking care of all the kids alone.....and the kicker is--- when she was paying for her food... she made it a point to look at me and tell me that she just bought a new puppy .. this was while she was searching for her change in her purse..
    What a cool experience ...

    I think it has to be the mones...

    another one.....

    this is funny....

    ok the girl from the other night ... the one who scrathed my bicep... oh this is great.... we were sitting down waiting to go on stage and she asked me for a piece of paper..... then she decided while we were there.. we might as well play hangman.... so she drew it out......

    NOw get this..... the word she used for the game was NIPPLE......

    I have my nipple pierced...
    I musta invaded her mind or something....

    ANother wierd experiece with life on the EDGE [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    KEEP the stories COMING....

    Jaz......Jazon\'s Home

  7. #7

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Hey guys.....

    I NEED MORE STORIES!!!!!!!!!

    ok... here a crazy one...

    So i was really pissed and i went to the bar for a drink,..... there were these 4 people standing in my way to get to the bartender... at first i tried politely to say something... no one was paying any attention..... so i finally told this girl to move... and she musta sensed something in me... at first she told me to chill and get a drink... and then all of a sudden... she started carrying on a conversation with me..... it was a comeplete turnaround....

    I think it is one of 2 things.... the pheros..... or maybe she has a split personality.......
    --- what do you guys think??? JOE?? PAIN? ANYONE?????????

    I got 3 phone numbers that night too.... HEHE


    Yesterday i spent 4hours and 45 minutes putting together a new desk... my fingers still hurt.... LOL

    I guess these are my EDGE diaries...
    Its CUTTING EDGE(get it) STUFF

    Later ....


  8. #8

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge


    It is ... CRAZY STORIES.....

    And feel free to be as elaborate as possible....

    and ANY pheromones,,, not just the edge...


  9. #9

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Okay Crazy Story;

    Posted prior. But I guess this qualifies for Killer story time:

    Memorial Day weekend 2001; Place Laughlin Nevada; Setting Casino/Hotel/Nightclub

    I wore a mixture of the Edge/New Phero Additive with cologne. I was working the front door of the club. Getting attitudes that seemed to diminish as soon as I talked to them. Worked the front door area for most of the night. Several tables were talking to me all through the night. Decided at approx. 2:30 AM or so to grab some peace and some air. Walked out to pool area and sat to relax a bit. Was there a few when a group of folks who had been sitting in the front door area walked by. One hot fem (a 9 out of 10) stopped and said she would talk to Mr. Ken (me). She sat and we chit chatted for a few. Then she started to wiggle and squirm. I asked if there was a problem She said no..but then wiggled a bit then told me that she had just gotten her vagina pierced and it was all bound up in her panties. Well at this new advised her that the women’s restroom was just about 20 yards from where we sat, and added a bit jokingly that if she needed any help to just ask. At that she stood up and dropped her shorts. I was a bit surprised, but as my eyes adjusted to the sight before me I noticed that indeed her hoop was all wound up in her thong/g-string. It looked rather painful. So then I dropped and knelt between her legs and it took about 5 minutes to get that glorious hoop undone. With that she stood up gave a hug and thanked me prior to going back in the club. When the club closed (5 or 6 in the AM) she came up gave me a big hug and thanked me for being a gentleman and hugged me again. Then smiled and asked what cologne I was wearing. Told her it was a blend a friend makes for me. She hugged again smelling for a long time, smiled and told me she would be back in a couple of weeks and would like to know if we could have dinner or something, and departed.
    2 weeks later she called and we had dinner and wonderful weekend.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    hey TallCoolOne....

    what a great story...

    i went over to a friends house today to check out some new games she got for her computer.....

    weve beeen friends for a long time.... she was unusually touchy feely today.. touching me every chance she got.... it was so outta character for her.... THEN out of the blue she just said..... i\'m not wearing any panties......

    ill let you guess the rest.......

    then today at rehearsal.. one of the girls in the show... just grabbed for my zipper.. it was sticking up and she just had to fix it....LOL --- MAJOR DIHL--- [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    like 4 people were watching too..... we were just hanging outside...

    it was great.....

    I LOVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    just a little crazy story for.......



  11. #11

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    hi all!

    warning: my english isn\'t very well [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    yesterday i got my first bottle of the edge. today i gave it a first try. at first i applied 1 spray on the neck. but the bottle sprayed out only a very little amount of the edge (didn\'t atomize the liquid). it seemed like nearly nothing went out of the bottle. so i applied 2 more sprays. maybe that was too much. then i covered it with a spray (a real big spray ;-) of a nice smelling deodorant.

    my question to you: is it normal that the edge-bottle doesn\'t atomize the liquid und that it sprays out a VERY small amount of the edge (even couldn\'t feel it on the neck)? or is that only when using a brand new bottle?

    ok,... then i went to town just to check out of i would get some reactions. i noticed no significant reactions like DIHLs or 180-turns, but i got 2 nice smiles and more looks than normal. maybe i overdosed a bit.


  12. #12

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Hey Ren....
    when i used my bottle for the first time it did the same thing... i think it is only when you first use it....

    keep on experimenting...

    i am getting some good results with just 2 sprays.... [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]



  13. #13

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Hey JaZoN and Pain and tallcoolone and ren, the master story teller is here [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] and i have enough stories gathered from 4 months of use to fill up 2 or 3 of these forums, the craziest one is one girl that i work with, well at work we have a social club and bar, so i was down there one night and one fem decided to come over to me (they hang around me all the time anyway) anyhow it didnt go any further damn [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] anyway she is talking to me and gives me a cuddle and whispers in my ear how geourgeous that i am, i think the words \"youre so fucking geourgeous\" and \"you smell fucking beautfiul baby\" are enough but later on she was telling me that i was hung like a horse no then she decided that i am hung like an elephant, but i had to leave, damn anyhow that is one apart from the everyday thing where women follow me around the shopping centre, some when they sit next to me on the bus, just give me a really big DIHL and the normal touching and other stuff, just as everyday occourances, but remember i have an exact dosage that works brilliantly for me (wouldnt mind some alter ego though) my combo is attraction and andro, but yeah i tend to sort of overdose heaps a lot of the time, because i get really good reactions from the ladies yay, cant think of anything crazy right now, apart from the DIHL and that sort of thing and when they cant talk when they are around me, (they get really really shy/stuck for words cause i am god lol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] to the women anyway

  14. #14

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    hey Paul..

    I get those same reactions... \"wow your so fucking hot\"....and many others... like the im not wearing any panties line...

    its absolutely amazing...

    i am actually starting to form a harem... its like flys to honey... or Ants... like we have here in Califor....

    i never would have believed it...



  15. #15

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Same here, like a little following, sort of an empire of fems

  16. #16

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Same here, like a little following, sort of an empire of fems

  17. #17

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Love Scent worked last weekend for me! [Girlfriend=GF]

    SYNOPSIS over 1 week: FRI: Singles dance, no love scent, danced a lot with one lady - we hit it off real well on the floor. Interested in me, but no kissing. A definite natural attraction was beginning. SAT: Another singles Dance: meet her and her GF2 at table, wearing scent. Better than last night: extra hot dancing, tight against me. I put scent on hair and on chest where her head would be. An hour later both were running their fingers thru my hair, giggling, touching. Then, surprise, a GF3 - from 4 years ago- ‘wanders’ to our table. [So I sat with 3 attractive blonds for an hour].…danced with #3 twice-slow-and she kept looking at my lips… Next day she called 3x, sent 3 arriving Wed.…Meanwhile took GF1 home, pulled into her driveway and began kissing. 3 minutes later came a slow, long BJ! Next nite: she comes to my place and we do it in bed. She is all over me, stays close. She says: ‘I usually do not do this -‘but this is a special situation’’

    Part 2: Wed 3 pm GF3 arrives and hints about me as her ‘boyfriend/husband’ in a story. [We dated years a go for a month] Is available for the weekend. VERY attractive lady, but can she cook?

    Wed PM: GF2 arrives, passionate embrace. Clothes off in 3 mins. Later says ”I do not know why I am SO attracted to you’ Stays close all eve…I was wearing the Scent!

    CONCLUSION: It works if you have something to build on. Very valuable, accelerates attraction. I figure it helps women relax and everyone needs that; this makes the wearer responsible for providing a quality experience. So be nice and get your love sent! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] PS: I do not usually do product endorsements; this is a good thing.

  18. #18
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Man,great stories! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] What product(s),and how much were you using?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Whoa, I can\'t believe I forgot LOE. I was telling Lomo and Android how please i was with them keeping track of their experiences but I forgot all about you Jazon. I\'m enjoying Life On the Edge too. Thanks for this.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    hey Jam....

    You\'re welcome.....

    ok... heres my latest....

    A friend told me she just wanted to come over and hang out....

    So we decided to watch a movie..
    \"Almost Famous\" -GOOD flick...
    she could not stop touching me... my arms .. my hair.. ETC....
    and then she told me what she thinks when she sees me....

    Get this... she says that i just feel SOOOOOO right... but she cant figure out why she wants me so bad..... and she starts moaning when i kiss her....
    she is now having dreams about me... INTENSE ONES....

    Another close friend of mine is also having dreams about me...

    THIS stuff really seeps into the subconscience.........

    Great product BRUCE.... thanks....

    Later All,


  21. #21

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Wilde Oscar, I was using the Edge mixed in my palm with cologne creme, on hair. Ttonite is another dance and I will go for it. I think working up a sweat dancing helps. PS: GF3 came by Wed at 3...I was not wearing the Edge and so we just talked. Big diff from last Sat. nite.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    alright people....

    Friday was a good one.....

    Although i hurt my neck somehow....

    we were at rehearsal tonight... sitting outside on a picnic table... about 9 or so of us from the show.....

    the one of the girls started rubbing my shoulders because of my neck injury..... i recieved an incredible shoulder massage.... and my friend started moving down the line massaging every one...... then another girl came outside..... and then she started rubbing my neck..... then when she was done.... one of the girls who was watching came over to rub my neck.... then when she went inside the girl sitting next to me had to have a go...... LOL.... 4 massages... they couldn\'t stop touching me.. it was incredible...... [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    and then when rehearsal was over.... there was a group of girls talking i said goodbye and gave one of them a hug... and then another... and then they rushed me and i had 9 girls hugging me at once...... talk about an estrogen overload.......


    and remember i\'m hurt... LOL

    till next time.....


  23. #23

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Wow jason 9 women and 4 massages ok now that is freaky even by my standards nope wait yep its freaky there is another post just for anyone reading this that it helps to build up a close network of female friends/accquaintances because the more you know the more chance you got, but yeah thats incredible keep us updated jason on how it goes sounds like it is really working for you and yeah on the subconscious it really does seem to have an impact on the girls and they dont know why, but do they need to know or not to know that is the question

  24. #24

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    hey jason did you ever have any attention like this before you used the edge, or were you just average?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Greetings to the fero\'s,
    Jazon thanks for the postings.
    How exactly are you using the edge??
    Can the edge be mixed with cologne?? is so, what would be a good ratio for effectiveness and to cover that kitty pee smell, anyone???

  26. #26

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge


    i use 2 sprays of the edge on my right side of my shirt and 3 sprays colonge on the left.....

    man i got Hammered tonight..... i am still buzzed... LOL [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    what a cool night.... i had 3 massages tonight from 3 diffrent women... at this karaoke bar i sing at... one chick kept begging me to come home with her... (not interested)... and i made out with another for an hour... but she had to leave to go home... 90 miles away...(I have her digits)...

    there was this girl at the bar and she was a chiropractor... and she tried to help me with my neck..... she snapped it twice... and then she looked at me with DIHL.... [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]
    and then brushed my hair outta my eyes... WIERD LOOK.....

    all in all it was a good night....

    oh Geoff... i was just average... now its different... i am getting attention....

    its awesome....LOL

    Later, Days


  27. #27

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    oh guys....

    YOur welcome....

    and thank you for participating in my crazy thread......


  28. #28

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Hi guys!

    Yesterday I was at a big tent-party (about 1000 people). There was also this big bar (approx. 300 people) where I spent the evening.

    Some days before I also applied one spray of the edge and only covered with very little cologne. Then a colleague told me that something in here smelled like urine.

    So yestered I applied only 1 spray of the edge and covered it with a nice smelling body milk. The bar was very filled and so there were many girls in my proximity. Unfortunately I didn\'t recognize anything abnormal. There were hundreds of girls passing by but no one of them seemed to be affected by the pheros. Only 2 girls I know a little bit seemed more friendly and a bit touchy.

    Maybe one spray wasn\'t enough because the bar was very smoky. Also most of the guys were dancing and having big fun, but I wasn\'t in the mood to \"make party\".

    I\'m sorry that I have no success stories for you. Maybe you guys can tell me what I\'ve done wrong. I\'ll keep on experimenting.


    please excuse my bad english

  29. #29

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    Hi . . new to the forum . .

    I \' m a teenager . . good looking . . I get girls dress well go to clubs but as all of u know . . u still gotta have an EDGE . lol .

    I mean I gotta compete with My friends who are lets just say . . pretty good looking 2 . l o l .

    the Edge posts are really kool .

    jazon good job . .

    So since u guys are the Edge experts .

    I just ordered a bottle . . must be on its way . .

    I read that 2 sprays is enough with EDGE . .

    but is 2 sprays enough in a Club ?

    or should u put 3 ?

    Also where do u put it ?

    1 on the chest and 1 on the hair ?

    or like jazon mentioned 2 sprays

    on the chest ? which worked for u better jaz . ?

    Also for every spray of Edge should u cover it with 2 sprays of cologne ?

    and should it be directly OVER it ?

    or on the Sides ?

    and finally . . if u place the contents of the EDGE bottle into a smaller atomizer spray which is like 10 ml

    would it Spray the Same exact amount as the Edge spray itself . .

    since the round release hole

    is as large though the atomizer body

    is smaller . . does it make a diff if its smaller ?

    Thanks . .

    M A T T .

  30. #30

    Default Re: Life--- ON the Edge

    I would suggest starting with one or two. After you apply the first spray let it stand for a bit (5 MINUTES OR SO) to see how much of the alcohol smell fades and how much of the phero smell stays. This will give you an idea of the smell before you add cologne or what ever it is you are going to use. As far as the small vessel to carry it in. You will have to experiment. I have found that quality atomizer sprays are really a fine mist and covers an area very evenly. But the lesser quality atomizers delivers a coarser (larger droplet) spray and use your mix up at a quicker rate. Note: It is not the cost I am speaking of as my atomizer (5 ml size) was only $6.00 and sprays better than one that I bought for $20.00.
    Lastly Clubs: I would first try to find your Non-club ratio, to see what effects you are going to expect. But hey you have a product and want to use it. If you have an atomizer to fit in pocket, go with one spray to shirt/chest lower throat area, and a spray to the hair. Then go from there. And something about the Edge really works in smoky settings.
    BEst of Luck,


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