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  1. #1

    Default Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    I\'d like to take a survey. Do you apply your phero mix primarily on skin, on clothing, or on both skin and clothing? There are rationales for all three approaches, but I\'d like to know what most people are doing.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    Primarily skin. I find that the scent always seems more satisfying when applied this way.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    On the skin and sometimes in the hair.

    Franki [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    Here\'s an experiment to help you decide.

    Apply your usual phero/cologne mix to a piece of paper, and the same mix to the back of your hand. As time passes notice the difference in the paper smell versus your hand. After several hours you\'ll really see a difference,with the skin application gradually converting to other chemicals. The next morning the two smells will probably be completely different.

    Pheros are steroids naturally produced by your skin, and they are bacteria food. Bacteria changes pheros into other chemicals (sometimes other pheros we are familiar with!), which obviously changes the scent. People have different bacteria colonies on their skin, and women and men also tend to have different bacteria varieties, so results are unpredictable. In general the bacteria metabolizes the pheros toward a more smelly mix.

    You may like that. Or, if you like the mix to remain more stable (like the experiment with the paper application) then apply to clothing or hair. Hair happens to be an excellent broadcaster of pheros (your body hair is designed to distribute the pheros produced naturally in your apocrine glands - the hair and glands appear/activate at puberty).

    I apply on clothing/hair/skin depending on the situation. I almost always apply my combo to my hand so I can easily check how my other skin applications are doing through the night, and refresh with cologne if necessary.
    I also use antibacterial soap to try and keep the bacteria load down on my skin. Pheros are great bacteria food, and phero-wearers are feeding the bacteria on their skin like growing a culture in a dish! I read a study that showed antibacterials kept the underarm odor down cause it inhibited bacteria metabolism of steroids into smellier steroids and acids.

  5. #5
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    Skin... and on rare occasions, hair.

    That said, they get on my clothes since I can smell them in my closet.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    I sometimes wonder if the rapid scent change on the skin is due in a larger part to faster dispersal of the scent component, leaving the more smelly components exposed. On clothing, the scent lasts longer, and you wouldn\'t notice the pheros becoming unmasked within 24 hours.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    Run the hand/paper experiment mentioned above, only with pheros-only and no cologne. That will tell you if the pheros themselves are changing on your skin, or if scent-change was only a function of cologne-loss rates.

    I\'ve done that, and I think the pheros really change - which jives with the literature about apocrine metabolization. But you might want to verify for yourself since it\'s so easy...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    Well, unfortunately those of us who can\'t smell the pheros well will have problems evaluating this experiment. So, which areas do you feel causes more conversion? A lot of people have been saying arms, but I wouldn\'t have thought that arms would have much bacteria.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    I couldn\'t really say which areas are worst for phero conversion, but I would speculate the following would be bad:

    >Moist areas like armpit/pubic/etc. would be the worst for promoting bacteria colonies. The stuff I was reading about human odor was written about the armpit, which I assume is worst case.

    >Areas where phero-eating bacteria naturally live on your body. (Again I\'m speculating) that the varieties of phero-converting germs would tend to thrive where your body naturally produces the most phero steroids. This would be where the apocrine scent glands are concentrated: armpit, pubic, chest/belly/navel, around the mouth, eyelids, outer ear, and anywhere heavy body hair is produced.

    Anywhere else is probably less severe. But it would also have to do with gender (women and men tend toward different types of skin bacteria) and individual differences.

    Experience has taught me that even on my hand, freshly scrubbed with germkiller, that pheros convert after a few hours. Apparently the bacteria get pretty deep in the pores and you can\'t really exterminate them - and when you splash on their favorite food (pheros) they go wild.

    I wouldn\'t worry too much about it - if you can\'t smell pheros at all just be conservative with dose, and refresh with your cologne after a few hours. I LOVE Bobby Jones EDT for great staying power…it doesn\'t really blend well with pheros but seems to blot their smell out entirely if you mix it just right. Great fresh scent (I don\'t like heavy musky smells), and after 12 hours last week it was still covering, and my gf said it smelled great.

    Have you tried repeated regular daily sniffing of pheros to gain detection? I read a study where everyone in the study group that couldn\'t smell none was successfully converted into a none-smeller just by letting them sniff it a lot…try spraying it on paper first and letting it dry to eliminate the alcohol.

    The whole subject about phero-conversion is kinda weird/fascinating. Our scent (apocrine) glands activate at puberty when body hair appears, and the hairs are wicks to help broadcast the pheros produced by the glands. But the secretions interact with individual skin bacteria to produce different blends of scent on each of us. I remember reading Che Guevarra\'s classic book Guerilla Warfare, where he described fighting in tropical conditions for weeks without bathing. He said the men became accustomed to each other\'s signature scent and could identify individuals at night without sight - part of a identity-signaling mechanism for individuals in social groups?

    I understand the apocrine glands are innervated and wired to the parts of the brain responsible for sexual arousal and fear/fight/flight. I speculate that the fresh secretions released in those situations are useful in those situations, and later the individual conversion by personal bacteria could produce other effects (identification signaling?). Personally I want to avoid a signature stench, and only approximate the fresh blend that signals sexual arousal. In other mammals anyway the phero-detecting system is complex enough to interpret and process blended proportions of pheros, and one study said the human VNO has 3 receptor types, enough to process info about blends…

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    If we producing many sweat, what is your suggestion.
    applying before wet/after shower, or it is OK to apply when we produce many sweat or better to apply in cloth (because I read that sweat can reduce the phero.
    And do you suggest same area to apply: behind ear and wrist
    or you suggest another area such as Hair, chest, throat, etc.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    Apply after your shower. Otherwise you will wash some off in the shower.

    If you want your mones to last longer, stay away from areas that get hot, like armpits, pubic area, and inside clothing.

    Apply everywhere!!! Try something new every day. You might just surprise yourself.

  12. #12
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?


    I use both skin and clothing application simultaneously.
    A-None mix on skin, A-Nol (with/without A-Rone) mix on clothes.
    And I\'ve recently been using a drop of A1 in hair gel as well.

    Given just one choice of application point, it would be skin.
    Given one phero choice, it would be A-None, specifically NPA.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: Survey: Skin, clothing, or both?

    I like to apply -none on the chest or on my shirt, also the chest area. I feels good to know that I actually have it on my body, but I really like it on the shirt. I have had some good hits late in the evening when going home, which is more than 12 hours after application with no refreshing. At those times I know I had a pretty good dose on the front of my shirt. I was thinking the shirt application was repsonsible for the good hits so many hours later, but I could be wrong. Maybe the funky stuff going on on my skin was responsible? Also, maybe it was both together. I have tried skin only, and shirt only, and though I wasn\'t really methodical about observsing things, it seems to me that some of my best hit days were when I applied on skin and clothing.

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