Hey all, i had the funniest experiences with PI ( m ) last night unrelated to my great day at work.... i was over at a neighbors house and we were sitting outside in the back yard right near his neighbors fence, and his neigbhors dog comes up to the fence and starts sniffing , smells the pi i guess, and immediately goes into mating posture barking, whining and trying to jump over the fence...it was the weirdest dang thing i ever saw, my friend was laughing his ass off... and then, when i got home, i was walking up to my apartment, an older gentleman who lives in teh apartment above me was coming out and all of a sudden starts greeting me like i am his long lost friend, telling me how i must cleaning up with all the girls and how it must be great being young etc blah blah, it took me 5 min without being rude to break away from him ...the crzy thing is that he has never even spoken to me before )...i will keep everyone posted, but this stuff certainly affects everything with a VMO..ha