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  1. #1

    Default also one more observation

    oh, i almost forgot on my last post..i have a theory after today, and if anyone wnats to confirm it let me know,..but im starting to think that the cassanovas and power men of history may have had the good fortune of just naturally producing high amounts of pheromones above and beyond the normal man, thus charisma being more of a physiologcial by product of increased hormone/scent phermone production...after the way i was treated today, it almost makes sense..just a thought...wonder if there is a pill that could artifically cause one to produce pheromones above what one would normally produce and all their lives instead of a few brief moments in adolescence...??

  2. #2

    Default Re: also one more observation

    I have to contradict on a little detail. I believe they let go of a lot of pheros BECAUSE they are charismatic. If you have ever been in a bored low life mood your heart rate is slow and your body temperature is low. But you get excited about something and your sharing that something w/ anouther person or person, your body is in a completely different state. The guys you mention are in love w/ life and passionate about it and charismatic about it. and they love sharing it w/ people. Pheromones are like a basic way of communicating that is always giving out your mood.
    Dogs can smell your fear (now we all know why). And if you note your bodies state---your body is in adrelaning pumping mode, and their is all this nervous energy coursing through your nerves. I believe that electricity coursing through you is the key to natural phero release.
    When I take salsa dance lessons, I can actually control and increase the amount of pheros I release. First you have to be consciously aware of the existance of pheros and their communicating/\"chemical\" power.
    the key thing Is the ability to control your emotions pretty good. Anyone can do this. I always associated salsa dancing w/ sexiness (because of the ladies) and being arounsed (not crazy aroused but you So then when I start dancing you just bring those feelings up and start living and moving like a sexual badass/salsa god/total sex king. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] and I notice I start releasing the pheros
    And of course she starts going all crazy. Eyes dialating (did I spell that right), skin and cheeks blusing, her face and breathing change. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Its a beautiful thing. Then kind of just living your roll and also start to want to communicate yourself to others w/out words--because thats what pheros are all about.

  3. #3

    Default Re: also one more observation

    thanks dalesalsa, a very good analogy!! i have noticed that pheromones do work better when youre in a good mood, so i think you are correct, and also, it could be said that when ones genes are good, that biological scent of physical desirability does compliment a very good mood, so it does tie in!

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