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  1. #1

    Default wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    hello all, words cannot express the incredible day i had today wearing PI ( men )to work....

    Let me start by saying that i have wanted all my life to be one of those key individuals that everyone liked, gravitated to, and the women wanted to \"get with\"...Valentino once said that 10% of the men \"get with\" 90% of the i know why..i have searched for the secret to personal magnetism reading old esoteric philosphical books, theosopy, ive tried subliminal tapes, hypnosis, mind machines, chi devices, you name it, and nothing, and i mean nothing, has ever produced such astounding results as that of wearing PI (men)....

    Today, at work, everyone loved me, all the women wanted to be close to me, all the men treated me like i was their boss, with deference and respect..and had so many obvious women throwing themselves into my prescense and making eye contact with me that i felt like a movie star, literally...

    everyone responded..some just looked at me and smiled, others attempted conversation..dont get me 34 years old and average looking, nothing specatcular..but this was ridiculas.. the hormonal rush i got when this pretty 20 year old just stared into my eyes for like 10 seconds and licked her lips almost sent me to the coronary serious..this stuff never used to was like iwas in a movie or somethign..anyway, i have lived life before pi, and i dotn think i can go back to the way i used to be treated..... this power is intoxicating, oh, i also did one lite lite spray of jovan musk mixed with npa on my neck in the morning, the rest of the day i refreshed with PI, putting a few drops on my face and forehead adn wrists....i got the scented pi, ...i also noticed that the guys liked me alot better than when just doing the npa thing...didnt seemt to be so harsh, just a nice \"you are the best\" attitude toward me...

    i think im gonna buy a case of PI...its that good..also, i did want to say that i plan on trying SOE on my next payday...i have been reading the posts by James V. Kohl, and the man is a genius!! We are lucky to have such a knowledgable person on the forum to speak with, and i know that his product SOE has to be good, so im definitely gonna give that a try as well..anywya, thank you Bruce and God for PI!!!!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    What\'s amazing is the incredible scope of responses. Some guys like you see immediate, incredible night/day differences in attitudes and responses from everyone they come in contact with .... some talk of *maybe* seeing small differences in the way people act around them when they wear pheros ... and others including myself see absoulutely nothing from months of use.

    What is it that makes the results so variable ? I see it as having to be mainly the individuals chemical makeup that may work or may not with pheros. I see people say that this stuff should work for all but obviously that\'s not the case.

    Good for you Spiderwebster ... you seem to have hit on one that works very well for you. I\'m looking forward to reading more about your future successes. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    Yeah, I may be the first customer to purchase everything at Love Scent without definitive results. I\'m beginning to justify the purchases as \"entertainment value\" for my new hobby of experimenting with pheros. This experimentation certainly has developed into a real hobby with the help of this forum. =).

    I want to try PI, since it\'s oil based and contains pure -none, different than other products I\'ve tried. However, I don\'t want to spend $69 for the experiment! Has anyone bought a used bottle of primal for $22? Seems like a good deal, but I see that I need to send a disclaimer in. Kind of a hassle, and it makes me wonder about the implications...

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Mar 2002
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    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    Truth: I wouldn\'t worry about it. My first order was for about 90% of the stuff on the site. Quite an arsenal of pheros in my bathroom cabinet.
    And this was as a result of no experience with pheros whatsoever and down to all the info from the forum.
    I\'m not sure what to make of PI(m) since it doesn\'t seem to have had any effect on people at work as far as I\'ve noticed. I have yet to try it in a \"blind date\" situaton, but feel that PI(w) would get me a better purchase I feel coming on.
    The two blind dates I\'ve had so far have been very nice and pleasant, with my companions very chatty.
    First one was with An X-cite wipe on neck and arms plus APC in skin lotion on my face.
    Second one was with two lines of SoE on each side of my neck and a swipe on each wrist plus the APC/lotion on my face.

    Third date is tomorrow night, and I\'m going to stick with the APC plus SoE combo, to ascertain whether the atmosphere of the first two dates were due to the pheros.

    Not sure how JB#1 would work under these conditions. Maybe give it a go on date #4 as an experiment.

  5. #5

    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    hey, can anyone tell me how to purchase used primal for $22??? that would be greatly appreciated...also, please remember that pheromones are like any other product..alot depends on the lab, ingredients, etc and your own natural bodies phermone product that works for me may not necessarily work for you..age has alot to do with it as well, 34, so NONE products like PI are prolly needed, where as if your 18, you dont need any none, although i can assure you when i was 18 i wasnt producing this much none ( in PI ) ha...anyway, if anyone coudl help me out iwth buying used PI i would be greatly appreciated...

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    Check out the Forum Club\'s Returned Products Page. You will need to mail/fax a signed release to buy any of the products there. Myself, I was kicking around getting both a bottle of PI and a bottle of PF. I figure $22 for the PI is a bargain, and for $10 more the PF is worth a shot too.

  7. #7

    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    Truth, the $69 was the best money I have spent in a long time. I had three hits last nite alone. Been hugged more times than I can remember. Being an oil it will last a long time. I have not ventured past one drop yet, I haven\'t needed to. When I first started researching the mones I saw you get what you pay for noted a few times, and I have not been disapointed.

    Loving every encounter!

  8. #8

    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    WOW!!! sounds like you\'ve hit the jackpot!! is there a product like that for women?? please please please fill me in on it!! Thank you!

  9. #9

    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    As far as I know there is PI for women and if you check the website there are other products for woman. My wife was telling me a story about a woman who everyone raves about her perfume, one gentleman said he would leave his wife for her, joking but he was till moved and knowing my experiences I thought she might be enhancing her scent. Your post brings up a question how many woman are in this forum, since I have read only posts from men? And what are your experiences with mones?

  10. #10

    Default Re: wearing pi to work like dying and going to heaven

    Truth ;

    If I decide to throw in the towel with my own experiments with this interest, I\'ll may send you what\'s left of mine if you intend to keep trying. At this point I have little SoE left but almost all of PI, NPA, and APA or whatever it\'s called (the greasey one that is said to be useless except for the great smell). It seems the PI and NPA would last forever with only a drop or so used at a time. When you look at how long these things last, the price isn\'t that bad depending what the shelf life is and if they work for you.

    I\'ve been trying this stuff since January without noticing anything at all. Nothing - Zero - Nadda - Zip - Goose egg ! [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] The only thing I\'m holding out for is warm weather to see if maybe warmer temps plus lighter weight clothing make a difference. We\'ll see. I may continue until mine is used up but if not you might be getting some \'used\' pheros from me.

    I\'m glad you and a few others have been honest enough to admit no responses were experianced and weren\'t pressured into \'seeing things that weren\'t there\', which with of all the great results we\'ve been reading from others here, wouldn\'t be hard to imagine with ourselves.

    Some of the stuff I\'ve read here I believe is due to pheromones and the chemical reaction. But some other stuff I consider just normal, courteous interactions that gets chalked up as \'hits\'or things that were always there but not noticed ; the phero thing triggering the wearer to be move observant.

    I believe alot of the \'better luck\' reported is simply due to added confidence and better attitude felt by some from wearing the pheros. EXPECTING results - which is how one should always approach things rather than just hoping for them - makes a big difference in whatever it is you\'re after. Whatever was behind the terrific turn arounds reported from Spiderwebster and some others after wearing pheros, I hope it continues.

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