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  1. #1

    Default Not sure if working still

    Awhile ago i have bought a bottle of The Edge Vanilla scented and i am not sure whether this product or any other product of pheromones do work.I have tried numerous things like mixing it with alcohol..using 2 sprays,3 sprays. 4 sprays in a day. and im not sure whether its me or the product but i find it difficult to notice if there is results.maybe its because i dont notice hits from women or something else.i have already sent out a topic similar to this but i don\'t thinki have gotten all i recieved. Does TE work and does it work well? Is there anything else better then TE in someones view and why doesnt it work or why dont i think it works..
    This seems kind of weird but if you guys can give me some feedback i\'d really appreciate it. i ran some tests and gave some to my cousin to try and when his girlfriend came over,he asked her to smell his new cologne he got. he said to me that he didn\'t notice a change in her attitude whatsoever. maybe its just that we dont notice it,i am not sure.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Not sure if working still

    Just an observation, but you mentioned Vanilla Scented Edge, which is the female version of the product. I\'m pretty sure you meant Sandalwood.

    How old are you and do you work out a lot or are relatively fit?

    I used edge in lots of situations and it doesn\'t always work, there\'s just too many variables. It\'s a product that you can also OD from and make girls run away from you. 4 sprays would definitely do this. Even for me, 1 spray is enough to have people run, that\'s why I dab little amounts behind the ear and wrist.

    The thing that you have to think about is, if you were sexually attracted to a girl you just saw walking somewhere, would you go up and talk to her or hit on her for no reason? Didn\'t think so, and neither will girls.

    I\'d recommend you try out a -nol heavy product like SOE because I know -nol would at least make people around you very chatty, I\'ve seen this happen lots of times when I use SPMO or xcite wipes.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Not sure if working still

    About your cousin testing it on her girlfriend, it\'s a hard test because pheromones are primarily good for first impressions and is very hard to use it on someone already in a close relationship. At best, when used on a girlfriend, it only increases maybe sexual activity, and I\'m sure she wasn\'t going to show that with you around.

    What exactly did you expect your cousin\'s girlfriend react? Were you looking for, the second she sniffed him, she would jump all over him? How long did you observe her attitude? An hour? 2 minutes?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Not sure if working still

    i dont know but i\'m guessing your right lee. Maybe i am putting too much but whats a how much is it? my cousin said that she just acted like her self or something when she was wearing the peromones. I am right now 19 years old to answer your question.It just the pheromones i thin kof doesnt have as much glamour as i thought they know?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Not sure if working still

    ah, to be 19 need to get Scent of Eros. The edge is a -none based product and your body is probably already producing enough at that age.

    A dab is like when you unscrew the bottle and cover your finger over the opening and flip the bottle over for a split second enough to wet the tip of your finger, but not drenched in it. Or you can just use the spray \"straw\" and wipe that around your wrist on neck area.

    As mentioned before, it is better to use for first impressions, although I\'m really not sure exactly what you are looking for as far as results. If you got the SPMO along with your edge, try a few drops of that alone and see how that works.

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