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  1. #1

    Default On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here

    Hi All Guys!

    After the very intresting posts about loosing bodyfat im now going for this mission. I just ordered 2 products that should help me getting build up

    Mission: loosing as much bodyfat as possible while building up muscle mass..
    Materials: Hydroxycut (210 capsules) and from the same Company Celltech (grape taste [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]) creatine supplement who is far superior to the rest .. some people claim to have build up 5-10 pounds in 7 days. I ordered it both for abou 88 bucks shipping included. Not cheap but not out of range either.

    Test Subject: ME of course
    Weight & height: 1.83 cm height 80kg weight (dont know how much this is in usa measurements)
    age: 21
    additional help: jogging here and there and ems stimulation

    Pic: il post a pic of my body (middle part only) in the startphase and AFTER a 30 days period with my digicam so you see if there are really changes.

    Lets see how it works out [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Wish me luck


  2. #2

    Default Re: On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here

    ok as far as hydroycutt goes it works good but the price you pay is to high you can get ripped fuel and it works just as good. And a bottle is half the price and last twice as long. I know i have used them both. The cell tech you put on size but its all water. So to keep your size you have to stay on the stuff forever. Now the Niro-tech is a great protein supplement but all these products still need a workout plan and diet . they are not miracle drugs. The thermogeic products work very well. You will lose your fat but you need to stay on them for four or five months to get ripped. I lost 35lbs of fat and now i am ripped.

  3. #3

    Default Re: On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here

    Steve, are you only planning on doing jogging and ems stimulation? Correct me if i\'m wrong, but aren\'t you actually supposed to LIFT WEIGHTS if you are on creatine?


  4. #4

    Default Re: On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here

    I agree, the Hydroxycut is just your basic combo of ephedra and caffeine with a few other things mixed in. You can get simmilar products for a lot cheaper. The creatine gives the short lived water weight gain (but it does pump up the muscles.) For best results, both proper and diet are crucial. Extra protein is vital. Check out for great training and nutrition info (free).

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here

    yup, Youll need some exercise, either at a gym or buy some weights and learn how to use them properly.

    Pretty much any creatine is as good as aonther ( except liquid creatine, which is a scam) so buy the cheap stuff load with it ( read the tub\'s instructions) then take about 3g with some carb\'s anbd protein after lifting, much more isnt worthwhile unless your about 250lbs

    Unfortunatly all it does ( I say all, its very worthwile and cost effective if you lift) is encourage more water uptake by the muscle, and allow the muscle to use more energy when its used its glucose supplys up, meaning more lifting endurance.

    [ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: Nutz ]

  6. #6

    Default Re: On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here


    Ditto on all the above posts. I have been on a mission for the last 1.5 years. I was up to 325+ in poundage. This date I am 240.

    Hydroxycuts is a great product. Actually am using now. But with all these thermotropic pills be careful. Use them for 6-8 weeks and then take a break for 2 weeks or so. I have found that by doing this the body jump starts the thermo-fat-burn process faster. Also shop around. Thermo products are for the most part the same. But the ratios of the 3 way (Caffine, Ephedra, aspirin) synergetic combo may very. Use this variance to your advantage by changing products and taking those 2 weeks or more off.

    EMS- If used in conjunction with weight training I have found to be very benifical. I use EMS at 30 minutes per body part/area (I have a 5 channel EMS unit) the same day you weight train the area. It seems to increase the pump, help vascualrity, and keep ya toned. But I only excersise a muscle group once a week. Anyway best of luck in your endeavors.

    Keep us posted.


  7. #7

    Default Re: On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here

    I agree with the other posts. You \'Gotta\' lift weights, or you\'ll end up losing \'weight\' alright, but I\'m sure you actually mean lose \'fat\'. Otherwise you\'ll be what they call a \'skinny fat person\'. Depends on your personal goals of course. I\'m close to the same weight (+/- 5lbs depending on what I\'m doing) as I was when I started about 1 1/2 years ago, but went through a re-composition from about 25% body fat to averaging 10%bf. Adding a little muscle will help raise your metabolic rate too, and help dropping the fat when you\'re cutting. As mentioned above, T-mag is an awesome site, but be can start to take over your life when you \'have to\' check in to the forum every day to see what\'s new [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img])

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Jan 2002
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    Default Re: On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here

    Ok, time for some gratuitous linkage. - good forums, Ok shop, cheap lipoderm (a topical fat loss that actualy seems to work, delivers ylombine HCL (SP?) topicaly to spot reduce fat) - good articles in there ( great named [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ) big motherf@@ker magazine, make some good products and at least they pimp them using science rather than chessey ( probably not real case study) photos. - cheap Uk whey protein and creatine £19.99 (~ $30) for 1 kilo of creatine! shipping would be huge for USAnians im afraid though - silly cheap UK whey protein ( unflavored) 15 kilos for £92.50. afraid there not really any use to you if your in the USA again.

    now come on, lets get some info on what you\'ve been doing to reach your goals and maybe even those piccies! it\'ll help motivate you, and besides im curious because your height is the same as mine [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Nutz ]

  9. #9

    Default Re: On the mission: loosing Bodyfat, building up muscle .. reporting constantly here

    thx for all the replies..

    of course il do weight lifting too.. everything to stimulate the muscle groups that should grow
    il keep you posted in this tread how it goes..

    i think my weight would be OK by now , problem is i have to much bodyfat...

    so im SKINNY but fat around the middlepart of my body [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I also got a sixpack hidden under this fat [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    We will see

    thx for the cool links il check em out!

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