JBM-1 Results

To quickly clear things up, JBM-1 is a mix of 30% NPA with 70% of PI/w named after Jambat and myself (marz). I mixed this ratio into the atomizer that Bruce provided from a previous order and tested this out over a span of 5 days Mon. to Fri.

I noticed while mixing these two products together that they don\'t necessairly mix well (bubbles formed). However, one curious observation is that when shaken around, the contents blend into a \"myst\" like colour. The best way to describe it is to compare it to \"fog\".


WOW, is the only way I can describe this. The hits were extremely consistent. People, especially women became very friendly around me. Both men and women would open up to me out of the blue. Their reactions to me were surprising. There were so many hits, I\'ll just describe a few:

- A girl I work with who is very reserved and shy would start talking about sex. She\'d be jittery around me, flirting physically and with her comments. This is quite unusual for her. It\'s like a side of her I\'ve never seen before.

- There is one guy at work I don\'t get along with at all. Yet when he sees me, he initates conversations and tells me about what he did the night before, how he met this girl and that etc. almost as if asking me if I approve of his actions.

- Standing in line at McDonald\'s, a woman standing behind me began standing beside me to get a better look at me, while the ones to the sides did the DIHL.

- Passing by women in various stores in close proximity would result in them whipping their head around to get a look at me. Had numerous DIHL this way too.

- When purchasing something at the check out, female casheirs would initiate conversations, and had one actually ask me for my number.

- Had an interview for a job the other day, there were two of us being interviewed at the same time, yet the interviewer payed 80% of his attetnion on me. Plus I got a call back for the second interview.

- Went to a club Friday night. Had 6 girls approach me to try to make small talk and one actually just grabbed me and took me on the dance floor to dance even though she told me she had a boyfriend. One that sat beside me put her hand on my lap, one kept returning over the course of the night and another one didn\'t want me to leave when i wanted to go home.

These are just a few of the encounters. Not to mention I had a couple of days of quite the opposite effect. People all around me didn\'t feel too comfortable. The reason...OD. The best observation I made was that it\'s very, very easy to OD using JBM-1. Two sprays from the atomizer or anything above that resulted in an OD. The best application is either only 1 spray OR 2 dabs on your thumb spread around behind the each ear. Apparently the spray applies more than a dab would. Be careful, I repeat, never use more than the recommended dosage, it is VERY easy to OD on this, and there is absolutely no need to re-apply this over the course of the day. It lasts around 12 hours at least if not longer.

Hope this helps, I encourage everyone intrested to try JBM-1 out to see for themselves. Just be carefull of the OD.