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  1. #31

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    I got my SOE today to test along with my PI/m. My cold is finally subsiding and im gaining my voice back [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img] I should have an interesting day tomorrow hopefully when i apply both.

    On a funny side note. I was mixing some paint for this woman who came to my store with her mother. She seemed to be in her late 30\'s and her mom was in the late 50\'s early 60\'s. She was standing by the paint shaker talking to her mother and as i approached she started giving me these sharp intense stares and paying no attention to what her mother was rambling about.

    It was weird because she would look up, stare intensely, then look away, then repeat, lol. As if she was about to engage in a conversation or expecting one. I caught one of her stares and told her i was going to give her 10% off on her paint, for which she said \"Ohh thank you.\" and then looked down and away shyly.

    The funny thing is after she paid and left, i clocked out and went walking to the supermarket next store down which by coincidence, she was going to as well. I kept a distance of about 15 feet. Now here is where it gets weird. I went in behind them and quickly made my way to get my radioactive lunch back to work. As i went to the express lane to pay, i look back and see her, one person behind me.

    As i get to the front, the cashier begins sliding my food on the scanner and looking at my shirt as she does this. Most people have name tags on their work clothes but we do not, lol. All we have is the company logo at heart level. Thats when it caught my attention that she was trying to see what my name was because of the particular spot she was gazing into. As i reach to pay, my peripheral vision catches everybody to my left looking at me intensly [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img]

    I swear it felt like something out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It was as if i was the last human and they were going to assimilate me, lmao. I paid and left back to work.

    I could hear the slow building chants of moreee brainsssss following behind me j/k. All in all a good day [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  2. #32

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    SOE and PI(m)? I\'ll take note of that.

  3. #33

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Jambat Mixes and what they do (in theory).

    JB #1 (The Champion) 70% APC + 30% NPA:

    Well this one gets women\'s attention usually immediately. Great for clubs and pretty much any where else. Great scent too. Warning: If you wear too much women will run.

    JB #2 (The Wizard) 70% SPMO + 30% NPA:

    Gets women talking and friendly. This is what I wore for a good while. Funny thing is it seems to make women a little crabby if you wear too much. Great first date phero though. (Wear about three of four drops).

    JB #3 (The Quandry) 70% PF + 30% NPA:

    As unstable as it is it does work on some people but isn\'t consistant even with them. Can cause friendliness, crabbiness and probably any other emotion a woman can have all in the same day. Take a chance on it just to see what it does. Some people use AE and get the same effect.

    JBM #1 (The New Guy) 30% NPA with 70% PI/w

    Don\'t really know what this does. I\'m waiting for feedback from Marz. In theory it should have the same effect as JB #2 only greater. Seems like it should be a perfect none/nol mix. For dates (especially first dates where talking is crucial).

    JBX (JB Extreme) A lot of stuff.

    Mix Apc at 25% NPA at 30% PF 20% and SPMO 25% and see what you get. I don\'t know if mine was this accurate but it\'s something like this. It doesn\'t seem to work too well for me but smells pretty good and I\'m willing to bet it will be a knock out for someone on this board. Is this a crazy concoction that I came up with and want you to risk your social life to try? You betcha! (Hey, I\'ve tried crazier). [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    -The Bat!

  4. #34
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit


    Thanks for the list. Saved it to my c: drive and will refer to it often. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  5. #35
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Ordered the PI(w) which was ordered yesterday and shipped yesterday (outstanding servvice Bruce [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]) with the intention of mixing up a JBM#1 mix since PI(w) seems to be getting a lot of success, and since I\'m being exposed to a lot of \"first blind date\" situations it seems a great way to test the effects.

    So far have tried:
    APC/skin lotion + X-cite wipes (once)
    APC/skin lotion + SoE (twice)
    on three separate occasions. Results in the \"Looking for Love...D-Day 18th April thread.
    Unless I get my order before Saturday (unlikely), date #4 will probably be JB#2.
    I think I\'ll post any results here as well as in the original thread, so please forgive the duplicate postings.
    I\'m very curious as to the effect of pheros on different ethnic groups. Date #4 sounds very much of middle eastern origin (dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, caucasian features - devastating combination [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] - I can dream, can\'t I). Roll on Sunday night [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  6. #36

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    jambat: all i can say to you is thank you thank you thank you for coming up wth has given me more powerful, consistent hits than anything else!! plus, i dont have that scared feeling one gets with just way PI or maybe npa/ makes me feel confident ...and the power aura that it gives off is just overwhelming !! i think you have become a living legend jambat..thank you again!!

  7. #37

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    No prob Spidey. Glad to help.

    By the way everyone. I was asked how the JB mixes came about, here\'s the story (this is also posted elsewhere in the forum).

    How the JB mixes happened.

    First I ordered APC because at that time people were big on APC but as some of you know we soon started learning APC wasn\'t big on mones. (I think it has about the same amount as Realm). But you can get some good hits using it in large doses. My first hit happened this way. I was hanging out at a club and a woman bought me a drink. Never ever happened to me. But I had totally ODed on APC (APC is safe to OD on).

    Then Edge was became real big for a minute. I tried it and got very small results. I mean nothing great. Older chicks paid more attention when I spoke to them but no one hit on me or really cared anymore that I was around or anything. So I asked Bruce about mixing APC and TE and he said if I wanted to do that to get NPA because it\'s an additive but he warned me about it\'s scent and it\'s power.

    I didn\'t want to OD so I thought I might go 50/50, but Bruce\'s warning stayed with me so I figured since APC had mones in it 50/50 might not be a good idea so I went 30/70 and JB #1 was born. I got on my first try. When I tested it I got what I now know as hits. I was unsure at first but now I know they were hits because when I walk on a bus no one usually cares, with JB #1 I walk on the bus and all (atleast a lot) female eyes are on me. I sit by a woman and she can\'t stop checking me out. So I started reporting my findings. Paul (aka Donald Duck/Jambat II ), Redcapp and Randy started trying it out and reporting back and it got real big.

    I found later that NPA was the key but APC\'s scent seems alluring (also NPA seems to enhance APC\'s scent). So I started trying other low Phero mixes with NPA and got JB #2 and the totally unstable JB #3 and JB-X (which I don\'t really use).

    Then PI(w) came in Bruce was telling us how much A-nol was in it. I sugguested that people try mix NPA and PI(w). But I hadn\'t tried it the kits were coming in, Donald Duck was pushing AE mixes and all kinds of things were happening so the sugguestion went virtually unnoticed.

    When I came back to the forum a few days ago I noticed that Donald Duck had become Jambat II [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] and that Marz was looking at doing this experiment. Since he was the only one who was going to do it I dubbed the mix JBM#1 after him and me.

    That\'s the story. Peace.

    -The Bat

  8. #38

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jambat:
    Jambat Mixes and what they do (in theory).

    JB #1 (The Champion) 70% APC + 30% NPA:

    Well this one gets women\'s attention usually immediately. Great for clubs and pretty much any where else. Great scent too. Warning: If you wear too much women will run.

    JB #2 (The Wizard) 70% SPMO + 30% NPA:

    Gets women talking and friendly. This is what I wore for a good while. Funny thing is it seems to make women a little crabby if you wear too much. Great first date phero though. (Wear about three of four drops).


    Some newbie questions re: these two mixes.

    1. Are they better off applied using an atomizer or drops (the \"three or four drops\" comment for #2 makes me ask).

    2. How much is too much? (\"...women will run\" comment for #1 makes me ask).

    3. As I am relatively new to cologne (moving there from aftershave), where does one apply cologne? (Realize that this is an embarassing question, but I just don\'t know!)

    4. Any true word on what the difference is between the SPMO you can buy and the Musk Oil I received as part of a newbie kit several weeks ago? Is it the same thing?



  9. #39
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    JB #1 is a very potent mix. Works great, you could try with SPMO to substitute with SOE which mixes well with NPAA by the way.

  10. #40

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Anwers to Wiseman\'s Queations

    \"Some newbie questions re: these two mixes.

    1. Are they better off applied using an atomizer or drops (the \"three or four drops\" comment for #2 makes me ask).

    I prefer an atomizer. But drops are effective too.

    2. How much is too much? (\"...women will run\" comment for #1 makes me ask).

    I usually do three sprays of JB #1 maybe 4 in a club.

    3. As I am relatively new to cologne (moving there from aftershave), where does one apply cologne? (Realize that this is an embarassing question, but I just don\'t know!)

    With JB #1 and #2 you don\'t apply cologne. The mix smells great. If you mean where to apply it then try the hair, neck and chest.

    4. Any true word on what the difference is between the SPMO you can buy and the Musk Oil I received as part of a newbie kit several weeks ago? Is it the same thing?

    Not that I know of. Maybe Donald Knows.

    [ May 03, 2002: Message edited by: jambat ]

  11. #41

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Just came back from my final night of testing the new JBM-1. I\'m so tired right now so I\'ll give the full report when I wake up. This is pretty powerful stuff [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  12. #42
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Jambat: thanks for the information re JB#1 and #2 as to how much and where to apply.
    I mix in atomisers myself, it\'s much easier to apply.
    It appears Wiseman\'s pre-empted my questions concerning this, and they\'ve been answered before I even asked.

    Marz: looking forward to hearing about your trial with JBM#1. I\'m anxiously awaiting my delivery of PI(w) so I can whip up a vial of it myself.
    I have a date on Sunday and would love to have tried this. Theoretically it appears it may have awesome results. However, for the time being, I\'ll be trying JB#2. Looking forward to it [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  13. #43

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    JBM-1 Results

    To quickly clear things up, JBM-1 is a mix of 30% NPA with 70% of PI/w named after Jambat and myself (marz). I mixed this ratio into the atomizer that Bruce provided from a previous order and tested this out over a span of 5 days Mon. to Fri.

    I noticed while mixing these two products together that they don\'t necessairly mix well (bubbles formed). However, one curious observation is that when shaken around, the contents blend into a \"myst\" like colour. The best way to describe it is to compare it to \"fog\".


    WOW, is the only way I can describe this. The hits were extremely consistent. People, especially women became very friendly around me. Both men and women would open up to me out of the blue. Their reactions to me were surprising. There were so many hits, I\'ll just describe a few:

    - A girl I work with who is very reserved and shy would start talking about sex. She\'d be jittery around me, flirting physically and with her comments. This is quite unusual for her. It\'s like a side of her I\'ve never seen before.

    - There is one guy at work I don\'t get along with at all. Yet when he sees me, he initates conversations and tells me about what he did the night before, how he met this girl and that etc. almost as if asking me if I approve of his actions.

    - Standing in line at McDonald\'s, a woman standing behind me began standing beside me to get a better look at me, while the ones to the sides did the DIHL.

    - Passing by women in various stores in close proximity would result in them whipping their head around to get a look at me. Had numerous DIHL this way too.

    - When purchasing something at the check out, female casheirs would initiate conversations, and had one actually ask me for my number.

    - Had an interview for a job the other day, there were two of us being interviewed at the same time, yet the interviewer payed 80% of his attetnion on me. Plus I got a call back for the second interview.

    - Went to a club Friday night. Had 6 girls approach me to try to make small talk and one actually just grabbed me and took me on the dance floor to dance even though she told me she had a boyfriend. One that sat beside me put her hand on my lap, one kept returning over the course of the night and another one didn\'t want me to leave when i wanted to go home.

    These are just a few of the encounters. Not to mention I had a couple of days of quite the opposite effect. People all around me didn\'t feel too comfortable. The reason...OD. The best observation I made was that it\'s very, very easy to OD using JBM-1. Two sprays from the atomizer or anything above that resulted in an OD. The best application is either only 1 spray OR 2 dabs on your thumb spread around behind the each ear. Apparently the spray applies more than a dab would. Be careful, I repeat, never use more than the recommended dosage, it is VERY easy to OD on this, and there is absolutely no need to re-apply this over the course of the day. It lasts around 12 hours at least if not longer.

    Hope this helps, I encourage everyone intrested to try JBM-1 out to see for themselves. Just be carefull of the OD.

  14. #44

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Thank you Marz for hooking us up with that info and I\'m going to hook you guys up with more info. This will be a big day for JB mixes.

    Now for my news, you all know NPA\'s effetiveness versus TE\'s effectiveness has been debated as far as use in the JB mixes. We know NPA is stable and gets consistant hits. For those of us on the TE sucks squad we know TE is questionable as far as effectiveness and stability. But I will do this...

    Today in addition to Marz discovery I\'m adding a new mix to the JB list called JB-Bootleg.

    What\'s JB Bootleg? Well, it\'s APC and (you guessed it) TE. I know, I know. I said it couldn\'t be done. Actually it\'s not that it couldn\'t but that you shouldn\'t. NPA gives you the best results when mixed with APC. But I realise people often end up with APC and TE.

    The answer is yes. You can mix TE and APC. How to do it effectively you may ask? Simple logic. The reason JB mixes are 70/30 (30 on the NPA side) is because of NPA\'s strength. Some argue TE is watered down NPA. In theory that\'s true. So I used that theory in a simple experiment. I poured 50% APC in a small vile and added 50% TE. Yep that\'s the mix. No frills.

    Mix is somewhat cheaper, especially if you\'re a newbie and get the TE for $24.00. Well NPA is $30.00 for 5ml while TE is 24ml for $30.00. In the long run you save money and still get a pretty decent effective mix.

    Good hits...
    Hits are pretty good (see below), somewhat like JB #1 but not as consistant. You can walk in a room with JB #1 and all female eyes look at you. With JBB some/most may look at you. But you get what you pay for.

    No frills...
    NPA gives APC a kick in the tail like nothing else does while enhancing it\'s scent. But JB-Bootleg smells like TE covered by APC. (Actually it smells like APC).

    Double the dose...
    With JBB you\'d use double the dose you\'d use for JB #1. We usually say anything over three sprays of JB #1 is an OD and sometimes 3 sprays is an OD. But I could see someone giving themselves six sprays and being fine. But you may want to experiment. (Frankly I wish someone would try it). [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ May 06, 2002: Message edited by: jambat ]

  15. #45

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by marz:
    JBM-1 Results

    To quickly clear things up, JBM-1 is a mix of 30% NPA with 70% of PI/w named after Jambat and myself (marz).

    Question: Jambat\'s earlier post says that JB #1 is 30% NPA and 70% APC. Here I see 30% NPA and 70% PI/w. Seems to be contradicatory info or are JB#1 and JBM-1 different entities altogether?


  16. #46

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit


    They are two different entities all together. JB-1 has been a heavy hitter here for quite a while. JBM-1 is a different mix all together, the new kid on the block if you will.

  17. #47

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    JBM-1 may be similar to JB with Musk Oil, since both add -nol to the mix. I may try JB with Musk Oil, since I don\'t have APC. So, do you think a 70/30 ratio is necessary for musk oil? The musk oil scent seems pretty strong. Would 50:50 do?

  18. #48
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Originally posted in \"Looking for Love...D-Day April 16th\"

    Results with JB#2

    Update on date # 4:

    I had a meeting arranged thru the agency for 7.00pm today.
    I thought I\'d be a little adventurous so I applied a spray of JB#2 to my hair, a spray to the throat and a spray to one of my wrists which I rubbed with the other.
    I also use 4-5 drops APC in Vaseline Intensive Care Skin Lotion over my face and arms (wear short sleeved shirts), as I find it\'s a lot like aftershave balm, leaves the skin nice and soft and the APC smell is a lot more subtle than EDT or aftershave.
    I do not apply any other colognes or EDTs.

    My dinner companion arrived 45 mins late. As expected from her name she was of middle eastern origin: Dark skinned, dark haired, dark eyed and with an unconventional beauty, sophistication and dignity.
    As soon as she got close, her eyes lit up, she smiled and wouldn\'t stop apologising for being late to such an extent it was embarrassing.
    She was talkative. Very, very talkative. Highly intelligent, well educated, professional, and felt very at ease and secure with me.
    I\'m not certain if it was my attitude that made her feel this way or a combination of that anfd the JB#2.
    Nevertheless, this was the nicest meeting I have had through the agency with a very delightful and charming lady.
    The evening went by too fast, every other phrase she said was \"thank you\" to whatever I said, she smiled and laughed a lot, and before we realised, the lights had gone down and the restaurant staff wanted to kick us out [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]
    I walked her to her car, at which point we agreed this had been a lovely evening and that it would be lovely to meet up again. We exchanged telephone numbers, and she told me that this was the first time that she\'d felt this comfortable and at ease with someone she\'d met for the first time.
    She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, and then another bigger hug and kissed me on the lips, all the time saying that she was sorry she\'d been late and wished we\'d had more time together.

    Whether these reactions and talkativeness were her normal behaviour, or were as a result of my politeness/interest/confident attitude (which seems to increase with each date), or a combination of these and the pheros....who knows.
    It\'s hard to say whether I would have had the same results with SoE or X-cite rather than JB#2, but if it\'s the pheros....score one for the \"friendly\" mix of JB#2. reaction from anyone on the subway on the way home. It appears JB#2 works best on a one-2-one dating situation to make your target more receptive.

    Can\'t wait to try JBM#1 when I receive PI(w) in my next delivery.

    I kinda feel guilty in having more dates arranged for me by the agency, but I believe it\'s best to find someone you really like before you start thinking about what may, or may not, happen in the future, and there\'s no harm in seeing who else the agency might set me up with. The membership\'s for a year, and I\'ve only been with them a anything can still happen.

  19. #49

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    ...You\'ve hit the nail right on the head. JB #1 seems to make the woman a little more aggressive. She may make the first move but on a date JB #2 is king. But JBM-1 could quite possibly be the best of both worlds! The theory behind it seems reasonalble enough and Marx seems to have proven it. Just as you\'ve seemed to prove my JB #2 theory.

  20. #50

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    This is report on PI/w.
    I just wanted to let everyone know that I have been testing a combination of Andro 4.2 and PI/w. I would like to be using APC or PI/m, but at the moment Andro 4.2 is the only -none product that I have. I can\'t be sure of the ratio I am using, since I don\'t mix them. I just apply them seperately; a spray or two of Andro(the sprays often vary in size; in particular, the first spray is often a bit small), and then 2 drops of PI/w around the neck/ears.

    On Day 1 I took the subway twice; the first time a young 20-something sat beside me and couldn\'t stop stroking her hair the whole time(it was to short to twirl), and the second time I stood a couple of feet from another young one and the same thing happened.

    Day 2, nothing much, but I did notice a couple of cases where the girl serving me at McD\'s in the morning, and the waitress I had at lunch where definitely more solicitious than usual.

    Day 3, went to an audio store to buy some cable. The guy who rang it up couldn\'t stay out of my face, it was almost embarrasing. He must have thanked me 5 times for making a purchase, each time just about sticking his face in mine. I guess if you walk around with the amount of pheros on you that I put on, you gotta expect shit like that.

    Later at the bar, met a chick I had met once before, and her friends also. She was kind of touchy, and I often found her taking my hand for no apparent reason. She was quite receptive to amount of physical closeness that I wanted to initiate. She sent me an e-mail the next day saying that she wants to get together soon.

    Day 4, went to the same bar. Two women jsut walked up to the bar and starting chatting and I couldn\'t get them to shut up and I couldn\'t get rid of them. At one point I stood just up the bar from them and the one practically demanded that I come and stand by her. She was totally receptive physical contact from me, and was actually getting really hot, even though the air conditioner was blowing right on our heads. Also got one or two mild DIHL from women the same evening. The downside is that none of these women was attracive for me.

    Day 5, date with victim from the previous evening. Dinner was find, went to a cafe, and I ended up pissing her off with something I said. Things felt uncomforable after that. I said good-bye to her at the train station and I moved toward her slighty just to pat her on the elbow, and she leaned into me, obviously thinking I was going to kiss her. I couldn\'t believe she was expecting that. Anway, that\'s it so far. Tonight I have a meeting with a male friend and 2 females. I haven\'t met the women, so it should be interesting to see how they react.

  21. #51

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    The right amount of A-none and A-nol is like magic. If I get a girl to dance with me while wearing the mones she\'ll stick around and if she\'s dancing apart from me (as women do when you first start dancing with them) she\'ll eventually get closer. And when the dance is over many times they hug me. (The custom is normally to shake a man\'s hand when the dance is over or just say thanks). Right now I\'m working with a pretty good mix but it\'s not NPA/APC or any of the stronger mixes. I plan to invest in JBM #1 at some later date but for now it JBB (JB-Bootleg). Besides I need cash right now so no romance without the finance, know what I mean. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    -The Bat

  22. #52

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Going job hunting tomorrow. Anxious to see how the JBB will work. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  23. #53
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Im wondering jambat what would happen if SOE was added to some of these mixes with the rone or even andro-1. Actually a1 could be the trick to counteract the negative moods of anone.

  24. #54

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    You are right DD,

    I think a-1 is one of the most underrated products here on the forum.

    It would be great if the a-1 could eliminate a lot of the negative effects of a-none. If it could do so it should be in every phero mix. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #55
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Guys, I\'m planning some A1 + none tests. Maybe you read some of my earlier posts, I\'m pretty accustomed to the negative affects of none. I think I haven\'t been able to get close enough to see any positive results [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] . I\'ve had pretty good results with A1, a lot of \"don\'t I know you from somewhere\" stuff like some others have reported. Anyway if I have any results I\'ll be posting on the big A1 thread.

  26. #56
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Shoe i would make it a 3 way mix at first and then 5 way. Nol none and a1 for starters then.

    IF anyone is willing to try this.

    Rone nol none a1 and couplins. I would love to see the results

    Rone = dependable
    nol = giggles & chatting
    none = alpha male
    a1 = mood elevator
    couplins = make women feel close to you and increase male aggressiveness but also respectability.

  27. #57
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    OK, so who has theories as to why when I use -none it\'s a negative, and -rone seems to neutralize any effect anything else I put on has?

    NPA, for example, never works at all for me.

  28. #58

    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    Nope, no theories on that one.

  29. #59
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit

    I suspect you would be better off omitting the rone. I\'ve never read a convincing explanation of what the rone does in a mix. I can believe in potentiation of nol or none but suspect it brings its own edginess. Has anyone tried JUST rone? I\'ll bet its a bust - more negative hits and wearer mood depression. I could be wrong.

    The none/nol/a1 and maybe copulins sounds like a lethal mixture. One could vary the none/nol predominance for either sexual or social enhancement.

    Copulins on a male is still up in the air in my mind. The social validation theory (effects on females) certainly has merit and I\'ve had non-exogenous experiences that are supportive (natural copulins, direct from the source!) What do other guys do in reaction to a guy wearing copulins?

  30. #60
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    Default Re: The Hit Squard: Masters Unit


    I think it\'s best to use just A1 and -none, and see if I can get a little closer to people than with just -none [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] My experience with JBM-1 has been that people will have lengthy and engaging conversations with you, but from four feet away. Kinda wierd ...and this was using only a couple of dabs.

    If I have success with this the -nol should be an added bonus.

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