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  1. #1

    Default first phero experience

    I received my order of unscented Attraction today and applied two sprays to the neck about an hour before going to a party. The stuff smells like alcohol, not cat pee -- I guess I\'m one of the guys who can\'t smell phero\'s and I hope I didn\'t overdose. But I could not get enough of the subconscious effects -- I couldn\'t stop sniffing the bottle with the sprayer top unscrewed [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] After appliying the pheros I felt something that felt sort of like being drunk, which lasted about 90 minutes. I don\'t know if there was any effect on the girls but it seemed like they were a little friendlier than usual, also lasting about 90 min. I also ordered a \"newbie special\" (the edge + -nol oil + atomizer) just because it was such a good deal, it hasn\'t arrived yet. I will try the same dosage of attraction before going to class on monday (I\'m a 21yo college student) and let you know how it goes.

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: first phero experience

    I don\'t think anybody can smell the pheros over the smell of the alcohol. Spray some on a piece of cloth and wait for the alc to completly evaporate. Then see if you can\'t smell anything. I wouldn\'t sniff the open bottle like that. You might be getting high on the acohol fumes. Most of these products including perfumes use ethanol. Andro 4.2 the big brother product of Attraction uses IP alcohol. I only have the scented version of Attraction so I really don\'t know what kind of alc they use in it. Anybody able to answer that? I use Andro 4.2 myself and don\'t have any problems with it, but I don\'t like to smell the alc so I make sure the application point is well dried before I get my nose near it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: first phero experience

    Might be IP alcohol -- the smell reminded me of glass cleaner. Is what I applied along the lines of a recommended dosage? I\'m totally new to this as the only product I\'ve used before is APC with its .00000023% phero content.

  4. #4
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: first phero experience


    As I recall, the Attraction bottle really kicks out a good sized spray, so two sprays might be just about right.
    I\'m assuming that you bought Attraction due to your age, knowing that you probably DON\'T need the optimal (maximum) dose of .02mg of A-None that older guys use, preferring to emphasize an A-Nol signal. Good choice.

    Not knowing exactly how much product is delivered per spray, let\'s talk milliliters.

    With a total of 1.2mg of A-None per bottle, Attraction delivers a nice, semi-minimalist A-None dose of .01mg when 1/4 of a milliliter is used.
    That same .25mL dose also delivers an A-Nol dose of .0175mg.
    So you\'re really in no danger of (A-None) overdosing unless you use more than 1/2 milliliter, which is a LOT! And A-Nol OD\'ing really isn\'t an issue unless you\'re applying truly massive quantities.

    IF the sprayer delivers four or five drops per spray, a two spray application sounds good. If the stuff goes @ 35-40 drops /mL (as most alcohol-based products seem to) two sprays would put you right in the .25mL ballpark.

    Bruce is right on the money about the alcohol content of Attraction eclipsing the phero scent straight out of the bottle.
    While the A-None content of Attraction is light, and YOU can\'t smell the A-None, this doesn\'t necessarily mean that target females can\'t. So it may be a good idea to use a light cologne cover too.

    You\'ll know for sure whether or not you can smell A-None when you open your NPA the first time. If you CAN\'T smell the cat pee/BO aroma, use it cautiously and sparingly, because as great a product as it is, it really packs a stink for those of us who CAN smell it !

    Good Luck!
    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: first phero experience

    Are the pheros still active after the initial \"buzz\" wears off?

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