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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Is it the pheros or me just being nice?

    Over the last two Friday nights I\'ve had Dinner dates set up for me via the introduction agency I joined. On both occasions it was a very pleasant evening with nice, intelligent women.

    The first was an Argentinian lady, early-mid thirties. Quite talkative, very pleasant. Good eye contact and attentiveness. However, I didn\'t offer my number, neither did she, but it was a nice night out nonetheless.

    Last night was with a half French/half Spanish lady, again mid-late thirties. Again, very, very chatty, much more so than me. Good eye contact and rapport. Another very pleasant evening in interesting and charming company. No chemistry between us, and we didn\'t exchange phone numbers.

    Given that pheros can/may enhance your mood, I might put the better reaction of my second date due to my increased confidence in meeting people.

    I\'m not too certain whether the attentiveness of my dinner companions was due to the pheros or me just being nice ant attentive to them, or a combination of the two. Of course, if some one is nice, attentive and polite, it makes the other person more receptive and open.

    On the first date I was wearing a few squirts of APC from an atomiser mixed with unscented skin lotion rubbed over my arms and face, as well as an X-Cite wipe, applied in the men\'s room about 20 mins before my date arrived.

    The second date was again the APC/skin lotion to the face, and this time two strips SoE around my neck and two short strips SoE to each wrist instead of the X-cite wipe.

    Too early to know whether to attribute the reactions to the pheros, but I have another date with someone next Friday. Not too certain whether to try the same combination again and \"play safe\", or experiment this time with maybe a shot or two of The Edge.

    I wore a shot of Edge to my neck and a shot to my hair yesterday at work just for a test, with no noticeable changes in behaviour from the ladies I work with. Then again, I did have a raging cold and my mood was a bit \"down\", and they\'re very likely used to my natural phero signature anyway.

    Should also mention that there was no reaction from anyone around me either at the restaurants or on the subway back home after the dates.

    I\'ll see what happens next Friday.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is it the pheros or me just being nice?

    aaron :

    Glad you are keeping us up on your \'introduction service dates\'. That sort of thing intrerests me since in my age bracket I meet very few single women, but I\'d never have the balls to try it.

    Anyway, who knows whether or not the pheros were part of it all ? It\'s probably involved somewhere if you usually don\'t get that sort of interaction from others. But like you said , you were nice and attentive to their conversations with you. So of course they\'re going to act nice in return - they should.

    Which makes it difficult for me to determine the effectiveness of this stuff when you are already acting in a way that deserves and already gets those responses. Maybe the products you mentioned added something but probably 99% of their nice personality was due to the way YOU acted and treated them.

    Keep us posted ... you\'re making great progress after so many years awy from it [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is it the pheros or me just being nice?

    It seems to me the pheromones are working, you said the women were chatty probably was SOE. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] Keep doing what your doing, but don\'t give out too much information about yourself,let her do most of the talking. Don\'t expect the women to give you their phone number, there waiting for you to ask. Since you\'re spending your money on this agency ASK FOR THE numbers!!!!!!!!! [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] You might want to go out with these ladies again or they have some good-looking friends. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

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